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Infamous: Second Son |OT| Smells Like Beanie Spirit


Console Market Analyst
My upload speed isn't the best but I was able to stream Second Son on Ustream and not on Twitch for some reason. Of course I was playing for half an hour and not a single person checked out my stream, had to go on my computer to see if I was actually streaming, which I was indeed. Sent myself a message lol.

Actually having an audience isn't much better:

Sho us ur b00bs.
lol you suck!
::ending spoiler::


I think those are just web based. It's happened to me before with other games, sometimes where it would just take very long to load.

Don't sweat it. It'll sort itself out eventually.
Thank you for your response, I've had the game since release and it's still the same, It's very odd cause other games work just fine.

Hope it get sorted, thanks.
Just finished it and I pretty much agree with that Eurogamer review 100% which is to say good fun but you've largely seen this game before. Especially when looking at the rote mission designs and the generic story.

This game needs to be somehow more tactical, there really is little depth for actual skill to be a real factor in most of the encounters. Perhaps combos and/or blocking/parring need some introduction in the next game.


Credits rolling right now.
What the heck? You get the final power not just during a boss fight, but while fighting the final boss?
I mean, sure, there's no villain after defeating Augustine, and the entire reason Delsin went to Seattle was absorbing the concrete power, but still.. it's weird, isn't it? I expected a few missions to get used to the power before playing the ending.
I think every time i travelled any great distance using that power, i hit the Share button at least once :) It's so pretty and so so much fun.

Yeah, I find myself pressing share quite a bit with this game. Love that button and how easy it is to capture screenshots/video.

Getting the perfect neon dash screen is a pain though, I spend upwards of 20mins trying to get as good a shot as ron_bato's with no success.

lol Awesome shot. Were Second Son's faces animated by hand like The Last of Us or through facial capture tech?

I really don't know. It's damned impressive though and I hope more games use it.


Alright, onto my evil mode playthrough! Hopefully expert isn't too tough. I hear that some people find it easier than their normal mode run, due to familiarity. I hope that's the case for me too.


I found expert easier both because of familiarity and because I was on evil which makes karma bombs really easy to build up with smoke and neon headshots


Credits rolling right now.
What the heck? You get the final power not just during a boss fight, but while fighting the final boss?
I mean, sure, there's no villain after defeating Augustine, and the entire reason Delsin went to Seattle was absorbing the concrete power, but still.. it's weird, isn't it? I expected a few missions to get used to the power before playing the ending.

So was I. was expecting it to get it where
you first fight Augustine
thought it kinda sucked you didn't get it there.

Just got the last mission to do on my good playthrough then the platinum will be mine :)
Soooooo I'm running into a problem with this game and remote play. I can play but my vita won't register the back touch pad input for this game; Anyone else have this issue?
Is there a fix?


Credits rolling right now.
What the heck? You get the final power not just during a boss fight, but while fighting the final boss?
I mean, sure, there's no villain after defeating Augustine, and the entire reason Delsin went to Seattle was absorbing the concrete power, but still.. it's weird, isn't it? I expected a few missions to get used to the power before playing the ending.

More end game stuff:
The whole last boss sequence felt very......odd. It's like they wanted to introduce a way to make Delsin feel weak again but it just came off as an unneeded war of attrition. I don't know how it would have made sense in context of the story but the final boss should have made use of the fact that Delsin is a conduit with multiple powers and he needed to use all of those at the right time to come out on top.


I may be wrong here but I couldn't notice any real difference between good and bad karma powers.

I remember the difference in part 2 being readily apparent.


Okay, very early impressions:
My god, this game is beautiful. Coming straight off the back of Knack makes me feel like my retinas are going to melt into the back of my skull. I can't really judge the gameplay properly yet, but it feels tight and climbing feels quicker/more fluid. Also, I'm really impressed with the performances and the facial capture so far.

Only problem is I forgot to change the difficulty to expert at the beginning, so am completely starting again. Both in inFamous 1 and 2 my first playthroughs were good on expert, and I want to keep up that tradition and make sure I get the trophy. Back to the beginning I go then! Oh well, it's a pretty cool opening anyway.


