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Injustice: Gods Among Us |OT| With Super Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


This is an NRS game, only the story mode and costumes matter.

I would say if you really wanted to talk about gameplay, TYM is the place to go, but that's not really true, at least for Injustice, its fine for MK9 though.


A lot of people interested in injustice are comic book fans. They are interested in references and things relating to them. That want to play their favorite versions of character xyz so no kidding costumes would be on their mind.


This is an NRS game, only the story mode and costumes matter.

I would say if you really wanted to talk about gameplay, TYM is the place to go, but that's not really true, at least for Injustice, its fine for MK9 though.

This. I'm honestly looking at TYM and its all whine, complain, nerf nerf nerf and honestly even its players seem bored with it. I like DC and I like fighters and this one is okay, but honestly since its really repetitive and flowcharted I also only get excited for alts and characters. Its becoming my casual game now because I can pretty much rely on the same stuff no matter what comes up. I got locals I can play at least with this...I still got to wait for KoF XIII steam edition to find matches in that game. Tomorrow I'm picking up a wii hori stick locally and I'm gonna hit up some folks for nostalgia TVC.

Anyhow yeah...you'll get your deep meaty combo and tech talk at TYM, but most of the time its just business as usual. Folks dont talk tech a lot here because most folks are really straight forward in this game. It needs better footsies imo.


We'll agree to disagree.

I'll try to explain why the third Batman movie angers me.
  • Tries to have two comebacks for the main character in the same film. You cant do this...its a film school "no no". He shows up, runs from cops after 8 years, gets broken, and then has to build up to a fight scene at the end where he STILL doesn't get to be the one to beat Bane. Batman spends 90% of the movie as a pitiful shadow of what Batman was in the previous movies. You have no reason other than "batman" to care.
  • I dont care if you are Batman...8 years no training with injuries means you cant just strap on some armor, a pneumatic exoskeletal knee brace and be back in shape to be Batman. Worse still his comeback from the back injury is done by having a vertebrae punched back in by a prison guy and then by doing pushups in a cell while malnourished. Sorry, but Batman or no we do NOT have enough reason to believe he is ready for anything. He should be worse now than at the beginning of the film.
  • Sean Connery Bane delivers every line like he doesn't care and the actor has no presence in both body language and build. He has weight lifters gut and honestly if he isn't going to get to speak his own lines you could have done better. For God's sake why not use Nathan Jones?! Dude is 6'10, a stuntman, and was a pro wrestler who is USED to selling himself in films as an imposing monster. He would have been huge next to the Bat...use him.
  • Bane isn't South American...he's not even close. He's somewhere between british and Australian for no reason in his voice work. Complete flop and cmon...Sean Connery impersonation?! Also a guy this big needs both an imposing voice and to have the spanish thing. Hell there are plenty of voice actors who could do this. Even Antonio Benderez works better than grade school Sean Connery VA.
  • Fight scenes are TERRIBLE. Shot in wide angles with not nearly enough cuts. You use rapid cuts to imply speed and action. You use closeups to make the actors appear huge and imposing. You use pans to imply that the movement is just flying everywhere. Watch these...they are shot in ways that allow you to see not only non imposing combatants, but really bad choreography. Terrible boxer BS...Just...just terrible. The final fight was the worst. They shot it in the DAY in wide angles surrounded by fighting mobs. This made them look extremely out of place, and also less exciting than the violence surrounding them. Plus Bane doesn't get beaten...
  • Why is Batman still using the much mocked growl voice if everyone already knows who he is? Drop it dude. And cmon LITERALLY retreading the "WHERE IS HE" mocked line with Bane that was used in the last movie is begging to get groans. It was mocked before and now its just sad.
  • Plot holes. Plot holes. Plot holes. How the fuck does the now bankrupt Batman get back to gotham from the country of "foreign"? No money=no travel. Also how the hell did he get into a city on lockdown by the government without any gear? He expressly mentions he has no gear in the next few gotham scenes which is why he gets Morgan Freeman. Also Bane took your armory...oh wait no he didnt some was hidden? Yeah...loose at best. Oh and you parked the Batplane some misc place and no one found it?!? They were scavenging the city for months! Bullshit. Oh and how did you get the "clean slate" program for Catwoman? Never explained that shit...Oh and how in the HELL was there a plane for Morgan Freeman to check the Autopilot on at the end of the film if it BLEW UP IN A NUCLEAR BLAST!?!?! Bullshit.
  • Bad plot. The only thing they wrote was how they would trap the police with concrete laced with exposives. That was the one legit piece of writing. Everything else? No build up. Just random disasters to keep the action going. Bane finds a speech from Gordon and everyone knows Batman is innocent and Harvey was a monster. Yeah they just couldn't figure out how Bane could know shit about that so they literally had him find a dropped speech about it. Whooops! Talia Al Ghul suddenly pops a knife in Batman! Wait...if she hated him so much then why did they hook up? BTW having his power go out, then have him say Alfred left with everything and THEN have Batman get fucked = he is a pity fuck and made to look so pitiful by that point in the movie no one could care about him. Batman is officially made a loser. Couldn't figure out how to beat Bane so Catwoman shoots him ...this only makes Batman even more pathetic than ever. He never beat a single bad guy.
  • FORCED. LOVE STORY. lets count how long Batman and Catwoman had talked...once for 2 minutes when she robbed him, once for 4 minutes when he got his necklace, once when she led him to Bane so she could betray him and once when he gave her a "clean slate" in the city. Yeah she totally must be in love with him and needs to kiss him and act all infatuated. BULLSHIT SHOEHORNED LOVE INTEREST.
    [*]Bane's mask is stupid No one liked that in early shots and its still largely mocked. Looks like hes eating spiders or chewing up a nightie or something. Seriously...if he doesn't get shown without his mask then get a cool one. You could have even gone for a swat style black mask with some red nightvision looking lenses and it would have been damned close to his past stuff and would have been EASY to make look cool. Plus glowing red eyes would have created easy shots to create tension. Think about it...Nathan Jones in a mask like the one I described and black full body swat gear...fights batman in the street during the initial chaos from the explosion whilst batman is exhausted from released inmates. Bane would LITERALLY get to do what he did int he comics...wear Batman down by making him the ONLY chance at law in Gotham during this and then he could blindside him and fight in front of the public to break their spirit. To destroy their hope. Have his top get torn and show how huge he is but leave the mask. Break the Bat over your knee and suddenly he keeps his mask on because its glowing red eyes are now as iconic to the public as the Bat was. Dont just random have Batman walk up to your lair and get broken with no one around to care in a dull fight with too little meaning. Plus he could have been kept in a hole or something in Gotham and tormented as he heard people killed daily. At least this way him suddenly being back in Gotham would make sense if he escaped, hid in town, and built his strength and armaments.

