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iOS 6 |OT| New Maps? googy pls


I'm not a Match user, and outside of the huge Maps downgrade I like iOS 6. The only other aspect wrong with 6 is that it's just an incremental upgrade, not much has changed.

The podcast app maybe isn't the best out there, but it's solid and works for me. I actually really like the new App Store (outside the stupid way they display search results). I'm not sure why it's a surprise Siri is a server side application. So I really don't see what's so wrong with 6. Well, except the maps which lost so much functionally I use:( That does annoy me.


Strange.....since iOS6 my phone no longer rings for unknown callers. Did something change that would affect this? Any help would be appreciated.

Any ideas? I can't find anything in the settings related to this....

Someone on the Apple Support forums apparently has the same problem. Link


Am I crazy or have maps been at least slightly updated? I turned it on Sunday just to check it out, then again today where I noticed some new PoI's and gray outlines of a lot of the buildings around here. I assume they can just update the back-end of this stuff and have it populate to the application when it looks it up?


Quick question: I finally got around to fully activating all iCloud features, but now there's a "Bookmarks Bar" folder in my bookmarks in Safari on my iPhone that is completely useless and won't let me delete it. How do I get rid of this thing?
This has been an annoying problem since 2008 and is one of the reasons I hate syncing with safari.

Short answer: you can't delete the folder.

Long answer: you have to edit the plist of desktop safari, changing the names of the Bookmarks Bar (and Bookmarks Menu) folder(s) to something else. Then, before your next launch of desktop safari, force a sync (whether by USB, wifi or iCloud) with mobile safari which will change the names of the folders on the iPhone from the special labels 'bookmarks bar' thus enabling them to be edited and deleted. After that you turn off Safari syncing on the phone so that it longer gets the special folders from desktop safari as desktop safari will always check for and create those special folders when it launches and eventually sync to any mobile client. You can't pick and choose which bookmarks and folders are meant for mobile or for desktop.

It's really ridiculous because the iPhone has never had a bookmarks bar and doesn't have an app menu bar either.


The Autumn Wind
This has been an annoying problem since 2008 and is one of the reasons I hate syncing with safari.

Short answer: you can't delete the folder.

Long answer: you have to edit the plist of desktop safari, changing the names of the Bookmarks Bar (and Bookmarks Menu) folder(s) to something else. Then, before your next launch of desktop safari, force a sync (whether by USB, wifi or iCloud) with mobile safari which will change the names of the folders on the iPhone from the special labels 'bookmarks bar' thus enabling them to be edited and deleted. After that you turn off Safari syncing on the phone so that it longer gets the special folders from desktop safari as desktop safari will always check for and create those special folders when it launches and eventually sync to any mobile client. You can't pick and choose which bookmarks and folders are meant for mobile or for desktop.

It's really ridiculous because the iPhone has never had a bookmarks bar and doesn't have an app menu bar either.
But... I don't even have desktop Safari!


So the transit apps have already improved greatly, in just a few days. Turns out competition is a good thing. Hopstop is my favorite as of now. It has a nice interface and some fun side info, like CO2 saved and calories burned. Citymaps also seems pretty good. Anyone have any other favorites?

It makes me wish they would do the same thing for driving and walking routes (and add biking). For example, I'd like to see apps that specialized in maximizing carpool lanes, or scenic routes, or safer walking routes, or being able to choose topography for biking.

Apple really blew it by not having a number of partner transit apps ready for launch. I think this will end up being a system that is really advantageous to consumers, but a lot of people may have already given up on it because the first time they checked there were no apps available.

Mainly I just love that we we'll get updates for mapping more than just once a year.


Lol well you're shit out of luck son. Better find a desktop safari to sync with then or get used to ignoring the pain

I don't understand the problem. I just keep all of my safari bookmark folders inside of the bookmarks bar, and never go outside of the bookmarks bar folder on my phone. Why would you have to?


My purchased apps are not showing up in the App Store last couple days, it will load for like 30 secs like it is loading the list then a blank screen with no apps appear.

Edit: so I figured out after letting it load clicking on the blank screen like 10 times the Purchased app list shows up, though sometimes it quits to the home screen instead. Hard reset and shutdowns don't seem to fix it, but at least I can access the list sometimes. I am running iPhone4 btw.


Not to fill this thread with itunes match questions, but how do you have itunes match re-check an uploaded song to see whether it matches it? I have at least a 100 songs it couldn't match due to wrong album names or wrong artist names.
So ever since I updated to IOS, every time I send messages (i or not), it keeps automatically turning into a "group MMS" when I reply to someone. I can't for the life of me figure out how to fix this and it's driving me nuts. I keep sending messages to myself every time I hit send (in addition to the intended recipient).


I don't understand the problem. I just keep all of my safari bookmark folders inside of the bookmarks bar, and never go outside of the bookmarks bar folder on my phone. Why would you have to?
Alternatively why should you have to keep all the folders inside the bookmarks bar folder and never go outside it?

Anyway, I'll take the bait:
If you put all your editable folders in the' bookmarks bar folder' then that means a couple extra taps to the other uneditable folders like Reading List and iCloud tabs.

If you sync that means having all your iPhone folders show up in the bookmarks tab on desktop Safari.

Some people have prefer separate bookmarks for phone and desktop e.g. they may prefer to save the mobile versions of sites on the phone and save the full version on the desktop or the have a bunch of bookmarklets that are useful on the phone but useless on the desktop.

It's a prickpoint of annoyance each time I see the illogical 'bookmarks bar' and 'bookmarks menu' folders. Those are the tiny UI problems that can add up to make an OS a painful experience.


