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iOS Jailbreak/Unlock |OT|

vermadas said:
So with the new XBMC update for AppleTV2 released that turned on the webserver functionality, I finally got to try out using the remote control app on my Android phone. I never got a chance to do it with the xbox version (if it was possible?). It's really slick. Going to be a much better alternative than the official remote.

I can't wait for them to come out with an ATV jailbreaking release that works untethered. Have crashed XBMC a couple times and it's a pain in the ass to power cycle it.

Sometime this week I want to see if I can get the Hulu plugin working.

Just curious, what did you do to crash it? Just wanna know what to avoid. I've been running for the last two weeks without any hard crashes like that.
rc213 said:
What did you use cause Apple is quite specific on the format and options it will accept.

I have converted a xvid file to the correct format for iphone4, so it should be able to play but it seems that when I try to transfer it from itunes to my phone it just says that the format is not allowed on iphone.

the video is in the correct file format but itunes is not letting me transfer the file to the iphone anyway.

wonder why?

Do my phone have to be jailbroken?


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Jocchan said:
Total n00b here, I JBroke my iPhone 4 on 4.2.1 for the first time yesterday (I'm in Italy, so no need for unlocks here).
Before doing it, I saved my SHSH blobs with TinyUmbrella and its logs said they were also uploaded to Cydia (which seemed weird to me, as I hadn't installed it yet).
When I finally did, Cydia didn't ask me to "make my life easier", and had a green "SHSH: iOS 4.2.1" up in the middle.
Does this mean my blobs are already on the server?

Also, what are you people using, besides iTunes, to transfer stuff from/to your device?

By the way, Backgrounder is AWESOME. Goodbye disconnections from IRC after 10 minutes of background inactivity. Welcome actual multitasking.


saunderez said:
Why are you power cycling it? If you can still SSH into it you can kill it with

killall AppleTV

That's good to know. I've just been unplugging it. I had tried some script that uses putty I found on the XBMC forum for my PC but it didn't work.

Marty Chinn said:
Just curious, what did you do to crash it? Just wanna know what to avoid. I've been running for the last two weeks without any hard crashes like that.

The latest update fixed library scanning for music. Unfortunately, I had a few m4a files in my library and it caused the scanning to get stuck. When I tried to exit XBMC or tell it to stop the scanning it locked up.


Marty Chinn said:
What was so hard with installing xbmc? It was pretty simple especially compared with the jailbreak. Someone already addressed the subtitle issue. That one could even improve if they can get other ir codes working and you use another remote instead. As is, the apple remote is restrictive in options so they did their best to compensate. As far as the remote app, it's disabled until the next official build which they said is coming soon. I'd suggest you try a daily build which has it working but if installing xbmc was hard for you to begin with, you probably should wait.
I didn't say it was hard, I said it was a pain. I don't want to be hanging around message boards everyday to be notified of an update (*ahem*) and the mess around with terminal to install said updates. I've been spoiled by Cydia.

Marty Chinn said:
What path did you go down? Menu has always taken me up one level with the default skin. It's also skin and user dependent since it's customizable too.

Plex as I understand it is less flexible since you need a server software to be running to convert and serve content. XBMC plays everything natively and has no need for any other software.
I'm using the default install.

The very first screen when XBMC is launched (and last screen to before exit):

Press the menu button and you get this:

Yes, XBMC is more flexible; I wish Plex could work with a NAS :/


successfully JB'ed an ipad on 4.2.1 firmware using greenpoison on mac.

pkgbackup and aptbackup fucking failed miserably though. pkgbackup didn't have anything to restore... fuck me.


Unconfirmed Member
So I've been out of the jailbraking loop since I got my iPod touch 2g ages ago. Now with an iPhone 4, anyone got any tweaks or apps on Cydia they recommend? Or a site where I can follow what new stuff is released?


FWIW, Greenpois0n wouldn't work on my old bootrom 3GS... had to go redsn0w. Such a bitch (and I inadvertently forgot to backup some stuff... like photos) but 4.2.1 is SO much better than 4.0.1.


