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Infamous: Second Son |OT| Smells Like Beanie Spirit


I absolutely love the neon powers. Upgraded it so I can use it non stop. Traveling through the city is so much fun.
I gotta give it to Sucker Punch, they made the right decision to not let the neon run use up any of your power. Constantly recharging to use the neon run would have been a pain in the ass.

Endless Run is god tier. Shame it's only tied to the Good Karma.


It's not.

It's not? What's the Evil Karma equivalent or is it accessible on both sides once you hit the required level?

That's good then. I based the idea on looking at the power setup and it requiring level 4 or whatever Good Karma. I guess it switches depending on your Karma choice?
How the hell can I destroy the DUP command center in Downtown/Denny Park? Its in a giant tower encased in concrete. Can someone please help me? I feel so stupid cause I can't figure it out.
Edit:nvm got it!
How the hell can I destroy the DUP command center in Downtown/Denny Park? Its in a giant tower encased in concrete. Can someone please help me? I feel so stupid cause I can't figure it out.

I'll spoiler just in case...
Midway up you'll see a steel round tower and in the middle of that tower is the core. The pillars surrounding it have the electricity boxes.

The Lamp

third power spoiler

Hey douche, learn to properly label your spoilers.

Fucking really, people?

If this is your first time on GAF it may be understandable although you're accountable to the rules anyway, but some of you cannot plead junior member innocence to this shit.


I actually want to applaud you for admitting you shouldn't have said that. Most people just die on their statements, appreciate you being willing to reevaluate things. Respect.

It was a stupid thing for me to say though and it wasn't even what i meant, i just meant things like the story and characters and enemy types won't change if i'm playing the game or not. I tried not to mention anything about control or control related (apart from the spray paint thing which i was wrong about).

I kind of wish i never mentioned anything now lol because everyone has jumped on that stupid post by me. Watching a lot of playthroughs does change your mindset on games i think.

I won't do it again though and i won't comment on games until i have atleast tried them.

I just really loved Infamous 2 and was excited to watch this game because of it (check my recent Infamous 2 post history) and certain things really stood out for me as not as good as Infamous 2 but again i wont pass judgement until i have actually played the game.


works for a research lab making 6 figures
Yes tho....

I'd been going off of what other people had said so far, were people mistaken?

The upgraded traversal abilities are available for both, they just both require a certain level of karma regardless of which branch you decide


So I got neon powers and now the sun rose, game is looking like this.



Well I just completed the game as a Hero and I must say that I was and I still am absolutely floored at how amazing and fluid the combat and traversal feel for the
video power
, at first I didn't like it, but when I upgraded it, holy shit did I feel unstoppable!! I love it so much, I can't stop smiling at how it's so intuitive and responsive. The lighting and city look and feel amazing, it's really stunning after putting away some baddies and heading onto the top of a roof to take in the sunset!

I was disappointed with
concrete being the last power
, I mean after all that hype, and that was it? Felt very underwhelming after all that. Other than that, the game was absolutely superb and I can't wait to give Evil Del a go!
Just worked through the first set of Paper Trail stuff online (the first 'mission,' already did the prologue). Very cool. Like a viral marketing ARG but rolled out through the game itself. Hope it continues to be interesting.
Oh shit, I hope I didn't just glitch out Paper Trail. Edit: Nevermind, just a moron, what I thought was a glitch was actually part of the mission :lol


Wow this game is amazing so far. I loved infamous 1 but this is so much better. For the first time I feel I am not understanding the process that reviewers go through because this game is objectively better than the scores it's been getting (relative to other titles)

The only gripe I have is that jumping is too floaty. It makes moving without powers very slow. Almost like trying to throw an empty plastic bag. You just kind of float when you jump.


I dont see how its unreasonable to judge a game by how it looks on lets plays. How else are we supposed to judge things?. Demos, when there not giving them out(even though videos are the best sales method for games).

I've played Infamous 2, I know how that played, it doesnt look as if it plays much different, if it does then its doing a bad job of indicating that. Its still using a similar controller, if you were forced to use some virtual move type system I could understand not being able to judge, but it doesnt.

It looks like it controls in a similar manner like a reskin of Infamous 2 to me, with a few interesting things but all the annoying things from Infamous 2 as well. The falling stun lock system, super accurate enemies, difficulty, wide variety of abilities but no seeming focus or flow to them, lack of variety in missions and on.

For what its worth the story and characters look better than Infamous 2 to me. I hated Cole(the voice never fit the face).
Oh, I also got a "game breaking" bug when I was playing early - spoiler tag because it's late game stuff.

When chasing Hank through the city... when you get to the rooftop and you're supposed to kill all the DUP agents. I killed everything and the quest never updated and Hank wasn't there so I went on the ground to clean up and even killed some random enemies in the area (not that close) before going back up ... it never progressed.

I re-loaded and cleared the roof again, well, attempted but I died. Saw Hank was up there before I died so I was happy. After loading after my death the game SKIPPED that part of the mission and suddenly I was onto the next objective.

Continued on like it never happened but pretty game breaking.
There is some increasingly dumb shit being posted in this thread. I recently got the third power and I'm loving it it's added a new dynamic
with the invisibility
it's the verity the game needed, I'm having so much fun with the game it's a solid 8.5. It's not a game changer but I never thought an infamous game would be. What it is is an incredibly fun game that doesn't take itself to seriously with lots of different ways to approach situations. I do miss the cover system running off then coming back to a fight does feel a bit cheap sometimes, I would much rather just get in cover for a bit to recharge life


Just finish it on my first run on the "good" side. Was a totally fun ride. Graphic were soooooo good. Game play was great. I thought the length was fine. My buddy made a big deal on it being too short but this is not an RPG here. Plus a lot of the time I wanted to see what would happen if I chose the Evil option so I am happily firing this bad boy again.

