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Inside the disturbing sex industry thriving around America’s military bases.

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Well they're often in high stress jobs, away from their support group/family, and probably way higher paid than most in the local economy. Kind of like how in North Dakota's oil boom there was an insane rise in sex workers and strippers coming to the area from major cities.

Yeah pretty much. Military members are only human, and they/we essentially put life on hold for months at a time, so it is understandable. Would like to see some statistics for the different branches, I think being in the Navy things might be different because we are stuck on a hunk of metal in the middle of the ocean for weeks or sometimes more than a month, getting out on land is often a release and people are susceptible to dumb decisions.

Although all this talk of married folks from my experience it's the younger guys with no committed relationships who go out in town looking for a lay. The most I've seen married guys do is go to strip clubs, but generally they see prostitution as not a smart decision. I've seen more people, both male and female, cheat on their SOs with other people in the command than I've ever even heard of someone cheating on their SO with a foreign prostitute.

way more

I hear that they are a little more forward in Japan. Around bases Japanese prostitutes will sit outside looking for American men, and when one walks by they will say "Massagee?"

And American military men know exactly what "massagee" means

Japanese politicians are a little more forward

U.S. servicemembers should consider soliciting prostitutes to control their “sexual energies,” the mayor of Osaka said Monday. It was a suggestion that apparently didn’t get very far with a Marine commander in Okinawa.

“There are places where people can legally release their sexual energy in Japan,” Hashimoto said during a video press conference Monday in Osaka. “Unless they make use of these facilities, it will be difficult to control the sexual energies of the wild Marines.”

Hashimoto said that the commander responded with a bitter smile and told him that brothels are off-limits to U.S. servicemembers.

Hashimoto, who has a reputation in Japan for controversial statements, added that servicemembers have abundant energy because their missions put them in life-threatening situations.

“They need to think about a way to release that energy,” he said


man, barely any of you reactionaries have read the article, you're all railing against some imaginary article you've read in your brains. the problem isn't that prostitution exists, the problem is that human trafficking and literal exploitation of women from poorer countries is resulting from the policies the US Military and Host Nations are implementing.

From the article it seems that this is an issue limited to South Korea and Balkan states. We have military bases globally and they don't have these prostitute towns. There are 37 bases in Germany alone, a state with legalized and regulated prostitution but they don't have this issue.

You did say this is an issue of poorer countries and that does seem to be the point of this article. A big USA military base in a poor region will cause issues. But why South Korea? A nation with the 11th largest GDP globally. The reform and regulation of this industry needs to come from SK and they should follow the methods of other host nations.


There are 37 bases in Germany alone, a state with legalized and regulated prostitution but they don't have this issue.

You did say this is an issue of poorer countries and that does seem to be the point of this article. A big USA military base in a poor region will cause issues. But why South Korea? A nation with the 11th largest GDP globally. The reform and regulation of this industry needs to come from SK and they should follow the methods of other host nations.

I largely agree. When I talk about poorer countries though I mainly mean the places where the woman are sourced from, the Philippines most prominently in this article.


Also like I said at least in the Navy the policy is changing, albeit slowly. It's going from an unspoken given to something that is actively discouraged, even punishable by some commands(it really depends on your leadership). My first deployment it was no big deal, but by the time we deployed in late 2012 it was forbidden under punishment by non judicial punishment.

The entire military isn't simply looking the other way anymore.
Although all this talk of married folks from my experience it's the younger guys with no committed relationships who go out in town looking for a lay. The most I've seen married guys do is go to strip clubs, but generally they see prostitution as not a smart decision. I've seen more people, both male and female, cheat on their SOs with other people in the command than I've ever even heard of someone cheating on their SO with a foreign prostitute.
I've actually witnessed a girl cheat on her mil boyfriend with another mil guy, move in while he was deployed, and live with the new and *his* ex while they were getting ready to get married. Not to mention all the bog standard cheating .., Oh I can't wait to go back into this lol.
A lot of joking around in this thread when the article explicitly says that the women involved may very well have been sex slaves and taken advantage of.


