You will be taken to the page you are trying to visit shortly.
Due to overwhelming demand, this page is currently unavailable.
Haha. Damn.
You will be taken to the page you are trying to visit shortly.
Due to overwhelming demand, this page is currently unavailable.
I'm assuming to pre-order you must pay in full, yes?
I expect both sites to be as reliable as Blizzard's servers during the D3 launch.I hope the interface between AT&T's system and holds up so I don't have to deal with AT&T's crap website.
So are and basically going to be the same? Just order from whichever loads faster?
shit, i dont have her SSN.
edit: I'm in Canada..
edit2: can I pre order it for her? if they dont need any of your account info when pre ordering, can I just use my info to pre order her phone, then when its ready she can do the upgrade on her account?
Awesome. When do they usually ship them out?You're charged when it ships.
No. In previous years I believe only orders were delivered on the 21st. Where as carriers shipped them. I could be wrong, but last year my friend got his through Verizon and it came the following monday after it shipped on launch day.
I don't know about Canada. In the US, you need the account info to verify eligibility for the subsidized price. I guess if you are buying unsubsidized you can just order.
AT&T's website started screwing up for me around 11:30. The 'We're so excited!' countdown page keeps trying to redirect me to, and is just a 501 error.
I hope the interface between AT&T's system and holds up so I don't have to deal with AT&T's crap website.
They're almost certainly going to want account info--if you're planning to order a subsidized phone, somebody needs to agree to that contract extension so it needs to belong to a valid account.
Hey, I am doing it through att website right now.
Hey, I am doing it through att website right now.
So I am at school right now....We have a family plan, I am due for an upgrade and plan on pre-ordering it in 10 min. Will I be able to ship it to myself at school, or will it be mandatory to be delivered to my home home address?
Credit/debit card information
Your credit/debit card will not be charged until time of shipment. However, funds in the amount of your purchase will be immediately held and not available for other use.
Last time I spoke with an Apple Employee about it, they told me it was gone and I couldn't be grandfathered in...Hmmm... I have the unlimited option but I no longer have the ability to select the $5/mo text plan... not sure what to do, maybe I should wait for Apple :|
Last time I spoke with an Apple Employee about it, they told me it was gone and I couldn't be grandfathered in...Hope they were wrong...
Less than 3 minutes......who's already hitting F5?
I still have no idea if these will appear on the verizon site.