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Infamous: Second Son |OT| Smells Like Beanie Spirit


Well, after beating the game I can still say the biggest gripe about this game is the lack of character development. I find it absolutely crazy how quickly you go from meeting Fetch and Eugene, to the game ending. And I never really believed these people were friends, or cared about each other. The whole thing happens so fast. I really really really, wish they would have spent more time with these characters. When they gave me the choice to Redeem or Corrupt, I really expected more missions that would play into this. Not only would it shape these characters and their relationship with Delsin, but it would shape Delsin's transformation into being good or bad.

Don't get me wrong, I really liked this game. It was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed the gameplay. I didn't even mind the side stuff, like collecting shards or taking over territories. I mean, it got a little repetitive. But it was always so much fun using the powers and traversing, that I never really got entirely bored. But I wish they would have done MORE with the characters (side missions), rather than have that stuff as padding.

All in all, I would prob give this game an 8/10. I actually understand why reviewers didn't give it a 9. It just stops short of being a great game. It has a lot of elements that are great, but it feels undercooked in the large scheme of things. However, given this was a "launch window" title, I can understand why this game wasn't fleshed out more.


Ended up clearing the whole northern map before progressing far into the story. Don't have Neon yet.

Fun. Combat is good once you get the hang of it. Side objectives a bit bleh so far.
Weird that this game is called Infamous when going down the evil path doesn't feel natural like the good path does. And I didn't play the previous two games to completion, but I understand that the good endings from those are the canon that the sequels are based on.
Can you change the time of day/weather during the post game? I want to do the final stretch, but I'd hate for it to be day time forever afterwards when night time makes it all look so much better (especially neon running).
A villain doesn't have to be pure evil. Ever seen Game of Thrones? Morality is a grey area.

The villains I like the best are ones that you can relate to, because they'll have a motivation for doing what they do. Villains that are just straight up evil are cliche and unrealistic.

I think the problem in the end of the first and third games is that by the Evil karma path is so laughable evil even compared with the main villians. Not mention that most of your evil choices are not even close to that grey area.


Making good progress on my evil playthrough and I gotta say the
chase scene with fetch at night
is one of the most visually stunning scenes that I have seen in a game


Beat the game as true hero I might try to get the platinum, but that last fight seems like it would be annoying as heck on expert.

Expert wasn't even hard for me st all honestly, the boss fight is kind of annoying but once you get the patterns of the boss it's not bad.

Thanks I will most likely at least give it a go I am not a trophy whore per se, but I do enjoy them as long as they are not stupid to get.


Beat the game as true hero I might try to get the platinum, but that last fight seems like it would be annoying as heck on expert.

Expert wasn't even hard for me st all honestly, the boss fight is kind of annoying but once you get the patterns of the boss it's not bad.


A villain doesn't have to be pure evil. Ever seen Game of Thrones? Morality is a grey area.

The villains I like the best are ones that you can relate to, because they'll have a motivation for doing what they do. Villains that are just straight up evil are cliche and unrealistic.

I don't want pure evil, slightly evil would be okay and none of the infamous villains are like that. They all have admirable goals for the most part kinda like Zod in Man of Steel where I may disagree with your methods but not you or what you stand for. I like realism but this is a superhero game I think we need at least slightly evil.


Finished my Good playthrough this morning and loved the game but really wish they would have fleshed out the other characters, there were few too little quests for them that's my only major disappointment.


I think it's quite surprising that when you look at the ps4 platinum stats for second son, it's actually quite a high percentage, which surprised me. Also for people that have both which ending has the highest percentage?

leng jai

I think it's quite surprising that when you look at the ps4 platinum stats for second son, it's actually quite a high percentage, which surprised me. Also for people that have both which ending has the highest percentage?

It's a pretty easy platinum and a lot of people probably don't have that much to play. The same reason Resogun probably has a high platinum rate.


Tons of fun, though it felt like the game really hit the high point when you get Neon and just sort of tapers off from there, partially due to so many Big Dumb Boss Fights.

DLC North Seattle with a Sound powerset, please.

Seriously? Boss Fights where awesome for me, in fact i find the third power and smoke to be more fun to use than neon.

