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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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mrs bovo made a roast dinner for fathers day on sunday - roast pork, potatoes, leeks in white sauce, green beans, carrots...

I've got a couple of other pictures for other meals that I've been meaning to put here - I'll try do it later...

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
The bovo's want to adopt a son, yes? I'll start packing.

jarosh said:
europe =/= britain

in fact, most european countries adapt the italian name "rucola".

Sorry. :\

I've been meaning to ask, are you natively Swiss, jarosh, or an expat like your ladyfriend?


beelzebozo said:
embrace it

i gotta say, i do love the word "rocket" and it's actually my preferred english name for rucola/arugula. ever since i found out about it i call it "rocket" when i speak english.

Cosmic Bus said:
Sorry. :\

I've been meaning to ask, are you natively Swiss, jarosh, or an expat like your ladyfriend?
i'm half swiss, half italian. i grew up here in switzerland though and don't speak much italian unfortunately.


Hail to the Chef
bovo, nice pic! I'd love to see the other shots.
santouras, thanks for sharing, looks delish.

More of it, I'm kinda hungry tonight and nothing decent in range...
Dinner - potatoes and sausage with mint and balsamic vinegar:

Dessert - sweet sticky coconut rice with mangos:

I cooked the sweet sticky rice like how I normally make my rice but it turned out a little too soft and on the rice-pudding side but worked ok. Less water next time.


Hail to the Chef
Zyzyxxz and CrystalGemini, thanks for sharing! Looks good. Usual fathers day dinner over here looks more like this:

or this:

:lol :lol :lol


CrystalGemini said:
Dessert - sweet sticky coconut rice with mangos:

I cooked the sweet sticky rice like how I normally make my rice but it turned out a little too soft and on the rice-pudding side but worked ok. Less water next time.

I just had some of that during my friend's bday dinner, damn it was good.

How do you make the sweet sticky rice?
Zyzyxxz said:
I just had some of that during my friend's bday dinner, damn it was good.

How do you make the sweet sticky rice?
You have to soak the rice overnight prior to cooking. Also I go the easy route and use a Chinese rice cooker. XD

I made about one cup so cooked it with water about 3/4" from the surface of the rice. (NOTE: it came out too much like rice pudding so I'm going to use less water next time - like somewhere between 1/2" and 3/4".) Then I simmered one can of coconut milk, 1/2 cup of brown sugar and a bit of salt. Set it aside and let it cool. When the rice was done, I just stirred the rice into the sauce, sliced up some mangos and it was good to go.

A lot of recipes call for tapioca, starch or some sort of thickener but mine thickened up pretty well once it was cool.

Edit- Make sure you use sweet rice. This is the one I used:

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
That mango and rice looks sooo good, Crystal. I've only had it once before at a Thai restaurant and it was very refreshing after the spicy meal. They made an awesome ginger iced tea there, too.

Did some shopping today at the farmer's market with the intention of shifting my meals to consist largely of fruits and veggies in an effort to help me lose some weight, so if any vegetarians here want to share favorite recipes it would be appreciated! I wanted to indulge a little bit at first, though, so I decided to make one of Hubert Keller's soups:

Start with a cubed, partially cooked potato and two whole heads of garlic; blanch the garlic for a couple of minutes to take away the sharpness. Chop and rinse two medium leeks.


Saute the leeks for five minutes or so until they're soft and translucent, then add 2½ cups of stock, the garlic, and salt and pepper. Bring to a boil for five minutes, then add the potatoes, a few pinches of saffron or tumeric and a teaspoon of paprika. Boil for another five to eight minutes.


Add ½ cup of cream and spoonful of lemon zest, bring back to a boil once again and remove from the heat. After it cools a bit, transfer in batches to a blender and puree. Garnish with chives, parsley, paprika or whatever fanciness you want.


It was so delicious. The garlic flavor is very mellow, the potato and cream make it so smooth and rich, and the spices add just the right amount of depth.
Cosmic Bus said:
That mango and rice looks sooo good, Crystal. I've only had it once before at a Thai restaurant and it was very refreshing after the spicy meal. They made an awesome ginger iced tea there, too.

Did some shopping today at the farmer's market with the intention of shifting my meals to consist largely of fruits and veggies in an effort to help me lose some weight, so if any vegetarians here want to share favorite recipes it would be appreciated! I wanted to indulge a little bit at first, though, so I decided to make one of Hubert Keller's soups:

Start with a cubed, partially cooked potato and two whole heads of garlic; blanch the garlic for a couple of minutes to take away the sharpness. Chop and rinse two medium leeks.

Saute the leeks for five minutes or so until they're soft and translucent, then add 2½ cups of stock, the garlic, and salt and pepper. Bring to a boil for five minutes, then add the potatoes, a few pinches of saffron or tumeric and a teaspoon of paprika. Boil for another five to eight minutes.

Add ½ cup of cream and spoonful of lemon zest, bring back to a boil once again and remove from the heat. After it cools a bit, transfer in batches to a blender and puree. Garnish with chives, parsley, paprika or whatever fanciness you want.

It was so delicious. The garlic flavor is very mellow, the potato and cream make it so smooth and rich, and the spices add just the right amount of depth.

That looks really good... Def have to try! :9



- breaded tilapia filet (eggs, gluten free flour, lemon pepper, lemon juice)
- oven roasted potato cuts with halen môn sea salt (an incredible chunky salt from wales that's basically marinated in a ton of organic spices, very unique flavor)
- caprese salad



Hail to the Chef
Cosmic Bus, masterful prep and presentation pics! I wish I had more time to do a few new ones in that spirit as well. Thanks for sharing and more of it, please!

jarosh, fine pic as well, looks really tasty!

