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Infamous: Second Son |OT| Smells Like Beanie Spirit



I really liked InFamous 2, I think other than TLoU, it was Sony's best disc release last generation, but if I'd have to give it a score, I'd have struggled, because my enjoyment out weights the game's objective quality I think, and it's much the same with SS. I had a fantastic time, it's a huge improvement over i2, and it is the best looking game I've ever seen, but there's really not a lot of variety, the main 'campaign' missions are barely more compelling than the endless side activities. It feels like this beautifully crafted technology without any serious care given to the content.

I know relative to the genre that Sucker Punch are a small team, and that's fine, I don't think people go in expecting GTAV style high production set piece missions within the open world, but I think if there's to be a i4, I hope they really diminish the focus on clearing areas and put much greater weight on the core story missions.

I really enjoyed myself, if it wasn't for The Witness coming, I imagine it would have had a great shot of being my GotY (who knows, maybe Blow will fuck it up anyway), but if I'd had to give it a score, I think the metacritic average is about right.



This Papertrail thing is bullshit. I thought we had access to all the missions now. But nope only like 3 missions.

Also the fact that its always day after you finish the game sucks. Give me weather and time of day changes.


Binary morality systems have been and always will be shit. They undermine decisions completely making them perfunctory once the initial decision is made. The only decision that really matters is the first. They've used this exact same formula for three games now and it has produced the exact same result. It's not about being in a moral gray area -- a binary system punishes the player (END GAME SPOILER!
I wanted to kill Hank, but it was a "good" play through, so I let him live
END GAME SPOILER!). Because the morality is tied to the actual mechanics of the game (powers and leveling up) it conflicts (and thus is counter-intuitive to) the story itself. It doesn't cater to player choice -- it removes it. If you allow gray decisions, it means you have to alter the relationship between the morality system and the game. You play as you want, level as you want, but can still make the hard decisions without being locked in or locked out. I like this franchise, but it has not evolved in the last 5 years because of this garbage. It's almost a gaming cliche at this point: are you good or are you evil? I'd rather all story input be taken away if the end result is better. That's why TLoU humiliates every last-gen game with even a semblance of player input.

Sure. If you try to equate it to something it clearly isn't, then obviously it will look like shit. The way I see it, it is about 2 distinct story lines and your option to stay committed to each path, or not, at key moments. That's it. If your only complaint is that the player isn't locked in to that choice, then it's nothing more than a nitpick, because it's the indecisive player who doesn't want to play as per the categorically binary design. All you need to do to avoid that contradiction is to follow each path consistently. How difficult is that? It isn't ideal, but how many games truly succeed in pulling off multiple branching paths without any contradiction between gameplay and story (or within the story itself). There are pros and cons in all these systems. People complain about the lack of any choice in linear systems, the lack of a real choice in binary systems and the lack of a coherent impactful story with branching systems. There is no system that is magically immune to complaints, because, game creation will always be limited by time and resources. There are games that excel with each of these systems. Infamous makes an attempt with binary and mostly succeeds.

Infamous isn't a 'make your own story' with multiple branching paths. It's not pretending to be that either. It's about your choice to play one story, the other or both, with an option to mix it up if you can't handle certain decisions. I don't know how they market it, but every gamer playing this game is well aware of the 2 playthroughs that are best experienced as separate threads. That's the system that the game is known for. I don't know why it's difficult to appreciate it for what it is instead of imposing your hopes and dreams of what the genre should be. It has nothing to do with 'evolution'. The game evolves in so many other ways while staying true to a dual storyline. They could have made a much better game, but I strongly believe it has nothing to do with the binary system. I hope they don't force such 'progress' in their next iteration (if there is one) just because that is the current trend. Not everything needs a next gen multiplier.


Could I achieve the platinum playing through the game on expert with good karma and achieving 100% then clearing up with a quick playthrough of evil karma on easy?
Finished the game doing everything as hero. Will try the evil path in a few weeks. I do think that they should just take out the choices completely with the exception of one. Before you even start the game it should ask you which path you want to go down and leave it at that. It's not as if you spent the last 6 hours playing as hero that you would suddenly switch to villain anyway. Just tailor your story experience around that one choice.


Just unlocked the third power. That was......unexpected.


Gotten a bit further now, enjoying it alot, but I still think Prototype 2 did everything alot better..

The climbing is awkward, thank god they put those vents in, the close combat is rough too, and the swapping of powers is too slow.

And, why on earth, can't they open up the INSIDE of buildings in games yet? It feels really shallow because of this. Climbing puzzles, aren't those like a thing for the 90's?

It sure looks pretty, but there could have been so much more.


Quite disappointed with Coles Legacy. It really didn't bring anything to the table. Paper trails on the other hand… That shit is irresistible! Though the PS4 missions so far were bog standard, the 'meta-game' is brilliantly done! They just need to iron out some of the technical issues.