Alternatively why should you have to keep all the folders inside the bookmarks bar folder and never go outside it?

Anyway, I'll take the bait:
If you put all your editable folders in the' bookmarks bar folder' then that means a couple extra taps to the other uneditable folders like Reading List and iCloud tabs.

If you sync that means having all your iPhone folders show up in the bookmarks tab on desktop Safari.

Some people have prefer separate bookmarks for phone and desktop e.g. they may prefer to save the mobile versions of sites on the phone and save the full version on the desktop or the have a bunch of bookmarklets that are useful on the phone but useless on the desktop.

It's a prickpoint of annoyance each time I see the illogical 'bookmarks bar' and 'bookmarks menu' folders. Those are the tiny UI problems that can add up to make an OS a painful experience.

So don't sync the bookmarks? If you don't want your bookmarks synced across platforms, turn it off.

I thought the whole point of syncing was to have all your stuff across every device.


So don't sync the bookmarks? If you don't want your bookmarks synced across platforms, turn it off.

I thought the whole point of syncing was to have all your stuff across every device.

... Obviously that's not true; the whole of point of syncing isn't always to have all your stuff across every device. For example, Dropbox is very popular at syncing a select subset of the files on devices.


The new App/Music/Book stores are pieces of shit. Poor layout and horrible performance.

In the keynote Eddy Cue said they had improved the performance of the stores, what a bunch of chicken shit bullshit.


I don't have any performance issues with the new app store or iTunes. Except in Purchased items. That shit lags horribly.


works for Gamestop (lol)
How do you see what apps support Passbook? I have a coupon so I can't launch into the app store from Passbook anymore, unless I'm missing something


So...all my bookmarks on my phone just disappeared. What gives???

That has been happening to me intermittently. Bookmarks and Reading List suddenly appear blank. Only way to bring them back is by force-quitting Safari or turning the phone off and then back on.


I don't have any performance issues with the new app store or iTunes. Except in Purchased items. That shit lags horribly.

On my iphone 4, it's like a slideshow. Try doing a show all on the top paid apps for example and try and smoothly scroll that list. It's nearly as bad on my iPad 3.. it's embarrassing for Apple because iOS is always touted as being so silky smooth in comparison to Android.

I still haven't managed to see my purchased list without the store force closing back to the springboard.

Maybe the same devs that made the shitty podcast app are the ones responsible for this mess.


On my iphone 4, it's like a slideshow.

Ah, I've only tried it on the 5. My old 4 still has iOS 5. So I haven't seen anything like that. I'll have to take a look on the iPad.

Have you closed everything and restarted since updating? Might help.


Ah, I've only tried it on the 5. My old 4 still has iOS 5. So I haven't seen anything like that. I'll have to take a look on the iPad.

Have you closed everything and restarted since updating? Might help.

Yup, even restored my 4 as a new phone.


Why don't they make it so you can search for Passport stuff within Passport? Seems like it would be a lot easier and more user friendly.

Yeah it's not so well set up. And now that I have one (1) whole pass in there, I can't even seem to find the way to get back to the screen that took me to the app store to get the pass in the first place.


Still Alive
On my iphone 4, it's like a slideshow. Try doing a show all on the top paid apps for example and try and smoothly scroll that list. It's nearly as bad on my iPad 3..
I just tried it on my iPhone 4 and it's almost perfectly smooth. Lagged for a sec while loading some of the icons as I scrolled back and forth, but it was brief and then ran like silk. Maybe it's your internet?

On iPad 3 it's laggy though, especially as the icons load. You have to wait a while before it can scroll smoothly.


Genius section in the App Store still doesn't work. Crashes the app every time.

This is inexcusable.

This happens to my 4S as well. It also crashes every time I go to the purchased section. I even did a restore and it still didn't fix it. It's not a huge problem since both of those sections aren't all that important but it's annoying none the less. I chatted with an Apple Genius about it the other day and he said a few people came in with the same problem and there's no fix for it right now but supposedly Apple has told them that they're coming with a software update real soon with some bug fixes so hopefully all will be well after that.


Alternatively why should you have to keep all the folders inside the bookmarks bar folder and never go outside it?

Anyway, I'll take the bait:
If you put all your editable folders in the' bookmarks bar folder' then that means a couple extra taps to the other uneditable folders like Reading List and iCloud tabs.

If you sync that means having all your iPhone folders show up in the bookmarks tab on desktop Safari.

Some people have prefer separate bookmarks for phone and desktop e.g. they may prefer to save the mobile versions of sites on the phone and save the full version on the desktop or the have a bunch of bookmarklets that are useful on the phone but useless on the desktop.

It's a prickpoint of annoyance each time I see the illogical 'bookmarks bar' and 'bookmarks menu' folders. Those are the tiny UI problems that can add up to make an OS a painful experience.

This is why I still use Chrome on the iPhone even though I have a Mountain Lion Mac.


I thought Match would stream now and not download the songs unless you manually did so? Anything I've listened to is appearing on the phone as downloaded...with no way to delete?

In beta you could just stream, was this changed?


This happens to my 4S as well. It also crashes every time I go to the purchased section. I even did a restore and it still didn't fix it. It's not a huge problem since both of those sections aren't all that important but it's annoying none the less. I chatted with an Apple Genius about it the other day and he said a few people came in with the same problem and there's no fix for it right now but supposedly Apple has told them that they're coming with a software update real soon with some bug fixes so hopefully all will be well after that.
Odd, just turned it on for mine (4s) and it's working fine. Super Hexagon first suggestion!

In beta you could just stream, was this changed?
I didn't run the beta, but there doesn't seem to be an option now. Also, as said, you can't delete tracks at the moment either. :(
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