I'm in the military, in Korea and if any of the bars around base that are accused of being involved in prostitution or human trafficking are put on a ban list that us service members are not allowed to enter (same with tattoo parlors). Doing so is an automatic visit with your commander and pretty much a reduction in rank.

USFK Off Limits list

That said, there's only so much the military can do. Once you get outside of the immediate area of the front gate, the military has little to no jurisdiction.


The article is suggesting they are in fact trafficked girls; it suggests they are being lied to and swindled by "recruiters" as well as being abused. It's suggesting that while laws were changed they are still generally dealing in girls who were taken advantage of.

Thanks for the info, just read the article.

Maybe read the article? Or the portion quoted ITT where it goes against your assumption?

That's fair. I didn't read it at the time, that's why I added the qualifier. Was just trying to get the gist. But I went back and read it now.
I'm in the military, in Korea and if any of the bars around base that are accused of being involved in prostitution or human trafficking are put on a ban list that us service members are not allowed to enter (same with tattoo parlors). Doing so is an automatic visit with your commander and pretty much a reduction in rank.

USFK Off Limits list

That said, there's only so much the military can do. Once you get outside of the immediate area of the front gate, the military has little to no jurisdiction.

Lol I remember those ban lists. We would take those lists and when we got on liberty, they would be the first places that we would go.

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Lol I remember those ban lists. We would take those lists and when we got on liberty, they would be the first places that we would go.

Yeah, what do you expect? If I was 18 and given shore leave and some stuck up officer says, "these places offer loose women, cheap sex, underage drinking and drugs along with cheap thrills, neon lighting and loud music. Do not visit them!," well, what are you supposed to do?

They should be given mandatory presentations on human trafficking and forced prostitution instead. The military is already a institution that regulates morals and this seems like just one more to add to the list.

But more important is that South Korea start taking care of it's own and stop legislating sex trafficking. I go back and forth on the idea of legalized prostitution but what is unquestioned is that the state should minimize exploitation and slavery. A place like SK can create a a semi-regulated grey zone at the very least that respects human rights.
It's been like a thing since the first organized armies. Who do you think was in the massive camps of civilians following armies, their mom?


A lot of prostitutes thrive (what a cynical use of that word, but it's true) near some bases State-side as well. Norfolk, VA, my hometown. One of the easiest places to find a call girl or even a street walker, even in affluent areas, because of the base.


It goes both ways. As a corpsman who held two NEC's with one being a pharmacy technician, I can't tell you how many times military wives came to the pharmacy to get Plan B when their husbands were on deployment.
The sobering reality. Girlfriend/wife back home takin' loads. Something fit for November Confession.

way more

Damn, no one is reading this article, huh

It's not a great article coupled with a bad topic.

Inside the disturbing sex industry thriving around America’s military bases.

This creates the impression that it's an issue around every American military base. Or that there is something "disturbing" from the GI side. Like the soldiers are making them preform gross and harmful sex acts. It's disturbing because there are villages of prostitutes and the South Korean government is legalizing sex trafficking.

There isn't a global network of sex oppression like the OP titles it. Even the article resorts to a few lame examples of the US military encouraging exploitation (Cowboy Cheerleaders at a USO show.)

It is a good article if it narrows in on the sad South Korean villages that have popped up to support the prostitution. This should become an issue on the congressional docket but the author uses a brush much too wide to paint everyone as the problem.


Ha. I thought this was going to be about bases within the US. Walk off a Navy base and you cant throw a rock without hitting a massage parlor.
Trafficked women or just migrant workers? Must be trafficked if a woman is selling sex because what women would ever do that by her own choice right?


This shit starts early. Friend got handjobs through the fence at boot camp..it was the thing to do.
Those girls must've been fucking surgeons, cuz all I can think about is getting my dick scratched on those sharp little studs that you see on fences.
Ha. I thought this was going to be about bases within the US. Walk off a Navy base and you cant throw a rock without hitting a massage parlor.


It's been like a thing since the first organized armies. Who do you think was in the massive camps of civilians following armies, their mom?

actually sometimes it was their mom. or their wives. but yeah also some merchants of all stripes, since time immemorial.


People paying for sex, oh the horror!

