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iPhone 5


So I'm thinking about preordering one of these tonight. My phone is eligible for the discounted upgrade, and I wanna get it through verizon. When they say they'll become available to preorder...do I go to my verizon account and get through their website? Never done this online before, and am wondering if their site will be updated at that time.


Try to find local people you know to ask about carriers. I know in SF/bay area it's not worth getting Sprint even though it's cheaper.
What makes you people choose the iPhone over other phones still?

I'm not trying to bait or be facetious, I'm honestly asking because I am going to be getting my first ever smart phone in the coming month or so, and it'd be between the Lumia 920, the GS III, and the iphone 5.

The following list are the tangible reasons I choose to use an iPhone over an other phone:

- Appstore ecosystem- best appstore by far, in both quality and quantity. A ton of iOS exclusive apps. Apps tend to be more polished than Android counterparts.
- iCloud, iMessage (I own a Macbook Air and an iPad, nice to be able to receive and reply to texts from any device, as well as facetime calls)
- App syncing with iPad/Macbook Air
- Build quality unmatched
- OS is ultra responsive
- Accessory ecosystem
- Case ecosystem
- Apple retail store support - I've saved thousands of dollars over the years, they've fixed my stuff for free while out of warranty, etc.
- Software support- new device is guaranteed to be supported by updates for 2 years at least. The 3GS is almost 4 years old and will get a major update next week.
- instant software updates
- I like vertical integration model, where same entity controls all aspects of software and hardware.
- From experience, I prefer iOS over Android, and I've used every flagship Android phone. I find it more user friendly, reliable, responsive, and useable. Not interested in tweaking, installing custom ROMS, side-loading, etc. Have hardly encountered any errors/issues in years of usage.

I'm sure there's a couple more thing, but I think the above list covers it. I'm not saying the iPhone is BETTER than any other phone, but it's better for me, in many ways, for the above reasons. Stuff like app ecosystem, support, and physical retail outlets are huge advantages that just don't exist with any other phone.


First of all, gizmodo articles should just be banned from GAF Apple threads. Ever since they've been on the outs they've been worthless.

Anyway, to combat the FUD a bit, see this thread:


Just an FYI - I just spoke with AT&T customer support and had them note to my account that I would be upgrading and planned to keep my unlimited data. I was assured if there were any snags in the process I would be able to revert back to the grandfathered plan. Good on AT&T for this.

I also just called AT&T to verify that you can pre-order the iPhone 5 through Apple and, as long as you get the new contract, it will not effect your grandfathered status with regard to the unlimited data. You don't have to order directly through AT&T to remain grandfathered. I have an Apple Store gift certificate that I wanted to use and didn't want to order through AT&T, so that's good news as well.
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im sorry if this has been asked a thousand times, but what time can we preorder tonight? im on the east coast. AMERIKA.
If I'm upgrading mid-contract on Verizon and paying full price for the phone, it should not renew my contract, right? I'd still be mid-contract and eligible for upgrade pricing on the next one?
Well, according to this map, you want Verizon or AT&T.

thanks, i was kinda turned off that verizon was getting rid of the unlimited data plans, but i honestly dont see myself using more than like 4GB anyways. I mean couldn't you essentially just download all your apps from itunes or watever and transfer them over to your iphone without using up any of your data? Sorry, i've never owned an iphone, i'm hoping this'll be my first lol


If I'm upgrading mid-contract on Verizon and paying full price for the phone, it should not renew my contract, right? I'd still be mid-contract and eligible for upgrade pricing on the next one?

Yes, based on my experience changing phones in the past. It has no impact on your contract dates/upgrades/unlimited status. Also, if you bought a 4G ipad at full price, it should be eligible for an immediate upgrade


thanks, i was kinda turned off that verizon was getting rid of the unlimited data plans, but i honestly dont see myself using more than like 4GB anyways. I mean couldn't you essentially just download all your apps from itunes or watever and transfer them over to your iphone without using up any of your data? Sorry, i've never owned an iphone, i'm hoping this'll be my first lol

Just use wifi if you have access.


