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Inside the disturbing sex industry thriving around America’s military bases.

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Yeah, what do you expect? If I was 18 and given shore leave and some stuck up officer says, "these places offer loose women, cheap sex, underage drinking and drugs along with cheap thrills, neon lighting and loud music. Do not visit them!," well, what are you supposed to do?

They should be given mandatory presentations on human trafficking and forced prostitution instead. The military is already a institution that regulates morals and this seems like just one more to add to the list.

But more important is that South Korea start taking care of it's own and stop legislating sex trafficking. I go back and forth on the idea of legalized prostitution but what is unquestioned is that the state should minimize exploitation and slavery. A place like SK can create a a semi-regulated grey zone at the very least that respects human rights.

You're right that the military should give more presentations on human trafficking. When I was young (17-21), I thought human trafficking was a myth. It was something I heard about but I thought it was so rare that I would never run into it. All I knew was that when we finally hit a port, I had 3-4 months of pay checks saved up and I was ready to party. So here you have a bunch of high testosterone young adults with a pocket full of cash as well as beautiful women begging to do what we want for not much cash at all. It also wasn't just us youngins in there either. We would see officers and senior enlisted in those banned spots having fun too. We even had a captain that got caught drunk with a hooker in Dubai. Of course, he had a wife and kids back home.

When I look back on it now, I remember some of the situations I was in and and I start to feel bad. I've read how some of those women are promised a job like modeling or housekeeping so they leave their home country in hope of making some money to send back to their family. Once they arrive in Thailand, Dubai, or whatever country we are talking about, their sponsors take their passports and force them to be sex slaves until they pay back their "debt". It's really a shame.


Stay away from juicy girls.

You might end up marrying one, being taken for a ride by one and then being taken for a ride by her sister and end up in a loveless marriage where she does not respect you. Who gets my reference?

Edit: dam,n it beaten. GAf's collective memory never fails.


Guess my french comment was not clear, but the only way to make sure the prostitutes in foreign lands are fairly treated and disease free/controlled would be the french model of the military becoming the world's largest pimp itself.


The article is right, soldiers having sex with prostitutes in foreign lands sounds extremely unnatural. When did this phenomenon start?!

Pretty much. Whenever you see a military base somewhere, you know there are prostitutes near. It's pretty obvious why and i don't see how you would "fix" it, aside from abolishing the army itself.


Clarify on the term "love boats". Because all sorts of things happen on Navy ships. One of the carriers(Bush I think? Was one of the East Coast carriers I know that, since I've heard several people talk about it) a few years back had a legit prostitution ring going on, while we are on the subject.
Clarify on the term "love boats". Because all sorts of things happen on Navy ships. One of the carriers(Bush I think? Was one of the East Coast carriers I know that, since I've heard several people talk about it) a few years back had a legit prostitution ring going on, while we are on the subject.

Just men and women having casual sex behind their CO's.


Oh yeah, that happens. And some of them get caught. But a lot of them don't.

Many a baby has been conceived in fan rooms...


That is the definition of abuser logic.
I don't know, is it? That's not what I was getting at at least. I just mean that I'd prefer to have clear-minded individuals in my squad and/or as protection instead of having to rely on raving madmen with only pussy on their minds xD I don't condone rape or anything.


Their girlfriends/wives are cheating on them at home too so it all evens out.

This is absolute truth. When I served in the USAF, I personally knew a large handful of women who were cheating on their boyfriend/husband while he was deployed. Made me paranoid to be honest lol.


If soldiers are gonna bang hot foreign girls I don't care at all. Good for them. If the girls are getting paid? Even better.

This is as old as it gets.

And good of the soldiers in the article to look for better conditions for the sex workers.


It's an interesting article, although I think they're putting way too much into turning the prostitute situation into some sort of mirror for the US—Korea relationship, and the end turns into an unsupported screed that pornography and the military are responsible for sexism and misogyny.

Really this is just another facet of the issues of prostitution in general. Women are being exploited, so they make it illegal... and the author seems surprised that doing so only pushed it underground, who could have foreseen that?


I don't know, is it? That's not what I was getting at at least. I just mean that I'd prefer to have clear-minded individuals in my squad and/or as protection instead of having to rely on raving madmen with only pussy on their minds xD I don't condone rape or anything.

It is. And your explanation only makes it worse.

Their girlfriends/wives are cheating on them at home too so it all evens out.

This is absolute truth. When I served in the USAF, I personally knew a large handful of women who were cheating on their boyfriend/husband while he was deployed. Made me paranoid to be honest lol.

You guys can't be real.


brothels forming up near military camps? Happens literally everywhere soldiers are stationed and like others have alluded to is older than recorded history.

