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Infamous: Second Son |OT| Smells Like Beanie Spirit


Indeed it is! Thanks. Yeah, sifting through it now. I did come across the soundtrack earlier, but I didn't happen to hear this one in it. I'll keep on sifting through to see if I can come across it.
I've tried to find it myself but no luck if you do please post here!


It can be an amazingly polished inFamous game, yet if inFamous is flawed at its core in ways that make it unfun, then that will be acknowledged. It being "what you should expect" doesn't negate those problems.

Game is not perfect and doesn't deserve a 10, but "flawed at its core in ways that makes it unfun"? Are you kidding? For what, for having game play elements that have been in Infamous games from the very beginning?

No game is perfect. Every game has some game play elements that some people hate. Just one example: Assassin's Creed: Black Flag still has the eavesdropping missions. But that game didn't deserve a 7 because of it, and indeed garnered generally high reviews.
Game is not perfect and doesn't deserve a 10, but "flawed at its core in ways that makes it unfun"? Are you kidding? For what, for having game play elements that have been in Infamous games from the very beginning?

No game is perfect. Every game has some game play elements that some people hate. Just one example: Assassin's Creed: Black Flag still has the eavesdropping missions. But that game didn't deserve a 7 because of it, and indeed garnered generally high reviews.

I Wanna Be The Guy said the game world was lifeless, enemy design lacked variety and the missions were poorly put together. You responded by saying "that's inFamous." If "that's inFamous," and those things are unfun, then inFamous is flawed. Does that make sense?

Saying Sucker Punch had their hands tied and needed to make the game really similar to past inFamous games would make some sense. Saying that those problems being around forever somehow makes them negligible is something else entirely. If it's not fun for someone, it's not fun.

And Assassin's Creed's quality doesn't have any bearing on the quality of this game. Focusing on average review scores ignores the points the reviewers made in their actual reviews. "Deserve" is so subjective when it comes to numbered scores that there's little point in discussing them, especially when you start comparing (the scores of) unrelated games to one another.


Another Infamous game and once again I've regretted that I bought it. Started a good run, but got bored and have now started a bad play through in the hopes it makes it funner.

Game looks good, but doesn't look "whoa. This is next gen" for me.

Should've just tried to rent it somewhere. Bummer.


That papertrail website can go fudge itself.

I want to do those missions, but I have to go link them. Simple enough! Too bad the site doesn't work for beans. :/

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Plays like an Infamous game, what did you expect? Surprised you are still even playing it. Most reviewers don't have your apparent super-strict rating system, except maybe Edge. Most of these reviewers give 9s around like it was candy and 7s to bad games. Game has flaws, but simply doesn't deserve a 7, while other games get a pass on all of their imperfections. Different generation, same result.

Funny, I have heard the same thing said to justify why other games get a 9 for their "gameplay" when their graphics suck. You know which ones I am talking about. It's ridiculous really.

So the flaws of a new game in a franchise should be ignored because those flaws are expected from that series....

Holy shit. Worst defence ever. Your comment on reviews is equally as dumb. Reviewers may give too many 9's these days, but you'd be hard pressed to find too many games as problematic and half baked as Infamous Second Son not get a mixed bag when it comes to reviews. If anything critics were pretty kind to Second Son overall. Considering how half baked and flawed it is, it's lucky it has a metascore above 80. I've played plenty of games with less problems than Infamous Second Son that didn't manage to crack 80 on metacritic. Any 7s this game got were absolutely justified.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I'm with you that a lot of the side content is shit but to say that "literally" all of it is filler is just plain wrong. The secret agent and hidden camera ones were the main offenders but the other stuff was fine IMO. Showdowns were a great way to have multiple enemies zone in on your location and were a good test of skill (unless you came in with a full karma streak like I did sometimes). Audio files are fine in this day and age and some of the info locked in them was actually interesting so a minor pass can be given. Blast shards are the collectible of the day which usually is a useless distraction but tying it to upgrades and making them easy to spot on the map once you have control in the zone was a smart way to play that mechanic. Mobile commands are the same as showdowns but with you attacking instead of defending so same idea. And finally, regardless of your feelings on the matter because I know you'll disagree with me, the spray paint stuff was extremely clever and always a joy to do. All of the art was top notch and could be replicated in real life if you so chose and the control scheme for it was perfectly acceptable, even more so when you realize that you don't even need to hold the controller vertically after the initial shake if it really is too big of a hassle.