Cole's Legacy is a joke, that shit provided no value whatsoever towards the story besides a cameo and skin. Should have just been called Cole's Jacket :/

rdrr gnr

Sure. If you try to equate it to something it clearly isn't, then obviously it will look like shit. The way I see it, it is about 2 distinct story lines and your option to stay committed to each path, or not, at key moments. That's it.
If your only complaint is that the player isn't locked in to that choice, then it's nothing more than a nitpick, because it's the indecisive player who doesn't want to play as per the categorically binary design. All you need to do to avoid that contradiction is to follow each path consistently. How difficult is that?
But there is a massive disconnect as the developer explicitly gives you the opportunity to break the path. Then you have to have an honest evaluation about what motivates your decision making: is it the story, the potential in-game progress (levels, power), is the meta game (good playthrough, evil playthrough, trophies)?

It isn't ideal, but how many games truly succeed in pulling off multiple branching paths without any contradiction between gameplay and story (or within the story itself). There are pros and cons in all these systems.
In my opinion, no modern game has successfully pulled off multiple branching paths. And, yes, there are tradeoffs. But my argument isn't necessarily that the solution is to commit further to branching, but possibly pruning those branches.

People complain about the lack of any choice in linear systems, the lack of a real choice in binary systems and the lack of a coherent impactful story with branching systems.
The lack of choice in linear systems... I remember a few terrible arguments in TLoU threads about choosing to give Ellie a sniper to cover you or taking the risk solo. Obviously the argument against that is you don't get as potent and refined a story. But those criticisms are nonsequiturs. TLoU doesn't pretend to have these choices. Its tone is established clearly. But inFAMOUS does involve choices and we are discussing the quality, implementation, and success of those choices.

There is no system that is magically immune to complaints, because, game creation will always be limited by time and resources. There are games that excel with each of these systems. Infamous makes an attempt with binary and mostly succeeds.

Infamous isn't a 'make your own story' with multiple branching paths. It's not pretending to be that either. It's about your choice to play one story, the other or both, with an option to mix it up if you can't handle certain decisions. I don't know how they market it, but every gamer playing this game is well aware of the 2 playthroughs that are best experienced as separate threads.
That's the problem. Why two playthroughs instead of one unique playthrough that satisfies wholly? Who, when presented with these choices, is picking Good, Good, Evil, Good, Good. I can't be alone is repressing certain decisions for the sake continuity. And if it is presented as two disparate playthroughs, then why present the opportunity to switch sides? Why not at the first choice just say Good or Evil and be done with it the entire way through and wipe either Red or Blue off the map until you hit new game. Why not pick for the player in development stages and create a satisfying game around that with choices relating to smaller non-moral decisions?

That's the system that the game is known for. I don't know why it's difficult to appreciate it for what it is instead of imposing your hopes and dreams of what the genre should be. It has nothing to do with 'evolution'. The game evolves in so many other ways while staying true to a dual storyline. They could have made a much better game, but I strongly believe it has nothing to do with the binary system. I hope they don't force such 'progress' in their next iteration (if there is one) just because that is the current trend.
Appeal to tradition is weak. I wouldn't care if this were the ninth entry -- it would still blow. More depth is a current trend because it's good -- one that makes sense and improves all games that are attempting morality systems. Believe me, I battle with drawing the line between what I like and don't like and what I'd like to see change or remain as is. If the next game did the exact same thing, I'd still buy it, play it, and share my thoughts. I despise when people attempt to dictate subject matter (what is off limits for games -- fuck off, please) and hate genres and styles without qualification. But I don't think that's what's happening here. A deeper system isn't just different -- it's better -- because it takes everything about the original system and improves it. I feel like when that L or R prompt appears they really want me, the player, to consider my choice in the moment -- not as a corollary of the choice I have already made. I simply don't. That's a problem.

Excuse any spelling errors.


Welp just around 30 minutes in

Pretty fun so far, love all the colors

Two things, how can i get uncompressed screenshot? and there's a way to make the UI disappear?
Cole's Legacy is a joke, that shit provided no value whatsoever towards the story besides a cameo and skin. Should have just been called Cole's Jacket :/

This is why I'm getting away from preordering games unless it's $10+ off. The "exclusive" content never amounts to anything substantial.


Just got my neon powers, I'm in love with it. Bright colors, light everywhere <3
This is why I'm getting away from preordering games unless it's $10+ off. The "exclusive" content never amounts to anything substantial.
There shouldn't be any content exclusive to consumer A vs consumer B just because A ordered his/her copy earlier, every buyer of a game should get the exact same version(not counting physical extras). Pre-order content is BS.


