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Injustice: Gods Among Us |OT| With Super Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


Because he was nerfed.

He was nerfed, but I guarantee you even if you gave him all of his original tools back (including 1.3 mil or whatever it was), no pro would put him in their top 10 characters (aside from using him as an assist). Probably wouldn't even make it to top 15. He'd probably BARELY be higher than he is now. Higher health means nothing if every character in the game gets a free mixup just by standing next to you. He's just a terrible, terrible character with a great assist. RayRay and the other great pilots work wonders with him.


Mrs. Harvey
Only review worth looking at is from 1up and Haunts. Those guys play fighting games on a more serious take than your average reviewer who can easily get destroyed by your average online player.


Or like that preview for Marvel 3 that claimed Arthur was broken. They were like "oh he's such a spammy character I hope they fix that for the final game!" It's like shit, that's the point of the character. You take that away from him and that's a different character.

See, my issue with "casuals" (if we must) is that they don't actually want to learn the match up. They expect to learn one specific strategy that works all across the board. If you aren't willing to push yourself to be a better player and actually learn something then fighting games simply aren't for you. If you bitch and moan about "patch this, patch that" because you can't be bothered to take 5 minutes to see the situation and try to figure out the best way to tackle it, then fighting games aren't for you.

If you are the type of person who just mashes buttons and hopes that something good comes out then I don't want to hear your opinion on balance.

And since we are on the topic of Arthur, for those who do not know, Arthur is generally considered to be a terrible character.

To be fair, +90% of the people they are giving their feedbacks to are not tournament players neither, and will be stuck in the "casual" area of balance as well.
Simply put, their feedback will probably be accurate for a large majority of their readers.

I am not a tournament player either. I do, however, understand the concept of a "tier list" and that it is constantly evolving. New things are being figured out all the time, even for games that are much older. It isn't a question of knowing what is good or what isn't. It is a question of realizing that is out of your area of expertise and you should not pretend that it is.
That Deathstroke vs Deathstroke match in the Giant Bomb Quick Look was painful. :(

What's also painful is having to wait until Friday for the UK release, haha.


No reason a game can't have both. Since both DOA and VF feature them both with no issues.

I was playing mk last night, first time in months and the block button is really a hassle in that game especially if you haven't played recently. Though I don't find it to be a problem in vf or doa.

It might be the total number of buttons, or I'm just out of practice.



SI am not a tournament player either. I do, however, understand the concept of a "tier list" and that it is constantly evolving. New things are being figured out all the time, even for games that are much older. It isn't a question of knowing what is good or what isn't. It is a question of realizing that is out of your area of expertise and you should not pretend that it is.
Playing the devil's advocate here, but what do you know it is outside of anyone's area of expertise?
A lot of people are really good at "theory fighters" yet aren't tournament players because they don't have the skills to apply their knowledge.
I understand your point, but it is kinda the same thing as people stating you can't judge a movie if you never made one, a book if you never wrote one or a song if you don't know how to sing or whatnots. Critics are just opinions, you can't blame someone for telling he thinks the balance in the game is a problem. After that, what? You can't criticize graphics because you're not an artist? Can't say some mechanics are dull because you're not a game designer?

THOUGH, I do agree with you that when speaking about balance in a fighting game it would be wise to always emphasize the fact that balance doesn't mean much until quite some time has passed.

Plus it can't be as bad as some gamekult's reviewer stating that there were no zoning in Darkstalkers... ^^


Playing the devil's advocate here, but what do you know it is outside of anyone's area of expertise?
A lot of people are really good at "theory fighters" yet aren't tournament players because they don't have the skills to apply their knowledge.
I understand your point, but it is kinda the same thing as people stating you can't judge a movie if you never made one, a book if you never wrote one or a song if you don't know how to sing or whatnots. Critics are just opinions, you can't blame someone for telling he thinks the balance in the game is a problem. After that, what? You can't criticize graphics because you're not an artist? Can't say some mechanics are dull because you're not a game designer?

THOUGH, I do agree with you that when speaking about balance in a fighting game it would be wise to always emphasize the fact that balance doesn't mean much until quite some time has passed.

If one of your negative points for a game is that some moves are "spammable" than balance is probably not your area of expertise.

I don't really see your argument with the "only judge a movie if you made one" argument since most competitive players do not make the games they play. Making and playing are two very different things and while it does help to bridge an understanding by partaking in both, making a video game does not make one an authority of balance. Even less so if you do not work in the genre. This is why developers that gotten into hiring top level players to play test their games. Because they see and understand things that others without this experience would not.

If you have a lot of experience with novels than you have a lot to back up your arguments as to why one is good or bad, right? Same with music, food, movies, art, and whatever else can be critiqued.