When it comes down to it, we got about 50% shit and 50% fun but the problem is that the shit is so bad that we feel like it ruined the experience.

Edit: Shit, double post. Sorry.

Everything in a game is a part of its score. Your post earlier about story: lol. Video games don't get a pass on the story department, if they are trying to tell a story then it needs to be a good one.

You are right. It was an exaggeration for me to say literally all the side content is filler. Let me rephrase. Literally every type of side mission was reused in a way that made it filler. Some of that side content was fun....the first few times. But it's literally just the same stuff over and over again on different parts of the map and that really is filler. I think it's unfair to give that a pass or say that the lack of interesting side content is ok because it went for a minimal approach to open world design as opposed to the GTA style of having tons of side stuff. It they really were going for that minimal approach to side content then the side content wouldn't have been reused as filler so much.

Edit: Double post, sorry.


I Wanna Be The Guy said the game world was lifeless, enemy design lacked variety and the missions were poorly put together. You responded by saying "that's inFamous." If "that's inFamous," and those things are unfun, then inFamous is flawed. Does that make sense?

Saying Sucker Punch had their hands tied and needed to make the game really similar to past inFamous games would make some sense. Saying that those problems being around forever somehow makes them negligible is something else entirely. If it's not fun for someone, it's not fun.

And Assassin's Creed's quality doesn't have any bearing on the quality of this game. Focusing on average review scores ignores the points the reviewers made in their actual reviews. "Deserve" is so subjective when it comes to numbered scores that there's little point in discussing them, especially when you start comparing (the scores of) unrelated games to one another.

Nope, you're missing the point (again). People have said the exact same things about other open world games, like GTA IV and V. Lifeless game world, poor missions, etc. It's an unfortunate limitation of open world games. But I and millions of others disagree with you that it makes the game not fun to play. I'm not sure how you can argue that. Because you don't find it fun, it's flawed and not fun for anyone? What?

Reviewers are entitled to their opinions and I am entitled to call them out on their biases when those opinions are not consistently applied to all games they review. Quite simple really.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Nope, you're missing the point (again). People have said the exact same things about other open world games, like GTA IV and V. Lifeless game world, poor missions, etc. It's an unfortunate limitation of open world games. But I and millions of others disagree with you that it makes the game not fun to play. I'm not sure how you can argue that. Because you don't find it fun, it's flawed and not fun for anyone? What?

Reviewers are entitled to their opinions and I am entitled to call them out on their biases when those opinions are not consistently applied to all games they review. Quite simple really.

Anybody saying GTA V has a lifeless game world or poor missions has clearly never played the game.


Just started today...maybe 20% in. Looks great....at times amazing. But yeah, they didn't do much to improve on infamous core gameplay and objectives. I just played through the series so it's fresh in my head. Same old same old which is fine. Theres also a ton of camera problems. I haven't done many upgrades yet but,
will I always have to refill smoke to have shooting ability?

I hope not

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Just started today...maybe 20% in. Looks great....at times amazing. But yeah, they didn't do much to improve on infamous core gameplay and objectives. I just played through the series so it's fresh in my head. Same old same old which is fine. Theres also a ton of camera problems. I haven't done many upgrades yet but,
will I always have to refill smoke to have shooting ability?

I hope not

You can upgrade your abilities so that your attacks won't use as much energy and your bar will get bigger. Trust me, that won't be an issue.


You can upgrade your abilities so that your attacks won't use as much energy and your bar will get bigger. Trust me, that won't be an issue.

Ok thanks...I was saving my upgrades so I guess I'll use them. But that's a relief because it's kind of annoying. I wonder why they made it part of the game?


Ditto; can't confirm if the patch was for Paper Trail because the site's giving me problems :'(.

I got into the papertrail site earlier, and it said Part 2 was up (on the site atleast).

