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iOS 6 |OT| New Maps? googy pls

Honestly, the only complaint I've ever had for the iPhone is the lack of LED notification. Wish they'd make an invisible one or some clever one where the white lines in the home button light up or something.

It's the only thing that kind of bugs me. There are other things I want in the OS but nothing I really care about/can't live without.
You're over-embellishing the impact. I would equate the iterations to cleaning up your place before guests come over, as opposed to getting a nicer house.
Changing the appearance of everything for the hell of it also implies that you have no design goals and have no idea what you're doing.
You keep accusing people of that. I, for one, wasn't saying anything of the sort.
Are you sure?

I was hoping for a new UI. IOS interface is getting a little stale looking for me.
Truth. I will probably switch to Android next year if iOS 7 doesn't seriously shake things up.
The person you responded to and agreed with brought up a new UI in the context of it just looking stale.

New UIs get boring after a week, no matter what they do. GAF has looked the same for what feels like decades and is truly dated in appearance, but it works and we're all still here enjoying it. As long as iOS keeps refining with the times and adds necessary features, I don't care if they never change what it looks like.


I'm perfectly fine with the look of iOS as it is. 90% of the time you only see what individual app developers have come up with which is almost always unique. I'd like to see the new button styles introduced with the music/podcast/store apps to be made system-wide for consistencies sake, but Apple doesn't exactly have a good track record for UI consistency. I think I'd like to see them ditch the pinstripe too, we waited ages for them to drop it in OS X only to have them reintroduce as part of iOS.


besides, apple already made superficial UI changes in iOS 6. the grey dialer number pad, the matte buttons in music player and the grey list items in that app.

if anything, those are changes made with no real design goal aside from - make it different. (unlike the store UI changes which are better for navigation and also change the colors and textures of elements)

some like the changes, some don't. personally, I think the matte stuff looks fine. I just hope these inconsistencies we see with some matte and some glossy controls/ tabs are gone by September.

edit. forgot the colored top menu bar in apps. I don't like that change. doesn't seem to make anything better or easier to read (seems like it could do the opposite, really)


You keep accusing people of that. I, for one, wasn't saying anything of the sort.

You asked for a new UI. This is Apple. Apple doesn't like getting rid of their UI's. OSX has had basically the same UI for 12 years. Hell it still has a surprisingly similar layout and style as it did in 1984, the top bar is basically the same!

Revamped UI's is not a Apple sort of thing. iOS is going to have roughly the sam UI probably for the next 5+ years easily.


Seems like YouTube's removal be a good thing for everybody.

Apple rids themselves of Google and saves money on license fees, Google has freedom to add new features/update it faster, and iOS users get a better app rather than a shitty outdated one they hide in a folder.

except you lose our on the native OS integration. No longer can you upload directly to YouTube from the Camera Roll or iMovies.

You can't upload links directly to the YouTube app.

This might be a deal breaker for me...Android here I come?


except you lose our on the native OS integration. No longer can you upload directly to YouTube from the Camera Roll or iMovies.

You can't upload links directly to the YouTube app.

This might be a deal breaker for me...Android here I come?

If the most important Apps on your iPhone are Google apps then you probably should switch to Android because those are the only apps that are significantly better than what you're getting on iOS. Well, except for mail until they start using the Sparrow team to make changes to Gmail.


If the most important Apps on your iPhone are Google apps then you probably should switch to Android because those are the only apps that are significantly better than what you're getting on iOS. Well, except for mail until they start using the Sparrow team to make changes to Gmail.

I think I'll be okay without google maps but a native youtube app feels like a must have.


I think I'll be okay without google maps but a native youtube app feels like a must have.

Really? I can understand wanting the ability for easy uploading from other apps, but the app itself never seemed that great. The mobile site is better just for watching or searching for videos.


except you lose our on the native OS integration. No longer can you upload directly to YouTube from the Camera Roll or iMovies.

You can't upload links directly to the YouTube app.

This might be a deal breaker for me...Android here I come?

They added this capability with 6.


except you lose our on the native OS integration. No longer can you upload directly to YouTube from the Camera Roll or iMovies.

You can't upload links directly to the YouTube app.

This might be a deal breaker for me...Android here I come?
Get a G1 and you're set.


You're confusing uploading in the browser with direct sharing from the camera roll

except you lose our on the native OS integration. No longer can you upload directly to YouTube from the Camera Roll or iMovies.

You can't upload links directly to the YouTube app.