As for the darkstalkers thing? That is exactly the kind of thing that should be avoided.
Which console is the game rated better on average. Also, is there a website that compares games that get released on multiple consoles. I always find it difficult to decide either PS3, 360, or in this case also Wii U.


Hmm, weird camera glitch throughout the match starting at 17 minutes in. Anyone else experienced it?

Probably has to do with the motercycle, and he stuffed it at a odd time and it flew off the screen causes some problems.

I might try and recreate it later in practice mode.


Hmm, weird camera glitch throughout the match starting at 17 minutes in. Anyone else experienced it?

I've played through Classic Battle with every character (on 360) and nothing like that has ever happened. Seems like extremely bad luck that it glitched up during the quicklook.


Finally some Wii U footage of the game.

Harley Quinn vs Joker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjwtT0yfXp0 - From latestwiiugames on youtube.
Superman vs Doomsday http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BefwXM3Gdpk
Cyborg vs Nightwing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwaInDB82Lg

This does mention an interesting issue. The Wii U gamepad updates quicker, if even slightly, then the TV. Could that impact online matches?

I didn't watch all the videos but it's probably their laggy TV. Essentially all HDTVs lag and almost all of them are noticeable especially in fighters or rhythm games.
I didn't watch all the videos but it's probably their laggy TV. Essentially all HDTVs lag and almost all of them are noticeable especially in fighters or rhythm games.

Perhaps, but we do know that the GamePad receives video marginally quicker than the TV generally speaking.


Perhaps, but we do know that the GamePad receives video marginally quicker than the TV generally speaking.

What? I'd like to see definitive proof of this. The only time I've heard mention of this is when it's some reviewer who can't tell the lag from a $300 50" budget HDTV and a CRT.
Probably has to do with the motercycle, and he stuffed it at a odd time and it flew off the screen causes some problems.

I might try and recreate it later in practice mode.

Check your inbox Khezu!

Could somebody list the order of the characters you play as in story mode?
And I never saw an answer about alt costumes that are exclusively won through the iOS game, is that a thing?
Hopefully the MK community takes to Injustice, and won't be opposed to a block buttonless MK10.

The block button has never really been a make-or-break feature for competitive MK. High level MK players will shift over to Injustice because it's the new game, regardless of if it had a block button or not. Though attention may be divided a tad because MK9 is the one at EVO.
Harley Quinn vs Joker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjwtT0yfXp0 - From latestwiiugames on youtube.
Superman vs Doomsday http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BefwXM3Gdpk
Cyborg vs Nightwing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwaInDB82Lg

Finally, some WiiU footage, thanks.

Looked a bit muddy/flat but I guess i could be an encoding/recording thing.

Found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iltPcK9t9BU

which looks much better I think.

Hopefully it's closer to the "real thing" :p
Oh good, so I can pre-order the game for £50 from the UK PSN store, but the game isn't being sold on the US PSN store at all?

WTF? There are no oceans on the internet.

Why do I have to wait three more days to play a game that's already out in NA?

EDIT: The Australian PSN store has the game tomorrow for £60... >_>


If one of your negative points for a game is that some moves are "spammable" than balance is probably not your area of expertise.
I think you're getting hung up on what is but a poor way to phrase an opinion.
Sure saying that some moves are "spammable" is not great in itself, but you can probably understand what he meant by that, and you can probably understand that at a casual level it could indeed very well be the case. Heck, we were speaking about noobs getting spammed by boulders without any idea on how to evade this earlier in the thread!
It does not mean that the game is badly balanced, just that it will probably discourage a handful of people who have no notion whatsoever of fighting games, and in his opinion this is a negative point.
I'm not saying I agree with him, just that I don't see the point in criticizing this particular point of his when he could very well be right for a good part of the people that will start playing this game.
It's really not nearly as bad as stating some false facts like "there is no zoning in Darkstalkers".

What would be cool, though, is if game reviewers started giving a little feedback on what kind of players they are and what kind of opinion they will therefore share in their reviews, instead of the "know all be all" kind of mentality a lot of them are currently showing.
In short, I don't agree when you say "if you don't know, just shut up", I'd rather say "if you don't know, give your opinion, but also tell your audience you're not a high authority in the matter, and are giving your opinion as a casual player of the genre". Because those opinions can also be useful to some.


Thinking about picking this up today.

Leaning towards 360 version mainly for achievements / friends on XBL... only benefit to Wii U version is being able to play it on the gamepad right?


What would be cool, though, is if game reviewers started giving a little feedback on what kind of players they are and what kind of opinion they will therefore share in their reviews, instead of the "know all be all" kind of mentality a lot of them are currently showing.

