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Infamous: First Light |OT| Make Fetch Happen


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Pretty sure its the same voice actor.

I realize.

Fetch is a much better character than Delsin, gameplay wise. Not to say Delsin's bad, but Sucker Punch didn't do such a good job of making his story all that interesting. And returning to a single-powered character makes me feel more unique. It's like, no one can manipulate Neon like Fetch, much like no one can manipulate electricity like Cole. Fetch is also a lot more troubled and driven by forces beyond her control. It makes for a more compelling narrative juxtaposed with her imprisonment and her relationship to Augustine and the DUP's rise to power. Now I wish the main game revolved around her and Delsin could have been the DLC.
I'm downloading now. What sold me?

The vids of the melee combat and the fact that it's not so long that I'll hit a weaker moment midway that will stop me from finishing it.

Chris R

Scanned through the video, don't they only show off a single arena with only one of the objectives? To be fair, he dies at around 8000 points, which is about the same as making it halfway through 1-1 in Mario.

I guess they only show off one area/objective. Jeff is also talking/playing so he doesn't do so well at them. I'm just not a fan of those types of things so I'll skip for now.
Just got a bit in. Man oh man do I like it. It's like Second Son with all the fat trimmed. And it's got Photo Mode/30fps limiter/all the post-patch goodies Second Son got (unless it doesn't have weather mode?)

I like Fetch a lot, probably more than Delsin (and I liked him). Definitely like both their stories, though. It'd be cool if you could switch between them in the sequel. Shoot Eugene.

Man oh man, they took Neon traversal and Deus Ex Machina'd it into some crazy Sonic shit. I thought it was fast in Second Son, but oh christ.

Wait, that doofus and Reggie are the same dude? That's doubly hilarious then, since I think they're married :p


This DLC was great, IMO better than Second Son, even though it was much shorter. I personally prefer a great game that is short compared to a "meh" game that is longer.


I much preferred Second Son's gameplay AND story...hell, the whole campaign. But Fetch's Quest was entertaining nonetheless. The REAL gold is in the arena modes, though. Having a BLAST score chasing in that! Helluva challenge too. My hands ache from using that whole damn controller, needing reflexes and situational awareness...what a gem.

I do miss Delsin, though. Well...not THAT much. Taking him into the arenas is a chore since I am so used to controlling Fetch now lol...After I plat, I'm gonna roll with Del and see what kinda scores I can cook up once I get used to his controls/powers again.

Idunno how all of you are so into Fetch. She's cool and all but I'm just not a huge fan.
So get this, I deleted the game, redownloaded, and made a New save file, and it still won't open.

Edit: I had nodded my ds4 to have xbone sticks. I just tried to switch controllers, and it worked like a charm. Maybe I damaged the touch pad in the process?


You may have it, I too replaced the flaky sticks (early in the year)

But this is the only part where the touchpad fails. I'm going open it tomorrow and check it out again.


Fetch looks good when she is running...



Dat face... lol.. some kind of strange mosaic effect happened.. (sorry for the bad pics, I used twitter and forgot to remove the HUD in one picture)


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Mmmmmm. Can Sucker Punch just make 2 or 3 of these short story games a year instead of big releases once every 3? We'd get to see much more condensed and emotional stories, a wider range of a deeper moveset of powers. They'd get more money from us. I'm not so hot for Eugene but I'd buy another $15 5 hour game all about him and his powers.
Mmmmmm. Can Sucker Punch just make 2 or 3 of these short story games a year instead of big releases once every 3? We'd get to see much more condensed and emotional stories, a wider range of a deeper moveset of powers. They'd get more money from us. I'm not so hot for Eugene but I'd buy another $15 5 hour game all about him and his powers.

Was thinking the same thing. I love both this and second son, but this has probably been more enjoyable. Id like a DLC with hank instead of Eugene, but hell id buy both if they did make em.



You may have it, I too replaced the flaky sticks (early in the year)

But this is the only part where the touchpad fails. I'm going open it tomorrow and check it out again.

You guys didn't properly reconnect the flat ribbon cable of the touch pad. The pressing stuff works but not any of the touch stuff.

Make sure to put it in and flip the clip over that holds it in its place.

You can see the cable I'm talking about in this video at 1:31



I caved. Despite the retail release only being about two weeks from now I couldn't wait, looking forward to playing it after it finishes downloading.
I'll probably still buy it at retail later anyway


So far the story is pretty trash. Blowing up tons of enemies might as well be Saint's Row.

Graphics are good, though, and the game controls seems pretty tight.


I'll end up buying it for sure, I love SS, more content, the better.