New thing - I was just playing some of the paper trail content on a cleared map and I started to get DUP raid alerts. Turns out they slowly take back the city if you let them.

yeah, noticed it when I was doing some trophy cleanup.

An another note, I really miss side missions from the other games, just a few extra missions like the ones you had with Kuo or Nixx in infamous 2. Didn't flesh out the other characters at all in this.


So the flaws of a new game in a franchise should be ignored because those flaws are expected from that series....

Holy shit. Worst defence ever. Your comment on reviews is equally as dumb. Reviewers may give too many 9's these days, but you'd be hard pressed to find too many games as problematic and half baked as Infamous Second Son not get a mixed bag when it comes to reviews. If anything critics were pretty kind to Second Son overall. Considering how half baked and flawed it is, it's lucky it has a metascore above 80. I've played plenty of games with less problems than Infamous Second Son that didn't manage to crack 80 on metacritic. Any 7s this game got were absolutely justified.

Seriously, why are you still even posting in this official thread? To bash this game and insult those as "dumb" that do not believe its "issues" deserve to score the game a 7? You are entitled to your opinion, even when it's as ridiculous as yours. Game is NOT a 10, but you are over-playing its "issues" common to open world-games and making them into "flaws" to make the argument that the game deserves a 7 or lower. And I'm an idiot for responding to your drivel, so I'm done.


Filler side missions, A to B missions etc etc are pretty much in all open world games, I don't see why InFamous gets frowned upon more for it.


I was just thinking some more about possible side content they could've implemented and came up with the greatest idea ever;


Side mission line where you hunt down Seattle souvenirs / take photos for Betty. Hunt down that postcard she talked about, take a photo of the Space Needle, hunt down some souvenirs elsewhere that you have to get from a guy being a dick to you (karma opportunity), find and photograph a street musician, find and photograph a sign twirler, snap a photo of the monorail train, shoot some nice pictures in the Lantern District, have the souvenirs stolen by a pickpocket that you have to hunt down / subdue, etc. It would fit in the game just fine and I would have loved to have had some more little phone conversations with Betty. Another case of the mechanics already being in place (photographing) and it having been set up in the story itself (Betty's phone call while climbing the Space Needle), but Sucker Punch just not doing anything with it.

That could have been fun/cute as Good Delsin but it really wouldn't have worked as Evil Delsin. Legit mega spoiler:
I mean, he literally murders Betty at the end because she was mean to him.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Seriously, why are you still even posting in this official thread? To bash this game and insult those as "dumb" that do not believe its "issues" deserve to score the game a 7? You are entitled to your opinion, even when it's as ridiculous as yours. Game is NOT a 10, but you are over-playing its "issues" common to open world-games and making them into "flaws" to make the argument that the game deserves a 7 or lower. And I'm an idiot for responding to your drivel, so I'm done.

You can score the game what you want. If you think it deserves more then fine. But you should also be able to acknowledge that reviewers are justified in giving it lower scores considering how flawed the game is. Even if you don't see the flaws as a big deal to you personally you should still be able to see that they exist and understand that other people aren't going to be as forgiving to them.

Also I didn't call you dumb. I called a specific argument you tried to use dumb. There's a difference. Also I'm not here just to bash the game. Hell, I like the game. But I'm also not going to turn a blind eye to the things I feel the game did badly. I'm going to state my positive and negative opinions of the game.


Filler side missions, A to B missions etc etc are pretty much in all open world games, I don't see why InFamous gets frowned upon more for it.

Most Second Son's side missions are finding/chasing secret agents or finding/destroying cameras. There's at least one of each of those per zone and they're all terrible. They're not fun the first time and they only get worse from there.

I thought the game was fantastic but the shitty side missions are a problem. Kind of. They're optional so it's not *too* bad.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Filler side missions, A to B missions etc etc are pretty much in all open world games, I don't see why InFamous gets frowned upon more for it.

True to an extent, but I think Second Son is a bigger offender than a lot of other open world games. It's been a while since I played Infamous 1 and 2, but I actually don't remember this being as bad in those games. Maybe someone who played the games recently can comment on that? Is the side content actually a step down in Second Son or am I just not remembering right?