There is more but...yeah. You get the point. It was absolute trash in my eyes. If you liked it then its simply because "yay Batman" in my eyes. My bolded statement would have been an easier write in to fix the plot and still use most of their ideas and yet they went with something that made less sense and that was harder to explain and harder to make compelling.

Mistakes were made in this film. I will forever hate it, but to each their own.


There is more but...yeah. You get the point. It was absolute trash in my eyes. If you liked it then its simply because "yay Batman" in my eyes. My bolded statement would have been an easier write in to fix the plot and still use most of their ideas and yet they went with something that made less sense and that was harder to explain and harder to make compelling.

Mistakes were made in this film. I will forever hate it, but to each their own.

I thought the third movie was awful too. What stands out in my mind are the combat scenes, just awful. Especially the part where Bale and Hardy were standing there punching each other like idiots during the "war" scene. Batman's supposed to be a skilled martial artist, quick and agile. Instead, they, as you said, "boxed" each other.

Plus, it was pretty damn boring in my opinion.


shaowebb said:
* long diatribe about TDKR that no one asked for *
I'm not reading all of that. You're like the only 3 people I've ever encountered who have this raging hatred for a movie that almost every movie-goer on the planet loved. Like I said, we'll agree to disagree.


Back on topic, I would love to see a Green Lantern Sinestro Costume and maybe a Speedy/Red Arrow/Roy Harper alternate for Green Arrow.




I'm not reading all of that. You're like the only 3 people I've ever encountered who have this raging hatred for a movie that almost every movie-goer on the planet loved. Like I said, we'll agree to disagree.


Back on topic, I would love to see a Green Lantern Sinestro Costume and maybe a Speedy/Red Arrow/Roy Harper alternate for Green Arrow.

