Damn. I want to wait on this game for a price drop or GOTY edition, but that looks pretty nice. Maybe I'll redbox it, then wait for the GOTY.
EDIT: oops, double post, sorry.
That ain't old?
I really hope the story is more KingdomCome/ThatSupermanAnimatedEpisode than Marvel's Civil War
I'd be totally fine with stealing costumes(or at least color palettes) from that Justice Lords episode.
I really hope the story is more KingdomCome/ThatSupermanAnimatedEpisode than Marvel's Civil War
Gonna give some first impressions of the online here but leave the details for my video review of Injustice.
I haven't done full testing but from the matches I played tonight...don't get your hopes up for Injustice netcode. Not a final nail in the coffin either, waiting on some people across the states to find out what's really up.
Gonna give some first impressions of the online here but leave the details for my video review of Injustice.
I haven't done full testing but from the matches I played tonight...don't get your hopes up for Injustice netcode. Not a final nail in the coffin either, waiting on some people across the states to find out what's really up.
Gonna give some first impressions of the online here but leave the details for my video review of Injustice.
I haven't done full testing but from the matches I played tonight...don't get your hopes up for Injustice netcode. Not a final nail in the coffin either, waiting on some people across the states to find out what's really up.
Gonna give some first impressions of the online here but leave the details for my video review of Injustice.
I haven't done full testing but from the matches I played tonight...don't get your hopes up for Injustice netcode. Not a final nail in the coffin either, waiting on some people across the states to find out what's really up.
Not too surprising after how horrid MK was online.
Not too surprising after how horrid MK was online.
Does anyone know if confirmed Wii U footage of the game exist?
The net code is bad? Well that removes any chance I had of being competitive at the game.
What video?First DLC character is MM. THe IGN video almost pretty much says it.
I'm hoping a few people get it on the Wii U so I have some gaffers to play against.
EDIT: Not offered on the Wii U according to Best Buy site. Damn it...
I think he's talking about the one where IGN guy sees MM in the background and ask if he's playable and NRS dev says "well we haven't revealed the full roster yet".What video?
I think he's talking about the one where IGN guy sees MM in the background and ask if he's playable and NRS dev says "well we haven't revealed the full roster yet".
Who's MM?
huh? i'm getting my wii u copy from best buy and it's already shipped.
I didn't see the video but I assume Martian Manhunter.
Guys, seal is broken in NYC. Just got an pic text from my friend confirming it.
I didn't see the video but I assume Martian Manhunter.
Guys, seal is broken in NYC. Just got an pic text from my friend confirming it.
Im semi tempted to take the trip. I think i just may.
He doesn't know how many copies the store had left so just be wary that ymmv.
4GB install on the PS3
Theres a massive day 1 patch and the game isn't out yet to have a lot of folks to judge things from is how I see it. Who all was given an early copy by NRS anyhow? I know folks are pirating left and right (dicks), but who has a real copy they are allowed be playing yet to ask about this? Netcode is hard to gauge without players and we dont know who has received (if anyone) the day 1 update patch so hold off and make up your mind once its out and folks are around to test with is what I say.
That sucks.
Powergirl according to the Injustice iOS game:
Kinda looks off in my opinion.
Gonna give some first impressions of the online here but leave the details for my video review of Injustice.
I haven't done full testing but from the matches I played tonight...don't get your hopes up for Injustice netcode. Not a final nail in the coffin either, waiting on some people across the states to find out what's really up.
You're right. Needsbigger boobsboob window.
He doesn't know how many copies the store had left so just be wary that ymmv.
No (thankfully) -- those are just two of the many iOS support cards.So we're getting Power Girl and Super Girl in the game as DLC? Excellent!