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iOS 6 |OT| New Maps? googy pls

I consider it the opposite, actually. Probably the simplest in terms of how it works, haha.

Examples of uses? On Chrome, a website can post a coupon on its website that allows you to add it to Passbook, and all you have to do is click on the link to add it.

It's the same with Sparrow, but to make another example: you sign up for a rewards card for a store, the store sends you a confirmation e-mail, and could send you a Passbook link to add it.

Don't know how it is for you guys in other countries, but Passbook support is pretty limited in Canada, so far from my experience. I use it at Starbucks (gift card/reward card) and the movie theatre (for my points card). No other places I go to have an app that lets me add their card offering to Passbook.

k... I guess when something i use daily uses passbook, ill 'get' it lol.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Can anyone show me some well made free books that are worth checking out? The only ones I've found are from Top Five Books, and they're only a handful. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, A Christmas Carol, Dracula, Great Expectations, Robinson Crusoe, A Tale of Two Cities. There are lots of other free classics to find but those I've checked out so far are not well made, with default covers, lacking illustrations, and with often problematic formatting, totally unlike Top Five Books' stuff. Are there really no decent groups doing classy conversions of free stuff for the ebook format out there?

Also I find the whole book section hard to navigate on the store, can't they divide things by language, if they're illustrated or not, etc? Instead if I search for an author it dumps everything together and it's hard to even find and buy the same type of version for all his books (ie, I considered buying the Robert Langdon trilogy and encountered this issue when checking Dan Brown's stuff). I seem to even be unable to properly show by publisher to ensure it's at least similar versions...


Google finally update the YouTube app for iPhone 5 and have also released a YouTube app for iPad.

I've been on Jasmine on the iPad, and I love it, but having the full YouTube video catalogue available now is awesome. I'm pretty low-maintenance when it comes to the YouTube app from before, so this is already an upgrade for me.


Can anyone show me some well made free books that are worth checking out? The only ones I've found are from Top Five Books, and they're only a handful. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, A Christmas Carol, Dracula, Great Expectations, Robinson Crusoe, A Tale of Two Cities. There are lots of other free classics to find but those I've checked out so far are not well made, with default covers, lacking illustrations, and with often problematic formatting, totally unlike Top Five Books' stuff. Are there really no decent groups doing classy conversions of free stuff for the ebook format out there?
You can download public domain books from Feedbooks. I think they are really well formatted.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I've been on Jasmine on the iPad, and I love it, but having the full YouTube video catalogue available now is awesome. I'm pretty low-maintenance when it comes to the YouTube app from before, so this is already an upgrade for me.
Yeah I have jasmine and mctube so I'll never go back to the basic apps. "user has not enabled playback for mobile devices" used to be prevalent as fuck, glad I don't have to deal with that now.


SO it seems as there's a preliminary ruling about invalidating Jobs patent for "A touch screen device, method, and graphical user interface for determining commands by applying heuristics."


i wouldn't risk interpreting the whole patent from the title alone (it's easy to say something is super broad when reading a single sentence summary), but is it common to go back and invalidating a previously accepted patent?

I tend to trust things move forward when stuff gets crazy, and maybe this is the first sign of that. If it really is broad and unpatentable, this may be a good thing to see that the patent system is not all downers.


How do I create folders for pictures, can I put passwords on folders or just pictures?

The concept of folders is kind of defunct on iOS. It's not a desktop system, so the idea of folders and files isn't really there. So no, no folders, but you can make albums to help organise and FIND your photos, though I'm guessing they won't be useful to you if you;re trying to HIDE them.

And no, I don't think there are passwords for 'folders' and individual files. There MAY be a password restriction for the app itself, however - check settings and restrictions.


If you have files (pics, videos, sensitive pdfs) you want to hide behind a password use Goodreader. you can set up folders in there and have them password protected.
i wouldn't risk interpreting the whole patent from the title alone (it's easy to say something is super broad when reading a single sentence summary), but is it common to go back and invalidating a previously accepted patent?