Pretty much. The whole rape and pillage thing has been one of the largest driving factors for individuals to be parts of a military unit since....ever. And when not doing the former, prostitutes have always been the runner up/alternative choice. Thank god the former is more or less dead among first world professional militaries after WWII.

Hari Seldon

When I was stationed near the Mexican border they showed us slide after slide of pictures of STDs lol.

Actually the smart thing was that the base commander made the drinking age 18, which cut down significantly on people leaving the base. You got to remember a lot of these soldiers are not even 21 yet.
A lot of joking around in this thread when the article explicitly says that the women involved may very well have been sex slaves and taken advantage of.

Yeah, that's a big concern. The ability for these establishments to make loads of money tends to lead to unscrupulous treatment of the women "imported" for the tasks involved.

This is absolute truth. When I served in the USAF, I personally knew a large handful of women who were cheating on their boyfriend/husband while he was deployed. Made me paranoid to be honest lol.

You guys can't be real.

You don't think there's a possibility of that happening?

I broke up with my first long term SO over stuff like that. I found out her coworkers were taking bets on when she'd break up with me because all they did was flirt with her and our schedules made it tough to keep in contact much. I did my best to stay devoted to her, but knowing the situation on her end and the temptations on my end, I decided it wasn't worth it for either of us.

If I was married to her, it would've been hell.

I'd actually argue that regulating the prostitution to make sure there's no sex-trade/human traficking involved would solve a lot of the problamic stuff going on.

That would cut down on a lot of the issues, but of course that's a hard thing to regulate and it would involve people in government talking about the issue directly, which seems to not be a popular thing. Sure Planned Parenthood is a talking point, but not actual sex in and of itself. That's a thing they'd rather have the CO's / military handle themselves.

Actually the smart thing was that the base commander made the drinking age 18, which cut down significantly on people leaving the base. You got to remember a lot of these soldiers are not even 21 yet.

That's another issue. You get a lot of people who enlist right out of high school for whatever reasons (patriotism, escapism, desire to travel, looking for structure, etc.) and a lot of them are given freedoms they've never had before. Couple that with an industry that knows where to set up and how to draw attention, and you get all kinds of trouble.


You guys can't be real.

Taken from the Facebook page "Shit My LPO Says". They routinely post stuff like this, among other Navy related humor.




Reality is that most likely when you join you'll see "the other world" once the bullets start flying.

Not in the Navy. Seen quite a bit of the world, haven't seen a single bullet fly, outside of training conducted by us.


It is. And your explanation only makes it worse.

You guys can't be real.
Care to explain your line of thinking please? Abuser logic is a new term for me and I don't see the problem in my reasoning. Of course, if some soldiers are married or in a relationship, having another on the side is most likely not okay even during war times.
Care to explain your line of thinking please? Abuser logic is a new term for me and I don't see the problem in my reasoning. Of course, if some soldiers are married or in a relationship, having another on the side is most likely not okay even during war times.

So, from the OP:

But at issue are also the broader American military culture, and the sexism and patriarchy found in the United States, Korea and much of the world. The behavior of men who take advantage of exploitative sex industries is often excused as a matter of “boys will be boys”—as merely natural behavior for male soldiers. In fact, there’s little about the behavior that’s natural. Men on military bases and women in camptowns find themselves in a highly unnatural situation, one that’s been created by a series of decisions made over time (mostly by male military and government officials). Those decisions have created a predominantly male military environment, where women’s visible presence is overwhelmingly reduced to one role: sex.

You're okay with trafficking and the abuse of women for sex work as long as soldiers get their rocks off?


So, from the OP:

You're okay with trafficking and the abuse of women for sex work as long as soldiers get their rocks off?
Ah, hell no, that's far from what I meant :/ I understand it might've sounded like that, given the thread context, sorry. I was thinking of sex with mutual consent, like if the soldiers happened to meet a girl at the club or something. Prostitution is rarely voluntary of course. Although I stand by my statement that I'd still prefer clearheaded soldiers having my back, it can't be regardless of how that's achieved. Trafficking is never okay.


Trucker Sexologist
So, from the OP:

You're okay with trafficking and the abuse of women for sex work as long as soldiers get their rocks off?
The abuse is primarily due to the combination of greed and the lack of regulation of the sex industry, or even enforcement of the laws on the books. The demand is going to be there as long as people have both dicks and money. As has been the case for several millennia. Prostitution is estimated to be a 10+ billion dollar industry in SK alone, and there aren't enough foreign soldiers around to even represent a sizable fraction of that revenue.
I'd say "welcome to a hundred years ago" but this sort of thing has been a thing since the profession and civilization and their armies came about. Never going to truly eliminate it, legal but tightly regulating it might be better and putting a huge amount of effort into giving people options that allow them to get out or not get into it to begin with seems pretty much like a pipe dream, especially for poorer countries.
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