But you felt it important enough to comment about how you don't care. Which is rather rude, by the way. I think he brought up a lot of valid and thought out points in his argument which is more then you usually get on the internet. Plenty of people didn't like the movie. Just because you apparently "haven't encountered them" doesn't mean they don't exist. Also, yeah the movie was popular. No one is saying the movie wasn't popular. I hear the Twilight movies were popular too.

You probably will see that Roy alt.


But you felt it important enough to comment about how you don't care. Plenty of people didn't like the movie. Just because you apparently "haven't encountered them" doesn't mean they don't exist. Also, yeah the movie was popular. No one is saying the movie wasn't popular. I hear the Twilight movies were popular too.
It was an animated gif "comment" - based more on his internet rage at movie Bane - but either way, not really something requiring a Wall-of-Text-Response™. Anyway, that's the last I'm commenting on it. I don't think anyone wants this thread derailed into a TDKR Sucks vs TDKR Rules trainwreck.


It was an animated gif "comment" - based more on his internet rage at movie Bane - but either way, not really something requiring a Wall-of-Text-Response™. Anyway, that's the last I'm commenting on it. I don't think anyone wants this thread derailed into a TDKR Sucks vs TDKR Rules trainwreck.

If it helps I'd like to get that Bane alt because I'd take that alt into my lab training as my permanent punching bag. ;)

All joking aside though, I just wanted you to understand what it was that turned me off. If I rant and rave I try to at least dignify folks with an explanation of why I got upset. I still dont know what it was that made you like it,but hey different strokes for different folks. Still think my bolded section at the end would've been a better progression of the scenes and plot points they attempted to create.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
This. I'm honestly looking at TYM and its all whine, complain, nerf nerf nerf and honestly even its players seem bored with it. I like DC and I like fighters and this one is okay, but honestly since its really repetitive and flowcharted I also only get excited for alts and characters. Its becoming my casual game now because I can pretty much rely on the same stuff no matter what comes up. I got locals I can play at least with this...I still got to wait for KoF XIII steam edition to find matches in that game. Tomorrow I'm picking up a wii hori stick locally and I'm gonna hit up some folks for nostalgia TVC.

Anyhow yeah...you'll get your deep meaty combo and tech talk at TYM, but most of the time its just business as usual. Folks dont talk tech a lot here because most folks are really straight forward in this game. It needs better footsies imo.

As much as I like the game I agree that it's too straightforward and it's a big issue. Faster walkspeed all around would do wonders for the game's longevity.


As much as I like the game I agree that it's too straightforward and it's a big issue. Faster walkspeed all around would do wonders for the game's longevity.

Yeah...they just played it too safe and because of that players have extremely limited options on approach. I think they panicked on going too far and didn't go far enough with basic options. They were probably worried about the next Cyrax of resets or the next Kabal tier thing cropping up, but they should have been more adventurous on mobility and not worried so much. I honestly wish the game had been designed with KoF rolls in mind when the cast's movesets were being made. Would do wonders for the mixup game and mobility, but theres no way it could function in the game as it is now. It would break the balance entirely across the board on the roster. If it was added it'd have to be a meter burn of dash and even then could you imagine some of the cast with it? No thanks...that ship has sailed and they missed the chance to prepare for a journey with it long ago.

The game needs better footsies to broaden the options across the board. As is the footsies are so limited that you can predict the flowchart of nearly any matchup now that folks know a bit about the cast and their options. I really dont see much changing in terms of how folks get their offense/defense running in this game. Its largely why I feel so many teleports are creeping into the game.


As much as I like the game I agree that it's too straightforward and it's a big issue. Faster walkspeed all around would do wonders for the game's longevity.

Faster forward walk speed, rebalance of stage hazards, increase range on select normals across the cast(too many characters have T-rex arms).

As well as a small rebalance across the cast, for the more simple characters, nerf some of their tools that are too easily abused, well bringing up some of the less useful stuff.

The game has a lot of really fun and interestingly designed characters, so its a huge shame to see the game be dominated by two really simple and overpowered characters like Black Adam and Superman. Actually that might be a slight bit unfair to Adam, but fuck Superman.


Faster forward walk speed, rebalance of stage hazards, increase range on select normals across the cast(too many characters have T-rex arms).

