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[Insomniac]Miles Morals will be the main Spider-Man going forward

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I wouldn't take this at face value. On the Kinda Funny Spoilercast Brian talked about how they were going to have to record dialog for three protagonists in the next game.

I think there's a good choice we will get another Miles Morales solo expansion before we get Spider-Man 3 so maybe that's what he means, but Peter will be back.
I haven't played miles morales or 2,and no intention to. The obvious reading is that he dies, but my love for the character wants Peter to live happily with mj and be retired
Well, this thread was inevitable. I'm one who for sure didn't mind Miles beyond him being just more annoying than Peter. I'll miss Peter's more irreverent and Spidey comedy.


Gold Member
Isn't that basically what new Spider Man movies have become? But people sure are loving that crap.

Disney know damn well that they can't rely on Iron Man because the Iron Man actor Robert John Downey Jr. will never make the movie again, so thats explain this stupid decision.
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While enjoyed Spider-Man 2, it was predictable. If people want the same story told many times then that's fine, but a lot of people want to see something different.
That's probably how the devs feel. They are the first team to make a Miles Morales game. No studio has done that yet. They have Wolverine on the way and judging from how Marvel wants its games separate from the movies, it's going to be something a little different we haven't seen yet.

Smart move by Insomiac. Get the news out now so fans can get over it and take any steam away from any leaks about Miles as the lead character. People who have a problem will say all what they can now, so that there is much more positive reception by those who are interested by release.
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I don't agree with this. It's not like Insomniac has made 6 Spider-Man games and they're now starting to phase Peter out.

Marvel hasn't run out of new Spider-Man stories to tell even though the character is now 61 years old. But Insomniac wants to make Miles Morales the focus because they've already exhausted the story telling possibilities with Peter Parker in two games.

New Girl Facepalm GIF by HULU

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Moronic spoiler thread. Should be marked [Discussion Of Future Spiderman: SPIDERMAN 2 SPOILERS INSIDE]. I didn’t even click the article but the implications leave no doubt - for someone who hasn’t finished the game this is very much a spoiler.


I stopped caring about the story once the Peter character model changed, completely altered the vibe of the character. Miles has the charisma of a soggy loaf of bread. Mary Jane now looks like thumb.

What gets me is they made all that fuss about changing the character model for the future of Peter; saying it was because of the mocap/voice actor's matching facial structures. And it turn out that "future" was pretty much one mainline game. They should have kept him the same and did the best they could. Honestly, the facial animation on the newer Peter model looks deader and more uncanny to me than it did in the first game.

Between all that and this first current gen only release being a mere evolution of the game rather than the bigger jump you'd expect (traversal aside), this franchise has just turned into a massive disappointment. I'll pick 'em up second hand going forward, purely for the fun gameplay and thrill. Couldn't give a toss about story/characters now.
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Gold Member
Edit: just realized who I responded to. I'm noping out of this potential conversation
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Let's just hope "Miles Morals" isn't some woke or outrage-at-woke spinoff full of storylines featuring offended, outraged and hurt feelings characters ....
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I haven't played miles morales or 2, and no intention to. The obvious reading is that he dies, but my love for the character wants Peter to live happily with mj and be retired
Well, count me out then. I like Miles and don't mind him having a part in the story, or his own spin-off games, but this replacing the main character bullshit has got to stop. Especially when it's always a "bipoc" replacing a white guy. Cause white man bad apparently.
Moronic spoiler thread. Should be marked [Discussion Of Future Spiderman: SPIDERMAN 2 SPOILERS INSIDE]. I didn’t even click the article but the implications leave no doubt - for someone who hasn’t finished the game this is very much a spoiler.
I read the title of this thread before finishing the game (like, one hour left) and it's not what you think. Unfortunately, the article it's full of spoilers on the game, but if you read what it said you'd see NOTHING like the statement that retard on X said.

It's more nuanced than that. There's no way Peter isn't back in Spider-Man 3.
Writing was on the wall when the pseudo DLC was all Miles. They’ll be high-fiving in meetings at Sony Towers about this - yeah brah!


Suffers from extreme PDS
How else would Sony be able to pay for more advertising and product placement for Adidas in their games?
Crazy how the term Woke went from meaning "aware of injustice" to now meaning jack shit the way people use it now.

On topic though, I feel like they just need to pause on Spiderman for a while unless it becomes vastly different. The game itself while good just is the same formula as the first and while its not bad, having another with the same formula would suck. Then again how much can they change gameplay wise for this character anyway?
The first word in the games name is "Spider-Man" the second is the number "2".

I Dont Arrested Development GIF


NaughtyDog Defense Force
It's funny watching people rage about this on twitter.

They're saying he's not Spider-Man...even though people call him.....Spider-Man.


Weeb Underling
Different than the norm is the point.

We know Peter and Miles have a lot of similarities, but they are still different in their own way.
Oh, really? Such as what? Do they have particularly different philosophies? Are they even portrayed to be as distant in experience and authority as they should be? No, of course not.

Miles is just diversity brand Spider-Man. I mean, they really couldn't help themselves. Here's a black-Hispanic guy. Let's surround him with friends of every ethnicity under the sun. Let's give him a deaf girlfriend. Christ.

