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iPhone 5

Honestly, how bad ass would it be Apple was able to keep the phone at about the same thickness as the 4 or 4s, but triple battery life? THAT would be a feature that would raise eyebrows.

I agree with this. Is anyone really looking at their iPhone 4/4S and wishing it was thinner by just a slight fraction?


That's kind of my point. People say they wanted something new and innovative, but when pressed for what they wanted they are incredibly vague. Even if they'd included some of Android's bleeding edge tech, I kinda doubt that would have been enough to really get anyone fired up.

We've probably reached the point where announcements for any smartphone are going to get less and less exciting......and manufacturers are going to be pushing a bunch of tiny innovations whose application is mostly niche and situational.

You make it sound as if it is the consumer's role to come up with the new ideas and innovation. People want something new and exciting and of course they don't know exactly what they want. Or else Apple wouldn't be the biggest company around today.


That is a big, useful innovation, what has apple brought to the table with the iPhone 5?

Is using gloves with a phone really that big of a deal? Is that the sort of thing that would have improved the iPhone 5's showing?

They already sell gloves that can be used with capacitive screens, so it's not as if they've overcome some huge issue with touchscreen technology. The only people who'd really care about this are those that are too stylish or hip to wear touchscreen gloves, and can now enjoy their designer gloves with a smartphone (at the cost of having to restrict themselves to one particular model of phone).

I think that's a great example of what I was talking about -- small refinements that are highly niche and situational, being trumpeted by manufacturers as if they're huge game changers. These things are nice, and they are convenient, but you are never again going to get the feeling you had when you first saw a Retina Display or when Apple unveiled the OG iPhone.


Still Alive
My phone already does what I want it to do, mostly, in terms of core features. Better battery life, thinner/lighter, faster, better bandwidth/latency, better camera, and a more ideal screen size, iterating meaningfully on all those areas at the same time is plenty.

I'm not sold on the screen width, though. I think it ideally should be a little wider. And I want better battery life; if I'm traveling and out all day I need to bring an external battery with me just to be safe, which negates thinner & lighter somewhat. At least it's better there than the 4S.

It's a sexy looking device. Very. I think this presentation, if anything, just needed a killer software update reveal to seal it. "Email is updated to take advantage of larger screen" is not something that even bears mentioning.
As some of you know, i've been anal about this fact since the elongation rumors came to fruition.

We know they were working on a 3:2 4" approach as well, and that design could've been as thin as the new iPod touch (6.1mm);


And that would be possible because the physical width would be widened by 8.2mm. That's from the leaked dimensions we know about.. Instead, they've opted for a simpler approach in changing the screen size.

Who knows, maybe they'll go back to 3:2 in a year or two, and widen the phone and screen.


Gold Member
I remember seeing a parody site mocking up iPhone 5 advertising prior to the launch, something along the lines of "with iPhone 5, Apple out-iPhones the iPhone." I think they picked up on the idea.


Does NFC have advantages over swiping a credit card? I've never looked into the technology, but from the outside it just seems like a way to process a CC transaction. Is the advantage the fact that you could pay with your phone if you forgot your card?

It works for other thing than payments.

With that speaker you only put your phone there and it starts playing the music from your phone without pairing or any configuration, and I showed that speaker because it has wireless charging incorporated, so that Lumia is charging the battery as well as using its NFC capabilities in a gimmicky but awesome form just by putting it on the top of the speaker.
I think the phone looks fantastic. If so much of the phone hadn't leaked ahead of time there'd be a lot more nerd froth but that doesn't change the fact it's an exceptional product.
I think the phone looks fantastic. If so much of the phone hadn't leaked ahead of time there'd be a lot more nerd froth but that doesn't change the fact it's an exceptional product.

Why though? I don't get this excuse. What leaked other than the screen size would have been surprising or so great? We didn't even see great usage of the extra screen space during the evening. Ways Apple could really take advantage of this. I was hoping to see this from the keynote today with some refinements in iOS that took advantage of this. We got just another row of icons and all Apple software to have more vertical space.


Is using gloves with a phone really that big of a deal? Is that the sort of thing that would have improved the iPhone 5's showing?

They already sell gloves that can be used with capacitive screens, so it's not as if they've overcome some huge issue with touchscreen technology. The only people who'd really care about this are those that are too stylish or hip to wear touchscreen gloves, and can now enjoy their designer gloves with a smartphone (at the cost of having to restrict themselves to one particular model of phone).

