iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread (Carcassonne, Everything Playdek, & Many More)


isotropic didn't have any of those (nor did it have AI or official images), and i thought that was a good product. hell i would have easily paid for it

But what makes for a good web based game does not necessarily make for a good iOS (or Android) game. It is quite possible Goko's Dominion will be a ton of fun when played at home in Chrome or whatever... But as far as a portable iOS app? Online only? No async? No Game Center? This is worse than what Days of Wonder did with TTR.


Hail to the KING baby
yeah that's why i said it's their bad to the extent they tried to pitch it as an app. i don't see anything morally repugnant about releasing a customized html5 wrapper as an app like the bgg army does -- after all it's just another portal -- but yeah as a portable app it pretty much mostly fails b/c of those reasons. as a replacement for isotropic it seems pretty alright by me.


I don't see anything morally wrong with it, but the faster goko fails the faster they will lose the rights to these games and someone can release a proper app.


Probably because it looks to be a direct port of the Thunderstone Facebook game based on those screenshots. Not to mention the app is called Thunderstone Gateway. No wonder it's iPad only then. They did a terrible job of using the screen real estate on even the larger screen.

Dominion and Thunderstone iOS incarnations both ruined on the same day. That would be depressing if they were my favorite deck building games. Oh wait, they are. Sigh. Back to Ascension:)


Sent another $5 to the Playdek fund for Summoner Wars. Still haven't finished the Nightfall tutorial, hah!

Catan is a dollar off. Might snatch that since online multiplayer is on the way eventually.

I'm exactly the same way...most of the way through Nightfall's tutorial and looking to buy all the summoner wars content when I get home. Been playing a lot of Super Mole Escape recently, so I blame that for why I'm not learning the card games faster.
Looking to start back into Ascension if anyone is interested. Have all packs including promo. Will try to go through the spreadsheet and start some games, but, will accept.

Any particular setup people are enjoying? CotG +- RotF +- SoS +- Promo

Long time no see around these parts.
Looking to start back into Ascension if anyone is interested. Have all packs including promo. Will try to go through the spreadsheet and start some games, but, will accept.

Any particular setup people are enjoying? CotG +- RotF +- SoS +- Promo

Long time no see around these parts.

Still have you on my friend list, also have all the packs - invite anytime.

That goes for anyone else - name is Kaidfather on gamecenter, accepting matches of Ascension, Hero Academy, Outwitters



Ice burn.
I hope your kid gets the Lego back afterwards. [spoilers]Or are they yours?[/spoilers]
Ha ha. Hulk is actually mine.
The rest are part of a super-team called "Dinosaur Killers".
It's getting ugly on the BGG forums. I'd have thought they'd have put a "sorry - it's late " holding page up by now.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Ha ha. Hulk is actually mine.
The rest are part of a super-team called "Dinosaur Killers".
It's getting ugly on the BGG forums. I'd have thought they'd have put a "sorry - it's late " holding page up by now.

... I don't like repeating myself, but they've missed their announcement deadlines (Christmas last year, then February, then when they said "in a few weeks" back in April) THREE FUCKING TIMES now and they always ignored missing them and then only came out WEEKS later with some sort of new announcement.

I told myself not to get angry anymore and I'm trying really hard not to. -calm down Smiley calm down-

So actually, technically 4 times now I suppose. i'm NOT surprised. Like I said, called it.


... I don't like repeating myself, but they've missed their announcement deadlines (Christmas last year, then February, then when they said "in a few weeks" back in April) THREE FUCKING TIMES now and they always ignored missing them and then only came out WEEKS later with some sort of new announcement.

I told myself not to get angry anymore and I'm trying really hard not to. -calm down Smiley calm down-

So actually, technically 4 times now I suppose. i'm NOT surprised. Like I said, called it.

Hey, at least Goko has those 150 licenses available so you too can go develop the next big #socialgames with them! I know I'd love to work at a software company that doesn't care if I promise a due date and miss it by several months...repeatedly. I swear, some people just like to bitch about everything:)


Uh, according to someone at BGG who managed to get a little farther in to Dominion:

Well, it uses a buying "gokoins" system. Prospertity, seaside, Intrique are 120 "gokoins" each.
Gokoins look to be priced:
$5 = 50
$7 = 70
$10 = 110
No gif response is sufficient. Eff. That. Ess.



