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iOS 6 |OT| New Maps? googy pls


The Autumn Wind
That tumblr is pretty good.

Ok, this one got me good.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Best thing about iOS 6? iTunes Match now works perfectly. It streams instead of downloading. This the killer feature of iOS 6 IMO

Definitely disagree. As someone in NYC who may wanna download a song or album on the way to the train and KNOW it'll be there while I'm underground, the changes are not for the better. As is the lack of being able to get a few songs from an album, and being able to choose what to delete. Hopefully Apple shifts and meets somewhere in the middle in the future.


iTunes Match is perfect.

Give me clean versions of my songs and I'll never complaign again.

How could someone rather want clean versions than the original, censoring swear words in songs is absolutely ridiculous.

So is upgrading to iOs 6 worth it? Is there anything I can't do on jailbroken iOs 5 I can on iOs 6 ?

facebook integration lol

If not I will stick with iOs 5 until an untethered iOs 6 jailbreak is released.


Is there a way to disable the tap to tweet/post to Facebook in the notification bar without logging out of Twitter/Facebook?


Funny, I think it was smart for Apple to release maps in its current state. Get the bad press early on (which I'm sure will be a huge motivation to making maps exceptional over time) and let the record shattering sales news of the iPhone 5 eclipse mapgate. Feels like this was timed in a very PR way.


...hate me...
iTunes Match is perfect.

Give me clean versions of my songs and I'll never complaign again.

Actually I've been having a problem with iTunes match. I have an album that I ripped but a song is broken. It's correctly tagged etc and it is available on the iTunes store. But through iTunes match, I'm still getting the broken version on my other devices.

Meaning it isn't being matched, but uploaded right? How can I fix this?
It is strange that in Apple maps for that San Francisco to Sausalito path it doesn't give you the option to take a walking route that doesn't include the ferry.

Lots of this is true, Google has had about a decade head start on Apple and Apples maps will eventually get better but they shouldn't have released it in its current state.

And this is coming from someone that lives in NYC which actually has pretty good support in the new maps.

The thing is, I fail to see how they could have significantly improved the maps with time without putting it into the hands of millions of people. You can't have a few Apple employees (or a few hundred) beta test maps. You need millions of people from all over the world to do that. If they delayed release, they would have been been setting themselves further behind. It needs people using it to get better, Apple can't notice or be made aware of all these mistakes/issues without this usage. This isn't any other kind of app.


Funny, I think it was smart for Apple to release maps in its current state. Get the bad press early on (which I'm sure will be a huge motivation to making maps exceptional over time) and let the record shattering sales news of the iPhone 5 eclipse mapgate. Feels like this was timed in a very PR way.

What's to stop people from complaining about ios6 on the iPhone 5 though? It'll be the same shitty issues on a bigger screen.


The Autumn Wind
I know it's not the popular opinion right now, but turn-by-turn more than makes up for any other shortcomings the new map app has at the moment. Being server side means all that other stuff can be sorted out in short order without anything needed on my end.
The thing is, I fail to see how they could have significantly improved the maps with time without putting it into the hands of millions of people. You can't have a few Apple employees (or a few hundred) beta test maps. You need millions of people from all over the world to do that. If they delayed release, they would have been been setting themselves further behind. It needs people using it to get better, Apple can't notice or be made aware of all these mistakes/issues without this usage. This isn't any other kind of app.

It's true that at some point you're going to need people to actually test out the service, but I'm pretty sure that they hinted a few years ago that they were collecting data from iPhone users for their eventual map application, maybe they should've continued with that for another OS iteration or two.

Either way, I'm not sure how they could've handled this better but for such an integral feature for a smartphone they probably should've found a way to launch it without being such a mess. Perhaps they could've launched it separately from iOS 6 and let it have its own public beta.


The thing is, I fail to see how they could have significantly improved the maps with time without putting it into the hands of millions of people. You can't have a few Apple employees (or a few hundred) beta test maps. You need millions of people from all over the world to do that. If they delayed release, they would have been been setting themselves further behind. It needs people using it to get better, Apple can't notice or be made aware of all these mistakes/issues without this usage. This isn't any other kind of app.