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
Is the site down for anyone else? When I click on my OS, Chrome tells me the page isnt available.
Charred Greyface said:
I didn't say it was hard, I said it was a pain. I don't want to be hanging around message boards everyday to be notified of an update (*ahem*) and the mess around with terminal to install said updates. I've been spoiled by Cydia.

Official builds aren't too frequent. They may be a bit more frequent for iOS early on since they're still getting some things fixed, but you really shouldn't need to upgrade XBMC very often. My HTPC running XBMC hasn't been updated in ages. Plus, it's like a quick one line command to update so it's not that big of a deal. I'd hardly call it a pain.

I'm using the default install.

The very first screen when XBMC is launched (and last screen to before exit):

Press the menu button and you get this:

Yes, XBMC is more flexible; I wish Plex could work with a NAS :/

Umm, I'm not sure what you want it to do at that point. You want it to exit XBMC? That would be terrible. It makes more sense how it is. You're at the root, if you hit menu, it brings up the playlist. That makes much more sense than exiting XBMC all together. That's like hitting Home on the iPhone at the Home screen and it shuts down.
Has anybody else noticed a hit to their battery performance with the latest jb? I have SSH turned off un SBSettings but it is still draining way faster than on 4.1


PalaceBrother said:
Has anybody else noticed a hit to their battery performance with the latest jb? I have SSH turned off un SBSettings but it is still draining way faster than on 4.1

restart. Sometimes something messes up.

jesus, i'm waiting for rc6... want to jailbreak again my appleTv. seas0nbreak is a bitch...
hEist said:
restart. Sometimes something messes up.

I usually keep my brightness at 50% and I just noticed that I didn't adjust it after the jailbreak. Could be that keeping it at 100% eats the battery more than I'm used to.


EricHasNoPull said:
So is the rc5_b4 the latest beta? the best one to jailbreak it with?

yes, though technically all it added was verizon iphone support, i bet they cleaned up their coding a little bit as with every new release.


For those that have just jb'd their iPads, here are a few apps I found on Cydia that may be helpful. They don't make it very easy to search for iPad-specific apps and things are not always named what you might think. All of these are free and don't affect performance in any way that I've seen.

NoMute for Ipad — changes the switch back to orientation lock. Not quite perfect as it seems to also activate mute still, or at least partially.

NoLockScreen — pressing the home button from sleep will go directly to the springboard. Honestly, I don't even know why there is a lock screen for iPad. Makes sense on the phone where it's needed to avoid pocket calls, but i can't think of a single time I've actually required the lock screen on the iPad. Even LockInfo can just be activated from the springboard.

Pull to Refresh Safari — adds the pull down to refresh action for Safari as on the Twitter app. Not iPad specific but cool.

Pull to Refresh Mail — same for Mail

AirVideoEnabler — for ATV owners. Any app can use airplay to send videos to ATV, including safari. Also known as PornAddictionEnabler.

Anyone have any other good tweaks?


caliblue15 said:
that's beta 2, it's up to beta 4 now... i might rejailbreak to the better beta.

Thanks fella, I tried that link too (by using Google cache to get onto the main site) but it just won't load at home! Not sure why. Have downloaded it here and emailed back home though, thanks :)

Also disappointing to hear Cydia hasn't been updated... I find it so clunky and was kind of hoping for a newer version :(

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
My friend brought an iPhone over here to Vietnam, but then updated it to 4.2.1 losing his unlock. I've rejailbroken it using greenpoison but we can't activate it in iTunes as we don't have an AT&T sim over here. Is there any hacktivation methods available?


iPad users that have jailbroken with the latest greenpoison, it's true that iBooks doesn't work anymore with any purchased books and that gamecenter is always stuck in sand box mode ?


Can I download all the Cydia apps I have bought on my iPhone 4 onto my iPad without buying them again?

