No it wouldn't. When Saddam and his party came to power they brought stability. If we're talking women's rights, they were much better after the 1970's up until economic sanctions started to cripple the country and economy. Iraqi women had it much better before the war, we're able to walk streets without being gang raped en masse, we're able to attend University. Now they're at one of the lowest points ever. It doesn't help that theocratic influence from Iran is now dominating the country.
I have no respect for the Saddam regime, they were brutal, especially to dissidents. There are many human rights abuses done because of him and his party. But all the US and UK have done is replace a dictator, with a soon to be authoritarian regime that will institute religious theocratic beliefs. Basically an Iran Jr. in a sense.
Yup. Iraq was basically a secular regime until things went south in the 90's and like all authoritarians and many politicians, Saddam turned to religion to keep the people on his side.