Where are we with the following games?

InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got the Shakes
Octobot vs eznark

Sorry if I missed any results, was on vacation for the last week or so.
I've got in.
I'm looking at "The King's Grand Market" (that's the online store)
I especially like the way the GOKO owl logo has a quizical eyebrow.
Seems to suggest "we both know you aren't going to pay good money for any of this".

The gokoins buy expansions.
Victory points (however they are earned) buy promo cards.
Adventure packs have a different currency. [possibly called "Dominion coins" - if the images in my cache are to be believed]



Where are we with the following games?

InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got the Shakes
Octobot vs eznark

Sorry if I missed any results, was on vacation for the last week or so.

I won by a point in one of the best carc games ever.


Hail to the KING baby
I've got in.
I'm looking at "The King's Grand Market" (that's the online store)
I especially like the way the GOKO owl logo has a quizical eyebrow.
Seems to suggest "we both know you aren't going to pay good money for any of this".

The gokoins buy expansions.
Victory points (however they are earned) buy promo cards.
Adventure packs have a different currency. [possibly called "Dominion coins" - if the images in my cache are to be believed]

Wow that's pretty crazy if those prices are right. Still though I think you only need one person in the game to own the relevant sets so you guys can just leech off me when the time comes. :D

I'm waiting for all this to shake out, which I'm guessing will be next week or so? [Insert BGG joke here] Then we should organize some games.


Hail to the KING baby
oh man what i wouldn't do for a bbtm digital implementation of ANY sort. unfortunately FFG has been really slow on the digital front. Elder Signs is good but no online.

if only they would just "give it to playdek"


Is there a thread for the new summoner wars tournament? If not I'm in, my W-L is 37-44
Got you. Come on people sign up

Also, just read the bugs that Dominion has. Stores info as plain text, you can see your opponents hand and the game doesn't check if you have enough money to buy anything so you can get anything


Hail to the KING baby
Got you. Come on people sign up

Also, just read the bugs that Dominion has. Stores info as plain text, you can see your opponents hand and the game doesn't check if you have enough money to buy anything so you can get anything

I don't know what people are going on about. When I play Dominion IRL I give everyone my account passwords and we also play with all open information, so this is just the same for me.


Also, just read the bugs that Dominion has. Stores info as plain text, you can see your opponents hand and the game doesn't check if you have enough money to buy anything so you can get anything

This... can't be real, can it? Did they somehow spend months developing this game without a single person who has played Dominion in real life before seeing it? Where are you reading the bugs? I've wasted most of my day reading about this debacle, may as well read a little more. :)


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.

Where are we with the following games?

InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got the Shakes
Octobot vs eznark

Sorry if I missed any results, was on vacation for the last week or so.

FINALLY just finished my game with InaudibleWhisper, that took a while :p I won 92-80! Who's next? :D


This... can't be real, can it? Did they somehow spend months developing this game without a single person who has played Dominion in real life before seeing it? Where are you reading the bugs? I've wasted most of my day reading about this debacle, may as well read a little more. :)

Also without a single person who has ever developed anything apparently.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I mean I called it that it'd be terrible, but not even I expected it to fail at even the most fundamental of all levels, and all levels imaginable. Good thing I didn't get excited.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Agricola is scheduled for "Summer", not sure if Formula Feud (?) is still hapening. Lost Cities and Nightfall expansions soon-ish. RFTG and the 3 other Playdek games sometime this year?


Agricola is scheduled for "Summer", not sure if Formula Feud (?) is still hapening. Lost Cities and Nightfall expansions soon-ish. RFTG and the 3 other Playdek games sometime this year?

That Formula game got pulled from review by the dev after the publisher of Formua De got wind of it. Sounded like it was dead in the water.

And RFTG is another Goko title, ya know?


Hey, at least Goko has those 150 licenses available so you too can go develop the next big #socialgames with them! I know I'd love to work at a software company that doesn't care if I promise a due date and miss it by several months...repeatedly. I swear, some people just like to bitch about everything:)

150 licenses. ONE.HUNDRED.FIFTY LICENSES. And they're asking for devs? I'm utterly stunned by this. What a terrible day for iOS board games. They just money-hatted the hell out of everyone, it seems.
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