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Infamous: Second Son |OT| Smells Like Beanie Spirit


I'm quoting this because it HAS to be quoted. This is by far, the dumbest, most ignorant post I've seen in a long time on GAF. You really should be ashamed of yourself. Like seriously. Sit in a corner and think long and hard about what you said.

Help! How do I open this?



check out the supporting pillars around where you're at in that second picture

they have
blue looking batteries suspended on these pillars nearby generally

destroy them


extra source of jiggaflops
Help! How do I open this?
The pillars that are joined at the top have the panels you need to break to get it to overheat.

Wow. Talk about redundancy.

I say this then: As a game playing it as a game I think this game is a fun game.


I'm quoting this because it HAS to be quoted. This is by far, the dumbest, most ignorant post I've seen in a long time on GAF. You really should be ashamed of yourself. Like seriously. Sit in a corner and think long and hard about what you said.

Fair enough but i fail to see how what i said was wrong and how the points i mentioned (story, characters, enemies etc) will be different if i'm controlling the game.
Help! How do I open this?
(images of late game comm relay clipped)

Solution spoilered below
There are panels on the outside of the four support legs surrounding the pictured structure. Blow off the covers and shoot the panels like on the RVs, and it will expose the central core.


Man, Sony's nonsense about hitting download and being able to play almost straight away was pure bullsh*t.

That was never going to be a thing until they got that gaikai(sp?) streaming functionality thing up. Even with that up, I'd still say to put that pipe dream out another year.


Unconfirmed Member
I think you need to play more with the last powers. Some of your summary is incorrect and probably based on limited use.

Concrete is brute force, the R2 shot is the most powerful in the game and breaks down concrete shields almost instantly. The melee is AE, you also get a 20% damage reductions. The traversal is not made for shooting up to roofs, but it is the only one that can go up without the aid of a building or objects, which makes it useful for comet drops in the middle fields or streets. The run is also just as fast as neon, just stick to the ground.
The point being that concrete shields are never really a problem in the first place. Why use an AE melee when you can use an AE grenade to let enemies float in the air and slow down time or an AE grenade that enables you to run up to effected enemies and instantly incapacitate them? I only died about five times in my entire normal playthrough, why would I need 20% damage reduction? Traversal is as fast as Neon Dash, sure, but Neon Dash can go over buildings where concrete can't. Why do the hover thing to Comet Drop when I can use Neon Dash to run up a nearby building and Comet Drop from higher up? Why would I want to use a power that does not have a karma bomb when I can just walk into an enemy stronghold and use the neon karma bomb to clear every single enemy out? Why would I want to compromise my mobility for more power when I'm already dispatching every enemy with ease? Combine that with the fact that you get it when you've already finished the game and I see no use for it.

Video has the best L1 in the set, it is instant, no warm up and since it tracks the time of flight is irreverent. The stealth is a get out of death card, no power has anything like it. You can basically stealth take down everyone it works on and L1/KB the rest. The stealth is the fastest way to build a karma bomb in the game.
The homing swords still manage to frequently miss their target, hell, they even missed Augustine a bunch of times when fighting her both times, even though she didn't move that much and the fight played out in a relatively enclosed space. Yeah, stealth can be a get out of death card, but so can Neon Dash and Smoke Dash. And again, taking out the enemies in stealth mode is no more useful than using the neon slowdown and grenade or the incapacitating smoke grenade. The video karmic bomb is also not as powerful as the neon karmic bomb. The swords have limited usefulness against helicopters, but the helicopters don't really move around that much and their missiles are easy to evade, so again, I don't see why it is worth switching powerset for. Stealth also isn't 'better' at getting karma than finding drug dealers and just throwing a smoke bomb in their middle, then incapacitating them all without resistance. The encounters, combat mechanics and AI are all clearly not built around stealth mechanics, and that makes it less fun to use.