That said, I'd pay a monthly sub for a GAF magazine.


For someone that's not terribly bothered with arena based gameplay, is this worth it? Was going to pick it up, but with all of the arena gameplay I'm not sure now. Maybe I'll wait for a sale.


I don't know what it is exactly but I'm in love with Fetch's character design and face. It just feels totally different from any other female character I've seen in a game. More...real/normal? I don't know. But I think she's beautiful regardless, I'd welcome more game characters of both genders that don't look like they could be a Calvin Klein model.

Same, something about her that and her voice. What kinda accent is that is that she has.

the game looks good.



okay i dont feel bad that I was the only one who did that lol
For someone that's not terribly bothered with arena based gameplay, is this worth it? Was going to pick it up, but with all of the arena gameplay I'm not sure now. Maybe I'll wait for a sale.

Aside from the arenas there is still 3-4 hours of classic Infamous gameplay in Seattle, if that interests you.


sounds like a Jersey accent. i think she even mentions being from Jersey in the dlc.

i had to lol. and those prison jumpsuits are pretty stylish..

I remember her saying that but, at the same time i'm from jersey (central) and we/I don't talk like that(or at least i dont think i do lol). Must be a northern, border line Pennsylvania, or new york accent


How do I wear the DUP outfit? I can't find it anywhere. Do I need to unlock it? I thought it was just a pre-order bonus.


The campaign was pretty entertaining, but not as much as the main game's, eventhough I did like Fetch's neon powers, the traversal speed, getting the collectibles, and the short escort missions. I just didn't find the arena that enjoyable to play. Getting 250,000 points was painstaking enough, let alone double of that. It's all too easy to end up with too many enemies to handle due to the frequency of the waves, and the layout of the arenas. A lower score limit for the trophies would have been better. That's what I don't like about this DLC, and the same goes for Resogun's Heroes add-on, as getting the trophies shouldn't be that much harder than it's in the main game. It looks like both of the DLCs will remain uncompleted for me, but I'll try if it becomes more feasible after maxing out all the powers.

EDIT: The positive side is that Fetch doesn't get interrupted as easily as Delsin did in the main game, when recharging the powers in the arena. That's what I found annoying in the main game, especially during the boss battles.

EDIT.2: It took me over half an hour to reach 250,000 in the alpha survival. Towards the end there was just too many enemies chasing my tail.
So has anyone figured out a way to change Delsin's outfit? My Add-Ons section has all the DLC outfits from SS but as far as I can tell there's no way to select them in-game.

Edit: oh jeez, just read the posts about people accidentally unplugging their trackpad while modding. Keep in mind that there's a ribbon on the inside of the trackpad as well, so if the one connecting to the rest of the controller is still connected, then the one on the inside is probably the culprit.


Enjoyed what I've played so far not done too much into the challenge mode stuff but waiting till I've done the story first.

Also annoying that there's no difficulty based trophy like the rest of the Infamous games so wasted a while playing it on Expert...


DUP outfit

1) Restore licenses in PSN settings just in case.

2) You need to complete the story first to use it.

3) You get the option to switch to it before starting an arena challenge.


DUP outfit

1) Restore licenses in PSN settings just in case.

2) You need to complete the story first to use it.

3) You get the option to switch to it before starting an arena challenge.

Well that explains it, thanks

They sucked in the main game too. Not my idea of fun side content. The insane amount of collectibles rivaled the AC games in this one. At least they were more fun to collect.

But I enjoyed the whole use the controller as a can thing in second son, but is just annoying on this one


DUP outfit

1) Restore licenses in PSN settings just in case.

2) You need to complete the story first to use it.

3) You get the option to switch to it before starting an arena challenge.

I had it available in the arena even before completing the campaign.


I don't think my eyes can create aliasing. It's far from perfect. Agree to disagree.

It was a joke. But maybe could be the display we both are using. I play on a 50" Panasonic Plasma, and for me the IQ in this game is very close to perfection.


Man, these side missions are garbage. And the story missions aren't much better.

I was hoping for a bit of an improvement over SS in this regard. Not a step backwards.


The framerate doesn't feel all that improved to me. It seems just as wonky as SS's framerate. I notice it dropping all the time. I'm enjoying this DLC but I'm rather surprised to see so many compliments about its framerate.
But I enjoyed the whole use the controller as a can thing in second son, but is just annoying on this one

yeah you could actually hold the controller like a can and shake it to make rattling sounds :p fun atleast a littlebit even if the whole stencil thing was quite dumbed down and automated. Should have offered a "free paint" mode too.

the laser tags with Fetch could have been more entertaining if you could draw anything you want on walls.
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