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Indie Games [October] Now Voting - Post 1253!

So Soundodger+...I'd say wait for a bigger sale if you're interested. It's fun but gets repetitive and the music based effects don't seem as pronounced as games like Audiosurf and Beat Hazard

Kind of regret spending the $5.99
Looks like I'm pushing my Mercenary Kings impressions to Sunday. I acquired Glare and it's supposed to be short so I'll probably have my impressions up tomorrow instead

First impressions: it's fun and has a great artistic design but the gameplay is relatively simple
Anyone remember that 2D silhuoetted samurai duel looking game from a month or so back which was part of Screenshot Saturday? Hoffman?

Genocide Dolphins looks sick, on my radar.


Anyone remember that 2D silhuoetted samurai duel looking game from a month or so back which was part of Screenshot Saturday? Hoffman?

Genocide Dolphins looks sick, on my radar.

Could it be Dawn of the Ronin: http://x35mm.wordpress.com/?


So Soundodger+...I'd say wait for a bigger sale if you're interested. It's fun but gets repetitive and the music based effects don't seem as pronounced as games like Audiosurf and Beat Hazard

But! The pre-made levels are pretty awesome and it's possible to create and share your own levels. I'm liking it.


Trailer's looking nice!

Thanks man! I'm getting super excited getting close and closer to the launch of the Kickstarter, and I can't wait to continue working with people who pledge and gamers in general to make this the best Puzzle RPG on many platforms (including Wii U, as I just became a Nintendo developer the other day!)
Thanks man! I'm getting super excited getting close and closer to the launch of the Kickstarter, and I can't wait to continue working with people who pledge and gamers in general to make this the best Puzzle RPG on many platforms (including Wii U, as I just became a Nintendo developer the other day!)

Awesome news! I really wish all success to your game.
OMG this is awesome. If you've played the Stanley Parable demo already, you must watch the Rev3 Let's Play. They received a special build that has personalized dialogue. It's just perfect.

OMG this is awesome. If you've played the Stanley Parable demo already, you must watch the Rev3 Let's Play. They received a special build that has personalized dialogue. It's just perfect.


I originally chose not to play the demo because I assumed it was a portion of the main game and didn't want it spoiled. But since I already love Adam and Anthony's stream playthrough videos that they upload on Rev3, I gave into temptation and was surprised to find out that the demo is based on entirely original content.

I'm even more excited for The Stanley Parable now, and the special build was a nice touch.
I originally chose not to play the demo because I assumed it was a portion of the main game and didn't want it spoiled. But since I already love Adam and Anthony's stream playthrough videos that they upload on Rev3, I gave into temptation and was surprised to find out that the demo is based on entirely original content.

I'm even more excited for The Stanley Parable now, and the special build was a nice touch.
Yeah the demo was probably the best version of "showing not telling" I've ever experienced. It perfectly demonstrated the kind of tone, humor, and scenarios we'll see in the actual game without actually revealing anything about the actual game. I really have no idea how the game is going to play but I'm definitely buying it anyway.

Well maybe...I still want to save for Quadrilateral Cowboy and Teslagrad
Have you ever checked out Hacker Evolution? It's kinda like Uplink but instead of mostly gui based navigation of systems you type out commands like how QC does it.
Weird, I don't find those kinds of games appealing. I'm just so intrigued by QC because it seems like it will be a first person stealth game but with an awesome hacking mechanic. The part in the Indiecade trailer where the buzzsaw is used to cut open a vent...hope that hints towards open environments like Hitman or Thief
Only had the briefest of sessions, but LOVE Arcen's new one, Bionic Dues.

Strange mech-based sci-fi roguelike. More of that, please. More of that.



Bookmarked! Always interesting to read more impressions and compare them to your own. The fact that you take notes (or came up with the gag for this review?) made me smile. :D

Liked your SUPER HOT piece as well!

Hey, guys! Normally I post all my stuff over in the Indie Game Dev Thread, but I figured this was a significant enough milestone to post over here.

We've completed our vertical slice, our first representation of proper gameplay! Thought I'd post this video here, and see what you guys think. <3

(plz be nice kthx)

There Came an Echo

I'll stick to the tenor so far, looks cool and I hope you can realise your vision with as few concessions as possible.


