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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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Rest of backlog of pictures mentioned in my last post...

Pizza dough before rising:

After rising:

Before cooking:

After cooking:

Braised pork with mashed potatoes:

Roast chicken:


Roast chicken again:

Served with roasted new potatoes etc:

Apologies for wall of pictures...


ChryZ said:
Made Oyakodon last night. Onion slices and chicken bits braised in sweetened bonito stock, topped with runny eggs, served on rice in a bowl. Really one of my favorite go-to dishes when cooking weekdays. It's usually prep'd and done when the rice is done, less than 30 minutes. Not much of a looker but always delicious.



Looks good! Oyako Don, along with Gyu Don (today's lunch!) Una Don, and Katsu Don, they are my favorite Japanese comfort food.


bovo said:
Rest of backlog of pictures mentioned in my last post...

I did not dig through this thread but is that your kitchen? I'm assuming it is, wow, really nice! At the risk of sounding like a complete tool, do you mind taking a shot of your kitchen? (Food looks great btw)


taylor910 said:
I did not dig through this thread but is that your kitchen? I'm assuming it is, wow, really nice! At the risk of sounding like a complete tool, do you mind taking a shot of your kitchen? (Food looks great btw)

It is my kitchen, yes. I think there may be an old picture somewhere in Flickr (I'll look for it later, but you can look for it if you want!)


Aquavelvaman's bread looks great. I'd love to make a P&J sandwich with it :D

I cooked a lentil soup from bovo's recipe once. I know first hand, that his food tastes as excellent as it looks.

lachesis said:
Looks good! Oyako Don, along with Gyu Don (today's lunch!) Una Don, and Katsu Don, they are my favorite Japanese comfort food.
Cheers! I'm such a sucker for the whole rice bowl with topping concept. So yeah, I'm with you.


polg said:
Some friends at work cooked this: Kentucky Pie Chicken :/

When my friends and I get KFC we refer to it as kant fucking cook.

Pie looks delicious though :D you gave me an idea for tea tonight, ta


ChryZ said:
The piping hot stock will do the steamy job, just beat the eggs a little, add them to the pan, turn off the heat, cover the pan for 10-20 seconds and serve immediately. I learned this from the Japanese cooking show Dotch. Tendon versus Oyakodon :lol

I like that episode! I agree, oyakodon is great. Needs to be made right though. Nothing worse than getting scrambled eggs instead of the runny ones. Looks like you know what you're doing.

I just got back from Okinawa. So many delicious things to eat. My dad had boar (inoshishi) champloo.

I made some Nabe, one pot cooking, last night. We caught some fish last weekend, and put it in there. Was tasty! (sorry no pictures)


Zyzyxxz said:
I applaud your culinary courage!

Just for the record, I had nothing to do with it! :lol

Also, I didn't try it... I was worried about food poisoning. They actually bought the chicken the night before, let it cool down and re-heat it for lunch. Recipe for salmonella :p
Damn my inability to think to look for more than one picture source on cheese... :/ From now on, I'm going to triple check potentials on Wikipedia and such, if I can remember... Already flagged several on my list to double check as "soft" or "blue" as potential trouble spots as so far my streak of awesome cheeses in these experiments has been unbroken and I hope this isn't the first stumble---though I'd surely say it was a great streak of time should such transpire.

Well, at any rate tomorrow the task for me is to see how it can go trying to wrangle a gyro pizza of sorts featuring some Brie. I've not yet decided if I'll remove or leave in the, according to Wiki, meant to be eaten in general mold layers---currently leaning towards removal as my main target is the getting the cheese itself hot and "melted" to a state comparable to those that've come before it. I was not prepared for this first "soft" cheese as they are apparently called though. I have heard it is good to some(millions?) people though, so perhaps just worrying over nothing at this point.

However, if this is truly impossible(Plan is either to go "backwards" or full/partial Chaos...probably) and can be confirmed to me well ahead of time, I think I've also another "normal" new cheese to try instead and leave this one to mom to eat with crackers or something...Fontina or some such.


