batman lives in the 80s
batman is in his underwear while chasing a woman with a chainsaw
batman lives in the 80s
The scarecrow is going to fucking ROCK!!!!!! The dude who plays him got fucking SICK at the end of 28 days later.
mmmm, 28 days later. Very good movie. That black zombie at the end was my boy. They should put him in a movie by himself.
"Oh, he's probably dead, Bob White."
No he isnt! That fucker was slick! Think he would have gone out by hunger?! My boy aint having that shit! He was fucking like....a VENT man or something. Just sitting, looking at people and shit. Just waiting then BOOM. I'M EATING YOUR ASS, MOTHERFUCKER!!!
DAMN this movie will rock. See, black zombie and scarecrow had a moment where they had a link.
Like a, "we are two sick motherfuckers." Yeah.