Ploid 3.0
What a fortnight for gamers
Dark Souls 2 this week
Infamous Second Son next week
And Titan Fall, Heroes of Newerth beta, and a lot more. It's been busy this week.
What a fortnight for gamers
Dark Souls 2 this week
Infamous Second Son next week
Alright it's 2:30 in the morning. I'm going to bed; here are a few more screens. I've decided not to share any cutscenes.
Ugh I'm not looking forward to the inevitable shit storm that reviews will cause :/
Ugh I'm not looking forward to the inevitable shit storm that reviews will cause :/
After what I've seen, I'd be surprised if review scores are lower than 8. I really believe it's that good.
Worst case scenario is the reviewers nitpicking when they don't have the balls to nitpick for a certain game.
MY GOD! I just had a quick look on Youtube and came across a 40 minute playthrough. I watched just 5 seconds of a cut scene and turned it off. The quality of animation and acting was fantastic.
Pretty much. Even 10 seconds in, it feels like the narrative quality of the game are leaps and bounds above the previous inFamous games.
Had to cut off after 20 seconds. So good.
STAHP!! Thanks dude, now I know there is aWas it a bed scene by any chance? Don't tell me anymore than 'yes', I didn't watch all of it.
STAHP!! Thanks dude, now I know there is ain the game. You ruined EVERYTHING!!!bed
As far as reviews go, I don't see how this can review below the other inFamous games, it's literally taken everything from those games and made it way better. Plus the added production values in the cutscenes add so much to the game, I was shocked I was playing an inFamous game while watching those cutscenes. I only have 1 power and the game is an abdolute blast to play, it is now 4 am and I am dead tired and all I want to do is go downstairs to my basement, dim the lights and dive in again.
Haha for sure. I'm on as much as a blackout as I can be. I almost gave in and watched the first 20 minutes video that got posted yesterday. Turned it off about a minute in. Its been hard.LOL!!!!
You know what people are like though.
Haha for sure. I'm on as much as a blackout as I can be. I almost gave in and watched the first 20 minutes video that got posted yesterday. Turned it off about a minute in. Its been hard.
So is the framerate locked in this or is it variable 30fps ?
But you gotta admit thatI WAS going to but that first 5 seconds was SO good I just couldn't. 1 FULL week to go![]()
These screenshots almost made me poop. Wow. Thanks for sharing!
MY GOD! I just had a quick look on Youtube and came across a 40 minute playthrough. I watched just 5 seconds of a cut scene and turned it off. The quality of animation and acting was fantastic.
low score because it doesn't have UGC. Does this game have MP? if not. -2 points for not having MP because GTAV did and it's great.
We have impressions from to people saying its really good.Obviously this game has good looks, but guys...... is it any good?
I believe it's locked others believe it's not locked. I just judged by how Tomb Raider looked to me and this definitely doesn't look like that framerate wise.
It looks like it has to be at least as good as the first 2 and they were good so I'm assuming this one will be good too.Obviously this game has good looks, but guys...... is it any good?
Fuck. Wandering the city is going to so damn fun.
For anyone in Australia planning on getting this from EB Games: Target will have it on release day for $74 instead of the $99 that EB Games is selling it for, so get it from Target or just tell EB Games when you get there that Target is selling it cheaper so they match the price for you.
Ugh I'm not looking forward to the inevitable shit storm that reviews will cause :/
Ugh I'm not looking forward to the inevitable shit storm that reviews will cause :/
Obviously this game has good looks, but guys...... is it any good?
I'm ignoring them in this case, I encourage you to do the same. Only for games I'm really on the fence about do I read tons of reviews. And GAF review threads are painful....
Did anyone capture it or is it still up?? I am up to be a bit spoiled!
I think it will review ok.
I am expecting one "should single-player only offline games exist in a post-titanfall world?" quote though.
I am expecting one "should single-player only offline games exist in a post-titanfall world?" quote though.
Shiiiieeeeet. But I ordered the LE one with the beanie and DLC. Is Target selling that one too?