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[Insomniac]Miles Morals will be the main Spider-Man going forward

Finished the game and got the Plat the other week. This isn't Ultimate Spider-Man and Peter Parker is in the fucking ground so him being sidelined is fine with me, if I want more Peter Parker I'll pick up a comic. Insomniac needs to create another OC to spark more intrigue with Miles, I like him more as a character but he's being drip fed from Parker's opposition and doesn't have enough to stand on his own.

They used the Prowler in his stand alone which was great but in 2 he was more street level social injustice which is partially what he was doing in the expansion. If they do Miles/Silk then do a DLC for Peter down the line after the third game where he comes back as a potential father to be or something I'd be happy with that.

Ulysses 31

Gold Member
But the inherent lack of voiced lines from her means I kinda struggle with getting immersed in whatever emotion she's expressing since I have to read the subs whenever she's conversing. It's just a bit too clunky for my liking.
I saw a reviewer mention that you could turn on voice lines for the deaf character and he did have some low brow humor with that "voice acting" being read by a real deaf person... :messenger_winking_tongue:

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Yeah this. The 2 most popular Spiderman movies in recent years were ones where Peter Parker isn't the Spiderman.
Just because they are purposefully shit-writing Peter in order to degrade him as a character doesn't mean the character is inferior to Miles.

I mean, he's literally being written as a psychotic cuck right now in the comics. All that to highlight Miles. It's the same bullshit they did with the X-Men comics and the Fantastic Four when they wanted to devalue them in order to hurt the FOX movies.

And based on some comments I am reading here, it seems to be working.
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Even the writing on the wall is woke


Seems like this would lead to more segregation, not less.

On topic, I haven't played Spider-Man 2 yet, but Miles wasn't too bad from the Miles Morales game, but a step down in writing and depth of soul from the first game to be sure. If they can make him more like Into the Spider-Verse, especially the new movie which is dark as fuck, I'm all in.


Next up: Miles Morales deaf girlfriend is the next main spider-man.

Me and my flatmate took a far too strong dose of 2CB (not intentionally) last week and we were finishing off Spiderman 2, when we got to that mission we were laughing our asses off (this drug makes you laugh riotously generally anyway) because the visual sound effects while she keeps falling over combined with the lack of sound made it really silent in the room IRL. It unintentionally amazingly funny.

Its not that its terrible or anything, its a small detour of different stuff like many games have to mix up the gameplay, but it was just so funny when we were loving travelling at ultra high speed, swinging around, beautiful animations and then you're playing as this comedy dumbass (no pun intended) falling around a building site while chasing a cat with hilariously bad sprite whiskers :ROFLMAO:


Gold Member
I like the spiderverse movies and don't mind Miles but what does he have in terms of his character? Note, these games and those two animations are my only exposure to Miles. I think his powers in the games are better and more interesting.

Peter has Uncle Ben
Miles has his dad and Li (is this Canon?). Also that kinda fizzled with the end of Spidey 2 so not sure if it has as strong as a lasting impact. Service versus responsibility right?

Peter has MJ
Miles has Hailey (Is this Canon?). Just seems like she was created for Miles whereas Pete's is a girl next door, high school sweetheart boyhood dream come true.

Peter has all the science stuff and is legit a genius.
Is Miles even in the same ballpark with any sort of intellect? I just get the impression he is like a bright kid but Peter was a science prodigy.

I feel both are strong situationally, if you create most of the encounters to require those specific abilities (bar the anti Venom suit) then of course that character will come off looking better.

Right now Miles in the spider verse cab stand alone. Miles in Spider-Man I don't think he is close. But I'm sure the gameplay will still be solid enough.
I didn't think it was nearly as popular as the Spiderverse films.
Pretty sure No Way Home made over $2bln globally. I don't think a single Spiderverse movie did those numbers.


After finishing Spiderman 2 at the weekend, holy shit did Insomniac go way overboard with the pandering and holy shit is Peter Parker's telegraphed exodus the worst direction they can take the series.