Opinions i guess, is like people preferring the bosses of infamous 2 over 1, or Sly 2 over 1, i like classic style bosses, those that are hard and have gimmicks to beat them.


Says a lot about the re playability and mechanics of the game that I'm considering playing it 3 time. Evil normal, good normal and then evil expert


Just finished my first play through. Played good and on expert. Loved it!

+ Breathtaking graphics
+ Characters had real personality
+ Spray painting missions were mostly clever and adorable
+ Paper Trails is a welcome change of pace with very intriguing story and puzzles
+ Controls are fantastic for the most part
+ Cut scenes are so well done. Voice acting, animation are on a different level. And they are mostly real time! o_O
+ Boss fights were well done. The final boss blew my mind. Playing on expert was HARD AS FUCK!
+ Awesome powers and adequate variety. Loved at least one aspect of every power. The traversal and karmic bombs were extremely well done for all of them. Though Neon is my favorite
+ Load times are unbelievably good (boot, die-reload and fast travel). I have no idea how they pulled it off!
+ The game builds up quite nicely towards the end. Liked how
everyone came together
before the final showdown
+ "So horribly bad it's good" commentary from the people of Seattle
+ DUP AI present quite a challenge. They move around A LOT, making the action very dynamic. Forced a great amount of vertical and horizontal traversal from building to building during combat
+ Clever references to Cole and Sly throughout the city
+ Audio logs were good
+ Decent storyline

- There isn't enough of the good story and characters. Wish they had fleshed it out more
- Hated the drug busts and secret agent missions. So boring!
- District showdowns were fun for a while and then got a bit repetitive. The prank call cut scenes were the only incentive to even do them after the first 5 or so.
- Boss fights could have used more attack patterns/stages instead of cyclic repetition
- Climbing gets pretty frustrating at times
- Cole's Legacy DLC. Very disappointing content
- I was able to skip two major encounters related to the main story by simply running away from the action. In both cases the game triggered the next sequence, thinking I already finished the previous challenge
- Civilians could have had more personality than screaming one liners at you all the time
- "Aimbot" DUP AI. Every bullet has your name and scent on it.

Overall score on good playthrough: 8/10 (Solid game, but has a lot of room for improvement)


Is there seriously no fix for these DLC issues? Nothing is working. I have no bonus vests, the Coles Legacy missions. Nothing. Anyone?!?!?!?
Did you have a code for the Cole Legacy DLC with your game? Of yes the only solution is Sony support and hope for a patch to fix it. If no then there is no problem, you just don't have access to this content.

For the secret agent mission, it's super easy when you know that you can shoot them before they start to flee.



First Plat on PS4.

Endo Punk

There aren't enough story karma missions as I thought there would be
(Playing the Eugene missions in the lantern district)
, interactivity with the world is as weak as ever, side missions are also lacking. I guess transitioning to a new gen took more out of the game because it's not an evolution of inFAMOUS but rather a refinement of its graphics and gameplay. Hey fine by me, this time anyway.


There aren't enough story karma missions as I thought there would be
(Playing the Eugene missions in the lantern district)
, interactivity with the world is as weak as ever, side missions are also lacking. I guess transitioning to a new gen took more out of the game because it's not an evolution of inFAMOUS but rather a refinement of its graphics and gameplay. Hey fine by me, this time anyway.

I agree with this, I imagine the next installment will be more of an evolution, now they have a really good looking and working engine on PS4 then can focus on more story content etc.
Story question?

I really don't understand what happens in cut scene after crossing the bridge to the second city?
How is delsin magically saved from augustine and transported to china town area?
Oh wow. The evil ending was one of the most fucking horrible endings to a game I have ever seen.

That last boss was a bitch on Expert too. Resetting to 3/4 health every time I died? Ugh.

Good thing I finished it on good first. So much better.

First platinum ever done! Good game.

Now back to finishing the last three trophies in P4G!

Do you mean until I've cleared every area? Because I've finished the main story, maybe i missed something.

Eugine thought you were another conduit in need of saving, so he had an angel snatch you and carry you away from her.