True to an extent, but I think Second Son is a bigger offender than a lot of other open world games. It's been a while since I played Infamous 1 and 2, but I actually don't remember this being as bad in those games. Maybe someone who played the games recently can comment on that? Is the side content actually a step down in Second Son or am I just not remembering right?

InFamous 1 and 2's side missions were largely a lot like the main story missions. Take out these thugs, follow this guy, blow up a thing, etc.


True to an extent, but I think Second Son is a bigger offender than a lot of other open world games. It's been a while since I played Infamous 1 and 2, but I actually don't remember this being as bad in those games. Maybe someone who played the games recently can comment on that? Is the side content actually a step down in Second Son or am I just not remembering right?

In inFamous 2 which I just replayed before SS Cole never really talks at all during the Side missions, they are pretty much a meet someone who says something then you go and do said objective.

There were a few repeats but it was a little more varied in the sense that you had some odd ones like fighting street performers.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
InFamous 1 and 2's side missions were largely a lot like the main story missions. Take out these thugs, follow this guy, blow up a thing, etc.

Yeah that's what I thought. Certainly a lot more enjoyable than the find hidden camera, spray tag, secret agent stuff in this game. Personally I think the lack of interesting side content is probably due to it being a launch window game. They certainly put a lot of effort in to making the game look so good and the core mechanics were very well done. Beyond that they probably just didn't have enough time to put more meaningful content in the game. Hopefully the game gets a sequel and that's one of the things they'll be able to do.


You can score the game what you want. If you think it deserves more then fine. But you should also be able to acknowledge that reviewers are justified in giving it lower scores considering how flawed the game is. Even if you don't see the flaws as a big deal to you personally you should still be able to see that they exist and understand that other people aren't going to be as forgiving to them.

Also I didn't call you dumb. I called a specific argument you tried to use dumb. There's a difference. Also I'm not here just to bash the game. Hell, I like the game. But I'm also not going to turn a blind eye to the things I feel the game did badly. I'm going to state my positive and negative opinions of the game.

Fair enough. And I admit it has flaws, and we can discuss the positives and negatives on GAF amicably. Still don't think its a 7 though :)

But you and I do not write reviews for a living and make money off of the advertising the site sells that's driven by clicks to the site (and the review). Is it too much to ask sites and reviewers to apply criticisms that drive the score down consistently across games on differing platforms? (I gave up on asking for ethics in journalism a long time ago).


Sucker Punch has pretty much mastered the traversal, character action and general feel of inFamous. They just have to get some better side missions and boss fights.

The final fight with Augestine was so anti climatic and a poor experience in general.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Sucker Punch has pretty much mastered the traversal, character action and general feel of inFamous. They just have to get some better side missions and boss fights.

The final fight with Augestine was so anti climatic and a poor experience in general.

Oh hell yeah. It's the one thing they absolutely nailed. I can't fault the core gameplay mechanics at all really.
Just finished the game and it was such an amazing ride. First game I've completed in probably a good 18-24 months. I didn't care for the first two Infamous games and didn't have too high of expectations for this one. BOY was I wrong. Sucker Punch deserves all of the sales they get for this game.

leng jai

I don't really think they nailed the traversal - they just made it an "auto-win" after you got upgraded powers. It's fun and cool looking but let's not pretend it's anything amazing gameplay wise. Climbing for example is terrible and you can't even swim.


oh, fuck me!



via ninendolife.com





I am at 40% complete and
about to head into where the 3rd conduit hideout.

Anybody else get a little frame rate problems when you go into your special move with a lot of guys are on the screen? I noticed it happen
when you use the neon special move. I noticed it happening in the Lantern District.


Nork unification denier
Just out of curiosity; why do you think they're horrible? They're short and get you a look at some nice artwork, what's to hate aside from having to do all of them in succession if you didn't do any of them before finishing the rest of the side content?

Honestly, they take too long.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Man, the fight against the one who dwells was bullshit.

Repetitive fight against a boss with tons of health, an environment that makes it very easy to get stuck or have something in your sight, attacks that stun you (I hate that nonsense in any game), potentially combo-stun you, and an attack power that can kill you easily if you get combo-stuned and stucked.