Peter Parker in this game was ruined as a character. Particularly egregious was when...
MJ gets a Symbiote forced on her and you have to fight her. Peter spends the whole time literally kissing her ass, grovelling like some pathetic sycophantic little mouse.
"You single handedly held us together!"
"You're so great!"
"You're such an amazing reporter" - after she literally fucked him over to get a leg up at the Bugle
"You were the real Spider-man!"
It was so fucking hard to listen to such an iconic character be so deeply emasculated.
Then to make matters worse the quest objective says that you must, and I fucking quote, "help MJ to save herself"... I'm literally not fucking kidding.

So Peter Parker and Harry Osbourne don't have strong enough mental fortitude to overcome a Symbiote, but MJ does?!... Why?!

Of course we know why... Because a woman literally cannot be saved by a man in a modern superhero story. It's the entire reason why we got all these shitty MJ scenes.

Then you have Miles Morales and Hailey, someone who literally has no other reason to exist in the game other than to tick an ESG score. She is deaf and that is all the game cares to show about her and her character, other than perhaps she's an artist. Yet despite the fact that she's such a criminally underdeveloped character, in literally every scene, Miles has to tell her, "you're amazing!"

It's fucking gross and insulting to actual deaf people. Deaf people are people. And they aren't automatically "amazing" just because they're deaf. Being disabled doesn't make you automatically amazing or even a good person. Some disabled people are assholes. Some are great, but the ones who are great are not great because they are disabled. They are great because they've cultivated mature, amenable, moral and ethical character that endears people to them.

Then that ending is just fucking nuts...

Did Insomniac and Marvel forget that the whole fucking event that defines Peter Parker as a character was the lesson from Uncle Ben that, "with great power, comes great responsibility", that Peter learned the hard way by not adhering to it and seeing the direct result being the death of his same uncle.

So you mean to tell me, that a Peter who just fought off a borderline world-ending invasion,
who ends up with a crazy power-up at the end (with all of the power and none of the downsides of the black suit),
would just decide to go against the very lesson that defined his character and "go be Peter Parker for a while"?.... Fuck off Marvel!!!

We know you've been on the shit train trying to replace all your most iconic heroes with woke swap-outs for years. You tried it in the comics. The Market said fuck you. Now you're trying to foist it upon the games... Guess what the market's response will be there?

C'mon... You must have a clue.
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Just because they are purposefully shit-writing Peter in order to degrade him as a character doesn't mean the character is inferior to Miles.

I mean, he's literally being written as a psychotic cuck right now in the comics. All that to highlight Miles. It's the same bullshit they did with the X-Men comics and the Fantastic Four when they wanted to devalue them in order to hurt the FOX movies.


Miles hasn't even appeared in Peter's book in the last 2 years, and he's going through the same arc of misfortune he usually does... its obvious you haven't read it because miles is barely even mentioned.

Peter's comic is also outselling miles. And Peter isn't appearing in miles book either. This has no similarity to the inhumans push, they are pushing a marketable character who virtually doubled the income of an already marketable character.

They literally just announced a SECOND peter book with no miles in sight to be explored in a new universe. The notion they are trying to reduce Peter's popularity is laughable.

And based on some comments I am reading here, it seems to be working.

Miles is just a good character lol. Many people like hi and have for a while. Hes far from the first alternate spidey to get a push, and he won't be the last.

My cousins consider miles to be Spidey. They identity with him way more than peter and thats ok. Some folks identity more with wally west than Barry Allen too.



Miles hasn't even appeared in Peter's book in the last 2 years, and he's going through the same arc of misfortune he usually does... its obvious you haven't read it because miles is barely even mentioned.

Peter's comic is also outselling miles. And Peter isn't appearing in miles book either. This has no similarity to the inhumans push, they are pushing a marketable character who virtually doubled the income of an already marketable character.

They literally just announced a SECOND peter book with no miles in sight to be explored in a new universe. The notion they are trying to reduce Peter's popularity is laughable.

