What exactly do you find is worse about it?
It has a faster JavaScript rendering engine.
It has a 25 tab limit as opposed to the old limit of 8
It has a larger reading area.
It's much much better at keeping tabs loaded in memory when switching back and forth instead of dumping them and reloading. In iOS 6 I could barely keep more than 1 page open without having to reload everything.
It has gestures for navigating back and forward.
The biggest complain I've heard about the new Safari is that the bottom bar dissapears when scrolling down. Just tap anywhere at the bottom to bring it back up.
You couldn't pay me to go to the old Safari.
I haven't noticed any faster rendering although I haven't loaded much yet.
I rarely ever go above 5 tabs.
The reading area was fine to me before but when I scroll up the top and bottom bar cover almost have the screen when sideways.
I actually liked it reloading because most of the time when switching tabs I'd refresh the page anyways.
Haven't noticed the gestures going back and forth yet but switching tabs like normal looks a lot uglier to me.
I don't like how the clock isn't always at the top when it barely took up any space or that you have to tap the page link to know exactly what part of the site you're on.