As well as a small rebalance across the cast, for the more simple characters, nerf some of their tools that are too easily abused, well bringing up some of the less useful stuff.

The game has a lot of really fun and interestingly designed characters, so its a huge shame to see the game be dominated by two really simple and overpowered characters like Black Adam and Superman. Actually that might be a slight bit unfair to Adam, but fuck Superman.

Agreed on all counts. Though lately I've been seeing a LOT of different cast in top 5 rankings. Still you are correct. TRex arms is a problem for a ton of folks. Zatanna, Green Arrow...there are just folks with not range and in a game with poor movement thats bad. Theres a lot of mediocre to bad strings they could buff just for the sake of starter/combo variety like you say as well.

I think they were so afraid of screwing up a new product they didn't give us enough room for options in their design.


I just witnessed someone who plays rushdown who was looking for a new character that fit his style get told MMH would be a perfect fit for him.

What is this I dont even...
secret insider knowledge of the upcoming patch

or common sense guessing that they should hop on characters that are under the radar in preparation for the nerfs to the top

or they're just bored of the characters they played before and won't actually do well with these new ones and will either go back to top tier or quit the game


Or they learned some new tech with the characters that changes things. Seeing as the game is still very new, this is always possible.


He lost to an Ares player that did a wake up super. There's your super secret tech guys. He rage quit against Revolver's Lex who is very good though.

If you want to see tech watch REO play his MMH, very scary.


Summerjam apparently went crazy with folks trying out different cast and saying "screw you" to tier lists. This is gonna be an archive to enjoy apparently. It'll be nice to see things shaking up a bit.

I'm rather interested in checking the revolover Lex out. I run locals with a guy who has been adamant on the character that the dude will blow up. I've been saying that he's no doubt close to blowing up but that he just lacks enough time to setup trait and space control to get his cool stuff to work consistently.

I want to see how revolver ran his footsies to get armored up to setup his traps and orbs.


Zod Combos

I got the game a few days ago, slowly figuring it out. I recorded two combos with Zod, 29% and 40%. Probably not the best uses of meter but I made it strictly for fun. Would greatly appreciate your subs, I plan to keep recording videos as I improve.


The game needs better footsies to broaden the options across the board. As is the footsies are so limited that you can predict the flowchart of nearly any matchup now that folks know a bit about the cast and their options. I really dont see much changing in terms of how folks get their offense/defense running in this game. Its largely why I feel so many teleports are creeping into the game.

I feel the general improvements to character's normal pokes including the d2 buffs have hurt the game. I feel there are universal options available to characters making fights very even but also very bland. Characters have huge combo starting attacks that are safe on block making players content to swing with only one or two attacks. Why not? They are safe and any counter poking will only relinquish the initiative to them once again.

Characters need more risk. There are many nuances within each character's movelist but players are not bothering to explore all the various standing attacks available to Black Adam, Shazam, Green Lantern, etc. because there is one great option always available free of cost. If big combo starters posed more risk, you would get excited to see GL land a b1 or Adam land a b2. You'd also see him poking with his godlike b1 forward advancing knee (+1 on block) and finally challenging opponents with d3 rather than pointblank lightning.

Watch KT Smith play Green Lantern (he fought at 8 on the break this week, check Jaxelrod's Youtube channel). He used the same cross-up setups and b1/f3 mixups as everyone else, but his timing and placement was WAY different, more nuanced and directed. He tried to make big plays because he knew they would pay. He did not settle for poking safely with only one or two moves hoping his opponents would never find solutions. Players like him, Tom Brady, REO, and guys like Kombat Houston's Cat who are actively looking to advance the neutral game of their characters as well as strategizing not only how to mixup opponents but how to take advantage of their opponents are the players who will push the game to the next level. With less universal poking and safe mixups, we would also see more reset-focused strategy. Again, watch KT Smith's GL. He made his pressure super ambiguous by varying both his direction of attack and his level of attack. If GL lifts you then just does dash-under b1, this reset is incredibly telegraphed. If double forward dash f3 always crosses over in the corner, it's telegraphed; where is the mixup?