Just finished the game for the 3rd time and got my platinum. Let me just say, really a pretty great game only thing that irked me is what always irks me with the series, and that would be the villains.
The issue as always is that they aren't really evil. Kessler wasn't evil, Alden was a product of Kessler so he couldn't help it, John and Augustine were basically trying to do the same thing which is keep conduits alive and well Bertrand was evil sorta. Everyone says Augustine is hate-able, but honestly until she killed Reggie I didn't really hate her, I just thought she was a bitch. After seeing her back story I really didn't hate her I sympathized.

I just didn't get her logic.
Lock every conduit up to keep them safe but not really live a life and do experiments and crap on them. Umm...okay. =/


Grimløck;105830258 said:
crop out the power bar, maybe?

I tought of it, but since is known that there are other powers beside smoke and neon, just seeing the power bar color and the cross-hair doesn't spoil anything beside it's color.

SuckerPunch should release a patch to let us control time and weather options once you finish the main story. Neon powers aren't the same in daylight.


Ended the game yesterday, i loved the last part of the game, it was really epic and with such music going on i felt so motivated destroyung the DUP.

I feel that the game is a little "barebones" tho, 2 was much bigger, and first inFamous had a much better story, with really complex twists.

I liked it more it overall, and with a second part they have the potential to make an absolutely GOTY game that blasts everything away if they keep it smart :p.

The tech is done and that's the harder part, DLCs and sequels will blast away even more people.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I just didn't get her logic.
Lock every conduit up to keep them safe but not really live a life and do experiments and crap on them. Umm...okay. =/

Yeah, it seemed kind of a weak excuse, and a little out of line with the character she appeared to have. Maybe the story got adjusted. I dunno.

Also, brrrrrhrrrhrrr
Man, the change in pace once you get the third power is incredible. I thought Neon made Smoke feel slower but whoa.

About 80% though the game now, likely with much more hours played than most people at 80%, but taking pictures and jumping around for no reason wastes so much time. If we get a sequel, the absolute priorities should be:

- More content and more variety. The cast feels much too small and underused for a superhero game set in an open world. Take a little longer next time and blow everything wide open. More main missions, REAL side missions, more side characters, more everything.

- More platforming, and taller, more complex structures. There should be like 5 climbs the caliber of the big one from Infamous 1. Just restrict the new overpowered traversal powers with overhead obstacles and narrow jumps which would force some actual platforming again.

- Real day/night cycle. I understand the reasoning for doing it how it's done in SS, but if the next one can keep the same fidelity with a 24 hour clock it would be even more impressive. It would also aid with the next point being:

- Make the open world more alive. I'd love to see dynamic DUP vs. conduit fights + police vs. criminal encounters happening randomly as you go around the world, and the potential for all 4 sides to engage each other depending on if those encounters cross paths. Stumbling across Fetch or some other conduit doing work or being chased with it left up to the player whether to join in, standing on a rooftop and watching a dynamic police chase happen as you decide on which direction you want to tip the scales, seeing DUP step into a police matter abusing their power and outright killing criminals, rogue conduits who actually ARE bio-terrorists fighting the DUP, etc. Stuff that's completely independent of the player, and can happen and work itself out systemically with the potential of bumping into other events. The current Karma "random" events are so artificial and need to go.

Mechanically and visually there's a great, great base here, but it needs fleshing out if the overall package is to become top tier.


I'd love to see random NPC conduits in the next game. Give them some common powers or ones Delsin will have in the next game, give them a reason to be more plentiful than other types and have them be good and evil. Help out (or kill) a good conduit stopping a robbery or drug deal, subdue (or help) a bad one running from the cops or a reformed DUP, 'borrow' some of their power to top up/change to their power in place of a power source.

Maybe have prime conduits who can pass on their powers so that is why you have gangs of conduits with power x.

Would liven the world up and add enemy variety (conduits of differing power types and alignments, cops, DUP).


Love this game. Delsin character model, supporting characters, Seattle and effects are incredible, detailed and just beautiful... Which makes NPCs (citizens) even more dissapointing, they look and behave very last gen. That's my only complain, other than that 9/10.


Finished Good playthrough and almost finished Evil. Pretty good even if it feels like a few steps back from inFamous 2 in terms of missions/depth.

I hope the relative lack of content (still decent but a little weak from an open world perspective) is down to launch timing and the fact a lot of time must have gone into the engine overall.