I think that's a great example of what I was talking about -- small refinements that are highly niche and situational, being trumpeted by manufacturers as if they're huge game changers. These things are nice, and they are convenient, but you are never again going to get the feeling you had when you first saw a Retina Display or when Apple unveiled the OG iPhone.

Surely you haven't forgotten Siri. Nokia didn't trumpet the touchscreen tech much by the way, they just unveiled it and moved on.

But I'm not sure what the message you're trying to convey here is. Is it Apple will just be like everyone else coming out with uninspired products?

Well... okay then.


Do people just fail to understand that Jobs left a roadmap for the company that stretched years into the future? Whether you like the iPhone 5 or not, it still has his fingerprints all over it.

The iPhone 3G was almost literally the same as the original iPhone......except with a cheap plastic back that inevitably cracked and a 3G antenna. Some of the upgrades done under the Jobs era were far less impressive than the iPhone 5.

We can't even accurately forecast events happening one year into the future. You've got to be pretty naive to think that this "Steve Jobs roadmap" (assuming it even exists) will be sufficient to carry Apple for a few years.


It works for other thing than payments.

With that speaker you only put your phone there and it starts playing the music from your phone without pairing or any configuration, and I showed that speaker because it has wireless charging incorporated, so that Lumia is charging the battery as well as using its NFC capabilities in a gimmicky but awesome form just by putting it on the top of the speaker.

This is a cool trick, but ultimately kind of stupid. Using AirPlay and hooking into my existing stereo, being able to change the song while walking around makes a hell of allot more sense than walking up to the radio like its the 1950's.

In practical terms what exactly is that accomplishing that a regular dock isn't?
I agree with this. Is anyone really looking at their iPhone 4/4S and wishing it was thinner by just a slight fraction?

I agree. But also it's how products evolve, a little at a time. But i'd be cool w/ the 4 weight/thickness.

I just want the better camera and to play w/ Siri...



Original iPhone to iPhone 3G: better antenna and 3G
iPhone 3G to 3GS: Better performance and an app store
3GS to 4: Thinner design, FaceTime, hi-res screen
4 to 4S: Better camera, Siri, better performance
4S to 5: Thinner design, LTE, better performance

YES! The Apple has really fallen from the tree!

Exactly. I don't get the "Steve wouldn't accept this" statements at all (as well as the fact that I'm pretty sure Steve did play a major role in the iPhone 5, as well as possible future iPhones).


Is using gloves with a phone really that big of a deal? Is that the sort of thing that would have improved the iPhone 5's showing?

They already sell gloves that can be used with capacitive screens, so it's not as if they've overcome some huge issue with touchscreen technology. The only people who'd really care about this are those that are too stylish or hip to wear touchscreen gloves, and can now enjoy their designer gloves with a smartphone (at the cost of having to restrict themselves to one particular model of phone).

I think that's a great example of what I was talking about -- small refinements that are highly niche and situational, being trumpeted by manufacturers as if they're huge game changers. These things are nice, and they are convenient, but you are never again going to get the feeling you had when you first saw a Retina Display or when Apple unveiled the OG iPhone.

Indeed these things are nice and this is another example of my "oh why didn't I think of that" analogy, yes they sell gloves that do this but a screen with the ability to do it with any glove is an improvement, what does the iPhone 5 improve?


Exactly. I don't get the "Steve wouldn't accept this" statements at all (as well as the fact that I'm pretty sure Steve did play a major role in the iPhone 5, as well as possible future iPhones).

Between the time of the original to 4, iPhones in both software and hardware is much further ahead than the competition now. Many people agree that 4 is still the best design yet so the jump from 3GS to 4 can be said to be pretty big. A number of people were disappointed with the 4S, but they got Siri and it was just a smaller jump as indicated by 4S so most people was fine with it. But now you get a jump to 5 and it seems to has less new things than the iterations before it and the competition has mostly caught up by now.

Surely if you think more about it you can come to that conclusion.


Is using gloves with a phone really that big of a deal? Is that the sort of thing that would have improved the iPhone 5's showing?

They already sell gloves that can be used with capacitive screens, so it's not as if they've overcome some huge issue with touchscreen technology. The only people who'd really care about this are those that are too stylish or hip to wear touchscreen gloves, and can now enjoy their designer gloves with a smartphone

Seriously dude? I'm a hipster because I don't buy capacitive screen friendly gloves? That Nokia tech is very awesome, something we should have had long ago, its a clear improvement in mobile tech, and you can rest assured that as long as they didn't patent it and/or dont intend to license it, that 2 years from now that feature will be a STANDARD on smartphones.....