Hail to the Chef
man, away from the thread for a week and a new (hopfully not) annual bovo goodness, ChryZ posting again, awesome Kentucky Pie chicken (I LOLed at the puff pastry Logo), delicious bakery from AndyD and Aquavelvaman, great Snacking from MidnightRider. The deli sammich from Yes Boss! caught me a bit off guard, but looks delish!:D

Thanks to you all for contributing!

I am toying around with a new camera and software, here's a few test shots:





That is, a Brie based Gyro Pizza worked out quite well tonight, if a bit messy. Removed the mold, and noticing that the consistency reminded me of sausage patties, reckoned correctly that it was a good idea to break and from mini-patty shapes with it and top it standard over the sauce and under the pepperoni. "Melted" just fine and maintained the other aspect of its consistency, stickiness, to good effect in conjunction with the sauce and my dry crumble seasonings. 2nd one was a full chaos one conducted with a spoon that also turned out quite excellent, if a bit less messy than usual on account of the above stickiness at work.

Providing other of these "soft cheeses" work out similar like camambert and so forth, I reckon I've nothing to worry about with them. The Blue cheeses though....those I'll try to actively avoid until a later date/way of trying some that doesn't cost money as they strike me as more of a gamble being something I'd not care for similar to how the mold was surely removed from the Brie tonight.

That puts my hot streak at 17 new-to-me cheeses I've had over these months with the Fontina next week looking to be a comfortable entry for #18. Hard to say if i'll reach my goal of 50 total by year's end, let alone exceed it, but time will tell.
Hey Onkel, made your mac'n cheese.


Turned out well.


Although you may want to add milk measurements to the recipe. I eyeballed it and came out okay; but I admit I was panicked during the sauce creation process. :p

Thinking about making meatloaf this weekend. . .


your posts are somewhat difficult to decipher. but i think i might have something of worth to add: 1) no, you have nothing to worry about when eating the mold in blue cheese. it's part of the cheese and meant to be eaten. they're an acquired taste but there is no health related risk whatsoever. 2) blue cheese on pizza is nothing uncommon. gorgonzola is a blue cheese and is commonly used as a topping, complete with mold. i don't know about brie, but generally there is nothing that speaks against melting blue cheese and using it as a topping on a variety of foods. 3) i think blue cheese is disgusting. but that's just me ;)


Made cinammon buns for the first time this morning! they turned out pretty yummy. I made a simple toffee sauce using sugar/butter/milk rather than the white icing.

jarosh said:
your posts are somewhat difficult to decipher. but i think i might have something of worth to add: 1) no, you have nothing to worry about when eating the mold in blue cheese. it's part of the cheese and meant to be eaten. they're an acquired taste but there is no health related risk whatsoever. 2) blue cheese on pizza is nothing uncommon. gorgonzola is a blue cheese and is commonly used as a topping, complete with mold. i don't know about brie, but generally there is nothing that speaks against melting blue cheese and using it as a topping on a variety of foods. 3) i think blue cheese is disgusting. but that's just me ;)

Oh yeah, I know them, the blue cheeses, to be non-toxic and so on---mainly I'm just wary that the taste/melting issues would not necessarily be to my liking. From what I can tell Wiki wise, at least some of the Blue's are heavily recommended in terms of melting and so forth. They are clearly a wild card at this point, being an acquired taste as you say and all, so hilarious accidents of mom grabbing a random one at the Farmer's Market aside, I'll just get to them after I exhaust my ongoing list of cheeses to experiment with---though probably before I get to the slight variants. Like, I'll perhaps likely try some Gorgonzola before I wind up trying some Double Brie or some such.

Sorry about my posts being hard to read though. Isn't intentional, and if nothing else once I gain picture capability/figure how to add images to posts properly, pictures should be easier to understand since most everybody here uses them to good effect!


Hail to the Chef
Iamnub, looks delicous! Thanks for sharing and please post the recipe as well.

The Take Out Bandit said:
Hey Onkel, made your mac'n cheese.


Turned out well.


Although you may want to add milk measurements to the recipe. I eyeballed it and came out okay; but I admit I was panicked during the sauce creation process. :P

Thinking about making meatloaf this weekend. . .[/QUOTE]
Meatloaf sounds good, please post the recipe!
Re: Milk, it depends on the amount of flour and butter, just keep pouring little by little until the bechamel is about right.


