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Injustice: Gods Among Us |OT| With Super Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


PC version has me interested. I'd like to give Raven a facelift.

Also if anyone wants to see a good Zatanna player Maximillian runs sets vs Zatanna.

I thought the dude in the first match was gonna be bad, but he nearly "only a true mastered' Max and then keeps it tight the rest of the set. Impressive stuff. I like the use of Wand form's lightning cage to blow up Batgirl teleports.
I'm saddened by the fact that Lobo won't be getting any alternate costumes. /:

Same with a bunch of other characters, along with all the DLC besides Zod.


I'm saddened by the fact that Lobo won't be getting any alternate costumes. /:

Same with a bunch of other characters, along with all the DLC besides Zod.

I think there is still a chance for it. The Komplete edition of MK vita came with alts for the DLC.

And Boon is teasing a new skin tomorrow, but it might just be Arkham Origins related.
I think there is still a chance for it. The Komplete edition of MK vita came with alts for the DLC.

And Boon is teasing a new skin tomorrow, but it might just be Arkham Origins related.

Oh yeah? Hopefully I get my Reverend 'Bo outfit, its my most wanted for Lobo.

Oh nice, guess i'll hold out to see if more costumes eventually come by.


Oh yeah? Hopefully I get my Reverend 'Bo outfit, its my most wanted for Lobo.

Oh nice, guess i'll hold out to see if more costumes eventually come by.

You say Reverend Bo and immediately an image of Bo Rai Cho dressed as a priest with the damn vestments hanging off him popped into my head.


I'm still absolutely baffled that there aren't more classic costumes. Those should've been top priority.

Yeah, really. They're missing some real iconic ones. Feels like they left a ton of money on the table.

I'm expecting a single skin to be announced tomorrow since his twitter hint was singular, and it being some sort of Arkham Origins tie-in.


Wow, I am noticing a sudden increase in Scorpion players online. Not the scrubby ones either, but some pretty decent ones. Im kind of a bad matchup for Scorpion players since I'm using Bane a lot, but I am seeing some real usage out of this character now.

Whats the deal? Did people decide his damage was suddenly decent enough post patch to use him again?


Im at a local convention the next 2 days. I went in today to ask if the game room would have Injustice. FYI this guy's game rooms always suck. Played brawl local with so much lag due to the way he set it up for jumbotron that it felt worse than a 1 bar MK online match. Also almost all his controllers are broken but hey you bring your own for tournies so whatever there...

...anywho he says he'll have it for tourney tomorrow.
I ask if he will have "the patch"
...blank stare.
Okay do you have ANY patches?
Blank stare ...is there anything in them?
Um MB interactibles cost twice as much, d2 uppercut changes across the whole cast, massive changes to game balance since launch, guys like deathstroke, bane, and others have massively changed since launch so yeah quite a bit.
blank stare...um...yeaaaaaaaaaah...we might. No promises.

So hey no point in this tourney tomorrow. If I at least had the dash improvements I'd run Bane, but as is his tourneys are so shit that he still tries to run sf4 vanilla no patch no cast unlocked as a legit tourney. Fuck my local scene's convention game room. If you EVER hear that a local anime or gaming convention is using "THE LANDING ZONE" for their game room just save yourself the price of admission. Dude is pure shit.


So NRS is making the mobil version of Arkham Origins.
It explains the cross promotion even more. I hope we get the Origins costumes for the console game, and they don't just stay exclusive to the IOS version of Injustice.


Man I would kill for this in Injustice.


Im at a local convention the next 2 days. I went in today to ask if the game room would have Injustice. FYI this guy's game rooms always suck. Played brawl local with so much lag due to the way he set it up for jumbotron that it felt worse than a 1 bar MK online match. Also almost all his controllers are broken but hey you bring your own for tournies so whatever there...