No. In fact, although the PTO tries to be tough on entrants they also have a habit of accepting patents that conflict with other patents (in that the process seems different but the outcome is basically the same.) Much of the power granted to patent trolls come from patents that are similar enough to existing technology to sue over, but in some cases are countered by other patents anyway. If you're covered by a shield patent, great, if you're not, good luck.

(In some cases one can be used to invalidate the other, but often it isn't worth the time and money to pursue)

Could this hurt Apple's case? Sure. But it's one sword in the middle of a battlefield. Each side brought a thousand of them.


Ya I've been waiting for they to overhaul the photo app for a long time but they haven't.

I also hate how they still call it "Photos" when there are videos in it as well.


Ya I've been waiting for they to overhaul the photo app for a long time but they haven't.

I also hate how they still call it "Photos" when there are videos in it as well.

In a way, iPhoto is the overhauled photos app.

I like photostreams and faces and places. They are fun ways to view your photos.

Anyway I have a question regarding reminders. I have multiple lists, with a couple if them, I think, still associated with a couple of my calendars. Back then, to do or tasks could be added in your calendar and these became reminders.

You can also have separate reminders list in the reminders app. I was wondering if it were possible to make a new reminders list that is still part of a calendar like before. Or us everything secretly associated if perhaps nothing is associated now?


iOS6 is definitely one of the worst and most troublesome versions of iOS that I've ever used. Aside from the constant dropping of wifi, the virtually unusable App store, the terrible maps, and general sluggishness, I think it might even somehow have rendered my old iPad 2 unusable.

I gave the iPad 2 to my girlfriend when I ungraded, and it functioned perfectly. During the wifi update to iOS6, the update somehow failed and the iPad was stuck in a constant rebooting cycle that was a bitch to get it out of. But eventually I fixed it. It then worked perfectly (aside from the numerous bugs and diabolical services outlined above) for another few months, but now it has become unusable again.

After a random period of between about 2-20 minutes, the iPad will just crash and reboot. This happens every time, which means that it is essentially useless. I have tried resetting, restoring, and rebooting it, but it makes no difference. I think it might in fact be a hardware problem, and at this point I'm only keeping hold of it to wait for an update, or to jailbreak it (not currently possible) to see if it makes any difference.

I've never really had any problems with Apple products before, but iOS6 is complete shit. It runs terribly on one-generation old devices, doesn't even run that great on current devices, and has numerous bugs with the dropping of wifi etc, and the well publicised maps fiasco-which has no end in sight.

iOS has begun to feel stale for a while anyway, so this is seriously making me consider jumping to Android.


iOS6 is definitely one of the worst and most troublesome versions of iOS that I've ever used. Aside from the constant dropping of wifi, the virtually unusable App store, the terrible maps, and general sluggishness, I think it might even somehow have rendered my old iPad 2 unusable.

I gave the iPad 2 to my girlfriend when I ungraded, and it functioned perfectly. During the wifi update to iOS6, the update somehow failed and the iPad was stuck in a constant rebooting cycle that was a bitch to get it out of. But eventually I fixed it. It then worked perfectly (aside from the numerous bugs and diabolical services outlined above) for another few months, but now it has become unusable again.

After a random period of about 5-20 minutes, the iPad will just crash and reboot. This happens every time, which means that it is essentially useless. I have tried resetting, restoring, and rebooting it, but it makes no difference. I think it might in fact be a hardware problem, and at this point I'm only keeping hold of it to wait for an update, or to jailbreak it (not currently possible) to see if it makes any difference.

I've never really had any problems with Apple products before, but iOS6 is complete shit. It runs terribly on one-generation old devices, doesn't even run that great on current devices, and has numerous bugs with the dropping of wifi etc, and the well publicised maps fiasco-which has no end in sight.

iOS has begun to feel stale for a while anyway, so this is seriously making me consider jumping to Android.

I have an iPhone 3GS, iPhone 5, iPad 2 all running iOS6, and I haven't experienced any of this. I never even had a single instance of either my phones or my iPad crashing. App store working just fine over here as well.