What did those two games do better to you? Your negatives are found in the first two games for the most part, on top of other issues the previous two games have.
Both previous games had more/beefier side content. Kessler/The First Sons/Alden and Bertrand/The Beast were interesting and had secrets to hide and mystery surrounding them, whereas Augustine doesn't really have anything to hide at all and while the 'she was trying to save the conduits' is just a bullshit twist because we know she was experimenting on and torturing (as in; imprisoning them in such a way that makes their life completely miserable) all conduits she caught. In both the original and inFamous 2, the story included setbacks, losses and challenges for Cole, as opposed Delsin, who pretty much is not faced with any challenge or setback at all. Yes, Reggie dies, but at the same time he completely wrecks Augustine, her getting away by sheer luck.

Cole saw Trish die at the hand of Kessler, had to kill Zeke in one of the endings to inFamous 2, had the partner he sided with throughout the story in inFamous 2 turn on him before the ending, had to live with knowing that Kessler was a future version of himself come back to prepare him for an even bigger threat, had to deal with being brutally smacked down by the beast at the beginning of 2, had to live with being seen as a terrorist because he was at the epicenter of the blast, etc. Delsin had his tribe encased in concrete, but beyond losing Reggie he pretty much just wrecks through everything put in front of him.

Both the original and inFamous 2 were also conceptually much 'larger'; in the original there is a mission where you fight alongside the cops to defend the prison where Alden is kept against hordes of telekinetic conduits that throw huge balls of trash at the prison. In inFamous 2 you try and stop the beast by launching a nuke at it. Both have infighting between different factions.

Both were just thematically and conceptually more interesting than Second Son; inFamous; You wake up at the epicenter of what was a massive explosion and gain superpowers, while unraveling the secrets behind the almost instant quarantine of the city and fighting of people from a secret organization run by a future version of yourself that came back in time and took over control to prepare you fro the coming of an even bigger threat. inFamous 2; You run away from the beast after he kicks your ass and come to New Marais to get stronger and to find some guy that might have a cure for the plague. You are soon confronted with Bertrand, who has taken over the town with his militia and is pushing an agenda to destroy all conduits. In secret he himself is a conduit, disgusted by his power and seeing conduits as a plague, creating monsters to ensure that the people will keep supporting his militia. Then the beast shows up and is revealed to be a character from a previous game you thought to be dead. Then you are given a, for the series, gray choice; Do you join the beast and kill all humans but at the same time saving all potential conduits from the plague by activating them, or do you use the RFI to destroy the beast, possibly killing every conduit while maybe having a shot at potentially curing the plague? Second Son; You get powers by accident and your tribe gets encased in concrete by the bitch that runs the DUP. You go after her to get her powers and save the tribe. You fight a bunch of DUP guys, you meet two new characters and beat the crap out of Augustine. Reggie is killed, but you pretty much instantly get over it and proceed to go to the DUP tower to beat up Augustine again. You beat her up again and then the game throws the 'aw, she was actually trying to do good' bs-twist at you after you already made the choice to kill/spare her.

I also think that having a single powerset that can be enhanced with a few extra powers and upgrades that you unlock as you progress through the game just works better than having four separate powersets with separate resources that you have to switch out constantly and of which you get all the powers in a single mission. That and I kind of miss the cluster grenade and chain lightning. I would've much rather just had one powerset in Second Son that was customizable so that you could for instance swap out the smoke dash for the neon dash while having the concrete R2 attack on and the incapacitating smoke grenade.


Just finished the game, so feel like I can enter the thread safely!

In summary - amazing! Graphics are a step beyond any other game I've played - and those effects are insane. And so much fun. Great characters. Enjoying the web browser paper trail stuff too.

Will definitely be interested in DLC for this. Need more!


Damn, the neon powers are giving me slight headaches. Just so much light.

And I can't change back to smoke powers and there is no time of day system. :(


Does the game suddenly become different if i have a controller in hand?, none of the points i mentioned will change whether i'm actually controlling the game or not.

IS this a serious question? "hey guys I just heard the audio to Schindler's list and thought the movie was a joke"

In the world of idiotic opinions you have found the dumbest. Congrats.


It's not confined to a button press? I was still in the process of getting more neon powers when I quit the game and figured it would allow me to choose after doing that.