Here's the thing: Most people who have played these games didn't read the comics at all. Their introduction of the series either came through the TV shows or the movies. They didn't even have to bother going deep into Spider-Man's origin story in the game because most people knew it already. People are far too familiar with Peter than they are with Miles. I'm sure many people were expecting to see Gwen Stacy, but it turned out to be Cindy Moon.
And thank Christ, because making Gwen a Miles love interest/supporting character was always sacrilegious. Although, more Spider-People = bad.

Just as I said before, writers typically finish a character's arch in three movies/games and this is likely where it's headed. They told nearly all of Peter's story in their universe and people are upset that they want to focus on another Spider-Man character.
You're clearly a Hollywood consoomer.
The idea that they've told anything close to "all of Peter's story" is ridiculous. Things don't work in trilogies with proper Spider-Man interpretation.

People would have been called this because they're likely upset about the idea of something like this happening when it's not that big of a deal.
That's deluded. It's not a small thing just because you say so, and it's not actually addressing the point. What you personally think about it now is irrelevant. The fact is that it's happening.

I'm sure if Kill Bill 1 and 2 were made recently and in the third movie it starred Vernita Green's daughter as the main protagonist, people would call that woke too.
If Kill Bill 1 and 2 were made recently, they'd be completely different movies (ie woke as shit) and wouldn't have 60 years of history, including other Spider-Men (in this case) who had not a fraction of the corporate push that Miles does, and came and went. Parker is Spider-Man, everyone knows this.
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Serious question, but does Spiderman still help the cops in Spiderman 2? At some point if they are going down the woke hole they'll need to demonise the police and have some sort of "The cops cannot be trusted" plot-line for Miles to work as a social justice insert.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Oh, really? Such as what? Do they have particularly different philosophies? Are they even portrayed to be as distant in experience and authority as they should be? No, of course not.

Miles doesn't have Aunt May, Ben Parker, or Mary Jane. The character behind the mask is the main story and that alone makes things different. People are too familiar with the Mary Jane and Peter Parker story, so doing something a bit different is understandable.

And thank Christ, because making Gwen a Miles love interest/supporting character was always sacrilegious. Although, more Spider-People = bad.

You're clearly a Hollywood consoomer.
The idea that they've told anything close to "all of Peter's story" is ridiculous. Things don't work in trilogies with proper Spider-Man interpretation.

Clearly, you didn't pay attention.

They told nearly all of Peter's story in their universe

I didn't say they told all of Peter's story, I said they told nearly all of Peter's story in THEIR universe. Toby's Spider-Man wasn't going to be told forever, neither was Andrew's or Tom's. That's why movies close out their story and finish it within their universe. If there was an Amazing Spider-Man 3, then that would likely be the end of Peter's story in THAT universe. If they decide to expend it, then he would likely be replaced.

I shouldn't have to explain this.

That's deluded. It's not a small thing just because you say so, and it's not actually addressing the point. What you personally think about it now is irrelevant. The fact is that it's happening.

Peter being replaced has been done before, and so have many other superheroes. That's why it's not a big deal.

If Kill Bill 1 and 2 were made recently, they'd be completely different movies (ie woke as shit) and wouldn't have 60 years of history, including other Spider-Men (in this case) who had not a fraction of the corporate push that Miles does, and came and went. Parker is Spider-Man, everyone knows this.

This isn't about Kill Bill making changes, this is about the EXACT same film made today and how fans would respond to the possibility of Vernita Green being the star of Kill Bill 3.
It's funny watching people rage about this on twitter.

They're saying he's not Spider-Man...even though people call him.....Spider-Man.
Yeah it’s a real knee slapper truly :messenger_unamused:

It’s not rocket science. Some people just don’t like the legacy character taking up the mantle and sharing the name. It’s a perfectly valid stance in my opinion. People like clark Kent as Superman. Bruce Wayne as Batman. Tony stark as iron man. Diana prince as Wonder woman. And yes, Peter Parker as Spider-Man. This new kid who was invented in like 2011 taking the spotlight rubs some people the wrong way

I don’t know why this is silly or demands ridicule. The most I can see is like “oh I disagree, it doesn’t bother me” which is also valid


Serious question, but does Spiderman still help the cops in Spiderman 2? At some point if they are going down the woke hole they'll need to demonise the police and have some sort of "The cops cannot be trusted" plot-line for Miles to work as a social justice insert.
The role of the police in this game is definitely minimized compared to the first. I think there's only one mission where the police is involved, but that's it. But it does not depict the police in a negative way.

To be frank, the game is not preachy and doesn't lecture players. It just tries to tick all the boxes for inclusion.
I’m frankly amazed there hasn’t been a bigger push to get rid of that problematic “man” in Spider-Man yet.
Everyone can be Spider-Person after all, right?
The biggest problem Disney apparently is facing with trying to get the X-Men into the MCU is figuring out what to rename the X-Men to

I wish I was joking but I'm kinda not


Gold Member
I haven't played miles morales or 2,and no intention to. The obvious reading is that he dies, but my love for the character wants Peter to live happily with mj and be retired
He's in the third game. It's Peter, Miles, and Cindy Moon as the three playable characters. He's not dead.


Weeb Underling
Cool your outrage jets. Rage bait has been debunked.

Didn't they say it? What conclusion are people jumping to? That they're woke?
This is pure and unadulterated PR at its worst. Their dumbass writers said too much of what was going on too quickly, and now they're putting out vagueries without saying anything concrete, knowing that the internet will have a fight trying to reinterpret what was said, only to realise that they should've just listened the first time years later, and when they've already put down the money on Spider-Man 3 or whatever they'll call it.
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