For the sequel I hope that with the engine firmly in place they really expand out the missions and content. Given the more social aspects of PS4 I'd actually welcome a return of inFamous 2's user content system. I think on PS4 the IP is going to be bigger and this time around I could see it getting a fair bit of use.


Finished Good playthrough and almost finished Evil. Pretty good even if it feels like a few steps back from inFamous 2 in terms of missions/depth.

I hope the relative lack of content (still decent but a little weak from an open world perspective) is down to launch timing and the fact a lot of time must have gone into the engine overall.

For the sequel I hope that with the engine firmly in place they really expand out the missions and content. Given the more social aspects of PS4 I'd actually welcome a return of inFamous 2's user content system. I think on PS4 the IP is going to be bigger and this time around I could see it getting a fair bit of use.

Not quite done with my first playthrough, but so far I can agree on bolded, it sort of feels much more stale than infamous 2, atleast the side missions.

So about the powers, man I love the neon powers, pretty much only one I've used since I got it, now I got the third power (Third power spoilers, beware):
And the video power seems very... underpowered? I don't see the point of it atm, got all the extras for it and maxed the trees, but I just can't seem to find it useful enough. It's mad fun flying around with it, but Neon Speed still beats it for traversal, the standard attack is very weak compared to the neon's 1 or 2 shot to subdue, and the "rocket sword" power thing does too much collateral damage to be any help in a Good karma playthrough. Haven't played around much with invisibility yet though, but so far Neon is still my go to power. Sort of disappointed by it, it looks really cool.
Ideally, when's the best time in the game that's a good starting point to start doing the 'run around the whole map' stint?

Just got past the first mission that unlocks the basic power sets via relays in Seattle.


One criticism I have of this game at the minute. Until I got Neon powers moving around was a bit janky. Find yourself halfway up a building? Mash X until you find someplace higher up to grab onto.


Not quite done with my first playthrough, but so far I can agree on bolded, it sort of feels much more stale than infamous 2, atleast the side missions.

So about the powers, man I love the neon powers, pretty much only one I've used since I got it, now I got the third power (Third power spoilers, beware):
And the video power seems very... underpowered? I don't see the point of it atm, got all the extras for it and maxed the trees, but I just can't seem to find it useful enough. It's mad fun flying around with it, but Neon Speed still beats it for traversal, the standard attack is very weak compared to the neon's 1 or 2 shot to subdue, and the "rocket sword" power thing does too much collateral damage to be any help in a Good karma playthrough. Haven't played around much with invisibility yet though, but so far Neon is still my go to power. Sort of disappointed by it, it looks really cool.

Funny I use third power the least too. My view:

stealth option is nice but there is little need for it by time you get third power as you're probably pretty strong - also there are few (any?) missions/elements that really need stealth
the torrent is pretty fast but I lean a lot more to using Neon for pinpoint shooting. Again it doesn't offer much over Smoke/Video rapid fire options
the swords are useful but only really for big targets, particularly helicopters. again not that useful most of the time although good for vehicles
the dash is useful in theory but I find once you get endless running in Neon it doesn't offer enough

I'm feeling fairly confident - with inFamous 2 as a precedent - that now they have the engine working well on PS4 and the first game out to meet Sony need for an early exclusive they'll be able to expand the content/combat options considerably for the sequel.


So about the powers, man I love the neon powers, pretty much only one I've used since I got it, now I got the third power (Third power spoilers, beware):
And the video power seems very... underpowered? I don't see the point of it atm, got all the extras for it and maxed the trees, but I just can't seem to find it useful enough. It's mad fun flying around with it, but Neon Speed still beats it for traversal, the standard attack is very weak compared to the neon's 1 or 2 shot to subdue, and the "rocket sword" power thing does too much collateral damage to be any help in a Good karma playthrough. Haven't played around much with invisibility yet though, but so far Neon is still my go to power. Sort of disappointed by it, it looks really cool.

I don't think Neon is faster than
the 3rd power
for traversal, at least for me, I could get anywhere on the map within seconds because
you only have to slightly nudge or brush by something to reset the O button move, and it shoots up buildings at a ridiculous pace
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