This might be a deal breaker for me...Android here I come?
But I can upload to YouTube via the camera roll in iOS 6 beta 4? Don't spread false information, guys.
There's a fucking button to tweet or update your status. Neither are "notifications".

Except Twitter notifications do arrive in the notification center. Makes some sense that you can respond to them and post notifications of your own. Having a brightness controller in the notification center really makes no sense.


Still Alive
There's a fucking button to tweet or update your status. Neither are "notifications".
That's there because notification center is practically for twitter/facebook alone for most people. The inline OS sharing options is in NC because it makes sense to be there. Brightness controls doesn't.
Except Twitter notifications do arrive in the notification center. Makes some sense that you can respond to them and post notifications of your own. Having a brightness controller in the notification center really makes no sense.
That's there because notification center is practically for twitter/facebook alone for most people. The inline OS sharing options is in NC because it makes sense to be there. Brightness controls doesn't.

Even if we say you're right, the notification center isn't some amazing brand that needs to be respected. They can do whatever they want with that space. They put volume controls and rotation lock in the multitasking bar, it's not like there's no president for random buttons that are just there to be useful.
Even if we say you're right, the notification center isn't some amazing brand that needs to be respected. They can do whatever they want with that space. They put volume controls and rotation lock in the multitasking bar, it's not like there's no president for random buttons that are just there to be useful.

Adding brightness on iPhone to the multitasking bar would make more sense. That's where it is on iPad.


Adding brightness on iPhone to the multitasking bar would make more sense. That's where it is on iPad.

SBSettings is like one of two reasons I still jailbreak. One day maybe they'll add quick toggles somewhere outside of settings :/
Adding brightness on iPhone to the multitasking bar would make more sense. That's where it is on iPad.

It makes no "sense" either way, based on what both areas are supposed to be for. So with that in mind, put it in the place with the most space and customisation options.

SBSettings is like one of two reasons I still jailbreak. One day maybe they'll add quick toggles somewhere outside of settings :/

I have the same set up. I just don't get why I need to jailbreak for something so simple. Fuck radical design overhauls, just add obvious features.


Anyone having success with OTA update in the last 6-7 hours? I've been trying it intermittently and it always says it can't contact the servers. Tried it on Wi-Fi, 3G, restarting the phone, doing a hard reset (holding down Home + Sleep until reboot). Nothing works! :(


That's there because notification center is practically for twitter/facebook alone for most people. The inline OS sharing options is in NC because it makes sense to be there. Brightness controls doesn't.

Are you being sarcastic? Cause that seems like a pretty ridiculous leap in logic...

Also, lol at iOS 6 taking away more features than it's adding.


Are you being sarcastic? Cause that seems like a pretty ridiculous leap in logic...

Also, lol at iOS 6 taking away more features than it's adding.

How are they taking away more features than they're adding? That's a pretty ridiculous claim to make...


Cool. Thanks for doing that.

Looks like they added major streets and city districts to the zoomed out view, and more streets for the in-between view.

I noticed that names and POIs have a fading effect now. There are also POIs that show up but won't have a label until you're zoomed in (I don't remember if that was the case before).


Sorry, I'm forgetting the "imo" much too often. Please assume I wrote "I'd like to see a big revamp". A successor the the current UI, with the same spirit and design goals, just modernized. A big evolutionary jump instead of a single step.

I'm mostly speaking about the homescreen, but this has already been discussed here countless times. I understand how unlikely any big changes are, after spending so much time and money in building the iOS brand and making it familiar to so many people.


formerly "chigiri"
But I can upload to YouTube via the camera roll in iOS 6 beta 4? Don't spread false information, guys.

Yes you can. You have these sharing options:

Pressing Youtube brings up the "fill in the details and upload" interface which then pushes it to Youtube directly.

You'll have to take my word for it that the screenshot is from Beta 4, I can't be assed this early in the morning to take more shots. :p


happy for Apple not to change the UI too much (though i think ppl will eventually tire of it)

at the very least offer some more customisation

secondly i agree with others about iOS6 not being as advanced as previous updates.... turn by turn is the only significant addition.


testicles on a cold fall morning
has Apple enabled any offline caching/downloading of map data in iOS6? Google Maps has that option in Android 4.1 and the resulting dataset is surprisingly small (yay vectors). a map cache of NYC - including most of the Bronx and Queens - is roughly 20MB. This even includes the vectorized 3D building exteriors, business locations and metro stations/stops.
Keep in mind that we have absolutely no idea whatsoever what kind of hardware-exclusive features iOS 6 will include with the new phone. NFC, the reason for the taller screen, any number of new things we have no clue about yet.
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