Miles is just a good character lol. Many people like hi and have for a while. Hes far from the first alternate spidey to get a push, and he won't be the last.

My cousins consider miles to be Spidey. They identity with him way more than peter and thats ok. Some folks identity more with wally west than Barry Allen too.
Hogwash my ass.

Marvel has been trying to kill off/degrade/replace the old legacy characters with (diverse) replacements in order to stop paying royalties to the creators' (decendants) of these characters. This is why they constantly experiment with killing off legacy characters and replace them with other characters which Disney owns.

Tried to kill/retire/degrade and replace Bruce Banner with Amadeus Cho.

Tried to kill/retire/degrade and replace Tony Stark with Riri Williams.

Tried to kill/retire/degrade and replace Frank Castle with Joe Garrison.

Tried to kill/retire/degrade and replace Thor Odinson with Jane Foster.

Tried to kill/retire/degrade and replace Peter Parker with Ben Reily, Miles Morales and half a dozen other Spider-characters no one gives a fuck about.

And so on, and so on.


Hogwash my ass.

Marvel has been trying to kill off/degrade/replace the old legacy characters with (diverse) replacements in order to stop paying royalties to the creators' (decendants) of these characters. This is why they constantly experiment with killing off legacy characters and replace them with other characters which Disney owns.

Tried to kill/retire/degrade and replace Bruce Banner with Amadeus Cho.

Tried to kill/retire/degrade and replace Tony Stark with Riri Williams.

Tried to kill/retire/degrade and replace Frank Castle with Joe Garrison.

Tried to kill/retire/degrade and replace Thor Odinson with Jane Foster.

Tried to kill/retire/degrade and replace Peter Parker with Ben Reily, Miles Morales and half a dozen other Spider-characters no one gives a fuck about.

And so on, and so on.

Wow. This is absolutely BS. All of it.

First off, msvrle does not have to pay royalties to use any of their characters lmao. That is not a thing. All of them were created work for hire and they fully own them. If this were the case they'd have to pay for new ones too.

Tony Stark is currently starting in his own series and has been for the past 5 or 6 years. Riri is a supporting character and was never intended to replace him.


Bruce banner is the hulk, has been the hulk for the last 5 or so years straight and currently has his own series hes starring in. Cho is a decades old character but he is going by a different name than hulk and is on a chsmpions team. He hasn't been replaced.


Peter Parker is starting in like 4 books at the same time right now.

The joe Garrison guy literally has one issue out that just released, before that frsnk castle had his own series that ran for 13-18 issues. Joe Garrison is also a white guy, so not exactly a diversity change.

Mantle changes have been a part of superhero history for 80 years. Hal Jordan isnt the first GL, Barry isn't the first flash, etc etc. They do this every once in a while to keep things fresh and keep marketability and storytelling opportunities. It has absolutely nothing to do with royalties because almost none of their characters have special royalty contracts, they own them all and only pay to the creators of superman and batman under special agreements. I dont know where you got that information but it is indeed hogwash.


Peter Parker in this game was ruined as a character. Particularly egregious was when...
MJ gets a Symbiote forced on her and you have to fight her. Peter spends the whole time literally kissing her ass, grovelling like some pathetic sycophantic little mouse.
"You single handedly held us together!"
"You're so great!"
"You're such an amazing reporter" - after she literally fucked him over to get a leg up at the Bugle
"You were the real Spider-man!"
It was so fucking hard to listen to such an iconic character be so deeply emasculated.
Then to make matters worse the quest objective says that you must, and I fucking quote, "help MJ to save herself"... I'm literally not fucking kidding.

So Peter Parker and Harry Osbourne don't have strong enough mental fortitude to overcome a Symbiote, but MJ does?!... Why?!

