Ladies and gentlemen, my Easter spoils:
Cadbury Mini-Egg Chip Cookies. Mmm, mini-egg. Chopping them was a chore, but worth it.
Oven shot of the chocolate banana danish, which I sprinkled with almonds and confectioners sugar. MmMmMMMm.
One of a dozen mixed-berry tarts. A few exploded in the oven (I guess gelatin plus sugar plus 375 degrees equals boom) but they were tasty. Pastry formed by hand.
Key lime pie. Hand-made everything, I even squeezed the shit out of the limes myself. Perfect amount of tartness, too. Slightly underripe limes, NB.
Chocolate-dipped strawberries, and homemade brownies. Mm, delicious finger-foods.
Strawberry not-Shortcake. The shortcake, as it turns out, is a teabiscuit. And it was unservable, and took a chunk out of my flan. For its violent tendencies, it was banished, and a double-layered angel food cake substituted in its place, with a crapload of whipped cream.
Speaking of the flan, my crowning glory for the weekend:
The Honey-Mango Flan, with double-roasted pistachios for garnish. Holy pete, was this ever good, and not too sweet either. Thanks GAF for the idea to top with pistachios.