Either you just have a bad luck streak, or i'm lucky as hell.


iOS6 is definitely one of the worst and most troublesome versions of iOS that I've ever used. Aside from the constant dropping of wifi, the virtually unusable App store, the terrible maps, and general sluggishness, I think it might even somehow have rendered my old iPad 2 unusable.

I gave the iPad 2 to my girlfriend when I ungraded, and it functioned perfectly. During the wifi update to iOS6, the update somehow failed and the iPad was stuck in a constant rebooting cycle that was a bitch to get it out of. But eventually I fixed it. It then worked perfectly (aside from the numerous bugs and diabolical services outlined above) for another few months, but now it has become unusable again.

After a random period of between about 2-20 minutes, the iPad will just crash and reboot. This happens every time, which means that it is essentially useless. I have tried resetting, restoring, and rebooting it, but it makes no difference. I think it might in fact be a hardware problem, and at this point I'm only keeping hold of it to wait for an update, or to jailbreak it (not currently possible) to see if it makes any difference.

I've never really had any problems with Apple products before, but iOS6 is complete shit. It runs terribly on one-generation old devices, doesn't even run that great on current devices, and has numerous bugs with the dropping of wifi etc, and the well publicised maps fiasco-which has no end in sight.

iOS has begun to feel stale for a while anyway, so this is seriously making me consider jumping to Android.

It urns pretty good on my iPhone 5 :p

Haven't heard too many complaints anecdotally, aside from Maps. Sounds like your install had a mishap. Have your tried a restore to new, and THEN from back up (not sure - you said restore, but a restore from backup just replaces settings, perhaps a total restore would work better).

i think iOS6 is pretty much one of the most minor iOS updates since it's release, and many users don't game much from it, but total crap is probably an exaggeration. I can see why it's one of teh worst updates too, but I still would say your experience is probably related to a setting or a bad install/download. That doesn't excuse your experience - it really sucks when stuff like this stuffs up, but give it another restore or something. It's possible it does run like poop too, but I have friends who are running on 3GS with no real complaints.

iOS 2: appstore
iOS3: can't remember the major features, but is this when we got copy/paste, MMS?
iOS4: multitasking, game centre, folders
ios5: notification centre, iMessage, reminders, iCloud - a lot of feature parity with some android stuff.
iOs 6: new maps, Passbook, do not disturb, shared photostream.

I really do think there isn't as much in there as previous.

edit: a quick check on wiki, eh... looks like iOs3 wasn't a big upgrade either.


It urns pretty good on my iPhone 5 :p

Haven't heard too many complaints anecdotally, aside from Maps. Sounds like your install had a mishap. Have your tried a restore to new, and THEN from back up (not sure - you said restore, but a restore from backup just replaces settings, perhaps a total restore would work better).

i think iOS6 is pretty much one of the most minor iOS updates since it's release, and many users don't game much from it, but total crap is probably an exaggeration. I can see why it's one of teh worst updates too, but I still would say your experience is probably related to a setting or a bad install/download. That doesn't excuse your experience - it really sucks when stuff like this stuffs up, but give it another restore or something. It's possible it does run like poop too, but I have friends who are running on 3GS with no real complaints.

iOS 2: appstore
iOS3: can't remember the major features, but is this when we got copy/paste, MMS?
iOS4: multitasking, game centre, folders
ios5: notification centre, iMessage, reminders, iCloud - a lot of feature parity with some android stuff.
iOs 6: new maps, Passbook, do not disturb, shared photostream.

I really do think there isn't as much in there as previous.

edit: a quick check on wiki, eh... looks like iOs3 wasn't a big upgrade either.

I'm willing to forgive some of the stuff, and I am chalking some of this up to bad luck, but the sheer frustration that I've been through with this iPad and the way iOS runs so poorly on some older devices that I have, including the ones which I've offloaded to my parents, has just overwhelmed me since iOS 6 was released in the last couple of months.