Of course we know why... Because a woman literally cannot be saved by a man in a modern superhero story. It's the entire reason why we got all these shitty MJ scenes.
While i think the groveling and emasculation of Peter is absolutely moronic, I can at least get behind the whole idea of treating symbiote infected people with kid gloves. To me the biggest issue with that entire scene/fight/moment is that it is completely unsubstantiated and does not fall in line with either of the characters and how they've been previously written. It's the most literal self insert woke feminist garbage that has ever been written in a video game period. It's objectively bad writing, The outcome of that beat in the story is that we the audience should come to a realisation that Peter is selfish, childish, unkind and only cares about himself and he HAS to change. It makes absolutely 0 sense for his character and MJs character and complete polar opposites for how they have acted prior.

in the first game they had broken up because he was spider-man, they both knew it would take a toll on the relationship and he knew it could put her in danger, the final scene of the first game essentially is them learning to make it work and realising they need each other and Spider-man too. Then in Miles Morales, Peter literally takes time off from being Spider-man (one of the most important aspects of his life) to go with her to some war torn shit hole to write a book. Somehow we end up in the second game where Peter is "Selfish" because after a long day of spider-manning, which they both agreed is an important aspect of his life, he didn't read her article which is literally throwing him under the bus anyway. In the second game she is absolutely the shitty toxic person in that relationship, all through the game her character is searching primarily to rise a corporate ladder and have fame and the game ends on her having a vein podcast where she gets to spew whatever nonsense she wants on air to anyone.

Something tells me these female self inserts are all very single still and have very toxic relationships themselves if they think MJ in this game is seen as anything other than a bitch.
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While i think the groveling and emasculation of Peter is absolutely moronic, I can at least get behind the whole idea of treating symbiote infected people with kid gloves. To me the biggest issue with that entire scene/fight/moment is that it is completely unsubstantiated and does not fall in line with either of the characters and how they've been previously written. It's the most literal self insert woke feminist garbage that has ever been written in a video game period. It's objectively bad writing, The outcome of that beat in the story is that we the audience should come to a realisation that Peter is selfish, childish, unkind and only cares about himself and he HAS to change. It makes absolutely 0 sense for his character and MJs character and complete polar opposites for how they have acted prior.

in the first game they had broken up because he was spider-man, they both knew it would take a toll on the relationship and he knew it could put her in danger, the final scene of the first game essentially is them learning to make it work and realising they need each other and Spider-man too. Then in Miles Morales, Peter literally takes time off from being Spider-man (one of the most important aspects of his life) to go with her to some war torn shit hole to write a book. Somehow we end up in the second game where Peter is "Selfish" because after a long day of spider-manning, which they both agreed is an important aspect of his life, he didn't read her article which is literally throwing him under the bus anyway. In the second game she is absolutely the shitty toxic person in that relationship, all through the game her character is searching primarily to rise a corporate ladder and have fame and the game ends on her having a vein podcast where she gets to spew whatever nonsense she wants on air to anyone.

Something tells me these female self inserts are all very single still and have very toxic relationships themselves if they think MJ in this game is seen as anything other than a bitch.
Couldn't agree more


But Morales isn't woke enough: even if black, he's still a heterosexual male. I think they'll even replace Morales both with non-white, non-heterosexual women and will continue going more woke, until they tank in sales and realize that fans want their classic, iconic, charismatic characters and stories back instead of woke propaganda.
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Mantle changes have been a part of superhero history for 80 years. Hal Jordan isnt the first GL, Barry isn't the first flash, etc etc. They do this every once in a while to keep things fresh and keep marketability and storytelling opportunities. It has absolutely nothing to do with royalties because almost none of their characters have special royalty contracts, they own them all and only pay to the creators of superman and batman under special agreements. I dont know where you got that information but it is indeed hogwash.
Okay, my bad. I was thinking about the lawsuit of the Jack Kirby estate which they constantly try to appeal but so far has indeed been in Marvel's favor. I was under the impression the JK estate won. Misinformation on my part.

I think it's DC who is paying some royalties? But that's neither here or there.
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Peter parker is boring in this game anyways so no loss (He's done over and over again that i feel like he's getting stale). I prefer playing as miles in this game as he's way more fun to control and as a young lad, i can relate more to him.

When i also think of Spider-Man, i think of miles instead of peter.
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