Hmmmmm, when Cruise works with good directors and writers the movie usually ends up being very good. This movie was actually co written by his new golden boy, whatever the dude who wrote and directed the last Mission Impossible movie. Also apparently saved Rogue One.
"New golden boy" = Chris McQuarrie? Writer of The Usual Suspects and The Way of the Gun? He's been awesome for decades, bro.
Even part of the article:
It must be super easy to get a bunch of big name, busy actors together for a promotional photo op! What a silly paragraph of text.
I'm one of the few that actually really enjoyed Oblivion
You're not alone. Thought it was cool.
Let the scapegoating begin.
What I don't understand is how the execs don't realize that audiences simply don't want a mummy movie. It's not an interesting IP nowadays.
People do nothing but jizz over the Brendan Fraser movie here. I don't see why people wouldn't want more mummy stuff. If it had turned out great, you wouldn't be saying this. The issue is in the execution (and the movie isn't totally awful, it's just not spectacular, which is a failure when you want to launch a cinematic universe, I guess).
Personally, as soon as I saw they turned The Mummy into a serious action movie, I lost interest. If they wanted this to succeed, it needed to be horror (with some drama). Go back to its roots. Make us feel for the Mummy.
Hmm, it's got horror elements, drama elements, fun action (just like the Fraser one), and even out there "grander elements" with Russell Crowe.