Made Schnitzel yesterday, stock pic:


OnkelC said:
Iamnub, looks delicous! Thanks for sharing and please post the recipe as well.

Meatloaf sounds good, please post the recipe!
Re: Milk, it depends on the amount of flour and butter, just keep pouring little by little until the bechamel is about right.


Made Schnitzel yesterday, stock pic:

I've never thought about it until now but why does a lemon wedge usually come with fried food? What makes lemon juice and fried food work?


Hail to the Chef
Zyzyxxz said:
I've never thought about it until now but why does a lemon wedge usually come with fried food? What makes lemon juice and fried food work?
it's mostly with breaded/battered pork and fish/seafood dishes (think Schnitzel, Fish and chips or Calamares alla romana) and, among making the contained oils/fats a bit better digestable (sp?), it enhanced the taste of the dish, making it "fresher". The vinegar served alongside fish and chips serves a similar purpose.
Pizza making members of Iron-gaf, hook me up with some guidance.

A girl is coming over Saturday (a lot of my posts in this thread start this way) and I kind of thought it would be a bit romantic to make a pizza together since she's never made a home made one. I've done it a few times but I wouldn't say I'm an expert. Anyway, she wants her section to be vegetarian, so I thought I'd list the veggies she wants and get some tips on placement IE should they go under the cheese, over, how thin should they be sliced, should they be added at differen times, sauted before hand, etc:

Bell pepper

I'm 99 percent sure the onion/bell pepper/tomatoes can just be added with the rest of the meat I plan on added on my side, but i'm not 100 percent sure on the carrots and broccoli. Personally, I think that might be over doing it for half a pizza, but I guess I woudln't mind onion/tomatoes/bell pepper on my side and the leftovers can be converted into a salad.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
obijkenobi said:
Pizza making members of Iron-gaf, hook me up with some guidance.

A girl is coming over Saturday (a lot of my posts in this thread start this way) and I kind of thought it would be a bit romantic to make a pizza together since she's never made a home made one. I've done it a few times but I wouldn't say I'm an expert. Anyway, she wants her section to be vegetarian, so I thought I'd list the veggies she wants and get some tips on placement IE should they go under the cheese, over, how thin should they be sliced, should they be added at differen times, sauted before hand, etc:

Bell pepper

I'm 99 percent sure the onion/bell pepper/tomatoes can just be added with the rest of the meat I plan on added on my side, but i'm not 100 percent sure on the carrots and broccoli. Personally, I think that might be over doing it for half a pizza, but I guess I woudln't mind onion/tomatoes/bell pepper on my side and the leftovers can be converted into a salad.

On a traditional pizza, you may want to rethink the carrots and broccoli...as for the onions and peppers, you'd be best off at least giving them a little sautee. If you want to do it right, get red peppers and roast them.

Oh, and toppings should go on top of the pizza.


obijkenobi said:
Pizza making members of Iron-gaf, hook me up with some guidance.

A girl is coming over Saturday (a lot of my posts in this thread start this way) and I kind of thought it would be a bit romantic to make a pizza together since she's never made a home made one. I've done it a few times but I wouldn't say I'm an expert. Anyway, she wants her section to be vegetarian, so I thought I'd list the veggies she wants and get some tips on placement IE should they go under the cheese, over, how thin should they be sliced, should they be added at differen times, sauted before hand, etc:

Bell pepper

obijkenobi said:
Pizza making members of Iron-gaf, hook me up with some guidance.

A girl is coming over Saturday (a lot of my posts in this thread start this way) and I kind of thought it would be a bit romantic to make a pizza together since she's never made a home made one. I've done it a few times but I wouldn't say I'm an expert. Anyway, she wants her section to be vegetarian, so I thought I'd list the veggies she wants and get some tips on placement IE should they go under the cheese, over, how thin should they be sliced, should they be added at differen times, sauted before hand, etc:

Bell pepper

I'm 99 percent sure the onion/bell pepper/tomatoes can just be added with the rest of the meat I plan on added on my side, but i'm not 100 percent sure on the carrots and broccoli. Personally, I think that might be over doing it for half a pizza, but I guess I woudln't mind onion/tomatoes/bell pepper on my side and the leftovers can be converted into a salad.

