What makes you people choose the iPhone over other phones still?
I'm not trying to bait or be facetious, I'm honestly asking because I am going to be getting my first ever smart phone in the coming month or so, and it'd be between the Lumia 920, the GS III, and the iphone 5.
The following list are the tangible reasons I choose to use an iPhone over an other phone:
- Appstore ecosystem- best appstore by far, in both quality and quantity. A ton of iOS exclusive apps. Apps tend to be more polished than Android counterparts.
- iCloud, iMessage (I own a Macbook Air and an iPad, nice to be able to receive and reply to texts from any device, as well as facetime calls)
- App syncing with iPad/Macbook Air
- Build quality unmatched
- OS is ultra responsive
- Accessory ecosystem
- Case ecosystem
- Apple retail store support - I've saved thousands of dollars over the years, they've fixed my stuff for free while out of warranty, etc.
- Software support- new device is guaranteed to be supported by updates for 2 years at least. The 3GS is almost 4 years old and will get a major update next week.
- instant software updates
- I like vertical integration model, where same entity controls all aspects of software and hardware.
- From experience, I prefer iOS over Android, and I've used every flagship Android phone. I find it more user friendly, reliable, responsive, and useable. Not interested in tweaking, installing custom ROMS, side-loading, etc. Have hardly encountered any errors/issues in years of usage.
I'm sure there's a couple more thing, but I think the above list covers it. I'm not saying the iPhone is BETTER than any other phone, but it's better for me, in many ways, for the above reasons. Stuff like app ecosystem, support, and physical retail outlets are huge advantages that just don't exist with any other phone.