I may be wrong here but I couldn't notice any real difference between good and bad karma powers.

I remember the difference in part 2 being readily apparent.

It just ends up making powers stronger or weaker on the different playthroughs. Using smoke and neon as an example, neon only gets the bullet time type effect on good karma while the smoke shotgun blast only has a chance for instant kill on evil karma.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Man, I just finished the game and now I realize that a person has to be CRAZY to give it anything less than a 9/10. That grand finale was PHENOMENAL!

Whenever things are clicking and you've got that teamwork thing going with the folks who you created relationships with in the game, I borderline get goosebumps. Fetch and Eugene jumping in and helping you scale the tower was incredible.

I must be crazy then, because I wouldn't give the game any more than a 7.5. 8 if I'm being especially nice. Good core mechanics and pretty visuals only carry a game so far. Also I was pretty underwhelmed by that finale.

The game didn't spend long enough with those characters for me to give a shit about those people or the fact they were now helping me. Climbing the tower wasn't especially entertaining and more importantly the final boss sucked big time. I actually feel the first fight with Augustine was better. I think the game should have had a final boss where you needed to use all of your powers for different phases of the boss.

Oh but I mean the input for the r1 & l1, I can't aim or shoot missiles while using my vita.

L1 is on the bottom left corner of the front touchscreen. R1 is bottom right.


Oddly enough (character spoilers from whole game)
I felt that Fetch and Eugene got more characterization when playing evil karma than good karma. Both are criminally underused though and I think that is because the basic formula of the game was lacking any surprises. Intro missions -> Hear about another conduit -> Meet conduit -> Do one mission with said conduit and see ramifications of redeem/corrupt -> New Island -> Hear about another conduit -> Meet conduit -> Do one mission with said conduit and see ramifications of redeem/corrupt -> End Game. They stuck to a formula too rigidly and it made the game feel short and made the characters feel flat except for Delsin and his brother who had room to shine throughout the story.


Just started this game yesterday. No game that looks this good, with this level of polish and production value should be getting anywhere near a 7 from any reputable site, assuming an unbiased reviewer. Because the gameplay is "not your thing" is not an excuse for a reviewer to drop this game to a 7 while giving some crappy FPS a higher rating. At least I know which sites not to visit anymore.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Just started this game yesterday. No game that looks this good, with this level of polish and production value should be getting anywhere near a 7 from any reputable site, assuming an unbiased reviewer. Because the gameplay is "not your thing" is not an excuse for a reviewer to drop this game to a 7 while giving some crappy FPS a higher rating. At least I know which sites not to visit anymore.

So reviewers should ignore how lifeless the open world is compared to other games in the genre, ignore the fact the mission design isn't very good, ignore the fact the side content is all the same boring shit over and over again, ignore the fact the enemy design isn't varied leading to repetitive gameplay and ignore the fact the story is short? The should ignore all these flaws and give it a super high score because it looks pretty and has high production values? Who exactly is the biased one here? 7 isn't even a bad score. I don't think it's a massive insult for a good but flawed game to get a 7.


I really don't get story complaints affecting a games overall score. When a game has a bad story i just ignore it, if the game mechanics are good, graphics and sound are good and the game is fun, awesome. Story is a plus for me, never a minus. There have been countless of games i've loved but can't remember most story details, i mean i know what it was about but sometimes i stop paying attention to what the hell is going on.

The game has been amazing for me so far but inguess i don't expect all my games to be perfect in every area. I want games to be fun and pretty mostly lol. Can't live without my pretty graphics.


I've played several hours so far. Looks wise it is utterly stunning. Incredible neon, explosions etc and it hardly misses a beat. The lighting is insanely good.

The city itself all feels the same. The background noise is poorly done. The fact you can't swim bothers me. It breaks the illusion. It is some tech achievement though. Everything so crisp and styled.