How you could even muster up the cajones to rally against such a clearly nice quality of life feature is ridiculous. Give some credit where it's due dude.


It works for other thing than payments.
How many different devices with NFC? How many devices compatible with iPhone dock?
Even if the iPhone supported NFC, most people would still get a dock as there are many to choose from, and they are cheaper.


This is a cool trick, but ultimately kind of stupid. Using AirPlay and hooking into my existing stereo, being able to change the song while walking around makes a hell of allot more sense than walking up to the radio like its the 1950's.

In practical terms what exactly is that accomplishing that a regular dock isn't?

You asked if NFC does something other than payments, I provided an example, just like border ask what other people wanted from the iPhone and when someone answered that a touch screen that worked with gloves would be great he as well was dismissive to the idea, its as if Apple never gave tiny, niche functions that made user experience better all of a sudden.

How many different devices with NFC? How many devices compatible with iPhone dock?
Even if the iPhone supported NFC, most people would still get a dock as there are many to choose from, and they are cheaper.

So Apple has never pushed things that are not prevalent at the time of when they released products??


Still Alive
Was there no new iPhone case to replace the bumper?
The hottest thing about the new iPhone is the fine edges, why would they cover that up? Th glass back of the iPhone 4/S was what made it beautiful, and the bumper kept that in mind by exposing it.

There's no reason for them to make a new bumper for this. Not to mention the fact that the trim is no longer plain stainless steel anymore, it's actually imbedded into the device not just physically (with the back plate) but tone wise as well. A colorful bumper would do disseverance to the back and it's overall color flow with the rest of the device. Who knows, maybe they will bring out updated bumpers, but I sure as hell wouldn't use one.

If there's ever been an iPhone to use totally naked, it's this one.


tagged by Blackace
Now that stuff has settled down a bit, my thoughts on the new iPhone:

  • I think it's really good, competitive value for money in the phone market. I know, I'm disappointed there wasn't SecretAppleFeature or OneMoreThing in this conference too, but it seems like they've really taken into account a lot of stuff that makes a good phone and exceeded what came before. Increased battery life and the camera stuff are the biggest sells for me.
  • It seems like Apple understands what I want out of my camera, clarity over resolution. Low light optimization is HUGE and people were clowning that shit in the conference thread. I would have liked higher resolution too, but at this point I can deal with anything better than in my current 3GS. Optimization matters a lot.
  • The screen stuff is cool too, the blogs I was following didn't mention any of the stuff about the increase in colour saturation and reduction in the glass size over the screen to decrease glare. That stuff matters more to me than the marginally larger screen.
  • What I'm still curious about is PassBook. How does it work, exactly? It seems like a pipe dream their rushing out early. Have they announced partners yet for it, or who will support it and how? It all seems a bit muddy, and the most mysterious. I still can't see myself using it often, but it's more interesting than the new maps and stuff.
  • People are underrating it because it doesn't produce liquid magic out of the headphone jack, but I think Apple has done a good job considering the crazy engineering gone into making it so small and yet better in many physical ways too. I appreciate beauty in engineering like that.
Only looking at plans at this point. As a broke university student, I will go Android without thinking twice if telecoms rape us too hard here. But if there is something half-reasonable, I'll upgrade. Just waiting for my contract to be up now.

Also fuck the charcoal haters.

Does this phone make my penis bigger?
Thinner & Lighter.

Original iPhone to iPhone 3G: better antenna and 3G
iPhone 3G to 3GS: Better performance and an app store
3GS to 4: Thinner design, FaceTime, hi-res screen
4 to 4S: Better camera, Siri, better performance
4S to 5: Thinner design, LTE, better performance

YES! The Apple has really fallen from the tree!

The app store came with the 3G, not the 3GS. In each of those upgrades, there was a significant hardware and/or software component. It's easily arguable what we've been given this time doesn't stack up against what they've given in the past.


After championing Android for for the past 3 years, I'm switching sides now.

Had on OG iPhone for a while, then switched to Android phones while I carried an iPod Touch. While I definitely enjoyed the Custom ROM scene for Android, the past year has been quite a painful ordeal to have a fully functional phone updated with a recent OS. Not even using Cyanogenmod stable builds cut it.

Apple strategy of making all OS updates available for all their products asures me I will have the most up-to-date OS for at least 2 years. Everyday I'm depending more on my phone being stable and having everything functioning the way it should be.

