Seco de Carne (Peruvian Beef Stew)
This dish is easy to make, and the ingredients are easy to find as well.
Now, you might find different variations of it, that's because it is
prepared differently in different regions, not only that, but also because
the recipe changes at times depending on what you are planning to serve it
This time I made Beef Stew with beans, here are the ingredients for this
1 lb beef
1 tb garlic (smashed or powder is fine)
1 medium onion (Red or white, I prefer red, but I only had white ones)
3oz Spinach
Cilantro (use about 1/3 to 1/2 of the regular portion sold)
1 cup water
Pepper & Cumin, just a pinch
1 lb bag of beans (I prefer Canary, but I recommend white as a substitute)
Olive oil
Oregano, just a pinch (You'll thank me later)
First, blend the spinach, cilantro, and about 3/4 of a cup of water.
Put onion to cook at high with just a bit of oil
you don't need much oil as we just need it to help give the onion some color
then add the garlic, stir for about a minute or so, be careful because the garlic burns quick.
After that, add the beef, stir once again for a few minutes, once again,
leave it there til it has gotten some color, it should be within 2 to 3
minutes, lower the temperature to medium.
Once the beef is ready, add the contents of the blender to the pot, use the
other 1/4 cup of water to help remove what is left on the blender, then add
the salt, pepper, and cumin, stir for a minute or two.
You'll see that at first it has a bright green color but after a few minutes it will get
darker. Depending on how big are the beef pieces, it should be done within
20 or so minutes.
As for the beans, I recommend leaving them in a pot with water the day
before, but if you forgot, then its ok if you do so at the beginning of
Get rid of the water and put them in a pot at high temperature with water at
least 1 finger above the level.
Once the water is boiling, add a bit of salt. Be careful with the beans,
keep checking on them to make sure that it has water at least covering
them. Btw, beans take a while to cook, hence why I usually use the pressure
pot to prepare them. Once they are soft, add the oregano (it helps prevent
stomach aches), the olive oil, and make sure that it has enough salt.
TIP: if you guys don't have time, after 30 mins or so of cooking, you can
also squeeze them gently to soften them a bit
within 5 to 10 mins of doing so they should be ready.
Serve with rice.
Now, to get a better flavour, if available, one can use clay pots to cook
the beef, beans, and rice. Also, to cook the beans, sometimes we use pork
skin, some people like to eat, personally, I don't, but I do use it because
it adds a distinctive flavour. If you are not into beans, you can serve it
with potato, just add it to the pot with the beef, it'll cook alongside it. Unfortunately I had forgotten to go the store so I didn't have many of these.
Hopefully you guys enjoy it