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iOS 7 | Flatness Is a Good Thing

What exactly do you find is worse about it?

It has a faster JavaScript rendering engine.

It has a 25 tab limit as opposed to the old limit of 8

It has a larger reading area.

It's much much better at keeping tabs loaded in memory when switching back and forth instead of dumping them and reloading. In iOS 6 I could barely keep more than 1 page open without having to reload everything.

It has gestures for navigating back and forward.

The biggest complain I've heard about the new Safari is that the bottom bar dissapears when scrolling down. Just tap anywhere at the bottom to bring it back up.

You couldn't pay me to go to the old Safari.

I haven't noticed any faster rendering although I haven't loaded much yet.

I rarely ever go above 5 tabs.

The reading area was fine to me before but when I scroll up the top and bottom bar cover almost have the screen when sideways.

I actually liked it reloading because most of the time when switching tabs I'd refresh the page anyways.

Haven't noticed the gestures going back and forth yet but switching tabs like normal looks a lot uglier to me.

I don't like how the clock isn't always at the top when it barely took up any space or that you have to tap the page link to know exactly what part of the site you're on.
I have a strange issue, which might not be an issue in fact. When I try to delete a photo using the delete icon at the bott right, it seems unresponsive. But I believe that it is not a physical problem, in the sense that the touch screen is working, but the software doesn't count it toward an acceptable click ?

And finally a metering system that is locked to the focus point. Great improvement overt Xperia Z.


Nope, it cleaned off 40MB. I want to call Apple so fucking bad and tear into someone's ass right now. On a 16GB phone i have 7GB to use for everything. The rest of it is being used by nothing, but the phone wont let me access it or even tell what it is.

Some of it is documents and data (although that is now separated under iOS 7 in iTunes as "Documents & Data").

There is also a lot of cache data, and I assume, orphaned install files. I recall back in iPad 1 days, I'd have that "other" bump up during an app install, then clear when the app actually installed. It may be less transparent these days, but I imagine if an install or download goes wrong, and it messes up deleting it, that the 'other' gets bloated. I've seen on itunes, some rogue downloads not clearing, and of course with a file management program you can clear it easy, but no so much on an ios device.

A restore actually clears a lot of it away. Alternatively, you can download their-party apps that view the file structure of the iDevice and manually clear it, although you run the risk of messing with things you're not supposed to so caveat emptor.


While we're nitpicking icons can we diss the the little nipple on the rear of the FaceTime camera icon?

Damn you. Now I cannot unsee. the other apps seem a lot more simple. It's not like it communicates what the app is for. looks like a sideways tweetbot.


formerly "chigiri"
So, that's what the top of my iPad looks like right now, after the 7.0.2 update.


Had the same issue with the wallpaper, incidentally I'm using the same wallpaper as you (the white mountain range, right?). I re-applied my wallpaper and it went away.


Nope, it cleaned off 40MB. I want to call Apple so fucking bad and tear into someone's ass right now. On a 16GB phone i have 7GB to use for everything. The rest of it is being used by nothing, but the phone wont let me access it or even tell what it is.
I had that problem with my 5 for a while. Turns out it was old sync data that it wasn't authorized to clear out one the computer I was using. I fixed it be reauthorizing my phone to sync with that particular computer,


What exactly do you find is worse about it?

It has a faster JavaScript rendering engine.

It has a 25 tab limit as opposed to the old limit of 8

It has a larger reading area.

It's much much better at keeping tabs loaded in memory when switching back and forth instead of dumping them and reloading. In iOS 6 I could barely keep more than 1 page open without having to reload everything.

It has gestures for navigating back and forward.

The biggest complain I've heard about the new Safari is that the bottom bar dissapears when scrolling down. Just tap anywhere at the bottom to bring it back up.

You couldn't pay me to go to the old Safari.

On my iPhone 4, my only real complaint is that it has to refresh tabs when switching back to it more readily than Safari in 6 and below did. I work in a place with terrible phone reception and almost no data connection so I like to cue up a few stories to dip into throughout the day. On iOS 7 Safari will have to refresh if I've opened pretty much anything since I last went into it, losing those pages I've opened. I realise it's bumping up against the hardware limitations but that doesn't make it any less annoying.

I also find having the page title at the top far more useful than a partial URL, though that's personal preference. "Hey, I'm on neogaf.com? Thanks, that really narrows it down."


On my iPhone 4, my only real complaint is that it has to refresh tabs when switching back to it more readily than Safari in 6 and below did. I work in a place with terrible phone reception and almost no data connection so I like to cue up a few stories to dip into throughout the day. On iOS 7 Safari will have to refresh if I've opened pretty much anything since I last went into it, losing those pages I've opened. I realise it's bumping up against the hardware limitations but that doesn't make it any less annoying.

I also find having the page title at the top far more useful than a partial URL, though that's personal preference. "Hey, I'm on neogaf.com? Thanks, that really narrows it down."
Why don't you add those pages to reading list so you can read them off line?
Got a question. Im trying to update my girlfriend's 5, but theres over 6GB of soace taken up in "other". What the fuck is the deal? Theres only 3 apps on it, not a lot of anything else. Im so fucking pissed at this goddamn phone right now. Weve reset it, attempted to back it up and restore, deleted all the messges, and get nothing. The fuck is using up over half the phone's memory for no reason?

Did you sort this out yet? I've had this problem awhile ago, and worked it out to be a failed restore. Basically, it had copied my files over but failed once during the restore. Space has been allocated for the files but the process failed before it completed. Hence the space being taken up.

Usually a full restore fixes this, so it's strange that it won't in your case.


Nope, it cleaned off 40MB. I want to call Apple so fucking bad and tear into someone's ass right now. On a 16GB phone i have 7GB to use for everything. The rest of it is being used by nothing, but the phone wont let me access it or even tell what it is.