And, after 3 years of living in a state of denial, I can accept that the App selection for Android fucking sucks. How is it remotely acceptable that the only acceptable way of using Facebook on an Android phone is through the web browser!?!?

I will miss the seamless, super efficient Google integration of Android, and I still don't know what am I going to do without a native GTalk client, but for the time being I'm done using an Android phone.


The app store came with the 3G, not the 3GS. In each of those upgrades, there was a significant hardware and/or software component. It's easily arguable what we've been given this time doesn't stack up against what they've given in the past.

So A6, 4" screen, and LTE is minor?


formerly cjelly
After championing Android for for the past 3 years, I'm switching sides now.

Had on OG iPhone for a while, then switched to Android phones while I carried an iPod Touch. While I definitely enjoyed the Custom ROM scene for Android, the past year has been quite a painful ordeal to have a fully functional phone updated with a recent OS. Not even using Cyanogenmod stable builds cut it.

Apple strategy of making all OS updates available for all their products asures me I will have the most up-to-date OS for at least 2 years. Everyday I'm depending more on my phone being stable and having everything functioning the way it should be.

And, after 3 years of living in a state of denial, I can accept that the App selection for Android fucking sucks. How is it remotely acceptable that the only acceptable way of using Facebook on an Android phone is through the web browser!?!?

I will miss the seamless, super efficient Google integration of Android, and I still don't know what am I going to do without a native GTalk client, but for the time being I'm done using an Android phone.
Welcome to the winning team, son. You're in the big leagues now.


The phone looks ugly with those dual tones.

Also, where is the innovation? Haptic feedback (for game controls), 3D air gestures etc? What's the next big selling idea?

I'll stick to my 4S thanks.


After championing Android for for the past 3 years, I'm switching sides now.

Had on OG iPhone for a while, then switched to Android phones while I carried an iPod Touch. While I definitely enjoyed the Custom ROM scene for Android, the past year has been quite a painful ordeal to have a fully functional phone updated with a recent OS. Not even using Cyanogenmod stable builds cut it.

Apple strategy of making all OS updates available for all their products asures me I will have the most up-to-date OS for at least 2 years. Everyday I'm depending more on my phone being stable and having everything functioning the way it should be.

And, after 3 years of living in a state of denial, I can accept that the App selection for Android fucking sucks. How is it remotely acceptable that the only acceptable way of using Facebook on an Android phone is through the web browser!?!?

I will miss the seamless, super efficient Google integration of Android, and I still don't know what am I going to do without a native GTalk client, but for the time being I'm done using an Android phone.

Just out of interest, what phone do you have and what stability problems are you having?


After championing Android for for the past 3 years, I'm switching sides now.

Had on OG iPhone for a while, then switched to Android phones while I carried an iPod Touch. While I definitely enjoyed the Custom ROM scene for Android, the past year has been quite a painful ordeal to have a fully functional phone updated with a recent OS. Not even using Cyanogenmod stable builds cut it.

Apple strategy of making all OS updates available for all their products asures me I will have the most up-to-date OS for at least 2 years. Everyday I'm depending more on my phone being stable and having everything functioning the way it should be.

And, after 3 years of living in a state of denial, I can accept that the App selection for Android fucking sucks. How is it remotely acceptable that the only acceptable way of using Facebook on an Android phone is through the web browser!?!?

I will miss the seamless, super efficient Google integration of Android, and I still don't know what am I going to do without a native GTalk client, but for the time being I'm done using an Android phone.

Just fyi, you will have the latest update in 2 years but it will run like absolute horseshit. This is coming from an iPhone 3G owner where it took almost a full minute to load Facebook and close to 30 seconds to open a text message. Not to mention my iPad 1 which is starting to become a jittery, useless mess (and is exempt from iOS 6).

I want that new iTunes now.

Also a dark skin version.

The current iTunes has a dark version so presumably the new one will too, unless they chose to remove it I guess.


You asked if NFC does something other than payments, I provided an example, just like border ask what other people wanted from the iPhone and when someone answered that a touch screen that worked with gloves would be great he as well was dismissive to the idea, its as if Apple never gave tiny, niche functions that made user experience better all of a sudden.

So Apple has never pushed things that are not prevalent at the time of when they released products??

NFC is old news, everything it can do can already be done by the wireless protocols on the phone. It was originally made as a low power key fob device to pay for gas, not sure why suddenly it is a killer app for smartphones.
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