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Infamous: Second Son |OT| Smells Like Beanie Spirit

Don't get me wrong, I'd love that power, but I just wanted to know why people thought we were going to get a power with such little to go off of.
All Celia does is run away from us, and drop origami lol.

I want to believe!

The DUP file pretty much lays out all the different forms it would take, and as they mentioned, there's paper everywhere. Someone asked me that question while I was playing, and I just started shooting up paper sources left and right - newspaper machines, mailboxes, DUP flyers at checkpoints, etc.
The DUP file pretty much lays out all the different forms it would take, and as they mentioned, there's paper everywhere. Someone asked me that question while I was playing, and I just started shooting up paper sources left and right - newspaper machines, mailboxes, DUP flyers at checkpoints, etc.

I actually noticed that, too. I started becoming more aware of all the paper being thrown around after I (accidentally) broke and ATM and cash started flying out.


Finished the game today with Hero karma. Really, really loved this game, a ton of fun. Now to start an Expert run on Evil. Excited for the evil ending that a lot of people are liking.

Endo Punk

SP said powers come in sets. Smoke and Neon being one,
Video and Concrete
being the other. If we're getting paper then there might be DLC for the the power after that. Wouldn't mind some glass action.


SP said powers come in sets. Smoke and Neon being one,
Video and Concrete
being the other. If we're getting paper then there might be DLC for the the power after that. Wouldn't mind some glass action.

As if paper cuts didn't hurt enough, throw in some glass.
Completed my Evil Expert playthrough and got the platinum trophy today. The evil ending...shit was awesome. Loved the presentation of it too. So good. And also the easter egg(if you want to call it that) when you get the platinum trophy was a nice touch as well. A very fun game, glad I bought it.
I do want the evil ending to be cannon. If there was a sequel then the good campaign could be about redemption or something. Evil being even eviler!


I actually don't have the game yet, but I just had to jump in and say how much I'm enjoying the OST. Such a huge leap past the first two games.


Finished the game (good ending) a couple of days ago, going for 100% completion atm.

I must say I was seriously impressed with the game overall. The best game Sucker Punch has ever made. Jaw-dropping visuals (easily the most impressive thing I have ever seen, and the artistic side is god damn awesome also), amazing soundtrack, great characters and the story/ dialogue was surprisingly good but most of all the game is just PURE FUN. The powers is amazing, must have spent hours running around with neon and leaching every flashy sign that pops up. So satisfying.

The side-stuff is pretty lame but that doesn't really matter when the gameplay is so freaking great.

Easily the best game I have played this gen so far.

Been looking for a hidden camera near a camping site for about 45 minutes. This shouldn't be this hard for me.

The camera on the tree? That one was damn near impossible to see.


Just beat it. I ended up liking it a little more by the end. I generally didn't care for most of the story beats, and the side objectives were a little bland, but the core encounters became more and more enjoyable with more powers available under your belt.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
So that Heavens Hellfire will be the DLC?



I kinda hope they shake up the mission design for the next couple weeks of the Paper Trail. Endless taking of pictures at crime scenes is getting a little tiresome.

It's kind of amusing that the content that takes places outside of the game is much more enjoyable than the missions themselves.
Just finished this with the good ending. Enjoyed the game a lot, need to go clear up a few areas though. Looking forward to the evil play through where I don't need to worry about what I hit.


Did you guys get the Conduit early detection test kit mail (not e-mail but real postage mail) from Sucker Punch/Sony? Did a series of test that uses the cards in the mail (some are visual cards and some are amora smell cards) anndddd I got this at the end:


Not sure what it supposed to mean but it's cool. Really cool.
So uh just to confirm with people, has part 3 of the paper trails released yet? I've beaten the game and done all the districts, this is the only thing I have left outside of a new game to do evil side (which I probably won't do).


I really didn't mesh well with the story at all. Too much of it seemed to revolve around "I need more powers." Which is an okay theme to build from, but it permeated everything, from Delsin's desire to find the other conduits, to his quips with Reggie, to the more noble desire of healing his family. And it felt really...manufactured that immediately after obtaining any power, you just visit 3 thingies to unlock the moves. Feels like they should just be unlocked from the start, or provide a more organic way to do that.

Once you get the powers from the other conduits, the roles diminish for all but the first to a significant degree. Feels like chapters were left unfinished, there could have been more done with the characters. I would have also liked to have seen more enemies with more power types as well. There's just not a lot of enemy variety. By the end of it all, there was some sort of fatigue for seeing so many rocks and boulders and such because 99% of the enemies were all that type. It wasn't bad, necessarily. Just a bit boring. Being able to switch it up on the player's end alliviated some of that same-y-ness, somewhat.

(Mild Spoilers)

I felt like there needed to be more villains than Augustine. Some minor ones to pace the plot, maybe ones tied specifically to Fetch and Eugine. I dunno. It felt like a bit of tunnel vision to just be chasing her the whole game. This ties a bit to both the enemy variety concern as well as the supreme focus of "getting powers with which to fight Augustine" plot. Having a different faction of villains with a different set of enemies would just provide some flavor to the game world, and you could actually have some branching objective paths, rather than everything leading to Augustine. The best you get is that Fetch hates Drug dealers, so you blow up 3 boats. Just not that memorable. Some minor antagonists could have helped provide some variety to the side objectives as well.
(Major Spoilers)

I felt Reggie's death was unneeded, used for cheap emotional connection. We already had a personal reason to hate Augustine, knowing that Delsin's tribe was (supposedly) going to die if he didn't obtain her powers, but then the game just seems to beat it over our heads after this point. However, at the same time, it provided something more than just "obtaining powers" plot, and it gave some much needed depth to one of the 3 other conduits that the others didn't really see. So I'm a bit conflicted about it. It just seems to be a big tonal shift from the rest of the game.
All in all, I'm disappointed a little bit, but not to the extent of anything resembling regret. Just I guess I was hoping for something really great and memorable, when instead I just got a predictable average game.

Though I love the Paper Trail stuff. It seems like such a weird fit to be doing sleuthing in an Infamous game, but this is the type of extra content I like. It's hard to make a full opinion without seeing how it ends, but I would much rather see stuff like this rather than skin packs or other vanity items, throw-away dlc like that.

For some reason, the exceedingly binary good/evil dichotomy in the Infamous series doesn't really bother me. I know in most cases it's common to want shades of grey, to want meaningful moral choices, a reason to steer away from 100% good or 100% bad, but I'm just not sure infamous would benefit from that sort of treatment compared to, say, the next Mass Effect.


On reddit it seems that there will be no time of day change for when you finish the game:


I don't really like the time of day at the end.

Good thing I made a few duplicate saves during the game at different times of day!

If this is true then that really sucks! Why have tsome amazing lighting and weather if you can see it again. It's one of the bullet points of open world games now that they have dynamic weather and time of day.

Maybe effects such as the rain and night in the first Seattle section is too hard to add to the whole world...
So which powers did you guys use the most?

I gotta say over-all I used Neon the most. But video really grew on me at the end since I could turn invisible, then sneak take out foos and build up for the angel swoop. Also video had flying. Ugh I can't decide which of the two I liked best, but looks like Video would be much better as an evil character.

As to the other two powers, I can't stand smoke. It's so boring compared to the other two. And concrete is ok, it's just that you saw it so much throughout the game it turned mundane.
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