I would try restoring it as a new phone, not to an old backup. If something is wrong with the old cache it will just keep coming back with every restore from backup. Cloud would bring back contacts once you sign in but you'd have to manually reload apps and such. If you do it I would also plug the phone in outside of iTunes and manually copy all the pictures and video off too before you wipe it.


Did you sort this out yet? I've had this problem awhile ago, and worked it out to be a failed restore. Basically, it had copied my files over but failed once during the restore. Space has been allocated for the files but the process failed before it completed. Hence the space being taken up.

Usually a full restore fixes this, so it's strange that it won't in your case.

If you do a restore in place, ie the one that just replaces the OS, it doesn't clear it out, if I remember. Like I think it was "Restore from backup" only just dumps the backup back on, and you still have the media or something. Only the full restore to new, then selecting a backup will clear it, IF i remember correctly.

Restore from backup = dumping documents & settings, and replacing them with a backup version. Doesn't clear the misplaced files.
Restore to new...THEN choose a backup to apply, will delete everything then reapply the backup.

One helpful thing to try for investigation is looking at the size of the backup that is generated. If it is less than 6GB, then obviously it does not have all of that other, and as you say, it's probably orphaned downloads/files from failed updates.


Question for mobile GAF users: Is holding down on the arrow to open threads in tabs to their newest page harder for anyone else this time around? It used to work perfectly, but for whatever reason now it often doesn't react, or the first page opens in the existing tab. I feel like I'm missing the hitbox or something.

iPhone 4S by the way.

I'm on the iPhone 4S as well and I had the exact same problem. I had to adjust where I hit the arrow to be closer to the center of the screen as possible. I appeared that the phone kept registering the beginning of a "swipe back" so it wouldn't initiate the "hold" for the option of opening to a new tab. Took a little getting used to.

I was originally using Chrome for the last several months, but with iOS7 I've switched back to Safari (since most of the extra screen space of Chrome is now present in Safari and I don't think Safari has the reputation of being a data hog and battery hog, so I'll see.)


I was originally using Chrome for the last several months, but with iOS7 I've switched back to Safari (since most of the extra screen space of Chrome is now present in Safari and I don't think Safari has the reputation of being a data hog and battery hog, so I'll see.)

Is chrome on iOS really a battery and data hog?
I can only assume people satisfied with iOS 7 on the iPad 3 have lower standards than I do.

It's always been rather shit for gaming on with modern titles but for browsing and video i've not had a problem apart from hating how iOS7 looks, feels like there is too much empty space on the ipad layouts.


I'm a fan of how adjusting brightness in Control Center kills the auto brightness. I'm finding that even with the slider all the way to the left, it's bright enough for me indoors. I'm sure that helps my battery life quite a bit.


Does iPad 2 take a performance hit with iOS 7?

Can anyone tell me how iOS 7 is on iPad 2?

I'm thinking of updating my mothers iPad.

I updated my iPad 2 over the weekend and it runs perfectly fine. The battery seemed to take a bit of a hit, but after restarting and going all the way to 0% and charging to full, it looks back to normal. Everything on it responds nice and smooth.

I regret updating my iPhone 4 to iOS7 though, it's pretty slow, especially the keyboard in Messages, I've been mistyping much more.


the constantly appearing and disappearing/resizing navigation and URL bars might be nice eye candy but it takes an extra step for me to bring up tab browser now, or if I want to save a bookmark, or search/enter URL. at least make it an option for those of us who prefer actual simplicity and ease of use. that goes for the rest of the OS as well. what's supposed to be soooo easy to use actually makes countless tasks more cumbersome and confusing. hell it's like apple thinks everyone's iTunes library consists of 10 artists or something. so much fucking fluff and wasted space in music player. disappointing as fuck. only decent change might be the updated icons, rest of the UI is shit. shame jobs died and Scott forstall fired.
Having an issue redownloading one episode from my Sherlock box set. Every time I try to download, either there's an error or it just randomly restarts downloading again. Had no issues downloading it while on ios 6 and it just started after the ios 7 upgrade.

Downloading via icloud onto my phone, all of the other episodes downloaded just fine and I have plenty of space.
Does iOS7 take up more storage or is it just to download it and then it takes up the same amount after it's installed as iOS6 did?
It's pretty similar. If you're having issues clearing up space to install, do it from iTunes. Requires less space on the device that way versus a delta (over the air) update. Keep in mind, though, through iTunes you're going to download the whole OS (over a gig) as compared to the 21 MB 7.0.2 delta update.
Unless I am completely missing an option to do so, it would be nice to run the new OS in a simple mode where it removes the semi-transparent frosty back to pop up windows to save on performance and power among other things they could disable in the OS, it would be good for older devices.


Unless I am completely missing an option to do so, it would be nice to run the new OS in a simple mode where it removes the semi-transparent frosty back to pop up windows to save on performance and power among other things they could disable in the OS, it would be good for older devices.
Have you tried the reduce contrast setting?
After updating my iPhone 4 to 7.0.2 it is running WAY better. No keyboard lag, and I still have iCloud Documents and Data on. Anyone else having similar performance boosts?


iOS7 install on 4S has caused a 5+ second lag on text input,(SMS, passwords, etc)
I have reset settings, installed a back up and yesterdays update. A web search led to turning off cloud data but it's still lagging. What else should I try?


Click on the location name of the collection of photos to bring up places.

There's no way to see all places though. And the zooming doesn't split the locations soon enough and the zooming doesn't go all the way out.

Waaaa waaaa.!

Eh, it was better before.


If you don't have an A-Z scroll in music then it's probably because you don't have enough different artists in your library. When I was putting in music it didn't show up until I had enough varied artists on there. That's not new to 7, it's always been like that.
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