The ETF is $350. Is there any reason I couldn't sign up for a new line, eat the ETF but keep the phone and pay $550 instead of $650?


If I'm upgrading mid-contract on Verizon and paying full price for the phone, it should not renew my contract, right? I'd still be mid-contract and eligible for upgrade pricing on the next one?

They won't even partially subsidize? I'm a year into my AT&T 4S, and my price is $450, which will of course reup me for another 2 years.


Will the apple store be able to sell / configure a nano sim if I buy unlocked or o I then have to go to a fido store? I'm on fido in Canada.
thinking about pre-ordering tonight but have a few questions

I know that the phones will ship on the 21st but I am eligible for upgrade on the 17th through Verizon, if I pre-order tonight do I have to pay in full tonight or pay the 2 year contract price?

would suck if I have to wait for the second batch of iPhones cause my upgrade was a few days later

or will I be lucky and have Apple make enough to meet demand until Monday



Try to find local people you know to ask about carriers. I know in SF/bay area it's not worth getting Sprint even though it's cheaper.

I've been with verizon for years, and I really have no plans to change. ATT has shitty coverage in my area, not sure about sprint, but because of my employer, I get a discount through verizon also. That site you linked to also showed me that I get the best deal with verizon.

I wanted to just know if the verizon site is gonna be updated where I can get it on there.


Black or white, what is everyone getting?

White for me, black one for my sister's bday.

Speaking of which, I shouldn't have any trouble ordering two phones, right? We're on an AT&T family plan and two of us have upgrades available. Probably going to order through AT&T. If we have to go to the store to pick them up that's fine since we need to have my current iPhone 4 switched to my mom's number.


I've been doing research for the past couple of hours on the 3 services for the iphone 5, and i still cant decide what i want to go with. I honestly dont make that many calls so i'm totally fine with having like 300-400 mins a month. I care about texting and how fast the network is. Sprint seems affordable and within my budget, especially the unlimited data plans. Can anyone tell me there experiences with sprint? and if i should go with them or not? Thanks

I would never go with sprint, always stick to ATT or Verizon. I would personally choose Verizon since I was on ATT for 2 years and had great data speeds, but horrible reception. Verizon may be more expensive, but the service is a lot better then ATT in my area. (Houston). I had Sprint for a week and decided to cancel the contract as the data speeds were horrible, and service was awful also (nice customer service though).


I still can't decide if I should go full price to keep unlimited or renew and go to Verizon's caps. It also means losing the $10 less I'm paying for texting (I pay $10 for 500+unlimited Verizon which is enough for me).

$450 more to keep plan seems a bit steep.


Another question since the store is down. Apple.com won't take my Verizon account for whatever reason (probably because it's a business line -- MyVerizon doesn't work either). Is it possible to order an off-contract phone without any account?


not a medical professional
its the east cost late night iphone party, woo woo.

I'm getting black... was undecided yesterday, but the granite grey backing looks boss and it will hide scratches better than the white/silver.

Here' hoping not many Canadians want to buy an unlocked iPhone tonight :p


So is a unlocked phone considered the same as phone bought off contract?

Wait, what? I'm may end up getting an unlocked iPhone 5 (because they didn't drop the iPhone 4 to 375 :/) and I would like to know if there's another way to get it for less than $649?
64GB / White (all my iPhones have been black, time for a change) / AT&T grandfathered unlimited. And the app will work, and I'll be right back in bed. BELIEVE.


Probably gonna preorder tonight using AT&T. I'm on the "business" side of AT&T since I have a FAN discount. Last time I ordered through AT&T I got my phone a day before release. And black is right.


I have to order two 64 GB black, one 32GB white, and one 32GB black. When the 4 came out and I had to order four of the same phone, the website crapped out so I went to bed. At work the next day it took like 6 hours of persistent trying to make it through the upgrade process and resulted in me briefly having eight iPhones on order.

I hope to god this one goes more smoothly. No sleep until I've got all four ordered.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
I'm thinking that the white iPhone 5 will look BOSS alongside a Macbook since the material/color looks to be the same.
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