Yay! Suck it Borgo! GG Slacker. I never let you get settled in with your net guys, which always helps so much. I love Hegemony, great army.
Ray 14 v Slacker 9
Top invites, right?
Astro, HMU! I just spent $8 to play you!
Man it felt like that game was 100 to 0. I couldn't get anything going.GG!
Drafting? This is totally different than the only other Nightfall game I played.
Interview with Playdek.
Not FarmVille, new SW content in July.
Interview with Playdek.
Not FarmVille, new SW content in July.
Master set races!!!!!!
Swamp orcs coming in SW! Vine walls! Vine walls everywhereI meant to comment on this! So fucking excited for the master set stuff! I've had to hold myself back a few times from buying the actual board master set board game because I know I would never play it since my friends don't care much for SW but I really want to try out all the new shit!!
SW tournament LEAGUE style for SURE. When that drops, because I'm sure the base game will be 99c, so new people can get in with the old stuff and old fans can have some fun with the new armies.
I still want to do that Carcassonne teams tourney!
All we need is an even number of people joining the tournament. Then I suppose we could use rankings from the past tournament(s) and match together the highest ranking finishers with the lowest, so it'd go something like:
1st place finisher + 16th place finisher vs. 8th place finisher + 9th place finisher
So would it be combined scores or player with the best score?
Whatever happens its going to be interesting, can see a lot of blocking going on.Ok, one issue though. The tournaments dont really rank anyone below 4th. so from the last carc one its this:
Good question. I would personally say you would go with combined.
Well then who ever set up that game didnt read the rules
No expansions or bonus cards (like the zombie)
Show wounds
cheater! disqualify him of his NH discount double check!
Oh yeah, ELO, let's just do that. Easy.
cheater! disqualify him of his NH discount double check!
One and done tournament?
Best of 3?
loser bracket style?
Or a League with a mini tournament? like the Neuroshima Hex stuff.
What expansions?
Combined score or top score?
cheater! disqualify him of his NH discount double check!
Yes it is, and the price is going up to 10$ I think. Buy, buy, buy!Small World for iPad is on sale for $2.99.
For anyone who followed the Kickstarter, is this app updating to Small World 2? I thought that was the case, but want to be sure before I buy it.
Yes it is, and the price is going up to 10$ I think. Buy, buy, buy!
Kickstarter said:I already own Small World iPad, how can I get Small World 2?
You're in luck. Not only did you only play $ 6.99 for the base game (the price on the app store will increase to $ 9.99 once Small World 2 ships), you will also automatically receive a free upgrade to Small World 2 for iPad, when it ships later this summer. Yes - you will be getting the 3-5 player maps, online gaming, retina support and much more all for free.
I like the idea of Carc Ryder Cup, especially if we have 16 players.
Two captains (1st and 2nd from the last tourney), teams of 8 (USA v ROW, or draft or something)
Captains pick pairs to play in 4 'fourball' matches - 2 points for the winner, combined score, everyone gets a game.
Then a round of 8 singles - 1 point for the winner.
Captains pick the order in secret.
First Team to 9 points wins!
Trash talk! Mind games! Kiawah Island!
That's pretty cool. I never touched Small World because of the lack of multiplayer.
Just a heads up I'm going to be in BFE this weekend so I likely won't have net access. Any games I'm in are going to stall til monday night.
Just picked up a bunch of Playdek stuff due to the sale. Got a lot of catching up to do.
Any specific expansions I should pick up? Or should I just stick with the base stuff for a while until I figure everything out?
So... Uh... I beat eznark in our Nightfall tourney match 20-1 :lol
I sent you the invite for our Nightfall tourney match/final, Ray!
I really do not like that game. The flow feels all kinds of strange. Seems like it'd be a dope game in person, or maybe I just don't get it.
Nightfall is such a skill game that its pretty funny seeing the scores of people who know what they are doing vs people that are new.
I look forward to our match Smiley! We both understand how it works, so it should be a fun game, as long as the Draft and Archive are a decent batch.
Nightfall is really weird, its a shitty game when you dont know what you are doing, but its extremely skill, or at least knowledge based, so knowing what to get plays a HUGE part in it. I wont ever argue that its the best card game out there, but its definitely a fun and interesting game when you know what your doing.
Since me and Smiley have actually played a decent number of Nightfall matches our match should be pretty good, because we will HAVE to chain off each other to make it work, where as if im playing against someone who has no clue, I can just focus on getting 2 card that will chain together. It not always a knock out win, but you can pretty easily win like that. I played virtually the same way vs Merc and Heel, but because of the types of cards they both played it made the wins look a lot different, but I can say without a doubt I was pretty damn sure I would win both of those matches after the first round of pickups.
Anyway! you and Heel need to play for 3rd place as well, hopefully you enjoy that matchup more!
I agree, Nightfall is a lot of knowing the cards. I was very surprised by your draft, too, the cards you chose were by far not the best ones available, and then you didn't use any of them later, either... I'll write it down as a win by experience.
Now the final is the long-lasting Nightfall rivalry between Ray and me in a tourney, haha. Not bad.