On the other hand, when I use the app now and see that the mapping data is bad and the POI's are ridiculously incomplete, what incentive do I have to use the app again? Am I going to check back every x number of days to see if it got any better yet? Why would I keep using an inferior product in the hopes that it'll someday be "good" when Google Maps is good NOW?

The second Google Maps app is out, I'd literally have no reason to open the default Maps app again.
It's true that at some point you're going to need people to actually test out the service, but I'm pretty sure that they hinted a few years ago that they were collecting data from iPhone users for their eventual map application, maybe they should've continued with that for another OS iteration or two.

Either way, I'm not sure how they could've handled this better but for such an integral feature for a smartphone they probably should've found a way to launch it without being such a mess. Perhaps they could've launched it separately from iOS 6 and let it have its own public beta.

I'm sure one of its motivating factors was getting into the hands of all the new iPhone 5 owners and iOS6 owners. Missing the launch means they would have missed the opportunity to get it in the hands of tens of millions of people and having those people use it as their default mapps app. There's not many others way they could have done if they wanted mass adoption.
I'm sure one of its motivating factors was getting into the hands of all the new iPhone 5 owners and iOS6 owners. Missing the launch means they would have missed the opportunity to get it in the hands of tens of millions of people and having those people use it as their default mapps app. There's not many others way they could have done if they wanted mass adoption.

I don't think people need to actually be using this app to get data. Like I said before they've been gathering map data from us for years. As for beta testing, anyone who was on the developer builds of iOS 6 could've told the world about all the problems this thing had. I really think Apple just rushed to get rid of Google when they should've let their app develop more.
On the other hand, when I use the app now and see that the mapping data is bad and the POI's are ridiculously incomplete, what incentive do I have to use the app again? Am I going to check back every x number of days to see if it got any better yet? Why would I keep using an inferior product in the hopes that it'll someday be "good" when Google Maps is good NOW?

The second Google Maps app is out, I'd literally have no reason to open the default Maps app again.

My point was, if they delayed it 1, 2, 5 years- Google maps would have STILL been better, as its being used daily by hundreds of millions of people and has usage metrics and data nobody can compete with. It would have seen just as incomplete if they waited, and all that time, they would have been STRENGTHENING Google and their maps with hundreds of millions of new users, while weakening the potential for their own solution. It's not like Google is standing still with their maps either, and if somehow Apple kept delaying they would have caught up or something. You have to put it out there sometime, and the longer the waited the worse position they would have been in. This isn't the kind of app where x dev time = x improvement.
My point was, if they delayed it 1, 2, 5 years- Google maps would have STILL been better, as its being used daily by hundreds of millions of people and has usage metrics and data nobody can compete with. It would have seen just as incomplete if they waited, and all that time, they would have been STRENGTHENING Google and their maps with hundreds of millions of new users, while weakening the potential for their own solution. It's not like Google is standing still with their maps either, and if somehow Apple kept delaying they would have caught up or something.

Obviously Apple wouldn't have caught up, but they could've brought their maps to a level deemed acceptable by a decent amount of people. This map isn't even bare bones for people in many locations, it's unusable for them.


And, you know, Google has had a team building on this for the past 10 years, while Apple maps was released just...yesterday. Yes, there's some holes, but some aspects are genuinely better. This was a massive, masisve undertaking and I have no doubt it will get much better in the coming months as usage increases and they fix/add stuff- like any maps database. For those of you wondering why Apple decided to do their own thing in house, they really had no choice:

1- Maps is one of the most important and used iPhone apps. It makes no sense to leave its fate in the hands of its biggest competitor
2- Google has little incentive to make their iOS maps app the best it can be, and add all the Android features to it. There's reports that they refused to give Apple turn by turn.

This was inevitable, and in the long run it will be a good thing. The biggest change si that Google is instantly losing usage stats and maps data from hundreds of millions of customers, while APple will instantly gain them. This is huge. ie. Apple maps will get better very quickly, while the rate of Google maps getting better will decrease. We'll see where things stand 6 months, but I'm thinking the gap will lessen significantly.Also, I'm sure Google will have their own maps app in the store soon, so win-win in that case. I think it's reasonable to cut Apple some slack seeing as what they were able to accomplish, which is really an insanely complex undertaking that simply takes time to get the data all there. Look what they did with 3D, Google has been in this for ages and Apple has them beat on that front.