I think you have to wait until you have the main powers before you can change back.


Agreed but climbing is not really part it. Neon it up n run up the buildings

Uhm, yeah, but before you get neon some areas have few vents so you either have to run around to the opposite end of an adjacent building or climb up the side of the building.


IS this a serious question? "hey guys I just heard the audio to Schindler's list and thought the movie was a joke"

In the world of idiotic opinions you have found the dumbest. Congrats.

Reading that post back, i agree it was a stupid comment to make about saying the game won't change if i'm playing the game, that was wrong but i stand by the points i made about the story, the characters, the quality of the city, the enemy types etc.

i watch a lot of playthroughs (i don't really watch tv and watch playthroughs instead) so maybe my viewpoint on this is different to other people.


Endgame spoilers
What is even the point of having the concrete power ?? you get it when the game ends !! The side content is monotonous and boring, you can only drain from enemies, you don't get to use that jump (like Cole's ice jump from Infamous 2)

The game also forces you to use it exclusively for the final boss fight, I HATED that. Actually I hated all boss fights in the game except for the neon girl. You only do chip damage and it takes a long ass time to get their health down, the health bar also looks kind of funny with two separate layers for God knows what.


Does the game suddenly become different if i have a controller in hand?, none of the points i mentioned will change whether i'm actually controlling the game or not.


I mean, yeah if you look at every factor in isolation, then gameplay is different from the story and characters. But the story is also told through gameplay with the illusion of autonomy and immersion and engagement carries over into appreciation.

edit: crap, AJanitor had the better gif


Normally I can get the hang of combat games pretty quickly. I'm used to Ninja Gaiden level combat. If there is a big ol' kill everything button I can easily just not use it as I've done in other games in the past if that is possible. If I start off on expert do you reckon the combat will at least have some bite?

Eish so normal is a no go then. Is expert a lot more challenging?

I want to get this but if it's piss easy then that's a big red flag for me.

If you really want to make expert easy, play Good on normal and Evil on expert. Evil abilities (especially the evil version of smoke) are just extremely OP.


Finally finished watching a playthrough of this and apart from the amazing graphics, i honestly think Infamous 2 is the much better game.
From the imo better characters and story in Infamous 2 to the far better city in New Morais (sp?) and much better and varied enemies in Infamous 2 (why did they get rid of the monsters and mutants etc?).
I much prefered the electric powers and i missed the electric grenades that came in so handy and of course the inventive power moves like the tornado.
All the side content in SS seemed really basic and bland compared to the older games as well (Spray painting with the silly touch pad?, really?)
Where were the cool characters like Nix and Zeke and the rest?, the characters in SS don't come close and the story seems barely there compared to Infamous 2 and actually doesn't seem to be half as many cut scenes in SS.

Infamous SS reminds me more of a tech demo that a true follow up to Infamous 1 ans 2.
Thats not to say this isn't a good game because i had fun watching it and will definately pick it up when i get my PS4 but it just wasn't as good a game as Infamous 2, not from a viewer looking in from the outside anyway.

I'm quoting this because it HAS to be quoted. This is by far, the dumbest, most ignorant post I've seen in a long time on GAF. You really should be ashamed of yourself. Like seriously. Sit in a corner and think long and hard about what you said.

Reminded me of this lol



Endgame spoilers
What is even the point of having the concrete power ?? you get it when the game ends !! The side content is monotonous and boring, you can only drain from enemies, you don't get to use that jump (like Cole's ice jump from Infamous 2)

The game also forces you to use it exclusively for the final boss fight, I HATED that. Actually I hated all boss fights in the game except for the neon girl. You only do chip damage and it takes a long ass time to get their health down, the health bar also looks kind of funny with two separate layers for God knows what.

Agreed on your first point.

Concrete is a brute force power but it's very limited and not fun to use at all. After all the build up of Delsin finally acquiring it, the pay-off is terrible. They could have added more abilities to it at least that could have made it competitive in the traversal front. Ah well.


