iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread (Carcassonne, Everything Playdek, & Many More)

Elut-Bal is so broken, I just discarded 3 units only for him not to be summoned at all, despite me having more than enough magic. wtf. Enjoy your win Mecha/Diesel -.-
I don't think I've ever discarded any units for him. Probably because I'm a terrible player, considering I could just summon them back for 2 magic.

No problem to Carcassonne players with slow games going on. As long as some progress is being made, we can be patient. :)
Thanks! Love me some Carcassonne and would hate to be kicked out for slow play. I want to be kicked out for losing. :)


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Looks like I accidentally posted this in the league thread, but I had the exact same Elut-Bal frustrations yesterday. I wasted two cards before I realized that you shouldn't hit Done. After dragging Elut Bal out, selecting any cards to discard, drag him out again. Hitting Done "cancels" out of the action, but you still lose any discarded units.

Of course he could be bugged. The game also cheated me that same game by giving only 1 hit in 6 dice rolls when I only needed 2 to kill a unit that turn:)

Yeah I think I did that too, because the "Click done when done discarding Units" prompt kind of says that -.- reall bad UI exception here.

Also, what's the link to the league again? Too many threads! :D

Nothing can go wrong now!
Damn, im getting EXTREMELY shitty rolls today too, just got destoryed by Astro where I couldnt roll hits for the life of me, and hes knocking them out of the park. He woulda won anyway, but not that quickly :p. Im also in a game with Smiley where he has all 3 of his champs out, and I just have my summoner right now. I couldnt roll hits in that one either, haha.

Also, wtf happened in this Nightfall game Scrabbledude? How did you let Astro get Vulko AND Big Ghost. 2 of the best cards, if not THE best cards in the game, and hes got lock down on both of them. HAX imo.
Damn, im getting EXTREMELY shitty rolls today too, just got destoryed by Astro where I couldnt roll hits for the life of me, and hes knocking them out of the park. He woulda won anyway, but not that quickly :p. Im also in a game with Smiley where he has all 3 of his champs out, and I just have my summoner right now. I couldnt roll hits in that one either, haha.

Also, wtf happened in this Nightfall game Scrabbledude? How did you let Astro get Vulko AND Big Ghost. 2 of the best cards, if not THE best cards in the game, and hes got lock down on both of them. HAX imo.
I've played maybe 3 games and still don't get it. :p Big Ghost did seem good. Vulko seems pretty good now too. And Zombie Horde. I'm kinda figuring out that a very large number of minions is good.

Do all your minions get discarded after your attack?
I've played maybe 3 games and still don't get it. :p Big Ghost did seem good. Vulko seems pretty good now too. And Zombie Horde. I'm kinda figuring out that a very large number of minions is good.

Do all your minions get discarded after your attack?

Yeah, they do.

Zombie Horde ranges from pretty good, to fucking OP. haha. It just easier to get rid of than Big Ghosts or Vulko, so if your paying attention, you can get rid of them pretty easy, once they get built up though, they do stupid amounts of damage.
Yeah, they do.

Zombie Horde ranges from pretty good, to fucking OP. haha. It just easier to get rid of than Big Ghosts or Vulko, so if your paying attention, you can get rid of them pretty easy, once they get built up though, they do stupid amounts of damage.
So how do you get a crazy amount of minions out? You need to put down cards to draw more cards first?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
So how do you get a crazy amount of minions out? You need to put down cards to draw more cards first?

Later in the game when you have draw cards & can discard wounds for card draw and did a good job at grabbing enough cards to combo well, that happens. ;)
So how do you get a crazy amount of minions out? You need to put down cards to draw more cards first?

Later in the game when you have draw cards & can discard wounds for card draw and did a good job at grabbing enough cards to combo well, that happens. ;)

Yeah, and its all about putting out a good run of dudes on your turn when you cant attack, stifling your opponents chain that turn, and then dropping as many dudes in a super good chain off of your enemies turn and then handing out as much damage at once.

edit: I dont like having a League/tourney thread separate to this thread. The whole point of this thread was to consolidate all this stuff, since there is such a small group of us playing them consistently. Everyone in the other thread is people that would have normally posted that stuff here. It should have been a google doc that people could edit in their wins and losses, and then kept the chat about the games in this thread. I like reading about peoples battles and stories even if im not partaking in the league.
Yeah, and its all about putting out a good run of dudes on your turn when you cant attack, stifling your opponents chain that turn, and then dropping as many dudes in a super good chain off of your enemies turn and then handing out as much damage at once.

edit: I dont like having a League/tourney thread separate to this thread. The whole point of this thread was to consolidate all this stuff, since there is such a small group of us playing them consistently. Everyone in the other thread is people that would have normally posted that stuff here. It should have been a google doc that people could edit in their wins and losses, and then kept the chat about the games in this thread. I like reading about peoples battles and stories even if im not partaking in the league.
How do you stifle an opponent's chain?