The army does this because you can't control horny soldiers. The moment you start to oppress biological sexual desires you only make matters worse. And using misogyny as the reason? Yeah how about we chop their dicks off to fix that problem! Army should hire eunuch warlords. No more misogyny and sexism!

These and many other replies in the thread, oh joy... So nobody should do anything to U.S. soldiers fucking trafficked sex slaves, because you can't oppress natural desires? Too hard just to abstain for a few months, so better fuck over people who don't have any choice in the matter.

What vile scumbaggery, and I'm saying this in the nicest manner possible.

Or maybe nobody read the OP and the link, but that's against the TOS, right?

Dead Man

These and many other replies in the thread, oh joy... So nobody should do anything to U.S. soldiers fucking trafficked sex slaves, because you can't oppress natural desires? Too hard just to abstain for a few months, so better fuck over people who don't have any choice in the matter.

What vile scumbaggery, and I'm saying this in the nicest manner possible.

Or maybe nobody read the OP and the link, but that's against the TOS, right?

Or maybe they are saying that prostitution is inevitable and it is the duty of the country itself to make sure it is safe and not using trafficked people. Maybe? It's certainly not as simple as 'Soldiers need to stop using prostitutes'.


^I don't think anyone is saying what is happening is justified, rather that it's not difficult to see why it's happening. It's so easy to say have a little self control and abstain from sex while your deployed or stationed overseas when you've never been in that situation. For a lot of people it's tough, compared to sitting comfortably at home.


These and many other replies in the thread, oh joy... So nobody should do anything to U.S. soldiers fucking trafficked sex slaves, because you can't oppress natural desires? Too hard just to abstain for a few months, so better fuck over people who don't have any choice in the matter.

What vile scumbaggery, and I'm saying this in the nicest manner possible.

Or maybe nobody read the OP and the link, but that's against the TOS, right?

I don't think anyone here is in favor of trafficking.


Or maybe they are saying that prostitution is inevitable and it is the duty of the country itself to make sure it is safe and not using trafficked people. Maybe? It's certainly not as simple as 'Soldiers need to stop using prostitutes'.

Sure, but indifference, apathy, not even checking what we're talking here to see the problems, and 'nothing will ever change' attitudes won't fix any problems. Military can regulate every other facets of soldiers' lives, so why couldn't military police couldn't keep rampant abuse around the bases in check if there was actual will to do so? It's more likely the brass on the top view this 'vent' for the soldiers as a beneficial thing and simply don't care about the consequences.

I don't think anyone here is in favor of trafficking.

That's what's blowing my mind here. Where do the incredible defensive attitudes come from when the facts about trafficking are laid out in the op article?


^they do do that, there's NCIS agents undercover all over the place overseas looking for stuff like this and also protecting service members. But there's only so many agents to go around, and they can't be every where at once.

And you know they do regulate just about every facet of our lives, there's tons of stuff we aren't allowed to do, yet people are getting kicked out all the time for doing stuff we aren't allowed to do.


I thought it was free college lol
Same at least thats why I'm joining
Idk prostitution should be legal everywhere but at the same time you need people to use protection.
I've been told in general people in the miltary are really fucking horny and that's partly why so many shitty marriages start.


Sure, but indifference, apathy, and 'nothing will ever change' attitudes won't fix any problems. Military can regulate every other facets of soldiers' lives, so why couldn't military police couldn't keep rampant abuse around the bases in check if there was actual will to do so? It's more likely the brass on the top view this 'vent' for the soldiers as a beneficial thing and simply don't care about the consequences.

What we need is a prostitution corps. Willing, not trafficked, men and women with access to excellent medical care to give our boys and girls the sexual relief they need. Put those traffickers out of business.


What we need is a prostitution corps. Willing, not trafficked, men and women with access to excellent medical care to give our boys and girls the sexual relief they need. Put those traffickers out of business.

Legalized, non-demonized, taxed, state-sanctioned prostitution with police and medical support for the workers might go a long way. There's tons of potential problems there too, but if this is the alternative... I don't know. This is one of those 'legalize it' arguments where there's not huge amounts of working data to go with.

Maybe we could start with screenings of 'Taken' for these dumbass soldiers first.