...anywho he says he'll have it for tourney tomorrow.
I ask if he will have "the patch"
...blank stare.
Okay do you have ANY patches?
Blank stare ...is there anything in them?
Um MB interactibles cost twice as much, d2 uppercut changes across the whole cast, massive changes to game balance since launch, guys like deathstroke, bane, and others have massively changed since launch so yeah quite a bit.
blank stare...um...yeaaaaaaaaaah...we might. No promises.

So hey no point in this tourney tomorrow. If I at least had the dash improvements I'd run Bane, but as is his tourneys are so shit that he still tries to run sf4 vanilla no patch no cast unlocked as a legit tourney. Fuck my local scene's convention game room. If you EVER hear that a local anime or gaming convention is using "THE LANDING ZONE" for their game room just save yourself the price of admission. Dude is pure shit.

Where are you from, again?

Also Injustice T-shirts


Where are you from, again?

Also Injustice T-shirts


Its got an anime convention thats like 8 minutes from me so I hit it up each year, game and just generally hang out at doing the whole armor making thing as an art project to enjoy. At least on the shitty unpatched thing they had I was able to teach some youngsters a little bit about how the game works. Hilarious thing was before I even showed up all the little kids who were playing at the time had already created a gentleman's agreement not to play Deathstroke, Superman or Aquaman as they all found them too cheap and dirty in the vanilla copy they were playing. XD



Its got an anime convention thats like 8 minutes from me so I hit it up each year, game and just generally hang out at doing the whole armor making thing as an art project to enjoy. At least on the shitty unpatched thing they had I was able to teach some youngsters a little bit about how the game works. Hilarious thing was before I even showed up all the little kids who were playing at the time had already created a gentleman's agreement not to play Deathstroke, Superman or Aquaman as they all found them too cheap and dirty in the vanilla copy they were playing. XD

NJ here

There are a few scenes for injustice around here, but I haven't gone out to them due to work/school. I do get to hear from my costumers how much they hate doomsday though. It warms my heart.


NJ here

There are a few scenes for injustice around here, but I haven't gone out to them due to work/school. I do get to hear from my costumers how much they hate doomsday though. It warms my heart.

Yeah I got a group of locals I can hit on occassion if college and other obligations permit. We got a MMH, a Doomsday, and a Superman and I'm the guy who plays Hawkgirl and Bane. Our Superman player may be picking up Lobo though and our Doomsday used to use Flash. That MMH player though can play just about anyone...he's got some real potential and I'm hoping he gets out to some venues.


Yeah I got a group of locals I can hit on occassion if college and other obligations permit. We got a MMH, a Doomsday, and a Superman and I'm the guy who plays Hawkgirl and Bane. Our Superman player may be picking up Lobo though and our Doomsday used to use Flash. That MMH player though can play just about anyone...he's got some real potential and I'm hoping he gets out to some venues.

Do you play on PS3? I could use more Hawkgirl match up experience.




So has WBIE released any screenshots for the PS4 version yet?

Also, I'd love to see Delsin Rowe appear as an exclusive character in the PS4 version, ala Kratos in Mortal Kombat.


Sooooooooooooo 8 Way Run just streamed and both Grrr and Darth Arma showed up with Banes winning everywhere. Grrr, as expected, who I suspect is the superior Bane made it to Grand Finals where he too lost to Rico Suave. Losers finals was Grrr vs Darth Arma with Grrr's Bane beating Darth Arma's secondary character Batman since I guess he didn't want to run that mirror match.

Who is low tier now?

Also for more Low tier rising from the ashes check out this fun Lobo channel.

I really enjoy watching how the character moves and approaches now. The roll up jump into the dive is deceptively fast and opens people up a lot and the overhead into low grab is pretty easy looking. Also just double popping nuke shell if the first one hits for damage does a surprisingly large amount of damage. I really believe this character is going to rise now after playing him a bit and seeing his low starter, new nuke range and armor in action. Have fun.


Bah, anyone have issues joining a friend through invite? Girlfriend and I are trying to do online training and we keep getting "Game session no longer available". Didn't have this problem a month ago and we can join randoms just fine.