Hereafter and I just finished an amazing game. It lasted 27 rounds or so between his orcs and my phoenix elves. It came down to me with a warrior and my summoner at full health and him with Krunk with 5 life left and his summoner with 2 life left.

I got to swing with my warrior and only hit for 1. My summoner hiding behind my warrior. He then killed my warrior. I responded by using my ability to hit him for 2 (guaranteed 2 turn kill and it would be at least two turns with my straight attack). He had to find a way to come at me since my summoner has ranged attack and a guaranteed kill shot and his doesn't.

So, he brings Krunk right next to me, and hides his summoner behind him so he can kill me when I kill Krunk. But there's no way Krunk can kill me since he only deals 3 damage and I have 4 health. He attacks and hits me for 3! But, it's a wild swing, and he deals 3 damage to his own summoner in the process.

That game was full of awesome moments.
How do you stifle an opponent's chain?

Hereafter and I just finished an amazing game. It lasted 27 rounds or so between his orcs and my phoenix elves. It came down to me with a warrior and my summoner at full health and him with Krunk with 5 life left and his summoner with 2 life left.

I got to swing with my warrior and only hit for 1. My summoner hiding behind my warrior. He then killed my warrior. I responded by using my ability to hit him for 2 (guaranteed 2 turn kill and it would be at least two turns with my straight attack). He had to find a way to come at me since my summoner has ranged attack and a guaranteed kill shot and his doesn't.

So, he brings Krunk right next to me, and hides his summoner behind him so he can kill me when I kill Krunk. But there's no way Krunk can kill me since he only deals 3 damage and I have 4 health. He attacks and hits me for 3! But, it's a wild swing, and he deals 3 damage to his own summoner in the process.

That game was full of awesome moments.

Just by knowing what they have picked up, and trying to end your chain on something they cant get a big chain off of, or cant place anything at all. Its always good to end your chain with one of the starter cards, since they are only 1 colour.

As for your SW match, thats a fucking crazy awesome way to lose, and much more fun than rolling 0/7 with your dice, like BlackFlag did :(


Hail to the KING baby
edit: I dont like having a League/tourney thread separate to this thread. The whole point of this thread was to consolidate all this stuff, since there is such a small group of us playing them consistently. Everyone in the other thread is people that would have normally posted that stuff here. It should have been a google doc that people could edit in their wins and losses, and then kept the chat about the games in this thread. I like reading about peoples battles and stories even if im not partaking in the league.

i am down with consolidating but i didn't make the other thread so don't want to undermine anyone's efforts or anything. i still would love to do a straight-up world-cup style tourney though for realz
Just by knowing what they have picked up, and trying to end your chain on something they cant get a big chain off of, or cant place anything at all. Its always good to end your chain with one of the starter cards, since they are only 1 colour.

As for your SW match, thats a fucking crazy awesome way to lose, and much more fun than rolling 0/7 with your dice, like BlackFlag did :(
You sure had an awesome end to our Nightfall match after complaining that Astro was picking on you.

i am down with consolidating but i didn't make the other thread so don't want to undermine anyone's efforts or anything. i still would love to do a straight-up world-cup style tourney though for realz
I do appreciate that. On August 1st I can shut down the other thread and try something else that we can consolidate. I don't want to change anything until then. There are also some people who agreed to play in that thread that I haven't seen posting much in this one. It would be great if the one could lead to the other.


Super Sleuth
I just eeked out a win against mikeworks 145-142 with a last minute lucky field steal.

He is a fun person to play 1v1 against.
You sure had an awesome end to our Nightfall match after complaining that Astro was picking on you.

I do appreciate that. On August 1st I can shut down the other thread and try something else that we can consolidate. I don't want to change anything until then. There are also some people who agreed to play in that thread that I haven't seen posting much in this one. It would be great if the one could lead to the other.

I was complaining that YOU were picking on me, haha :p. Then Astro turns around and picks on you! Silly silly game.

Im not really a big fan of Nightfall beyond 2 players honestly, sorting out who to attack always just feels mean when your doing it to someone, or bullshit when it happens to you. I think it would really cool as a 2v2 game where you could still get the massive chains, but all damage would directed at one life pool for each team.

Ive just run into too many games of 3/4 player nightfall where someone gets focused on early, and just drops out of the match cause it makes you feel like shit, haha. Its something that would be fun in real life, when you could smack talk your friends, but in an async game with no chat, it doesnt really work, haha.

edit: and as a side note, I like the league idea, especially if its done as a way to seed for the tourney, it would make it like an actual sport. Everyone plays a few matches against each other, gets seeded, and then you play a tournament for the ....trophy? Free game? Bragging Rights? whatever it is, it would be cool.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
That's such an unfortunate diceroll, wow.

