Finished this up tonight. Grinded to top fame rank,kitted out two Picaroon BB's to go alonside by Absoluta + 2x carriers with 60 fighters each. Pretty much swatted my way through the game at that point ( there was some grinding involved of course to do it, but only for a few hours for fame and the rest doing cargo fleet runs and escaping a lot for the huge sums of cash that requires).
I really liked the low-key, text-heavy presentation and intricate sci-fi story. It's neat because it's a much different sort of scifi than we see in American books/film-it's very Japanese, but not so in the usual anime JRPG get-along-gang/loli brigade fashion. It's rough, game isn't afraid to "break some eggs" with the story when it needs to, and, best of all, the characters remain very consistent throughout the game. They act as you would expect them to act based off their previous behavior, and that alone puts IS heads and above the characterization of most games where characters do whatever the hell is most convenient for the storyboard, previous behavior be damned.
I'm happy also that the battle system is so fast (because you do fight a lot, and need to fight for cash and fame) yet has enough unpredictability to burn you a bit, at least until you decide to snap the game's balance in half 2/3rds or so of the way through. Certain customization strategies and ship abilities are extremely powerful to the point of being abusive, but at least the game doesn't really break down until well after the game's story has its hooks in you enough to see it through. I haven't tried the extra mode yet but hopefully there is some nasty stuff there for advanced players.
The customization is really awesome in this game because of the way that it effects everything in the game. Literally everything in the game that you can manipulate you can min/max with appropriate customization, to the point where you can totally change the nature of how you fight battles-huge fighter waves ( I got up to 450/tick with one configuration ) or big guns picking off ships in direct fire. Fighters in large swarms seem kind of OP but for the cost it makes sense-carriers+huge fighters are really expensive. I like the "money" fleet option that they have with cargo holds for farming cash and totally abused that to raise cash for the endgame BB's and carriers.
Some of the issues do have some validity-the interface can be pretty obtuse, the lack of journal is a bit jarring, and some of the menus can get kind of crazy with scroll speed in the late part of the game. Those are really small complaints. What I don't get are some of the complaints about jarring difficultly-the game does a very good job actually providing combat feedback IF you don't skip the damage screens (so you can see what weapons are being fired and if they are hitting) that you can use to refine your tactics. If you're skipping battle damage reports during fights and wondering why you're getting killed, that's your problem, not one of the game's IMO.
Localization of the game seemed pretty solid-whoever did it handled it pretty well. I was happy to see that. I do with the game had better external documentation , but honestly it's no worse than most of the crazy PC games I play so I can't throw too big of stone given the size of a manual required and that there is good in-game help.
Very solid/good game. I don't think it really needs a sequel-the story seems complete, if the ending is a bit open-ended, but I would like to see more games that focus on a high degree of customization mixed with a story that is uniquely intricate due to the simple nature of the presentation of game.
Two thumbs up for sure.