That doesn't make sense.
you have to watch the simpsons to get it. Makes perfect sense.
That doesn't make sense.
Does Apple Care cover a new phone, no questions asked? If so, I'd weigh that option against buying another fifty dollar case.
Edit: I googled. $100 so that I can pay $50 for them to repair my iPhone if I break it. $150 to repair a phone that expensive isn't bad I guess... mmm.....
It's so liberating going case-less. It was weird at first since you really feel the phone's lightness, and it could freak you out since it may seem fragile, but then you get the hang of it. It works out just fine in regular use, unless you throw it around without a care.
I'd get a case, just because anodized aluminum scratches incredibly easily
It only costs $200 to replace a phone though. So if you know you're going to break the phone once every two years, then you'll save $50. If not, and you break it once out of two phones, you've lost money. Apple Care+ isn't worth the money and you're better off just risking it breaking unless you know you're a clumsy and will likely break the phone during your two years.
Isn't a replacement from $449 - $649?
Isn't a replacement from $449 - $649?
Isn't a replacement from $449 - $649?
When you aren't upgrade eligible it is. You could break your phone on day one, and have to pay $600 to replace it.
$100 is pretty nutty for a two year extended warranty though. It's really $150, since it costs $50 per repair, 25% or so of the cost of an unlocked iPhone 5.
By comparison, if you bought a $1000 TV, there's no way you'd pay a reputable warranty company $250 for two years of coverage.
Isn't a replacement from $449 - $649?
At the time when the new AppleCare+ plan was announced, if you broke the front screen/glass, it was a $200 repair from Apple. Apple's solution to such a repair was to pretty much replace the whole phone at that point. So if you drop your phone, it's a $200 repair charge without any warranty coverage. Thus, you only save $50 and you have to pay $100 upfront.
No, if you damage your phone Apple will offer to 'fix' (i.e. replace it) for $200.
If you break your phone and don't take it to the Apple store, it'll be $450-$600
NB: if the phone is stolen or lost, Apple won't replace it for $200 (or $50 if you bought the $100 protection plan). Applecare+ isn't insurance.
Is that policy official, or do I just have to hope that they honor it in the event that I break my phone?
It's the standard repair cost from Apple for a broken screen, so yes.
Just don't get third party insurance like this guy.
Any prices yet without contract?
Any prices yet without contract?
Same as always, starting at $649
Same as always. 650, 750, 850
Wow, do you actually actively use all $400 worth still?
What if the internals also break? Point taken though, that the most likely thing to break is the screen and paying $100 upfront to hedge against having to pay $200 later is dumb.
That is an epic thread backfire if I've ever seen one.
probably not lol. It's been like 4 years since 3G, $100 a year isn't that hard to spend :/
And I'm a sucker for Square stuff which tend to get a bit pricey.
I guess I probably could go to Android, but at this point, there really is no 'holy shit' feature that would get me to switch.
I think we pretty much reached a peak for smartphones. Wasn't jelly bean just some performance improvements and a few little things?
So Apple care is worth it?
It is if your product breaks.So Apple care is worth it?
While I tend to be a fan of self-insuring for small things like this, for a lot of people a potential unexpected $600 loss is far worse than an known $100 loss.If Apple Care were worth it, Apple wouldn't be able to sell it. It wouldn't make money.
I'm always tempted by AppleCare+, but then I remember the $50 deductible. That's madness. For my iPhone 4 I did get a third party (SquareTrade) warranty and I did have to replace it due to some internal problem, but will that happen again? I don't know! I do go caseless after all.
While I tend to be a fan of self-insuring for small things like this, for a lot of people a potential unexpected $600 loss is far worse than an known $100 loss.
Holy shit. :lolJust don't get third party insurance like this guy.
The packaging is going to be the best yet.
Looks like a cologne or expensive watch packaging or something.
So you can pre order online? How does that work out with having to get contracts? Or you gotta do it through the provider?
That's a nice box.The packaging is going to be the best yet.
Looks like a cologne or expensive watch packaging or something.
Yeah, looking at more detailed descriptions of what it covers, I'd have to agree.But I thought it was just said that Apple fixes (replaces) broken iPhones for $200 (if they don't do it for free which has been the case for a handful of people, without Applecare).
$100 up front plus the $50 deductible is saving you $50, and only if you break it. But it will cover two breaks, so technically I guess you could save $200 if you broke your phone twice ($400 with no Applecare [2x$200] vs. $200 w/ Applecare+ [$100+$50+50]).
Heh if it's just an internal thing, break the screen
Ya I could see no real feature to switch but I just think the investment in apps argument isn't nearly as valid as people think.
I had no problems whatsoever. They were pretty good, though the repair facility took over a week. It was $99 for two year coverage.Was squaretrade pretty open about the whole replacement process? I've got a ST warranty for my TV, but I've never had to use it.
How much was the ST warranty?
Sorry, I don't know it. I live in the suburbs of Philly and I see many more places supporting it than that. And I know for a fact that some of same stores down here are supporting it in NYC as well. McDonald's, CVS, Rite-Aid, Duane Reade, Old Navy, Whole Foods, etc. They're not actively advertising it, but keep your eyes open and you'll be surprised how many stores offer Paypass or one of the similar NFC compatible terminals. In a lot of cases, these places have had the terminals already in place for a year or more.
This is established tech, the terminals aren't in "beta" or anything like that. They're ready, robust and available. All they lack is a large enough customer base to justify wider distribution. And that was my larger point: if Apple had offered NFC with the iPhone 5, you could almost have guaranteed that lots more retailers would have jumped on Paypass terminals or the like within months.
The new iTunes was actually the most exciting thing about today's announcements. I just hope it doesn't run like a sloth crawling through molasses.