The controls for this were so good. It was a joy all around. Amazing job per usual SP, you guys really out done yourself this time.
Just finish it on my first run on the "good" side. Was a totally fun ride. Graphic were soooooo good. Game play was great. I thought the length was fine. My buddy made a big deal on it being too short but this is not an RPG here. Plus a lot of the time I wanted to see what would happen if I chose the Evil option so I am happily firing this bad boy again

It really is one of those games where you finish it and instantly want to keep playing so the opposite Karma is there for a different experience. I love that about these games.


this is my first infamous game, and to be honest it's not living up to the neogaf neckbeard hype. I understand that we're all thirsty for quality games on the PS4, and in terms of graphics this game delivers.

However, I feel like gameplay falls short. I'm only 15% or so of the way into the campaign but already enemies are starting to feel repetitive in their attacks, and they all look the same as well. I don't have the neon power allowing me to run up walls yet, but climbing up the sides of buildings is slow and cumbersome. In fact, the way cole moves in general feels kind of off when he isn't flying. I haven't done many sidequests yet, but from what I've read they're pretty repetitive. Of course I'll keep playing, but as of now my plan is to finish it by the end of the week and sell it off for credit towards something else.

edit: i have idea why i wrote down cole's name instead of delsin. guess i was distracted by the ky game.

edit2: some people getting hung up on the phrase neogaf neckbeard hype. lighten up, it was a joke, i myself have a neckbeard on many days, and i too got swept up in the hype for a bit. salty over the fact i don't like the game? sorry, i tried to like it, and truthfully i don't hate it. i just think it could have been better.
However, I feel like gameplay falls short. I'm only 15% or so of the way into the campaign but already enemies are starting to feel repetitive in their attacks, and they all look the same as well. I don't have the neon power allowing me to run up walls yet, but climbing up the sides of buildings is slow and cumbersome.

You could always use vents... like you're supposed to.


I really love Neon traversal.

I hope after I finish it, there's a way to just play completely at night.

Just slowly clearing out districts, not progressing with the story. Exploring and enjoying movement!

The Lamp

this is my first infamous game, and to be honest it's not living up to the neogaf neckbeard hype. I understand that we're all thirsty for quality games on the PS4, and in terms of graphics this game delivers.

However, I feel like gameplay falls short. I'm only 15% or so of the way into the campaign but already enemies are starting to feel repetitive in their attacks, and they all look the same as well. I don't have the neon power allowing me to run up walls yet, but climbing up the sides of buildings is slow and cumbersome. In fact, the way cole moves in general feels kind of off when he isn't flying. I haven't done many sidequests yet, but from what I've read they're pretty repetitive. Of course I'll keep playing, but as of now my plan is to finish it by the end of the week and sell it off for credit towards something else.

NeoGAF neckbeard hype? Really?

Traversal improves and the scrub soldiers you've run into are just one type of enemy. Keep playing.

And use the vents.
I just fucking geeked out at the
neon's karma bomb
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I haven't geeked out on anything for so long. At first I thought this was too much of the same. The neon power changes everything. Got damn loving this game right now


Lol, I wonder how many people legitimately chose that option, not just because "hey I'm doing an evil playthrough"

I'm doing an evil playthrough now and some of the choices are going to be hard to do. lol. Some of them make me really uncomfortable, especially after that first good run


this is my first infamous game, and to be honest it's not living up to the neogaf neckbeard hype. I understand that we're all thirsty for quality games on the PS4, and in terms of graphics this game delivers.

However, I feel like gameplay falls short. I'm only 15% or so of the way into the campaign but already enemies are starting to feel repetitive in their attacks, and they all look the same as well. I don't have the neon power allowing me to run up walls yet, but climbing up the sides of buildings is slow and cumbersome. In fact, the way cole moves in general feels kind of off when he isn't flying. I haven't done many sidequests yet, but from what I've read they're pretty repetitive. Of course I'll keep playing, but as of now my plan is to finish it by the end of the week and sell it off for credit towards something else.

I've played previous Infamous games. The core combat, IMO, has actually gone backwards. (Spoilers about what you can't do, but could in previous titles)
Things like interacting with the environment, in terms of lifting and throwing objects and cars, for instance.
. The combat loop gets very stop and pop. Target head, target leg, karma bomb, guys are dead.

It is fairly repetitive, but it doesn't get boring. It just never gets interesting. Navigation, however, is far improved and really well done.

The Lamp

I've played previous Infamous games. The core combat, IMO, has actually gone backwards. (Spoilers about what you can't do, but could in previous titles)
Things like interacting with the environment, in terms of lifting and throwing objects and cars, for instance.
. It all gets very stop and pop. Target head, target leg, karma bomb, guys are dead.

It is fairly repetitive, but it doesn't get boring. It just never gets interesting.

I actually wonder why they got rid of that. It would have caused really cool chaos.


I'm playing evil, and really enjoying assaulting street musicians, kicking injured civilians, obliterating sign twirlers and just wreaking havoc.

Binary choices never felt so gooooood. Some truly awful things happening in Seattle!
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