Edit: After like ten invites it works but still. :|
i have started playing it again to prepare for the pc version, eased back into it. Playing mostly as Superman when playing online (how original lol).


For those interested in picking up Bane he's different than most cast. Here are some tips to just jump right in:

  • Your best starters are either D1, Jumping Body Press (Jd3), or F2D (comes out as the overhead from F2D3 by itself...sets up a lot)
  • B23 and B21 are safe on block but have a fair amount of startup. His fastest strings are 11 (-1 on block) and 123(-4 on block). Use these however you see fit, but remember that your best starters with Bane are NOT strings in most cases. Remember this and get used to the rhythm of using a character who mainly abuses armored punishes and the moves I stated earlier to setup any strings he wishes to go for. Folks thought he was low tier because they tried to slug it out with strings and normals and yolo charge all day and if you play him that way he WILL be bad. Dont use him like other cast who rely on strings...Bane relies on armor and tick punishes.
  • F2D is super useful and should be what you experiment with a lot in the lab. Mix up using it and D1 in matches and folks will have a hard time blocking.
  • A Blocked body splash still nets you a free D1
  • Body Splash crosses up REALLY heavily
  • All of Bane's specials have armor on venom, but at level 3 F2 and F2D ALSO get armor
  • MB uppercut crosses up and controls space well vs jumpers and dashers. Use it on occassion to screw with folks.
  • experiment with crossups on people's wakeups sometimes. Bane has a LOT of stuff that can reverse peoples inputs on their wakeup including simply mixing a dash in before you do something if they are knocked down in the corner.
  • If you have Venom on Double Punch becomes a constant tool for you as it punishes with armor like crazy and has great corner push
  • F2D3 in the corner will crossup on the D3 dropkick portion of the string and put you behind folks and reverse their inputs consequently due to that.
  • If you input D2 and Body Press (DBF 3) immediately after raging charge you will perform it right in the sweet spot that means they cannot backdash or jump out
  • after ANY knockdown start abusing Venom specials with Bane. Unless they have a multihit wakeup you will beat them. Mixup using Venom Uppercut (kills jumpers and some standing stuff),Body press (kills blockers), and Double Punch(kills backdashers and standing wakeups) midscreen to screw with their options and in the corner just abuse Body Press as it is super hard to get out of that armored grab in the corner with much of the cast...you can kill a whole life bar just with that last one
  • B23 is a go to string off of most hits if you dont know combos. It combos into all his good stuff, into D2 and even itself and with Venom you will even as a new player be able to turn any random B23 conversion attempt into some scary damage
  • Try to end combos with either Body Press or Bane's air grab whenever possible to maximize damage. Body press will often connect at the end of many combos you wouldn't think it could.
  • Bane's Dash is insanely fast and long range. One of the best in the game. Do not be afraid at full screen. Block and dashup with him catches up to run away oppnents in one to two dashes.
  • F2D3 , while knocking folks nearly fullscreen, generates so much stun you can perform 2 dashes immediately afterwards and be right on top of their wakeup.
  • Some wakeups will screw with Bane. You can cancel into Bane's armored specials though off of D1,D2, or B2. If you are worried about stuff like Black Adam's lightning on wakeup just do D1,D2, or B2 then immediately double punch or venom uppercut in most scenarios to get by. Honestly this tactic beats all of Black Adam's Wakeups.
  • Avoid The Flash, Green Lantern's Chain Gun, and letting Black Adam Run Away from you. These things are pretty hard for Bane to deal with.
  • Jumping splash wins a trade vs Black Adam Divekick
  • Bane's special auto corrects. Rarely is it worth it to blow 4 bars on this special when Bane can do so much damage and armor through things with Venom on his own, but if you face off against something like Scorpion's teleport know that on reaction you can Yolo super off a read and he will turn around and grab him out of the air behind you. Also remember that if they are at 2/3rds-ish health and you can lvl 3 into Bane super off of something you will kill them.
  • Manage your Venom wisely. Dont just juice to level 3 unless you are in a combo or got something going. Doing it raw to reduce damage or chip is rarely worth it IMO. Use lvl 1 venom for that and if you aren't getting in yet then make the judgment call whether letting Venom run out so you dont suffer long recovery is better than just continuing to juice before it runs out at each level. This is something always based on the match so pay attention to how well you are getting in and opening people up. In slower matches play it conservative to stay out of debuff longer unless you absolutely feel going lvl 3 venom for projectile immunity will turn around the match.
  • Chill if you are in Debuff. Without armor you cant stuff wakeups for stupid damage or make stuff safe. Hang back, block and try again later.
  • If you got lvl 3 Bane and MB b3 against a super for the damage reduction the amount of damage you dont take is retarded Turns Lobo's super into a measly 19% if you do that defensively to take less damage.
  • Double Punch is neutral on block. I cannot speak highly enough of this move.
  • *NEW* Batgirl's wakeups stuff Bane if you dont use the right tool. VS Batgirl you cant use armored attacks as she has cartwheel. Instead use B1. It stuffs ALL her wakeup attacks and if she uses Bat Evade Bane will recover from B1 sooner than Batgirl can cancel into ANY of her options from Bat Evade meaning you can B1, and then block, use Venom Uppercut, Double Punch or even go for Body Press worry free. You can also use D2 specifically vs Cartwheel wakeups but the timing is strict and it doesn't stuff all her other stuff. Still if you read Cartwheel and know to time the D2 the moment she is upside down you get a free launcher into full combo off of that additional trick. Congrats...you can now destroy Batgirl's wakeups as well.