I know that's what she requested but see if you can make some other suggestions and see how she responds to it. It's always fun to try something new. :D

Also why not just make two small pizzas?

One of my all time favorite pizzas is a potato, artichoke heart, olive and roasted garlic pizza. SOOOOOO good! Can be made with or without a sauce, I usually put cheese, toppings, then more cheese. Potatoes should be sliced thin and sautéed beforehand. To roast the garlic season with olive oil and basil, wrap in foil, then pop in the oven at 250 degrees for about an hour or an hour and a half depending on how big the cloves are (try to chop the bigger ones down to size so they will roast the same time).

There's also Greek (artichoke hearts, feta cheese, sun dried tomatoes, and olives) or Caprese (some nice mozzarella, tomatoes, and fresh basil).


obijkenobi said:
Pizza making members of Iron-gaf, hook me up with some guidance.
My first thought was spinach/garlic/mozzarella pizza, but the resulting garlic breath might be an issue.

I'd keep it super simple with big pizza margherita and a decent red wine.
Hi everyone. This is my first post on NeoGAF but I've been keeping my eye on this thread as a non-GAFer for awhile.

OnkelC I just wanted to thank you for making the best thread on the internet and I wanted to let you know I plan to try to make a) the schnitzel b) the spaetzle and c) that bacon/cheese stromboli type thing one day.

Also, this thread has motivated me to start cooking again and I made some awesome teriyaki meatballs in an asian pineapple sauce last week and I made a crabmeat casserole this week.

And finally, some of you make incredible looking food - Yes Boss, Chryz, Zyzyxxz, Heavy Liquid, and I'm sure there's a few others I'm missing. I just wanted to say keep up the good work.

(also I hope this isn't considered a 'legendary thread' .. I tried to find info on what that means but I couldn't find it in the ToS or FAQs)


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Maklershed said:
Hi everyone. This is my first post on NeoGAF but I've been keeping my eye on this thread as a non-GAFer for awhile.

Welcome to gaf! This and the threads that came before it were also ones that I lurked for a long time before I became a member. Your right these guys do some amazing stuff with my favorite thing in the world, FOOD!

Some of the dishes are very impressive but kind of daunting. Especially Yes Boss's dishes. They look so great and I really would love to make some of the dishes I see posted but I'm scared to death they will come out horrible.

Please do share some of your photos and recipes. Happy cooking.


Hail to the Chef
Maklershed, welcome to IronGAF and, on behalf of all the contributors to the cooking experience, thanks for the kudos. I am looking forward to seeing the outcome of your cooking.

RbBrdMan, just try them out and experiment around a bit. No one was born a cook, everybody can learn it. I'd say, 80% of any well made dish comes from practice, the rest is the will to go beyond...:lol

Keep sharing, folks!

We'll be having guests tonight and I'll make a "Schweinefilet Indisch":


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Sometimes it's just the simple things that bring the most pleasure...

I really enjoyed this baked potato that I made on Wednesday for dinner.


First rolled in bacon grease.
Rolled in minced garlic and sea salt.
Baked for 1 hour on 375.
Finally sauteed in bacon grease with pepper corn to get the skin all nice and crispy.

Onkel I'll try to ramp myself up for a Yes Boss dish.. :D


Maklershed said:
Hi everyone. This is my first post on NeoGAF but I've been keeping my eye on this thread as a non-GAFer for awhile.

OnkelC I just wanted to thank you for making the best thread on the internet and I wanted to let you know I plan to try to make a) the schnitzel b) the spaetzle and c) that bacon/cheese stromboli type thing one day.

Also, this thread has motivated me to start cooking again and I made some awesome teriyaki meatballs in an asian pineapple sauce last week and I made a crabmeat casserole this week.

And finally, some of you make incredible looking food - Yes Boss, Chryz, Zyzyxxz, Heavy Liquid, and I'm sure there's a few others I'm missing. I just wanted to say keep up the good work.

(also I hope this isn't considered a 'legendary thread' .. I tried to find info on what that means but I couldn't find it in the ToS or FAQs)

Thanks for the mention, I havent been able to cook due to being too busy running a restaurant but its gonna go out of business soon so next week I'll be able to cook.