Some more impressions:

Timeframe: This shows off a really potent idea for a game that more developers should experiment with. I was surprised and impressed by the ending, especially (but not only) because the player can 'miss' it depending on what he's doing at that particular moment. because Give it a try, it only takes ten seconds

Luxuria Superbia: This seems like something you could use for sex ed purposes. It's actually not the first game of this type. Rhythm Heaven Fever does something similar with its minigame 'Bossa Nova'. That's the connection I made at least. Anyway, it looks and sounds great, but actually playing it was exhausting for me. I guess it is an accurate representation in that sense as well. Wasn't too much fun after the second level, though.

Spud's Quest: I haven't spent too much time with it, but I'm almost sure that this is one of the best titles of the month. It just feels like its right out of that era of DOS platformers, they nailed it on that front. I'll revisit it till the end of the month to confirm my suspicions.

Rktcr: Call me a cretin for admitting that I found this one to be completely unplayable. I knew what the buttons were doing, yet I wasn't able to control the car at all. I'm sure there's a learning curve to the controls, but I'm just as convinced that it is wholly unnecessary to introduce so many buttons to compensate for the lack of predictability of your movement.

Boson X: A runner style game that works really well. Looks really sleek and controls perfectly. Definitely something to keep on your PC and play from time to time.

Hyper Gauntlet: The same goes for this one, essentially. Really simple, but also perfect for a quick round or two. I especially like the sound design in this one and it gets quite tense when you're having a good run!

Impulse: I'll start with the soundtrack on this one. It stands out from the get-go and is probably the best part of this. The gameplay consists of simple "Point A to Point B" tasks featuring Asteroids-like movement. In Asteroids you can (and should) keep it low-key with moving around, in this one you have to move, though, obviously. The levels mix it up with different gravity/fuel settings, but in the end, it didn't motivate me enough to keep going after I had failed a level a few times because of the floaty controls. Probably has something to do with me (I'm not the biggest Asteroids fan either), so try it yourself to see if this one's for you.

Lastly, I went way back again and replayed some of the games that came out of the TIGsource Demake Competition. Some really neat stuff to be found there.
Rktcr: Call me a cretin for admitting that I found this one to be completely unplayable. I knew what the buttons were doing, yet I wasn't able to control the car at all. I'm sure there's a learning curve to the controls, but I'm just as convinced that it is wholly unnecessary to introduce so many buttons to compensate for the lack of predictability of your movement.
Thankfully I have just the thing to help:
Learn to Play Rktcr 0: Basic Controls

The developer made an eight part video series to provide tips and strategies. I found watching the series not only taught me a lot of useful strategies, it just made the game more fun and less frustrating. I'd highly recommend checking it out and then giving Rktcr another go.
inescapable - $9.99 (PC - Humble Store Widget)

Website: http://www.magneticrealms.com/
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sXN5UW63XU

So as it turns out, this game is wonderful. It very much feels like an Amiga era platform adventurer in several ways. The movement/platforming mechanics are very smooth and responsive but with less inertia than a typical SNES counterpart - so somewhere between Blackthrone and Castlevania. There are basic adventure style puzzles, really neat sprite art plus a CRT filter, some nice shooting elements, and of course platforming (with Metroidvania style unlocks). Really, the shortest way to describe it is an Amiga version of Super Metroid.

There are a few minor complaints I have. And I suspect these are actually designer intended. There's no map of any sort so far so it's easy to get kind of lost and areas can look alike so you may think you went one way when you actually haven't explored that area yet. Also there's no music. About 30 minutes in, I decided I would play the Super Metroid OST and that worked out really well for me :). Finally, control pad wasn't working natively for me even though it's supported. I'm not sure if it's because mine is XInput (though it's a Logitech F710 so I tried in DInput mode as well so *shrug*). I just fired up Xpadder and used that instead.

I wonder what this game was built with and if MagneticRealms is working on anything else at the moment. Either way, beautiful game.

Highly recommend it, even at it's normal price of $10.

EDIT: I'm not a Junior anymore! Woot woot. Might make a thread about this game :)
Highly recommend it, even at it's normal price of $10

EDIT: I'm not a Junior anymore! Woot woot. Might make a thread about this game :)
Thanks for the impressions

And welcome to the club! Now you'll be able to watch all the indie game OTs that you craft with love and care be buried under dozens of other threads and be forgotten in a day! Woo hoo
I'll let Hofmann do his big post, but I saw this in TIGForum's Screenshot Saturday thread

Proof - In Proof, you control an ethereal, disembodied spirit who becomes more tangible in light. You begin deep underground and must work your way to the surface. The game will be an atmospheric, puzzle-platformer based on a mechanic of collecting and combining items to create tools you use to manipulate your surroundings.