Mr Goldenmyer

Neo Member
I'm thinking about picking up a secondary character just to mess around with or to use in some MUs that I hate. My secondary is currently batgirl but I'm thinking about either Flash or Nightwing, these characters own my SOUL when I play against a solid one so it would probably be good to know their best strings and weaknesses better.

It's hard though, I have way too much fun playing Green Arrow that I don't want to stop. I honestly wish I had people in my college who were good at the game so I could practice more. I only get to play when I go home on certain weekends and when I DO play, I grind out a lot of hours.

Green Arrow is probably my favorite character that I've mained in a fighting game. I use to downplay him a lot before I understood him more, but now I can see that he's at least upper mid tier.


So no real info yet on the Vita/PS4/PC versions and the game is out in less than a month. I'm kinda nervous these are gonna be badly rushed ports.

Still irked they never patched in a MK PC windowed mode.
So no real info yet on the Vita/PS4/PC versions and the game is out in less than a month. I'm kinda nervous these are gonna be badly rushed ports.

Still irked they never patched in a MK PC windowed mode.

Ps4 version will probably be the same as the pc version.
So no real info yet on the Vita/PS4/PC versions and the game is out in less than a month. I'm kinda nervous these are gonna be badly rushed ports.

Still irked they never patched in a MK PC windowed mode.

I'm guessing the PS4 version will be ok. At least I hope so since that's the version I'm going for.


Wow Shazam's B2 is Godlike for getting in. You can cancel it into torpedo or 3 and it does like double overheads and stuff if you start playing with these cancel options. Pretty big distance...I think I just found my main way to get in with him.

I've been reading up and till now I was playing with his J2 and J3 crossups to get in and if they blocked them I'd jail them with 2,2 and go for the 50/50 of either a high or low grab. It was pretty good stuff, but you bet the farm on that 50/50. Definitely digging the B2 better for now.


Zatanna - Combos after Levitate cancels are now capped at 3 instead of 2.
Harley Quinn – Reduced opponents invincibility frames after being hit with her Mallet Bomb, allowing additional hits to combo right away.
General - Rolled back a fix for input buffering in Advanced Controls which removes some unintentional Block Escapes that players were experiencing.
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