Shit yeah, man. Who didn't know Sushi-X was EGM's fighting aficionado?


Oh okay. I stand by my statement then. The first one says that the GamePad is only faster than the monitors that Nintendo provided (latency unknown) and only when wired directly to the console. The second link says that it equals a Sony Playstation Monitor which has 2 frames of lag. Most competitive fighting game players play on monitors that have less latency than that. Either way though, even if you're playing on a super laggy TV, it probably won't make a difference unless what you practice on is different than what you'd be competing on.
I think you're getting hung up on what is but a poor way to phrase an opinion.
Sure saying that some moves are "spammable" is not great in itself, but you can probably understand what he meant by that, and you can probably understand that at a casual level it could indeed very well be the case. Heck, we were speaking about noobs getting spammed by boulders without any idea on how to evade this earlier in the thread!
It does not mean that the game is badly balanced, just that it will probably discourage a handful of people who have no notion whatsoever of fighting games, and in his opinion this is a negative point.
I'm not saying I agree with him, just that I don't see the point in criticizing this particular point of his when he could very well be right for a good part of the people that will start playing this game.
It's really not nearly as bad as stating some false facts like "there is no zoning in Darkstalkers".

What would be cool, though, is if game reviewers started giving a little feedback on what kind of players they are and what kind of opinion they will therefore share in their reviews, instead of the "know all be all" kind of mentality a lot of them are currently showing.
In short, I don't agree when you say "if you don't know, just shut up", I'd rather say "if you don't know, give your opinion, but also tell your audience you're not a high authority in the matter, and are giving your opinion as a casual player of the genre". Because those opinions can also be useful to some.
Do they dock points from Marvel for imbalance? Call of Duty? Street Fighter? Why is Injustice singled out for such an absurd argument?


Here is a thread started by REO on Test Your Might, specifically dealing with how to get in on Deathstroke.

I think a lot of you will find this useful, especially early on, as a lot of people will probably try and abuse his zoning against players that might not have any idea how to actually counter it.

Deathstroke's zoning was designed in burst fashion to counter armor and force your opponent to get in manually. Since Deathstroke does not follow the rule of common single-fireball zoning, there are some tactics you can add to your game.

Best tips to deal with his zoning are:

- Ducking Low
By ducking low you avoid his instant air gun shots and standing gun shots. This means you strip his options into use low gun shots and assault rifle. Meter burn standing gun shots fire six bullets which do more chip on block. Crouching low gun shots fire four bullets which do less chip. Keep in mind if he decides to meter burn his assault rifle, it will fire a grenade that is an overhead and the end. You can see this on reaction and block standing.

- Staying on the ground more than the air
If Deathstroke's guns hit you while you are airborne, they will knock you further away from him. This can open up accidental teching which is what you do not want to do because it will put you even further away from him (important to remember this). It can also be very difficult to avoid streams of bullets while you are in the air. There is a very good chance you will be clipped and knocked away.

- Avoid trying to armor through
Since Deathstroke's projectiles are rapid fire shots that rip through armor (including most supers), it is a bad idea. Wasting meter on armor to try and bulldog your way in is what Deathstroke wants. Instead save your meter for other areas that you will need for when you do get in.

- Work you way in
You can work your way in on Deathstoke with proper movement. Unlike other high profile zoners (Cyborg, GL), Deathstroke's zoning does NOT push you back on block. This means you can crouch block gun shots and then inch your way in. Some characters with good dashes can even block gun shots, and then get a free dash in to cover more ground. Patience is a big key in this match and it plays an important role. Be aware of him randomly meter burning his gun shots if he sees you trying to mash forward dash while blocking, this may catch you by surprise so keep an eye on his meter.

- Dealing with Character Power (Unblockable Bullets)
You should always be on your toes trying to make sure Deathstroke can not go into his character power at ease. By constantly moving forward and staying on his tail, there is a very good chance he won't be able to use it with no consequence. His character power has a lot of start-up so many characters can punish him mid-screen, some even full-screen. If he does get it out, it's better to jump in the air and take minimal damage by taking air gun shots or being clipped by ground fire. Staying on the ground when he has his character power active is bad because he can easily drain 40% of your health.

I hope this helps some of you out there deal with his zoning better. There are some characters that can even outzone Deathstroke as well.
For those of you on the 360 how are u finding the controller for this game? I have a Hori EX2 stick that I have barely used but I am wondering if this is the game I should try and learn a stick on or just stick with the crappy Xbox controller?

I only tried using the stick a couple times and got frustrated with it, I know I need to give it more of a chance.
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