Keep sharing, people!


Hail to the Chef
excelforward said:
Next time I have a camera and I make something worthwhile, I'll have to post!

(I effing LOVE this thread.)
hi and welcome. new contributions are always appreciated!
EDIT: And that was my 7,000th post on NeoGAF. whoa.


OnkelC said:
what's the dish in the last pic?

fried pork intestines if I remember correctly, tasty! Well its an acquired taste.

Anyway I've started making pizza but I always forget to snap a pic because I'm too eager to eat it. I get one for sure next time topped with my homemade pesto!


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Ribeye covered with a paste of Rosemary, Thyme, and Dijon Mustard, with red potatoes.

In the pan before going in the oven:


All done:


On the plate (I like my meat more on the done side):



MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Zyzyxxz said:
looks good, but did you sear it before putting it in the oven?

No, recipe didn't call for it. Just put it in the oven, then move to the broiler.


Junior Member
So today was my first time cooking some Crab Burgers today, never got a chance to take pics. :(
But they were far better than I expected, and I should have used a mix of Claw/Leg and Body meat instead of just 100% body meat.


Xabora said:
So today was my first time cooking some Crab Burgers today, never got a chance to take pics. :(
But they were far better than I expected, and I should have used a mix of Claw/Leg and Body meat instead of just 100% body meat.

what did you use to keep it together?

When I imagine crab burgers I think of easily flaked and broken patties falling into the grill.
Xabora said:
So today was my first time cooking some Crab Burgers today, never got a chance to take pics. :(
But they were far better than I expected, and I should have used a mix of Claw/Leg and Body meat instead of just 100% body meat.

Are they anything like crab cakes? Did you grill, bake or fry?


Hail to the Chef
CrystalGemini, thanks for the heads up on the chitlins, I imagined something like it, but have never seen them as a standalone dish so far. great pics btw, more of it please!

Zyzyxxz, second shot at risotto looks way mored like the real thing, thanks for sharing!

Borgnine, thanks to you too, it's a great summer dish!

What was on the tables of the US GAF squad during the independence day? Share it!


OnkelC said:
Zyzyxxz, second shot at risotto looks way mored like the real thing, thanks for sharing!

Borgnine, thanks to you too, it's a great summer dish!

What was on the tables of the US GAF squad during the independence day? Share it!

This time I had parmesan and some white wine on hand so I think it came out to be more authentic than rustic.

I had a pretty big BBQ but no pics as I was too busy grilling and family was eating.
Did some cooking over the weekend. First up is some homemade pizza. It was really good.



Also made these, they are cupcakes that look like burgers. I got the idea from a blog I ran into randomly one day. They are made with yellow cake and devil's food cake, yellow frosting for the cheese, red frosting for the ketchup, and dyed green coconut shavings as the lettuce. My niece loved them and helped me put them together. Hope you all in the states had a great 4th.

The finished cupcake burger.

My niece making me laugh with how she's trying to eat the thing. :lol
Aw, cupcake burger was so cute!

Risotto + pesto looks great too. I love when basil starts popping up everywhere in the summer. Home made pesto is the best!

I made some bread with my month old sourdough starter yesterday:

I never believed it before, but leavening bread with starter instead of yeast really DOES make a difference in flavor. I don't think I can go back to commercial yeast bread ever again.

Oh yah, if anyone's in the LA area and wants to bake bread, but has no starter, let me know. I can "grow" a portion of my starter and give it to you.


sportzhead said:
Also made these, they are cupcakes that look like burgers. I got the idea from a blog I ran into randomly one day. They are made with yellow cake and devil's food cake, yellow frosting for the cheese, red frosting for the ketchup, and dyed green coconut shavings as the lettuce. My niece loved them and helped me put them together. Hope you all in the states had a great 4th.

The finished cupcake burger.

My niece making me laugh with how she's trying to eat the thing. :lol
reminds me of



Hail to the Chef
nakedsushi, sourdough is the next level! congrats on making it yourself. you could try a wheat/rye flour mix the next time, it goes great with sourdough.

Brianemone, nice ossobucco, thanks for sharing. it's a rather uncommon dish, what brought you to prepare it?

sportzhead, LEGENDARY burger cupcakes! I'd love to have one right now. :D
The sammich is a takeaway Döner Kebab, made from chicken with cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber slices, two sauces and put in a quartered pita bread.
OnkelC said:
Brianemone, nice ossobucco, thanks for sharing. it's a rather uncommon dish, what brought you to prepare it?

Doing the groceries I noticed that the shin cut was discounted. Plus it's winter here in NZ so slow braised meat makes me feel good.

Also, kudos on the Cupcake burger, I love it when people do stuff like that as I'm not very imaginative.


alright, so where in this thread (or possibly the previous one) do i find the best pizza dough recipe?... onkel? beelzebozo?


OnkelC said:
the best meat to stick your tongue into on a hot summer evening:


Yummie, i miss my local Döner Kebab Restaurant in Berlin (Germany). Cheap and big. Now i live in Stuttgart (South Germany) and Döner Kebab costs twice and is smaller :(

If you are in Berlin City you have to try a Döner Kebap. They are everywhere.
BF made super spicy tofu chilaquiles:

It made my stomach hurt the next day (but it was worth it!) so I made something more bland for dinner to recover:

Farro with grilled zucchini, pesto, and a poached egg.
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