iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread (Carcassonne, Everything Playdek, & Many More)

You have to aim first, then do the wild swing roll :p

Ahhh, ok. Makes sense then! I woulda done the same thing you did.


Man, good game Kosh, ya beat me down pretty bad, haha.

Im also getting fucking WORKED by tm24 right now, im pretty sure he has his entire deck on the field right now, and I just have my summoner, haha. I really should just forfeit at this point, but thats no fun, haha.


Im also getting fucking WORKED by tm24 right now, im pretty sure he has his entire deck on the field right now, and I just have my summoner, haha. I really should just forfeit at this point, but thats no fun, haha.

There is no inbetween for my wins. Either its a complete beatdown or i escape by the skin of my teeth


Sent another $5 to the Playdek fund for Summoner Wars. Still haven't finished the Nightfall tutorial, hah!

Catan is a dollar off. Might snatch that since online multiplayer is on the way eventually.


Yo Summoners!

Signups are now open for the Summoner Wars Summer Magic Fiesta ∞ Dream Draw Roll Build Cup. Rankings are based on W/l percentage. 1st tier is >50 (maybe 75?) games played, 2nd tier is >25(maybe 40?) and the third tier is based on less than that. Hereafter is automatic one seed based on his performance in the last tourney.

Sign up by Gaf Name/GC name

Tourney starts with pool play. Depending on the signups, we'll have different number of groups. Either way, you'll play 2 games per group member, with the loser getting to counterpick. Wins are 2pts, tiebreaks are determined by a playoff. If we get that number of people i think we will, top 2 of each group advance.

After pool play, we head to a 2/3 series single elimination knockout round. 3rd place will remain 2/3. Final will be 3/5. Prizes to be determined, but probably Itunes credit

Sounds good to everyone?

For a new page! Sign up folks! Should i wait for the Playdek sale to be over to start?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Wait for the Dominion rage to die down. :)
Gives us something to cheer us up.

I'm with you on the pessimism. After thet missed the first two announced release dates withou giving ANY comment and generally terrible community service my expectations are terribly low. Sad because I LOVE Dominion and I'll throw any money at it.
I'm with you on the pessimism. After thet missed the first two announced release dates withou giving ANY comment and generally terrible community service my expectations are terribly low. Sad because I LOVE Dominion and I'll throw any money at it.
Really worried that all we're getting is an embargo lifting (6am PST) on a press release saying iOS is coming soon,
and it might be iPad only too
(getting the pessimism in before breakfast)


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Really worried that all we're getting is an embargo lifting (6am PST) on a press release saying iOS is coming soon,
and it might be iPad only too
(getting the pessimism in before breakfast)

I've already flipped too many tables about this, I will not do it again. Poor tables. Not their fault. If it's gonna be iPad only though, then I'll... I dunno. I'll take it out on the wall this time.
I've already flipped too many tables about this, I will not do it again. Poor tables. Not their fault. If it's gonna be iPad only though, then I'll... I dunno. I'll take it out on the wall this time.

Card Boy

Just bought both Ascension expansions for 99cents each :)

Also Summoner wars decks are on sale, but i haven't really played the game yet so i don't know if its good.


So BGG has a couple news stories up saying Goku has launched and that you can play Dominion now on the site and also at Google+. Uh...I'm not seeing that.


Great launch! It's funny, I'm starting to see a ton of stories "Goku officially launches today with four huge games!" Is it that difficult to quickly check before hitting the publish button?


Yeah, I'm more laughing at this being embargoed. Tune in at 9 am to find out the hot scoop that a game we announced over a year ago is being tested by people other than you!
Their twitter account announced we should pile over to
A subsequent update says to hang on for a bit, somethings not quite right.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Told you guys that smiley was right

Why does it not feel like a win.... Also, like I said, so this pretty much guarantees no offline play, since the app is just front-end for the website.
EDIT: no offline play I meant.

On the bright side, base game free? That's not too bad... And already submitted so hopefully end of next week release?

Also, Thunderstone coming to iOS? Didn't even know...
Don't forget to sign up for the Catan MMO

I love how the Options for Gender are "Option 1" and "Option 2" lol.


... Yes, that's what I meant. I don't really care since I only playy MP anyway, but others
Might. :/

I'll still definitely buy it but I assume this means there won't be an actual Dominion or RFTG app on iOS or Android which is a serious fucking bummer.
Hmmm, so... is the iOS Le Havre app any good?

Also, what's this I hear about Dominion, is it coming out on iOS?
That'd be awesome...

All we'd need then would be Twilight Struggle, Agricola, Power Grid and Pandemic and we'd be set!


Hail to the KING baby
iOS Le Havre is good (works on both async and local, implements the rules correctly) but not flashy or pretty would be the best way I'd describe it.


With Dominion set to launch on today, a lot of mobile gamers might be wondering if they’re getting the cold shoulder. Not quite, though you’ll have to wait a little longer to play Dominion on your iPhone or Android. “Those will be coming out 30 days or so after we launch from here, because we’re actually wrapping it in a native wrapper, kind of like what Netflix does with their HTML5 app in the [App] Store. That way we can publish it directly into the App Store, and we can also take advantage of Apple’s in-app payments and native things.”



Yeah, I missed the part about it being asynchronous. Not a chance I'll buy it. Maybe I'll play it on Google + or something.


Hail to the KING baby
Maybe I'll play it on Google + or something.

word :D

i'm actually really excited to do so. REALLY excited

it seems like part of the issue is just how they appear to have pitched the service. it really isn't an app in any traditional sense, and if you disabuse yourself of notions associated with "apps" it seems to be a pretty good product


word :D

i'm actually really excited to do so. REALLY excited

it seems like part of the issue is just how they appear to have pitched the service. it really isn't an app in any traditional sense, and if you disabuse yourself of notions associated with "apps" it seems to be a pretty good product

No asynchronous play, no offline play...good product?

You have a new employer, Astro?


Hail to the KING baby
isotropic didn't have any of those (nor did it have AI or official images), and i thought that was a good product. hell i would have easily paid for it
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