Also yeah, the seperate thread and league system isn't... Very good. Much in favour if doing it all in here and just tournament style, whatever kind of tournament, like the other games. There is no lack of competition or talking about the game in here that would warrant a seperate thread anyway, that's what this one's for ;)


I'm not sure how may more Agricola IOS delays I can handle. It's gone from June, to Summer, to Fall. I've been trying to play Le Havre to ease the time in waiting, but it just isn't the same. :(


Hail to the KING baby
I'm not sure how may more Agricola IOS delays I can handle. It's gone from June, to Summer, to Fall. I've been trying to play Le Havre to ease the time in waiting, but it just isn't the same. :(

It isn't the same because it's not Playdek :D

But yeah I'm more of an Agricola man myself and I feel the same. I hope all these announcements about games I've never heard of don't mean that The King of Boardgames isn't getting the focus/push it deserves from Playdek.
Oh man, I just got crushed by BlackFlag. so many champs, so many freezes. So brutal man, haha.

Also, just a tip to Jungle Elf players playing against Tundra Orcs, DONT use Chant of Negation, when there is Blagog sitting on your chest. haha.
I just lost my stupidest match yet, haha. I mean it was a fun match, but I made the stupidest mistake, haha.

GG BlackFlag! I had a Chant of Negations that for some reason I did not use when Im sitting on top of your summoner with my Miti. Which would have stopped you from Force summoning your Elut-Bal and stopped you from using Legions of the Dead as well, and from that point on I was just trying to survive, haha.


Astro's playstyle lead to an absolute smashing from me and my amazing starting hand of burns, greater burns and precise. Got the 5 turns and no built magic achievement


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Astro's playstyle lead to an absolute smashing from me and my amazing starting hand of burns, greater burns and precise. Got the 5 turns and no built magic achievement

Astro probably plays the most aggressive, yeah. It has only hurt him against me in the few games we played, but I can see why it might sometimes pay off :D


Hail to the KING baby
go big or go home! :D

i wish they kept stats on average rounds to win so i could compare against all the namby pamby turtling flame elves and tundra dorcs

bring it!
Oh, if people want to report Summoner Wars wins over here, that's cool too. I'll update the data if they're noted over here. I'll post the current standings here too tomorrow morning.


Hail to the KING baby
gah i hate forgetting abilities in SW like that stupid dwarf that you can't hit unless you roll hits on all dice (always forget that one)
Astro beat me in the carc tournament. A tense game, I got every single cloister which ended up locking most of my meeples as well as 2 stuck in a hard to finish city. No good fields, and Astro managed to grab a couple big cities towards the end. From memory I think the score was 96 - 74.
Current standings in Summoner Wars:

Player            GC ID            CG TO PE JE VG FK GD CK LOSS TOTAL BONUS
ScrabbleDude      scrabbledude!     1     2                   3     0   +10
eznark            eznark                                      1    -1
Hereafter         thenafter            5        1  1  3       3     7   +10
blackflag         Bl4ckfl4g            1              3       3     1
Of All Trades     of.all.trades                                     0
blahness          blahness                         1                1    
AstroLad          AstroLad                   1                2    -1    +5
Gazele            Gazele87                1                   2    -1
soldat7           soldat7                                           0
Slacker           Slacker                                           0
tm24              mightytm24                                        0
Mercviper         Mercviper                           2   2   3     1    +5
chicobalay        chicobalay                                        0
deim0s            deim0s_                                           0
superrobot        Diesel Pioneer                              3    -3
Kosh              Kosh One                                    1    -1
Smiley90          smiley1970                                        0
Octobot           MechaOctobot                                      0
Manik             CTB0503                                           0

1st - Hereafter - 17 points
2nd - ScrabbleDude - 10 points
3rd - Mercviper - 6 points
4th - AstroLad - 4 points

Most of these are bonus points though, so things can change very quickly. Blackflag needs one dwarf win to grab 5 extra points.

We have a thread going here ( ) where can sign up and report wins. You are also welcome to report wins in this thread.

Top 4 at the end of the month have a small tourney, and winner will get bragging rights and a fabulous prize!


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Astro beat me in the carc tournament. A tense game, I got every single cloister which ended up locking most of my meeples as well as 2 stuck in a hard to finish city. No good fields, and Astro managed to grab a couple big cities towards the end. From memory I think the score was 96 - 74.

We're up in the loser bracket then! GC is smiley1790, hit me up :)


Hail to the KING baby
Astro beat me in the carc tournament. A tense game, I got every single cloister which ended up locking most of my meeples as well as 2 stuck in a hard to finish city. No good fields, and Astro managed to grab a couple big cities towards the end. From memory I think the score was 96 - 74.

Think that's right -- very tight game though, even more so than the final score would indicate. gg!

chico sending you an invite
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