Power spoilers (do I have to spoiler tag this?):

Why doesn't concrete let you "jump" like other concrete enemies? They "sprout" a pillar of concrete from the ground and fly off.

It's really unsatisfying when you get concrete and you can't jump around like they do.


Power spoilers (do I have to spoiler tag this?):

Why doesn't concrete let you "jump" like other concrete enemies? They "sprout" a pillar of concrete from the ground and fly off.

It's really unsatisfying when you get concrete and you can't jump around like they do.
It's funny because the Ice power in i2 did exactly that.


It's funny because the Ice power in i2 did exactly that.

It really feels like an afterthought compared to the other powers. It's built up through the game and you see other concrete enemies doing cool things and you never get to do them.

I really hope SP patch this, because I want to love concrete but it feels incomplete.
Infamous SS deserved a rogue gallery. The thing that bugs the f out of me with Sucker Punch is that they are making a comic book inspired game, without the best parts of comic books.

No Sucker Punch, the powers aren't the only thing that matters at all.


I'm sorry that my posts aren't just circle jerks about the graphics and impeding on your ability to enjoy the game.

Your Impeding my ability to enjoy the thread with your complaining. We get it, you dont like the combat. Move on ffs.

On topic: I only got the smoke power so far. I assume you have to continue the story to get neon? I apologize in advance if this has been asked numerous times.


works for a research lab making 6 figures
Two trophies left after my second play through,

Beat up the sign twirlers
& double smoke stack attack

Are you able to do the double smoke stack attack after you beat it? No one is around to attack.

Normally I don't trophy chase, but two left is too tempting.

Edit: finished the sign twirling trophy
Ok. Ive got the game. As everyone has said, it looks and runs amazing. One of the most beautiful games ive seen on a console and brilliant tech showcase, im even enjoying the facial animation during cutscenes, which is normally I dont give a shit about.

However, Sucker punch suck at encounter design. The infamous formula just plain doesn't work. To balance the game agains a protagonist with godlike powers, they make every enemy in the game a pinpoint sharpshooter and make every bullet seem like they are explosive rounds. The game has a tedious minigame of jumping into combat, firing a couple shots, hoping that you whittle down a bit of the crowd, dashing away, draining smoke/neon/other to replenish your power/health/both, all the while beeing shot at from half a mile away, then dashing in and doing the same thing.

You cant get creative with your powers, you feel like you are being funnel down a narrow path in how you approach a fight, and it gets a big repetitive.

Honestly the answer to this is simply ditch the third person shooter element. It doesnt work. Make infamous a meele focused with a deeper combat system borrowing more from devil may cry than uncharted. Keep the shooting abilty, but regulate it to an auto targeting button press that you hold down for a bigger blast.

That way you can balance against conduit powers much eaiser and in a way that feels much more fair, than being sniped from all directions repeatedly.

Im not saying go full beat em up/ hack and slash, but the fact remains that the power sets in the infamous games lend themselves more to that genre than to the third person shooter.


Damn this game made me feel like such a bad ass, just beat my evil playthrough and wow awesome stuff.

Once your good enough this game looks amazing in action, I have had friends just sit there and stare as I shoot through vents, fly across building tops then drop a karmic bomb on a dup stronghold, send some rockets to blow up the cars/turrets/dup checkpoints etc, and they can't get enough.

Ps that third power tho!!!
Wow definitely my favorite especially with the evil upgrades it makes traversal amazing!!! I love being able to shoot into an antenna then hover while gaining altitude and being able to fly across the sky it combines the best of smoke and neon traversal together while maybe being a bit weaker in combat but nothing is more fun imo then zooming around from roof top to roof top in this game. Never had a game feel so fluid and natural.

Gonna give it a second playthrough playing good karma with expert difficulty once I finish up clearing out the dup.

Really don't get some of the low review scores on this one at all, and I think the combat complaints have something to do with people's inability to play well, honestly because the combat In this game is freaking awesome imo.

This game made me feel like a super hero much more then the first two games in the series.

With news the dlc is gonna be similar in scope to festival of blood I can hardly wait!

This one's on top of my goty list so far surpassing the stick of truth!


Dove into this yesterday, just reached the second area. My first Infamous and I'm enjoying it, it's a cool superhero game. They did a good job designing side mission placement, always seems to be two or three activities just within reach while wandering the city. Not too much substance behind those but they're short and sweet, found myself getting sidetracked often. Really fun smashing up DUP stuff, destructible environments are always welcome.

Game is a looker no doubt, especially the powers. Creative and beautiful, at least the ones I've seen so far. The scene where Delsin gets his powers was my first holy shit moment of this generation. I'm a sucker for bokeh.


Just finished my normal - good playthrough.

Loved the game. Got 2 more districts to clear out to 100% then off to do the evil - expert playthrough.