Fucking around with all the different powers is really fun but the combat seems a bit samey. perhaps because there aren't many enemy types. It also has that problem that Assassins Creed 4 has; Go to a point on the map, do a task that feels a lot like the last task whilst doing side things that also repeat over and over.

I'll likely finish it. Imo though this is a game that is carried somewhat by just how spectacular it looks. It really is stunning. And playing around with these powers and making beautiful stuff happen accounts for a lot of the entertainment value for me.


My complaints aren't just story, though. There's not a long of objective variety. The side content gets stale after about 2 zones. Having some additional story beats such as enemies of varying power types could even lend itself to different types of encounters, rather than dealing with earth benders the entire time. Additional focus on the side characters could have also resulted in different mission types, so it's not like we can make them entirely separate.

If you don't like how it plays, you can't give it a seven because the production values are good?


So reviewers should ignore how lifeless the open world is compared to other games in the genre, ignore the fact the mission design isn't very good, ignore the fact the side content is all the same boring shit over and over again, ignore the fact the enemy design isn't varied leading to repetitive gameplay and ignore the fact the story is short? The should ignore all these flaws and give it a super high score because it looks pretty and has high production values? Who exactly is the biased one here? 7 isn't even a bad score. I don't think it's a massive insult for a good but flawed game to get a 7.
I think most reviewers have no idea how to review a game. Sure, everything you say is true, but i'm still having a blast playing this game, this is not trying to be the next GTA, sometimes less is more. I don't want to take Delsin bowling or to play darts, i don't care how many different cars i can spot on a random street or how many millions of NPC are roaming the streets, that particularly wouldn't make any sense in this game but whatever. infamous is about a dude with superpowers having fun discovering them and it excels at that. After over 50% of the game so far i'm still having a blast facing the same enemies and doing the same stuff, go figure i'm the type of person that gets bored halfway through GTa games and have only beatin the last one, got bored with ACIV after 6-8 hours. This and Sleeping Dogs are a good aproach at open world, IMO. Not every open world game needs millions of filler things to do or a gigantic world.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I think most reviewers have no idea how to review a game. Sure, everything you say is true, but i'm still having a blast playing this game, this is not trying to be the next GTA, sometimes less is more. I don't want to take Delsin bowling or to play darts, i don't care how many different cars i can spot on a random street or how many millions of NPC are roaming the streets, that particularly wouldn't make any sense in this game but whatever. infamous is about a dude with superpowers having fun discovering them and it excels at that. After over 50% of the game so far i'm still having a blast facing the same enemies and doing the same stuff, go figure i'm the type of person that gets bored halfway through GTa games and have only beatin the last one, got bored with ACIV after 6-8 hours. This and Sleeping Dogs are a good aproach at open world, IMO. Not every open world game needs millions of filler things to do or a gigantic world.

Literally the only side content this game has is filler.


Just started this game yesterday. No game that looks this good, with this level of polish and production value should be getting anywhere near a 7 from any reputable site, assuming an unbiased reviewer. Because the gameplay is "not your thing" is not an excuse for a reviewer to drop this game to a 7 while giving some crappy FPS a higher rating. At least I know which sites not to visit anymore.

Graphics aren't everything.


Literally the only side content this game has is filler.
I'm having fun looking for cameras, secret agents and shards, again, go figure uh. Like i said, most of that stuff is extra so i don't think it should impact a games score. The main quest should be the focus, if the game has a decent lenght there, good, the rest is filler.

Not everyone likes the same stuff in games. There's enough games in many genres with tons of sidequests, having this kind of checklist of what an "open world" game must acomplish is not good for the industry IMO.
I'm often turned off with games that have insane amounts of sidequests cause i know it takes an insame amount of time to complete, having extra stuff that is actually achievable for me is awesome.


Literally the only side content this game has is filler.