I think you have to wait until you have the main powers before you can change back.
Yeah, thanks.

I was already having some trouble due to how every light source hits you in the face with that 'bokeh' stuff or whatever it's called. Don't get me wrong, it looks great but its wreaking some havoc on my brain (few games do, with far cry blood dragon being another culprit).


If you really want to make expert easy, play Good on normal and Evil on expert. Evil abilities (especially the evil version of smoke) are just extremely OP.

It's the trade-off. Good karma is great for city traversal while bad karma is great for combat.



I mean, yeah if you look at every factor in isolation, then gameplay is different from the story and characters. But the story is also told through gameplay with the illusion of autonomy and immersion and engagement carries over into appreciation.

edit: crap, AJanitor had the better gif

Yep that part of the post was a stupid thing for me to say.


Endgame spoilers
What is even the point of having the concrete power ?? you get it when the game ends !! The side content is monotonous and boring, you can only drain from enemies, you don't get to use that jump (like Cole's ice jump from Infamous 2)

The game also forces you to use it exclusively for the final boss fight, I HATED that. Actually I hated all boss fights in the game except for the neon girl. You only do chip damage and it takes a long ass time to get their health down, the health bar also looks kind of funny with two separate layers for God knows what.

DLC I would imagine.
I absolutely love the neon powers. Upgraded it so I can use it non stop. Traveling through the city is so much fun.
I gotta give it to Sucker Punch, they made the right decision to not let the neon run use up any of your power. Constantly recharging to use the neon run would have been a pain in the ass.
The point being that concrete shields are never really a problem in the first place. Why use an AE melee when you can use an AE grenade to let enemies float in the air and slow down time or an AE grenade that enables you to run up to effected enemies and instantly incapacitate them? I only died about five times in my entire normal playthrough, why would I need 20% damage reduction? Traversal is as fast as Neon Dash, sure, but Neon Dash can go over buildings where concrete can't. Why do the hover thing to Comet Drop when I can use Neon Dash to run up a nearby building and Comet Drop from higher up? Why would I want to use a power that does not have a karma bomb when I can just walk into an enemy stronghold and use the neon karma bomb to clear every single enemy out? Why would I want to compromise my mobility for more power when I'm already dispatching every enemy with ease? Combine that with the fact that you get it when you've already finished the game and I see no use for it.

The homing swords still manage to frequently miss their target, hell, they even missed Augustine a bunch of times when fighting her both times, even though she didn't move that much and the fight played out in a relatively enclosed space. Yeah, stealth can be a get out of death card, but so can Neon Dash and Smoke Dash. And again, taking out the enemies in stealth mode is no more useful than using the neon slowdown and grenade or the incapacitating smoke grenade. The video karmic bomb is also not as powerful as the neon karmic bomb. The swords have limited usefulness against helicopters, but the helicopters don't really move around that much and their missiles are easy to evade, so again, I don't see why it is worth switching powerset for. Stealth also isn't 'better' at getting karma than finding drug dealers and just throwing a smoke bomb in their middle, then incapacitating them all without resistance. The encounters, combat mechanics and AI are all clearly not built around stealth mechanics, and that makes it less fun to use.

Both previous games had more/beefier side content. Kessler/The First Sons/Alden and Bertrand/The Beast were interesting and had secrets to hide and mystery surrounding them, whereas Augustine doesn't really have anything to hide at all and while the 'she was trying to save the conduits' is just a bullshit twist because we know she was experimenting on and torturing (as in; imprisoning them in such a way that makes their life completely miserable) all conduits she caught. In both the original and inFamous 2, the story included setbacks, losses and challenges for Cole, as opposed Delsin, who pretty much is not faced with any challenge or setback at all. Yes, Reggie dies, but at the same time he completely wrecks Augustine, her getting away by sheer luck.

Cole saw Trish die at the hand of Kessler, had to kill Zeke in one of the endings to inFamous 2, had the partner he sided with throughout the story in inFamous 2 turn on him before the ending, had to live with knowing that Kessler was a future version of himself come back to prepare him for an even bigger threat, had to deal with being brutally smacked down by the beast at the beginning of 2, had to live with being seen as a terrorist because he was at the epicenter of the blast, etc. Delsin had his tribe encased in concrete, but beyond losing Reggie he pretty much just wrecks through everything put in front of him.