I've tried resetting the iPad to factory defaults, which is why I'm beginning to think that it might be a hardware problem. If that is the case, then whatever, shit happens, and I've never had another Apple device (even from the 1G ipod onwards) fail on me like this before. But the problems only started after a botched wifi update to iOS6. I can specifically remember trying the wifi update for the first time while it was plugged in to a wall socket, but somehow it botched. So the iPad problems are either a hardware issue or something went seriously wrong during the update.

The wifi dropouts regularly happen on my iphone 4S. The App store (especially the charts) is very slow and frustrating on an iPad 3. On older devices (iPhone 3GS, ipod Touch) this problem is amplified and is even apparent across the wider OS, like in the music player, for example.

I know that iOS6 was a relatively minor update, and that is why I'm so bemused at how terrible (at least in my experience) iOS6 is, both on older devices, and even on current ones.


By using Facebook you give FB all of your contacts numbers. Right?

So if I don't want fb to have my number and someone uses it, I'm screwed.

If so (and I'm 99% sure it is), I hate fb sync.
By using Facebook you give FB all of your contacts numbers. Right?

So if I don't want fb to have my number and someone uses it, I'm screwed.

If so (and I'm 99% sure it is), I hate fb sync.

If you don't have your number on your FB account, you should be fine. I'm pretty sure you can turn it off on your privacy preferences.
But if someone has my number and facebook links it up to me on their sync, fb will have my info wont they?

Oh shit I've never thought of it like that.

If I don't want FB to have my phone number, I don't allow it. But if my friend has my phone number, and syncs their contacts with FaceBook, now FB has my phone number.



Doesn't FB sync FB contacts to your phone, not the other way around? If you go onto your FB after syncing, it's not like you can see all of your phone contacts on FB suddenly, or can you?


Yes. It's not a two way street, all that happens is your friends from Facebook are sucked down onto your phone. If the friends name matches the name in your contacts, the info is merged on the phone but the merged info is not sent back to Facebook.


It you switch off an individual app in 'backup options' does this just stop backing up the data or remove the entire app? For example I have 'Cut the rope' switched off in the attached image. Does this mean restoring the backup to a new iPad will not restore the app despite it still being installed on my device, or will it still put it there and just not include the app data?



It you switch off an individual app in 'backup options' does this just stop backing up the data or remove the entire app? For example I have 'Cut the rope' switched off in the attached image. Does this mean restoring the backup to a new iPad will not restore the app despite it still being installed on my device, or will it still put it there and just not include the app data?


As far as I'm aware, iCloud is for save data only.

A restore generally redownloads any installed apps from the store.

THAT said, I restored my parents iPad, and it came down with non-updated versions of the apps they had installed - I wonder if it downloads previous versions from the store?


Doesn't FB sync FB contacts to your phone, not the other way around? If you go onto your FB after syncing, it's not like you can see all of your phone contacts on FB suddenly, or can you?

Yes. It's not a two way street, all that happens is your friends from Facebook are sucked down onto your phone. If the friends name matches the name in your contacts, the info is merged on the phone but the merged info is not sent back to Facebook.
I hope so but by doing that you're giving them full access to your contacts.

Is there any solid proof on this? It's not beyond them to steal your info. Remember when they deleted your contacts emails and replaced them with a Facebook email? They have full control.


I hope so but by doing that you're giving them full access to your contacts.

Is there any solid proof on this? It's not beyond them to steal your info. Remember when they deleted your contacts emails and replaced them with a Facebook email? They have full control.

The contacts sync integrated into iOS and OS X is written and controlled by Apple, not Facebook. It is a one-way sync, pulling data from Facebook and storing it in contacts. It doesn't upload contact details to Facebook without your permission.


Unconfirmed Member
Does the iOS6 YouTube app that you can get for free on the App Store run just good as the YouTube app that came standard on the iPhone? I've been reading the reviews and I hear it's not that good. This is pretty much the only reason I have not upgraded.


Does the iOS6 YouTube app that you can get for free on the App Store run just good as the YouTube app that came standard on the iPhone? I've been reading the reviews and I hear it's not that good. This is pretty much the only reason I have not upgraded.

Works out just fine, I think. If you're not anal about it not playing in the background, I think it's quite serviceable. It also looks a ton better.