I'm with you that a lot of the side content is shit but to say that "literally" all of it is filler is just plain wrong. The secret agent and hidden camera ones were the main offenders but the other stuff was fine IMO. Showdowns were a great way to have multiple enemies zone in on your location and were a good test of skill (unless you came in with a full karma streak like I did sometimes). Audio files are fine in this day and age and some of the info locked in them was actually interesting so a minor pass can be given. Blast shards are the collectible of the day which usually is a useless distraction but tying it to upgrades and making them easy to spot on the map once you have control in the zone was a smart way to play that mechanic. Mobile commands are the same as showdowns but with you attacking instead of defending so same idea. And finally, regardless of your feelings on the matter because I know you'll disagree with me, the spray paint stuff was extremely clever and always a joy to do. All of the art was top notch and could be replicated in real life if you so chose and the control scheme for it was perfectly acceptable, even more so when you realize that you don't even need to hold the controller vertically after the initial shake if it really is too big of a hassle.

When it comes down to it, we got about 50% shit and 50% fun but the problem is that the shit is so bad that we feel like it ruined the experience.

I'm having fun looking for cameras, secret agents and shards, again, go figure uh. Like i said, most of that stuff is extra so i don't think it should impact a games score. The main quest should be the focus, if the game has a decent lenght there, good, the rest is filler.

Not everyone likes the same stuff in games. There's enough games in many genres with tons of sidequests, having this kind of checklist of what an "open world" game must acomplish is not good for the industry IMO.
I'm often turned off with games that have insane amounts of sidequests cause i know it takes an insame amount of time to complete, having extra stuff that is actually achievable for me is awesome.

Everything in a game is a part of its score. Your post earlier about story: lol. Video games don't get a pass on the story department, if they are trying to tell a story then it needs to be a good one.


Unconfirmed Member
I was just thinking some more about possible side content they could've implemented and came up with the greatest idea ever;


Side mission line where you hunt down Seattle souvenirs / take photos for Betty. Hunt down that postcard she talked about, take a photo of the Space Needle, hunt down some souvenirs elsewhere that you have to get from a guy being a dick to you (karma opportunity), find and photograph a street musician, find and photograph a sign twirler, snap a photo of the monorail train, shoot some nice pictures in the Lantern District, have the souvenirs stolen by a pickpocket that you have to hunt down / subdue, etc. It would fit in the game just fine and I would have loved to have had some more little phone conversations with Betty. Another case of the mechanics already being in place (photographing) and it having been set up in the story itself (Betty's phone call while climbing the Space Needle), but Sucker Punch just not doing anything with it.


I was just thinking some more about possible side content they could've implemented and came up with the greatest idea ever;


Side mission line where you hunt down Seattle souvenirs / take photos for Betty. Hunt down that postcard she talked about, take a photo of the Space Needle, hunt down some souvenirs elsewhere that you have to get from a guy being a dick to you (karma opportunity), find and photograph a street musician, find and photograph a sign twirler, snap a photo of the monorail train, shoot some nice pictures in the Lantern District, have the souvenirs stolen by a pickpocket that you have to hunt down / subdue, etc. It would fit in the game just fine and I would have loved to have had some more little phone conversations with Betty. Another case of the mechanics already being in place (photographing) and it having been set up in the story itself (Betty's phone call while climbing the Space Needle), but Sucker Punch just not doing anything with it.

Your idea falls flat if you are playing a bad karma run through.
There better be super powered multiplayer combat in the next game. I'm just saying. The story is OK...but this game is dying for human controlled super powered combatants.


I'm with you that a lot of the side content is shit but to say that "literally" all of it is filler is just plain wrong. The secret agent and hidden camera ones were the main offenders but the other stuff was fine IMO. Showdowns were a great way to have multiple enemies zone in on your location and were a good test of skill (unless you came in with a full karma streak like I did sometimes). Audio files are fine in this day and age and some of the info locked in them was actually interesting so a minor pass can be given. Blast shards are the collectible of the day which usually is a useless distraction but tying it to upgrades and making them easy to spot on the map once you have control in the zone was a smart way to play that mechanic. Mobile commands are the same as showdowns but with you attacking instead of defending so same idea. And finally, regardless of your feelings on the matter because I know you'll disagree with me, the spray paint stuff was extremely clever and always a joy to do. All of the art was top notch and could be replicated in real life if you so chose and the control scheme for it was perfectly acceptable, even more so when you realize that you don't even need to hold the controller vertically after the initial shake if it really is too big of a hassle.