Concrete powers are really underwhelming though. I like all 3 of the other powers better and it's not even close. Neon > Video > Smoke >>> Concrete for me.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
My opinion so far: Not too fun. Kinda regret buying it, honestly.

Oh well.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Two trophies left after my second play through,

Beat up the sign twirlers
& double smoke stack attack

Are you able to do the double smoke stack attack after you beat it? No one is around to attack.

Normally I don't trophy chase, but two left is too tempting.

Edit: finished the sign twirling trophy

Yeah, you just need to find some drug dealers or get lucky with a DUP patrol.


I love this game. Yes, that includes the combat and gameplay variety.

I wonder what the people complaining about the gameplay variety here thought of Saints Row 4? I:SS is better in every way, IMO.

And the graphics, unbelievable.


Just finished the game.

I loved it. That was probably the funnest open world game I have played. The powers are all so enjoyable.

My only complaint is it felt pretty short, much shorter than I expected.
Finished it last night. Good karma, Normal difficulty. What a blast. Already starting my second playthrough, evil/expert.

InFAMOUS 1 and 2 would really have benefited from some of the combat tweaks in this game. Namely shooting while running. Fantastic game overall.
Power spoilers (do I have to spoiler tag this?):

Why doesn't concrete let you "jump" like other concrete enemies? They "sprout" a pillar of concrete from the ground and fly off.

It's really unsatisfying when you get concrete and you can't jump around like they do.

Well I haven't used that power much, but maybe it's available if you get all the skills?


works for a research lab making 6 figures
The papertrail missions are so much more intriguing than the game's side missions.

I'm guessing now that they have this incredible engine in place with matured asset creation tools, the sequel is going to address the lackluster side missions.
Just started playing but wow really liking this so far. And the graphics are just beautiful. We are in for some real treats this gen if we are getting something this pretty this early.
What I didn't like about the game is the lack of interior levels. I think I remember two or three, but that was it. It's a problem with open world city games in general, but this felt worse compared to something like Arkham City or the Spiderman games.


I don't know what some of those reviews were talking about, I'm about halfway through and have been greatly enjoying the game

even the Cole's Legacy DLC was fun (though wish it had been a little longer and tied in more) but it was awesome
hearing Zeke again and working with Doc Wolfe's brother

I think people like Sessler were just grumpy at the restrictions Sony placed on reviews to avoid spoilers and let that skew their scores


I'm guessing now that they have this incredible engine in place with matured asset creation tools, the sequel is going to address the lackluster side missions.

I seriously hope so, the production values in the side missions seem like a step backward from the original games that even though were extremely basic had some semblance of interaction with npc's.


This game is fucking ridiculous! I don't even have my second power yet and I already feel like a total badass. I thought I would kind of hate Deslin but he is aces. If this is the core of the game just with added powers I'd be absolutely fine with that. It controls like a dream so far too. Can't really think of much else to say as the graphics melted my brain last night.


I wonder what the people complaining about the gameplay variety here thought of Saints Row 4? I:SS is better in every way, IMO.

SR4 is a completely different game, it's goal is to revel in its own utter ridiculousness. There is more variety in side-content in SR4 than in ISS, the problem with the side content in SR4 is that the powers you get are so goddamn fun, it becomes a drag to get into vehicles - so any vehicle based mayhem missions was inherently less fun than power-based side missions.

ISS is much better looking to be sure - and the powers are way more fleshed out in ISS, but map traversal was wayyyyy better in SR4. You could run up buildings at break-neck speed, ran through cars like they were nothing (running so fast that you whipped up whirlwinds that threw cars about in your wake even), jumped and ground smashed nimbly like the hulk, and could boost and glide long distances in the air.

But that's really because SR4 wasn't grounded in reality and could do insane things and get away with it, whereas ISS is grounded in reality - granted ISS does get pretty wacky (
as a power is absurd to the say the least - fun absurd).

My only complaint about the powers in ISS is that you can't just swap between powers freely, you have to go absorb them from the environment. Which I get why they did it, it's just my fingers are crossed for Delsin to get a power up in ISS2 that allows him to permanently absorb powers and then just absorb the element/material when he needs ammo - or better yet, allow him to mix and match powers at once (ie: O as the neon run, video aerial traversal, double tap O for smoke through vents,
hover, etc).

Fuck that would be amazing.


This game is fucking ridiculous! I don't even have my second power yet and I already feel like a total badass. I thought I would kind of hate Deslin but he is aces. If this is the core of the game just with added powers I'd be absolutely fine with that. It controls like a dream so far too. Can't really think of much else to say as the graphics melted my brain last night.

Is Delsin bearable? He's the reason why I didn't get it. Thinking about getting this now if combat and graphics are amazing. But if Delsin is going to wind me up then no...
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