Unconfirmed Member
Works out just fine, I think. If you're not anal about it not playing in the background, I think it's quite serviceable. It also looks a ton better.

Thanks. From what I experienced the one that came standard never worked in the background either (ie - stopped playing when I left the app).
OK, so I got my first iphone a couple of weeks ago and I've only just got around to trying to put music on it. I've never had any experience with syncing anything through itunes before and I'm not exactly finding it straight forward.

What I'd like to know is how can I set it up so that I can say to itunes, only put albums X, Y & B on the phone, instead of it just trying to put everything on?

Works out just fine, I think. If you're not anal about it not playing in the background, I think it's quite serviceable. It also looks a ton better.

But you can't zoom in and out like the old app. Also no way to get info for the video you're watching. IMO, it's crap just like the last one.

Plus, embedded videos in Safari still open in the old app. wtf is going on


OK, so I got my first iphone a couple of weeks ago and I've only just got around to trying to put music on it. I've never had any experience with syncing anything through itunes before and I'm not exactly finding it straight forward.

What I'd like to know is how can I set it up so that I can say to itunes, only put albums X, Y & B on the phone, instead of it just trying to put everything on?


this should be pretty simple.

go to itunes.

go to the iPhone section (under devices) in itunes.

click the tab for music when in this iphone section.

select the radio button to sync selected playlists, artists, etc instead of "sync everything".

pick the stuff you want synced from the various lists of albums, artists and playlists.
this should be pretty simple.

go to itunes.

go to the iPhone section (under devices) in itunes.

click the tab for music when in this iphone section.

select the radio button to sync selected playlists, artists, etc instead of "sync everything".

pick the stuff you want synced from the various lists of albums, artists and playlists.

Cheers, hadn't thought to use a playlist. I'd seen the option about 'ticked' tracks, only to discover iTunes then ticks everything and had a minor migraine.


Cheers, hadn't thought to use a playlist. I'd seen the option about 'ticked' tracks, only to discover iTunes then ticks everything and had a minor migraine.

well, you don't need to use a playlist. But I find making them helps for, say, adding the last 200 songs you've added to the library or your most played songs, etc.

But for full albums and artists, those can be selected individually from the same page you add the playlists to the iPhone (this was added in itunes 9 or 10, I think. you used to HAVE to make playlists even for syncing single albums)

have fun!
But for full albums and artists, those can be selected individually from the same page you add the playlists to the iPhone

OK, you've lost me a bit there, which page is that? What I did was click on Music in the sidebar (nested under my iphone device name), and select the playlist from the Autofill from: dropdown, with Replace all items when autofilling ticked and Choose items randomly unticked in the settings, but I can't see how I can use this method to add individual albums without going through a playlist.

Am I going about this in some backwards way?


OK, you've lost me a bit there, which page is that? What I did was click on Music in the sidebar (nested under my iphone device name), and select the playlist from the Autofill from: dropdown, with Replace all items when autofilling ticked and Choose items randomly unticked in the settings, but I can't see how I can use this method to add individual albums without going through a playlist.

Am I going about this in some backwards way?

you need to go to the music TAB when the iphone is selected. not the listing on the side. the tab in the main window (there's tabs for apps, movies, music, books, etc.)

do that and you'll see what I'm talking about. there's a bunch of tabs in the main window once the iphone is selected.
you need to go to the music TAB when the iphone is selected. not the listing on the side. the tab in the main window (there's tabs for apps, movies, music, books, etc.)

do that and you'll see what I'm talking about. there's a bunch of tabs in the main window once the iphone is selected.



you need to go to the music TAB when the iphone is selected. not the listing on the side. the tab in the main window (there's tabs for apps, movies, music, books, etc.)

do that and you'll see what I'm talking about. there's a bunch of tabs in the main window once the iphone is selected.

I love iTunes, but like iPhoto, it's really not that intuitive for people coming from a concept of folders and files.

These programs for managing your CONTENT (as opposed to files, which it does in the background) are awesome, but it does take a bit of 'unlearning' to get it.
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