When it comes down to it, we got about 50% shit and 50% fun but the problem is that the shit is so bad that we feel like it ruined the experience.

Everything in a game is a part of its score. Your post earlier about story: lol. Video games don't get a pass on the story department, if they are trying to tell a story then it needs to be a good one.

Depends on the genre i'm afraid. A game like Heavy Rain or even TLOU, sure. But do you really think an FPS should be docked points for having an average story? I'm not talking abysmal stuff, cause i think the story in infamous is adecuate and serves it's goal just fine, at least not enough to affect the games score.


Unconfirmed Member
Your idea falls flat if you are playing a bad karma run through.
Then maybe they should make it good karma exclusive and create a seperate mission line only for bad karma players, perhaps a mission line in which you have to get some drugs across town while fighting off the DUP or a series of missions in which you work with some deranged conspiracy nut NPC to take down the police department which would eventually lead to less cops being active on the streets.

Just throwing out some ideas.


Just beat the game now.

I liked the beginning and ending of the game, the main missions, the graphics, the characters, the powers, but that is about it.

The city was done well and had a decent feel to it, however there was nothing interesting to do. The side missions are HORRIBLE, literally less than filler if you ask me, and I don't see myself doing anything that is not shard related in my second playthrough.

All the cinematic scenes were done well and I even had some feels during some of the more obviously emotional scenes.

The traversal mechanics were pretty awesome even if combat was only okay. On Normal, it was pretty easy to just save up a Karmic Streak and start a 'telephone mission' and just clear it with one button press.

The missed opportunity was certainly the lack of cooperative missions with the other main characters with powers. The final mission was definitely the best in the game and it was certainly because of the extra help.

Definitely an above average game but not amazing or even great.

I will likely playthrough again, but I am going to wait for a locked 30 FPS patch (a la Killzone). If I didn't buy this digitally I guarantee I would have platinumed it and sold it back in a weekend, but there is no reason for the rush now.


Depends on the genre i'm afraid. A game like Heavy Rain or even TLOU, sure. But do you really think an FPS should be docked points for having an average story? I'm not talking abysmal stuff, cause i think the story in infamous is adecuate and serves it's goal just fine, at least not enough to affect the games score.

If you go through the trouble of putting a story into your game then it should be counted in the scoring. From that point, the % of the score affected depends on how invasive in the experience the story is. It's not a requirement to have a storyline in your game so when you add it you are also adding the criticisms that it will receive. To answer your question, yes if an FPS gives me a garbage storyline then part of the score should reflect that but a CoD would have less score affect from story than this game would because CoD is also offering a huge multi-player that is 100% independent of storyline. Infamous isn't offering anything untied from storyline, it is the primary medium of going from one place to the next.


I'm here to talk about the OST for a moment....wow listening to it again and 5 songs stuck out. Spoilers just in case.

This song just screams 90's on the run music and captured the moment so well in the intro of the game.

Wavelength/Vs Fetch
This one called out on me due to the nature of the character. Someone
on the run and out for vengeance that did not want to be stopped till she finished her task of avenging her brother.
Double Crossed
Right after Reggie's death.

Speed of Light
This was just about the moment.
You think your friends are all dead and there's no way up that building and here comes Fetch with that punk 2000's ish save the day music lol
My personal top track.

The last one sadly is not on the OST as far as I know and it's
when you fight Augustine in her final form. This song was almost despair like no hope but mixed with the will to continue no mater what.

I might be weird for thinking this way about music but this is how it stuck out to me. The composer is just awesome and I hope he/she is reading this.


I may be reading into nothing here but does anyone else have problems with the contrast of the game? Sometimes it is way too dark. It's not a crushed black thing but rather the game engine not being able to keep up.