That blog is laughably ridiculous. But thats not exactly surprising, people say silly stuff sometimes. Truth is Google Maps is going to continue to advance, and at a faster rate than Apples maps. Google continues to gather usage data from the staggering number of Android devices sold worldwide. Their service also continues to benefit from website usage on Googles website, and benefits in parallel to google search because of the way they designed their systems to work in tandem with one another.

Its a lunatics fantasy to claim that Google maps is going to suddenly start to degrade so that the two "meet in the middle in 18 months". The truth is, Google maps will continue to improve at an incredible pace stacked on top of all the work they have put in over the last 10 years, and Apple will be playing catch up that entire time. Theres no magic bullet for this. And not having a google maps app on idevices isnt going to gut googles usage data when folks can still use their website, still use the mobile website from idevices, still use the maps desktop webpage, and still use the hundreds of millions of Android devices out there.

Truth is, if Apple even wants to get a decent amount of usage data, they need to stop the bleeding thats already started with people running from Apple maps to Waze and all the other alternatives.

Jea Song

Did the right thing
So apple is proud of their useless 3D fly over mode?





I honestly think google earth renders 3d building much better.


I have no clue how these things work but in what timeframe Apple will clean this stuff up? are we talking months or years here? can anyone guess?
I have no clue how these things work but in what timeframe Apple will clean this stuff up? are we talking months or years here? can anyone guess?

Throughout the various developer builds of iOS 6 the maps got better and I imagine the same will continue to happen. That being said, it'll probably be a while before it becomes significantly better.


Maps for me are a huge part of owning a smart phone. If I didn't have a one x on me for maps, I wouldn't have bought the iphone 5 as my sole device.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Sorry if posted but there are some real good tweets regarding the new apple maps:

And then there's this lol:


no, #ios6maps, I don’t have to take a ferry to walk that. see that bridge there? you may have heard of it.

Tumblr devoted to similar images of map results apple is giving: http://goo.gl/udIrc

I just checked it out. Not sure what was done differently to get the different results.



Ah. Haha, weird.

Maybe since they are walking directions they are optimized for ease. Surely riding a ferry is the most efficient way to go without a personal vehicle, however I'm not sure at what point it is no longer considered walking...

Me personally, I don't like walking over long bridges.


Will start substantiating his hate
I haven't updated my iPhone nor my iPad yet and I'm seriously considering keeping iOS5 on my iPhone because of this. I have an iPhone 4 so there's really no good reason for updating.

In fact, I'm considering switching to Android for my next phone. I have a fair amount of apps on my phone (most of which I never use) but Google's services are more important to me than Apple's ecosystem. At least, on a phone. Unfortunately all the decent Android phones are huge.


Take it easy folks. Maps will get better. Google never gave us free turn by turn when they had that feature on Android for years.

the turn by turn in the new maps is actually pretty great. but let's all continue on and focus on the negatives.
Throughout the various developer builds of iOS 6 the maps got better and I imagine the same will continue to happen. That being said, it'll probably be a while before it becomes significantly better.

I mentioned the same thing in the other thread earlier and was told that I was living in denial. One of the best things about the Maps apps, whether it's from Apple, Google or someone else, is that the data is mostly stored server side and can be updated regularly. That'll be the case here as well.
I mentioned the same thing in the other thread earlier and was told that I was living in denial. One of the best things about the Maps apps, whether it's from Apple, Google or someone else, is that the data is mostly stored server side and can be updated regularly. That'll be the case here as well.

Apple should have used the maps data from the first developer build of iOS 6 and then a week after launch updated it to what we have now.


I haven't updated my iPhone nor my iPad yet and I'm seriously considering keeping iOS5 on my iPhone because of this. I have an iPhone 4 so there's really no good reason for updating.

In fact, I'm considering switching to Android for my next phone. I have a fair amount of apps on my phone (most of which I never use) but Google's services are more important to me than Apple's ecosystem. At least, on a phone. Unfortunately all the decent Android phones are huge.

RazrM is about the size of an iphone5
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