I'm gonna start experimenting with Sous Vide technique as well since this device called the "Sous Vide Magic" is pretty affordable. Hopefully I do everything right and don't die from botulism.


RbBrdMan said:
Sometimes it's just the simple things that bring the most pleasure...

I really enjoyed this baked potato that I made on Wednesday for dinner.


First rolled in bacon grease.
Rolled in minced garlic and sea salt.
Baked for 1 hour on 375.
Finally sauteed in bacon grease with pepper corn to get the skin all nice and crispy.

Onkel I'll try to ramp myself up for a Yes Boss dish.. :D

holy shiiiiiiii-


Thanks for your kind words, Maklershed.

RbBrdMan, keep on rockin the kitchen. That potato of yours. just by looking at it makes me smell bacon, cheese and roasted goodness :D


The Take Out Bandit said:
Hey Onkel, made your mac'n cheese.


Turned out well.


Although you may want to add milk measurements to the recipe. I eyeballed it and came out okay; but I admit I was panicked during the sauce creation process. :p

Thinking about making meatloaf this weekend. . .

omg, nice! beautiful.
Andrew Zimmern "Bizzare Foods" VS Anthony Bourdain "No Reservations"

I like both of them. Zimmern because of his fearlessness and Bourdain because of his black humor. Also he seems to be the perfect guy to party hard with.

According to Bourdain, the most disgusting thing he has ever eaten is a Chicken McNugget

I hope Zimmern gets an EU DVD release like Bourdain.


iamaustrian said:
Andrew Zimmern "Bizzare Foods" VS Anthony Bourdain "No Reservations"

I like both of them. Zimmern because of his fearlessness and Bourdain because of his black humor. Also he seems to be the perfect guy to party hard with.


I hope Zimmern gets an EU DVD release like Bourdain.

I really like both too but for me No Reservations the better show. The writing on the show is great and I like how most of the time at the end of the episode he always has a nice line to wrap things up.
Zyzyxxz said:
I really like both too but for me No Reservations the better show. The writing on the show is great and I like how most of the time at the end of the episode he always has a nice line to wrap things up.

yeah i agree, it seems to be more sophisticated. and you gotta love Anthony. He has so much charme. I also adore his endless love for pork.

Bizzare Foods is more straight into the face. maybe because it addresses food only.


aka ThreeOneFour
The Take Out Bandit said:
Hey Onkel, made your mac'n cheese.


Turned out well.


Although you may want to add milk measurements to the recipe. I eyeballed it and came out okay; but I admit I was panicked during the sauce creation process. :p

Thinking about making meatloaf this weekend. . .

This looks delicious. What post was the original for the recipe?


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber

I always seem to forget this thread when I cook. Only took this because a friend asked me what I was making as I was making it at some obscene hour in the morning.


Hail to the Chef
Maklershed said:
Looks great. And I never thought of adding mustard. I'll have to try your recipe some time.

Unrelated: I saw a month or two ago you were on a tv show in Germany. What is the nature of the show and your role? Was it an 'Iron Chef' type show and you were a guest judge?
The show was called "Unter Volldampf", which is a loose adaptation of the UK format "Pressure cooker". Five amateur contestants get to work in an upmarket restaurant for five days (4 in the kitchen, one in the service), and each one has to prepare one course for a four-course menu for 20 guests each day. Each guest as well as the chef/owner of the restaurant cast a vote on each course, the contestant in the service doesn' get rated. The contestant who is able to gather the most points wins a cash prize.
I was among the guests on one of the days in a members' restaurant.


Hail to the Chef
bovo said:
If I was being picky
which i am!
the original recipe can be found here http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=4126304&postcount=423!
Duuuude, I mentioned that it's your recipe in the first sentence in the post!!!!1:lol

Again, The original recipe came from bovo and it sounded so good that I replicated it with great results. Full credit/props to bovo for this one.

Another bit of experimenting around with the new cam, a fellow WIS happens to produce some of the finest marmalades and jams as a side business and I ordered a set of them. First off was black currant jelly:



And for the health conscious side of the breakfast, some cereals made from spelt and honey:

HDR enhanced:
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