Sure, but indifference, apathy, not even checking what we're talking here to see the problems, and 'nothing will ever change' attitudes won't fix any problems. Military can regulate every other facets of soldiers' lives, so why couldn't military police couldn't keep rampant abuse around the bases in check if there was actual will to do so? It's more likely the brass on the top view this 'vent' for the soldiers as a beneficial thing and simply don't care about the consequences.

That's because there isn't much they can do, outside of the base gate, they have little to no jurisdiction, and that decreases the further you get away from the base.

Trust me, I'm in Korea, we get hounded on this. You can drill something into someone over and over again, but it's up to that person to choose to listen. The base cops patrol the bars around base (however, they can't make any arrests, especially against Korean nationals), undercover military is looking out for people that engage in this.

However, there's only so much the military can do. It's up to the South Korean govt to put the clamp down on bullshit like this.

I'm telling you what I'm seeing first hand after being in Korea for the last 11 months.


Sure, but indifference, apathy, not even checking what we're talking here to see the problems, and 'nothing will ever change' attitudes won't fix any problems. Military can regulate every other facets of soldiers' lives, so why couldn't military police couldn't keep rampant abuse around the bases in check if there was actual will to do so? It's more likely the brass on the top view this 'vent' for the soldiers as a beneficial thing and simply don't care about the consequences.

That's what's blowing my mind here. Where do the incredible defensive attitudes come from when the facts about trafficking are laid out in the op article?
Do you want to put trackers on them, that's gonna work out greatly.

Because not all prostitutes are trafficked. It's often very hard to control, even here in germany where it's legal.
I remember reading about how there were protests from the local bars at one base in sort Korea when a general banned his troops from these places. Like it said the whole setup is crazy hypocritical since it's supposed to be demeaning and stuff but and in Korean case they always talk about sex slaves from ww2 while at the same time set up almost the same system right after. Seeing old ads about it being a woman's duty to serve the bases is weird, evermore they don't like that being pointed out.

Either way it's probably worse these days now. Reading horror stories of girls getting their passport taken and having to "pay" it off to bar owners is just around bases is just the tip of the iceberg. Sadly no one on any side seems to care.... Or want to admit what's going on more likely


Do you want to put trackers on them, that's gonna work out greatly.

Because not all prostitutes are trafficked. It's often very hard to control, even here in germany where it's legal.

Exploding ID chips in the neck sounds great, yeah. Obama could probably send some over from NWO storehouses.

Seriously, it is a hard thing to control because many people are lazy, indifferent, ignorant, dumb or just evil. Doesn't mean we should ever take an attitude of 'it's not fixable'. Even lessening the suffering a little is better than doing nothing and spouting the old 'boys will be boys' platitudes. Check the early thread to see what I mean.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Korea has a mess that it actively doesn't want to fix though.
The stories I've heard from people that were in the military. Sounds like it's worse when you're in a naval sub and finally get stationed somewhere.
The stories I've heard from people that were in the military. Sounds like it's worse when you're in a naval sub and finally get stationed somewhere.

You should see people fresh out of basic going into tech school.

But yea, that works too. I've heard deployments to Afghanistan are rough too.


These and many other replies in the thread, oh joy... So nobody should do anything to U.S. soldiers fucking trafficked sex slaves, because you can't oppress natural desires? Too hard just to abstain for a few months, so better fuck over people who don't have any choice in the matter.

What vile scumbaggery, and I'm saying this in the nicest manner possible.

Or maybe nobody read the OP and the link, but that's against the TOS, right?

I would have a thing or two to write you about, but I'll just mention that my comment was written with sarcasm due the way the writer uses the holy three words of patriarchy. Not all problems are rooted to patriarchy. The World is not painted with two colors only.

Secondly, any kind of physical exercise makes things go hot very quickly. A week can turn into eternity.


Or maybe they are saying that prostitution is inevitable and it is the duty of the country itself to make sure it is safe and not using trafficked people. Maybe? It's certainly not as simple as 'Soldiers need to stop using prostitutes'.

you don't think that the soldiers are also responsible for this situation and are willingly exploiting the sex slaves, who are victims of human trafficking? Kind of like how sex tourists who travel to less developed countries with criminal intend can face legal persecution in their home country when they return?
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