An example is when you're in a shaded area or alley, you neon run into sunlight and the screen is still dark until you actually stop running then the light will brighten up the screen.

It's kind of hard to describe. The best way to see if for yourself is to neon run across the city. The lighting (level/source) will not change until you stop running.

Another weird thing is that when you melee with the chain while using smoke it darkens the whole screen artificially and it is kind of jarring to me.

I like the game and got platinum but have yet to see anyone mention these issues/design choices.


I may be reading into nothing here but does anyone else have problems with the contrast of the game? Sometimes it is way too dark. It's not a crushed black thing but rather the game engine not being able to keep up.

An example is when you're in a shaded area or alley, you neon run into sunlight and the screen is still dark until you actually stop running then the light will brighten up the screen.

It's kind of hard to describe. The best way to see if for yourself is to neon run across the city. The lighting (level/source) will not change until you stop running.

Another weird thing is that when you melee with the chain while using smoke it darkens the whole screen artificially and it is kind of jarring to me.

I like the game and got platinum but have yet to see anyone mention these issues/design choices.

I noticed it as well, it only happened to me when neon running and was easily fixed by stopping my run, holding a second, and then on my way again. I think the brightness is trying to dynamically shift based on how much lighting you have from the gameworld but because neon provides a constant light source it isn't reading properly.


So reviewers should ignore how lifeless the open world is compared to other games in the genre, ignore the fact the mission design isn't very good, ignore the fact the side content is all the same boring shit over and over again, ignore the fact the enemy design isn't varied leading to repetitive gameplay and ignore the fact the story is short? The should ignore all these flaws and give it a super high score because it looks pretty and has high production values? Who exactly is the biased one here? 7 isn't even a bad score. I don't think it's a massive insult for a good but flawed game to get a 7.

Plays like an Infamous game, what did you expect? Surprised you are still even playing it. Most reviewers don't have your apparent super-strict rating system, except maybe Edge. Most of these reviewers give 9s around like it was candy and 7s to bad games. Game has flaws, but simply doesn't deserve a 7, while other games get a pass on all of their imperfections. Different generation, same result.

Graphics aren't everything.

Funny, I have heard the same thing said to justify why other games get a 9 for their "gameplay" when their graphics suck. You know which ones I am talking about. It's ridiculous really.


I'm here to talk about the OST for a moment....wow listening to it again and 5 songs stuck out. Spoilers just in case.

This song just screams 90's on the run music and captured the moment so well in the intro of the game.

Wavelength/Vs Fetch
This one called out on me due to the nature of the character. Someone
on the run and out for vengeance that did not want to be stopped till she finished her task of avenging her brother.
Double Crossed
Right after Reggie's death.

Speed of Light
This was just about the moment.
You think your friends are all dead and there's no way up that building and here comes Fetch with that punk 2000's ish save the day music lol
My personal top track.

The last one sadly is not on the OST as far as I know and it's
when you fight Augustine in her final form. This song was almost despair like no hope but mixed with the will to continue no mater what.

I might be weird for thinking this way about music but this is how it stuck out to me. The composer is just awesome and I hope he/she is reading this.

Has anybody come across the music that plays during
your final battle with Augustine?
It's SO phenomenal, and I can't find it anywhere because I think it's just a musical score, not sure.

For reference, it's this music (captured via PS4Share). No spoilers in this one, so don't worry.

Has anybody come across the music that plays during
your final battle with Augustine?
It's SO phenomenal, and I can't find it anywhere because I think it's just a musical score, not sure.

For reference, it's this music (captured via PS4Share). No spoilers in this one, so don't worry.


This is the entire OST. Hopefully its in there somewhere - there are helpful links to points in the thing for the different tracks


Phenomenal soundtrack.


Just completed the good ending (and platinumed) preferred it to the evil ending hopefully sucker punch make this one cannon.


The good ending was so boring this time around. I remember getting feels from the good ending in infamous 2 and I am a sucker for the good stuff at heart but this time around I would much rather we get an evil canon second son 2.
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