Infinite Xero
Is it too late to get a beanie?
That's weird it took USPS 2 days to deliver yours, yet you live on the state right on top of Maryland. Welp looks like mine is arriving in LA Monday, cause USPS still hasn't updated on mine.Yes. Mine updated to say it processed through the Harrisburg facility.
Damn. If you're in PA then there's no way mine is going to get here in CA tomorrow (although it says that it's estimated).
Its a pretty game but man we overhyped killzone ps4 and the sp gameplay was so damn boring I felt bad falling for all the media hype. I hope sucker punch didnt dumb down the gameplay like gg did
From a good hour I saw from someone's stream, it doesn't veer very much from the standard Infamous formula of the 3 previous games. If you liked the previous entries, you'll probably feel pretty familiar with what the game throws at you and enjoy it.Its a pretty game but man we overhyped killzone ps4 and the sp gameplay was so damn boring I felt bad falling for all the media hype. I hope sucker punch didnt dumb down the gameplay like gg did
mines going to CA too, i was thinking the same thing. They use different methods though for different lengths. You never know...i usually have gotten stuff on the day it says its expected to
Much graphicz
@Loudninjaking if I'm not mistaken its SMAA T2x. Right @anji_nl ? @Loudninjaking Pretty much. With some modifications.
SS team was just 80 people? Wow.
Dallas, TX user here. Ordered my eBay copy from the same Cheetah guy when the price was at $62. My copy arrived at Dallas a few hours ago, expected delivery date is for Monday.
Hoping it gets delivered tomorrow though, anyone get their copies earlier than the USPS projected date?
Alright it's 2:30 in the morning. I'm going to bed; here are a few more screens. I've decided not to share any cutscenes.
Do you guys think preloading digital games will become a thing on PSN? It kinda feels like Sony setup the PlayGo stuff and left it at that.
I prefer to preload my games in advance, usually at night, rather than stream them in because it eats up the bandwidth for my whole house.
I hope it doesn't arrive until the 21st like everyone else >_>. YEAH I WENT THERE BRO.
Will this be available for preloading?
Sigh. Disc version it is then.Nope, just the PlayGo stuff
Hey they answer my question!
The game uses SMAA T2x it seems.
They've allowed preloading in Europe for several PS3 games (TLoU, GTAV etc). So, they've experimented with it. Hopefully it'll start becoming a common theme, at least with major releases. No one wants to sit and wait hours on launch day to play a game because the servers are being battered.
SMAA 1TX for Ryse actually.Awesome, thanks for asking that.
Edit: Doesn't Ryse use SMAA 2TX? I know it was 900p but there was barely any jaggies. It's great SP implemented that
Here it is in action:
Nope, here's the tracking info though.did u pay for expedited shipping
SMAA 1TX for Ryse actually.
Thursday.When's the review embargo being lifted?
I honestly can not believe I own something that can run this. Shit's too hot.
I love these threads until people stop feasting with their eyes and start analysing with data.
Couldn't resist took one more, now I am officially done haha