I'll let Hofmann do his big post, but I saw this in TIGForum's Screenshot Saturday thread

Proof - In Proof, you control an ethereal, disembodied spirit who becomes more tangible in light. You begin deep underground and must work your way to the surface. The game will be an atmospheric, puzzle-platformer based on a mechanic of collecting and combining items to create tools you use to manipulate your surroundings.

Ha, I took a quick glance at this week's screens and wanted to include this one as well.

What has this world become. Those ugly Americans takin' jobs from us poor Europeans;P


Few others then:

Paradigm - Point & Click Adventure game where you play as a genetically modified test tube baby who is dumped in an almost abandoned post Soviet Union town for his extreme deformities. Finding solace in music, Paradigm dreams to be the best electronic music artist the world has ever seen.
Check out the art section if you by any chance click on the link.

Luxuria Superbia - If you want to share your love or hate for the game, do it here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=694438

Juliet - Juliet is a platform game focused on narrative in a magical world. In the game, the protagonist is telling a bed story to her brother, Gabriel, which is the game the player is actually playing.
Who could resist cute glass wearing redhead.

More as usual on Sunday.
I preordered Eldritch yesterday and beat the beta today. It's certainly the easiest roguelike that I have played to date. The game had great atmosphere, it was even surprisingly creepy in spots. Sound design was pretty nice, hitting enemies with rocks or a dagger was really satisfying and enemies would also react to any noise you made (very Thief-like). It also has nice movement controls, you could slide into cover and mantle up ledges so there was a lot of freedom.
I preordered Eldritch yesterday and beat the beta today. It's certainly the easiest roguelike that I have played to date. The game had great atmosphere, it was even surprisingly creepy in spots. Sound design was pretty nice, hitting enemies with rocks or a dagger was really satisfying and enemies would also react to any noise you made (very Thief-like). It also has nice movement controls, you could slide into cover and mantle up ledges so there was a lot of freedom.
Yeah I love the stealth mechanics and cool weapons and magic, but felt 1) it was too easy, 2) there was an overabundance of ammo and supplies, and 3) the enemy design left a lot to be desired for a game inspired by Lovercraftian fiction


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Just got back from my boardgaming session with my new boardgame goods. 100€ well spent. Fuck expensive, but man, you just... cant recreate the tactile sensation of a boardgame with videogames. They get close, especially something like Civilization, but getting together a group of 4 people and duking it out in 16th century japan with little wooden pieces that you throw in a tower to determine the winner... just doesnt get old.
Not yet, but I've had my eye ToG.
Obligatory praise continued:
TOG is fun, but I found that I'm actually played FS a lot more than TOG. While in TOG, you just never stop moving or shooting, in FS, you need to be careful because running out your limited ammo or limited mana or reloading at the wrong moment is disastrous and you want to carefully aim your shots to conserve ammo.

Surprisingly IMO I found that FS is just difficult and thrilling than TOG. It's just more strategic and making a critical shot at the last moment with one health point left is so satisfying
Obligatory praise continued:
TOG is fun, but I found that I'm actually played FS a lot more than TOG. While in TOG, you just never stop moving or shooting, in FS, you need to be careful because running out your limited ammo or limited mana or reloading at the wrong moment is disastrous and you want to carefully aim your shots to conserve ammo.

Surprisingly IMO I found that FS is just difficult and thrilling than TOG. It's just more strategic and making a critical shot at the last moment with one health point left is so satisfying

Sounds great...why are all the games I want still in alpha though, lol.
Thanks for the impressions

And welcome to the club! Now you'll be able to watch all the indie game OTs that you craft with love and care be buried under dozens of other threads and be forgotten in a day! Woo hoo
Haha thanks! Yeah I wouldn't expect that thread to go anywhere. It's tough to see threads for Speedrunners, Gateways, Sentinel and so many others get 2 or 3 pages at best.
No map no music kinda kills it for me. But it looks solid otherwise.
Ah that's too bad. Definitely not minor things for Magnetic Realms to exclude so I can't blame you. I'm glad my impressions, at least, didn't lead you down the wrong path.
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