Both the original and inFamous 2 were also conceptually much 'larger'; in the original there is a mission where you fight alongside the cops to defend the prison where Alden is kept against hordes of telekinetic conduits that throw huge balls of trash at the prison. In inFamous 2 you try and stop the beast by launching a nuke at it. Both have infighting between different factions.

Both were just thematically and conceptually more interesting than Second Son; inFamous; You wake up at the epicenter of what was a massive explosion and gain superpowers, while unraveling the secrets behind the almost instant quarantine of the city and fighting of people from a secret organization run by a future version of yourself that came back in time and took over control to prepare you fro the coming of an even bigger threat. inFamous 2; You run away from the beast after he kicks your ass and come to New Marais to get stronger and to find some guy that might have a cure for the plague. You are soon confronted with Bertrand, who has taken over the town with his militia and is pushing an agenda to destroy all conduits. In secret he himself is a conduit, disgusted by his power and seeing conduits as a plague, creating monsters to ensure that the people will keep supporting his militia. Then the beast shows up and is revealed to be a character from a previous game you thought to be dead. Then you are given a, for the series, gray choice; Do you join the beast and kill all humans but at the same time saving all potential conduits from the plague by activating them, or do you use the RFI to destroy the beast, possibly killing every conduit while maybe having a shot at potentially curing the plague? Second Son; You get powers by accident and your tribe gets encased in concrete by the bitch that runs the DUP. You go after her to get her powers and save the tribe. You fight a bunch of DUP guys, you meet two new characters and beat the crap out of Augustine. Reggie is killed, but you pretty much instantly get over it and proceed to go to the DUP tower to beat up Augustine again. You beat her up again and then the game throws the 'aw, she was actually trying to do good' bs-twist at you after you already made the choice to kill/spare her.

I also think that having a single powerset that can be enhanced with a few extra powers and upgrades that you unlock as you progress through the game just works better than having four separate powersets with separate resources that you have to switch out constantly and of which you get all the powers in a single mission. That and I kind of miss the cluster grenade and chain lightning. I would've much rather just had one powerset in Second Son that was customizable so that you could for instance swap out the smoke dash for the neon dash while having the concrete R2 attack on and the incapacitating smoke grenade.
Fair enough on the story. To me, the story while it had nice twists, it was just boring throughout. Cole is one of the most boring protagonists I've played with on the PS3, Zeke is from interesting to annoying. I agree the twists were better on the previous two, but Delsin is much more interesting character and his relationship with his brother far better than anything with Cole and others from the previous games. Wittier dialogue as well.

In regards to powersets, I agree and disagree with you. SP really should have tried to differentiate the powers. I don't see why from all 4 powers, there have the same shooting mechanic (with slightly different skin). Video game one should been explored more as well, giving more options like the invisibility version, etc. I don't think there should be less powers unless they can't go into more detail. However, upgrading at times was disappointing. Using less % on smoke/etc. is nice, but where is the scale where are new powers that change the style considerably? I think unlocking all the powers at once and then just having small modifying options wasn't the way to go. However I think I will give them a break similar to Guerrilla Games with Shadowfall, that they didn't have as much time.

To me, this game was great and more fun to play then the previous two, the powers themselves are creatively speaking, fucking amazing. The game is lower 9s to me, a great fun game that you should have in the first 2 years of having a PS4, it's a must have for the collection. However, had they done a bit of extra work, this game could have been in the same caliber that the top 4 teams from Sony WWS pull games, where they would have been a 10 game for me. I'll get more detail on this later maybe a week from now on when I've played inFamous bad version perhaps on a harder difficulty. I think the franchise has a lot to improve on and is already really good from this game, but I won't be so nice to Sucker Punch if they don't add the little details that the few elite teams at WWS constantly pull out of their games. :)
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