Edit: I can get onto greenpoison.com but I can't download the app. I'm on Mac and ready to jailbreak my iPad, what do I do now that I can't download the latest beta from their site?
Sh0k said:
iPad users that have jailbroken with the latest greenpoison, it's true that iBooks doesn't work anymore with any purchased books and that gamecenter is always stuck in sand box mode ?
I haven't bought any books but Game Center is working fine for me.


I just updated my iPhone 4 to 4.2.1 and then jailbroke it. Also retained the baseband 1.59.00 using TinyUmbrella.

I don't know if it's the new software or the restore, but my iPhone 4's feeling snappy and fast again. It slowed down noticeably during the last few weeks.


I am looking for software that would replicate peak/off-peak hours functionality that can be found in activesync options on WM phones.

Or at least that it can turn off Push at specific time (ie after work hours).



Anastacio said:
I'm on Windows.
I downloaded the one from greenpoisons website and it's RC2 I see.
It enters DFU mode Windows says but Greenp0ison doesn't notice.
Anything I can do?
I even tried holding in the Home button but nothing happens.
And if I wanna turn on the iPad again, I have to do a sleep+home button press.


blizeH said:
Thanks fella, I tried that link too (by using Google cache to get onto the main site) but it just won't load at home! Not sure why. Have downloaded it here and emailed back home though, thanks :)

Also disappointing to hear Cydia hasn't been updated... I find it so clunky and was kind of hoping for a newer version :(

Maybe it's just me, but my Cydia was updated from the 4.1 limerain cydia. Still is slow, and reloading data, but liked the way queuing was now handled.
Sh0k said:
iPad users that have jailbroken with the latest greenpoison, it's true that iBooks doesn't work anymore with any purchased books and that gamecenter is always stuck in sand box mode ?

I jailbroke my iPod Touch about a week ago, and after reading your comment I decided to test out iBooks. Yep, my purchased books are giving me a configuration error. That's not good. Looks like if I want to buy another book I should do it through the Kindle App.

This has been my first jailbreak experience and there are some things I'm really liking:

- LockInfo - this is just beautiful.
- Activator - I setup swiping motions on the status bar to activate the multitask bar. I like this much better than double-clicking the home button.
- HDR Photo activation for iPod Touch - Because, seriously? Come on.

But there have been some disappointments:

- Stability Issues - I've had a couple SpringBoard crashes, not too big of a deal. But I had my first outright freeze up this morning that I had to do a hard reset on. I'm hoping this doesn't become a common occurrence.
- gpSPhone - I can't get it to work. I really wanted to play WarioWare and Rhythm Tengoku on my iPod. Anyone else had any luck with it on iOS 4.2.1?
- iBooks - aforementioned. it's broken now.
Alright so I jailbroke my phone just now, and was in the process of getting my albums back on my phone when I noticed that some of the artwork is missing. So I go ahead and redownload the album art (get album art doesn't work since the messed up albums are japanese CD's I ripped) and set it, but what iTunes does is separate several tracks from the album and display those tracks alongside the rest of the album in iTunes. I'm way too OCD to cope with this crap, is there any way to remerge these tracks back into the original album?


for those of you with a jailbroken iPad and an iPhone 4, i highly recommend a cydia app called "RetinaPad".

what it does is allow you to display iPhone-only apps at 2x using the Retina display resolution. so far all the apps I've tried work perfectly including some of the newer stuff like NBA Jam.

it's 2.99 but totally worth it if you can't stand the look of iPhone-only retina apps being scaled up using the shitty iPhone 3G/3GS resolution. it's truly amazing to the point where I don't even care to rebuy any HD versions of my iPhone apps because they look so crisp.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Great King Bowser said:
My friend brought an iPhone over here to Vietnam, but then updated it to 4.2.1 losing his unlock. I've rejailbroken it using greenpoison but we can't activate it in iTunes as we don't have an AT&T sim over here. Is there any hacktivation methods available?

To answer my own question, managed to get round this by using Redsn0w, updating his baseband to 6.15.00, getting redsn0w to hacktivate and then being able to install ultrasn0w unlock. Success.
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