I don't really think they nailed the the traversal - they just made it an "auto-win" after you got upgraded powers. It's fun and cool looking but let's not pretend it's anything amazing gameplay wise. Climbing for example is terrible and you can't even swim.

I don't understand, you can Flash through the city and almost fly at time but we are going to complain about climbing and swimming? What? If you are climbing then you are wrong and yes, the swimming thing is dumb but I understand why they did it.

Man, the fight against the one who dwells was bullshit.

Repetitive fight against a boss with tons of health, an environment that makes it very easy to get stuck or have something in your sight, attacks that stun you (I hate that nonsense in any game), potentially combo-stun you, and an attack power that can kill you easily if you get combo-stuned and stucked.

Before we call it bullshit for sure let's make sure that you knew
when he seperates into all of the small angels to fly across the room, you are aware you were supposed to be shooting those out of the sky to do the big damage right?
Finished my second easy/good playthrough; Platinum get. Possibly the easiest I've gotten. Fun, though.

Not sure which story I preferred, evil or good. The story as a whole was pretty underwhelming, though it had a lot of great individual moments. I kind of wonder if it's possible to tell a great story (that is, a more than simply "good... for a video game" level story) in an open-world game, or for that matter, a game with moral decisions.

Oh, and the text prompt you get after the credits.
Cement your victory...
Ha haaa.


Filler side missions, A to B missions etc etc are pretty much in all open world games, I don't see why InFamous gets frowned upon more for it.
I'm actually pretty lenient on Infamous here* and I honestly rated the game a 4/10 until the third power. The third power got me back in the groove again. Never before have I experienced such a turn with a game and using a power many don't have a fondness for :]

That one is probably my favorite.

I've seen it implied that burning out on side missions is 'playing the game wrong.' That's a very poor excuse to me. I know that developers routinely go through every possibility during design so my suggestion is probably nothing new. Second Son should have slowly unlocked all of the district side missions along with the main story. As Delsin slowly accomplished his goals the DUP should have done more to assert itself. DUP escalation more closely matching Deslin's. Most of the main missions were average open world stuff and some were pretty good. I actually liked most aspects of the boss encounters. It gave me a good laugh when part of them broke down into the side mission strategy of
run around building up meter then Karma Bomb the objective
. 7/10 is a fair and generous score.

*Wow, Second Son just gave me Far Cry 2 flashbacks. Weird thing here is FC2 better realized its environment, but I ended up having much more fun with Second Son.
I don't understand, you can Flash through the city and almost fly at time but we are going to complain about climbing and swimming? What? If you are climbing then you are wrong and yes
Yes, the game missed an opportunity to make it more interesting. Climbing the final tower was the closest it got.
The side missions are definitely the worst in the series, it's probably why SS feels shorter than past games because they're so repetitive that I can't do any more after a while and just go on with the story. inFamous 1 had much more variety, satellite uplinks were a lot of fun, nothing like that here.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Before we call it bullshit for sure let's make sure that you knew
when he seperates into all of the small angels to fly across the room, you are aware you were supposed to be shooting those out of the sky to do the big damage right?

Yes, I did that. I am not saying that fight was too hard - I died three times - it was just badly designed and boring. When I died, I didn't have the feel that I died justly for screwing up.
I jumped around, spammed R1, recharged and alternated between Neon/Smoke, killed the angels first, tried to have something in the LoS while recharging.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I don't really think they nailed the the traversal - they just made it an "auto-win" after you got upgraded powers. It's fun and cool looking but let's not pretend it's anything amazing gameplay wise. Climbing for example is terrible and you can't even swim.

It is auto win but it's very fun and satisfying and using it in combination with your combat abilities works very well. I was a huge fan of games like Crackdown and Prototype so I do love an open world game with simple and fun traversal. Gives you that superhero feeling.


Yes, I did that. I am not saying that fight was too hard - I died three times - it was just badly designed.

Just making sure, I think the fight was to long too but there were some who were complaining about length and were unaware of what I spoiled.
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