In my opinion, the changes so far have given uncreative options to characters making their strategies obvious and bland. Fighting through difficult matches leads to the greatest discoveries and the most interesting matches are the ones which are nuanced, not necessarily even. We will see how the game looks after the upcoming patch, but so far I feel the changes have not been entirely relevant to the original design of specific characters (Did Bane need a faster forward dash, or could he have been a defensive character focused on whiff punishing?). Giving each cast member a reliable anti-air, a safe fast close poke, a ranged combo starter and an ambiguous jump attack gives them all the same options and leads to very symmetrical play. Characters need unique motives and game plans to clash in varied ways. The earliest version of the game had this, and a lot of this still exists. I am merely concerned the universal buffs will lead to greater symmetry than is intuitive.


Laos_boy on TYM did a test to time the forward and backward walk speeds of every character in the game. Check out the results.

I used Atlantis
I start from the very right corner and walk back full screen and forward full screen
First number is Forward walk
  • Green Lantern 2.5 sec 3.2 sec
  • Flash: 2.6 sec 4.5 sec
  • Raven 2.7 sec 3.4 sec
  • Bane 2.8 sec 5 sec
  • Hawkgirl 2.9 sec 5.3 sec : 2.6 sec 1.8 sec
  • Solomon Grundy 2.9 sec 4.3 sec
  • Black Adam 3.0 sec 3.0 sec
  • Doomsday 3.0 sec 5.6 sec
  • Sinestro 3.0 sec 3.6 sec
  • Deathstroke 3.0 sec 4.4 sec
  • Batman: 3.1 sec 5 sec
  • Killer Frost 3.2 sec 4.2 sec
  • Ares 3.2 sec 5.2 sec
  • Wonder Woman 3.3 sec 4 sec : 4.6 sec 5.1 sedc
  • Shazam 3.3 sec 4 .2 sec
  • Joker 3.4 sec 5.4 sec : 1.9 sec 2.8 sec(Lvl3)
  • Batgirl 3.4 sec 4.2 sec
  • Zod 3.5 sec 5.1 sec
  • Aquaman 3.5 sec 4.6 sec
  • Lex Luthor 3.7 sec 4.4 sec
  • Lobo 3.9 sec 6.4 sec
  • Superman 4 sec 3.5 sec
  • Martian Man Hunter 4.1 sec 3.8 sec
  • Nightwing: 4.1 sec 4.4 sec : 3.7 sec 4.1 sec
  • Scorpion 4.1 sec 7.3 sec
  • Harley Quinn 4.1 sec 5.1 sec
  • Cat Woman 4.2 sec 4.7 sec
  • Green Arrow 4.2 sec 5 sec
  • Cyborg 4.6 sec 4.7 sec
  • Zatanna 4.8 sec 5.3 sec : 3.7 sec 4.5 sec
-everyone's forward walks are faster except MMH and Supes
-Scorpions has the slowest BW
- Zatanna has the slowest FW
-Black Adam has the fastest BW
- GL has the faster FW not including HGs Flight

lol at some of these.


Question from Boon. Weigh in GAF.


Test Your Might has been going around the block on this pretty hard too. Check some of their arguments out as well as several tourney contenders weighed in already and give their thoughts on character problems.TYM thoughts

My vote? Shazam.


I don't even know what I would even ask for at this point. Everyone knows Superman and Black Adam are going to get hit, that's just obvious.

I've been maining Zod for a good bit and I feel that outside of his glitches he's perfect as is. Not broken at all. Mainly playing as Zod/Nightwing and Ares. Ares only weakness for me is his wake up, so just have to learn to block. Opening people up with Nightwing has been my really only difficult thing but it's manageable. His corner game is godlike with Escrima though.


not sure what they could give him, but I'd like it if they tweaked doomsday to be a bit more competitive. He does well enough now, but as the days pass by, he is going to preform worse and worse as more people understand him.


The newest issue of the comic kinda makes me really want Captain Atom as DLC.

Also another issue that makes me hate Wonder Woman even more.


not sure what they could give him, but I'd like it if they tweaked doomsday to be a bit more competitive. He does well enough now, but as the days pass by, he is going to preform worse and worse as more people understand him.

I think DD is fine. Trait gets him in for free, top 3 jump-3 in the game, and great corner game. If you don't have trait to get in, MB supernova works great too when your opponent doesn't have meter (dashing out from under it is not that easy if you aren't ready, and it can be impossible online.) Id they do have meter you can bait them to use it by just doing the standard supernova from full-screen. If he got buffed I would be pretty annoyed.
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