Re: Everyone complaining about job loss
Just because there are no checkouts doesn't mean there won't be any human employees. Somebody has to stock those shelves, answer customer questions, sweep the floors, gather carts, etc. Also, these are new stores, not old ones that have been redesigned, so all those staffers that will be hired to maintain the stores will be new jobs.
I think people look at stuff like this as a sort of, canary in the coal mine. You can look at self driving cars and say 'but look, all the self driving cars on the road now still have drivers' but you're selling their implication short.
When I worked at best buy, operations was the department that did customer service and check-out - this would drastically shrink that department.
But take it a step further. Let's say a company pops up that will be able up 'convert' your existing brick and mortar to something like this? That would be pretty big, and you can bet there are people looking into stuff like that right now - of course it wouldn't come up fruition for years, but what are a few years in the grand scheme of things?
And then by the nature of software heavy systems, it will iterate and improve over time. Other technologies will also come in and integrate with systems like this. Imagine something that automatically creates deals and sales custom tailored to the customer as well? That's more realizable with a system like this, and if it gets good enough, you don't need salespeople as much. What about shelf stockers? Amazon themselves are working on robots that can better handle and move around packages in their warehouses, and not just them. When what's realized, that will also fit right in nice and neatly with a system like this. What about if/when mixed reality headsets become the next smartphone? Eventually they won't even bother putting prices on the shelves - the prices will just appear over top the item. Etc etc
All these things are currently being worked on independently by many different companies, competing to get it just right. In five years from now, all of these separate areas of technological pursuit will look completely different than they do today.
When people see stuff like this, it's really just a reminder of what's coming. This one store isn't itself going to do very much, but the question that comes up is the what if. What if this is a success?