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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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Cereal KiIIer said:


Any ideas for a cookbook that would work for a beginner? I'm moving into an apartment next year and must start fending for myself, and I'd like to avoid the typical college routine of eating junk at every meal. I don't really have much knowledge/skill right now, but I'm eager to learn.

(I asked a similar question a while back and got some nice responses, but I think that having a book in front of me as I cook would be quite helpful as well).
I asked in the stupid questions thread, but thought I might get a better answer here. Not a cooking question, but:

How do you get baked-on non-stick spray residue off a glass pan? I see instructions to boil it in bleach water, but that would be difficult with the fumes and size of the pan.


parrotbeak said:
I asked in the stupid questions thread, but thought I might get a better answer here. Not a cooking question, but:

How do you get baked-on non-stick spray residue off a glass pan? I see instructions to boil it in bleach water, but that would be difficult with the fumes and size of the pan.

Never had this problem, but maybe try scrubbing like mad after applying lemon juice and kosher salt? Works great for other things for me


Snowman Prophet of Doom said:
Any ideas for a cookbook that would work for a beginner? I'm moving into an apartment next year and must start fending for myself, and I'd like to avoid the typical college routine of eating junk at every meal. I don't really have much knowledge/skill right now, but I'm eager to learn.

(I asked a similar question a while back and got some nice responses, but I think that having a book in front of me as I cook would be quite helpful as well).

anything Jamie Oliver is pretty newb friendly especially his Food Revolution book which is catered toward encouraging people to cook for themselves and get away from fast/junk foods.


I planted a cherry tomato plant and now I don't know what to do with them! I guess I could throw them in a salad but that seems so boring (plus I don't really like raw tomatoes)

Do cherry tomatoes make a good sauce? Doesn't seem like they would but what do I know... I didn't really think this planting through did I :lol



HamPster PamPster said:

I planted a cherry tomato plant and now I don't know what to do with them! I guess I could throw them in a salad but that seems so boring (plus I don't really like raw tomatoes)

Do cherry tomatoes make a good sauce? Doesn't seem like they would but what do I know... I didn't really think this planting through did I :lol


make your own sun-dried tomatoes instead of paying up the ass, $8-10 a jar for something like 4-6 oz jars.


mYm|17| said:
need recipe please
Ok, so this is longer than I imagined...

--- Seasoning Mix ---
2 tsp chili powder
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp garlic powder (if you're lazy. Replaces fresh garlic below.)
--- End ---
Olive oil
3-4 garlic cloves (unless using garlic powder)
1 white onion
As much spinach as you want (remember, it cooks down A LOT)
1 lime
1 1/8 cup chicken broth
1/2 cup or more of almost any shredded cheese
1 lb boneless chicken breast (or boneless thighs if money is tight)
6-8 corn tortillas
1 can Hatch enchilada sauce

Heat a large pot with medium heat. Add a tablespoon or so of olive oil and place the chicken breasts in the pan. Use 1/4 of the seasoning mix to coat the top of the chicken and flip. Repeat the process 3 more times, until you're out of seasoning. This whole process should take about 5-7 minutes.

Reduce heat to medium and add in 1/2 of your white onion (thinly sliced). Add about a tablespoon or so of olive oil over the onions and move them around a bit until they're under the chicken. Keep your eye on them and stir to avoid burning; goal is to have all the onions caramelized (brown). If using fresh garlic, add it at this point.

Add the chicken broth, cover, and reduce to a simmer for about an hour. By the time the hour is up, there should be just a bit of the broth left in the pot, ie. you're not cooking until it's dry. Use something to pull or shred the chicken; I usually use a hard rubber spoon like in the second picture. Add as much (or none) of the juice from the lime as you want. I like the taste of lime a lot, so I use juice from the whole thing.

Onions & Spinach
Heat a separate pan over medium heat. You can start this process towards the end of the chicken's 1 hour or afterwards if you're more comfortable that way. Add about a tablespoon of olive oil. Add your onions and cook until they're almost the doneness that you want them. At that point, go ahead and add in your spinach and maybe another tablespoon of olive oil. Cook until the spinach shrinks a bit and looks wet.

Assembling the enchiladas
Traditionally the way you would make the tortillas is to coat each one in the enchilada sauce and then fry them lightly on each side for a few seconds in oil. Personally, I'm trying to eat a bit better, so I do it a little differently.

Pre-heat the oven to 350. Find something that is big enough to hold about 1/3 to 1/2 the can of sauce and also wide enough to dip the tortillas into. Also you'll need your pan that you're going to place the enchiladas into for baking. Put the tortillas into the microwave for 45 seconds or so.

This process is like an assembly line. Coat one tortilla on both sides in the enchilada sauce. Place in your baking dish and add the chicken, your onion/spinach mix, and cheese. Roll tightly and place with the open side down. Repeat until you can't fit anymore or run out of anything (except cheese). Pour the remaining enchilada sauce over the enchiladas and sprinkle the remaining cheese over each.

Put in the oven and bake about 15 minutes. Done.

Sidenote: you can use whatever cheese you want; I usually have random blocks of cheese on hand. In the picture, that was the remainder of some sharp cheddar I had, but you can use colby jack, queso fresco, etc. Something like mozzarella would probably taste odd. :lol


So i am pretty good at putting fire to meat and even making veggies tasty...this weekend I am going to attempt to bake something for the first time: Red Velvet Cake!

I will post the results.


GAF i can't cook.

but i'd like to learn.

what is the best recipe website and what recipes would you recommend involving boneless chicken?


mYm|17| said:
awesome, I will try it this weekend if I get the chance. Thanks alot.
No problem, let me know how they turn out. :D

On a totally unrelated note, I made blackberry pancakes this morning using this. Amazing.

HamPster PamPster said:
Do cherry tomatoes make a good sauce? Doesn't seem like they would but what do I know... I didn't really think this planting through did I :lol
Yeah, sure. Blanch and skin them first. Lightly sautee some garlic and red pepper flakes in olive oil, and after that mash up the tomatoes into the skillet, salt, and cook them for maybe 15 minutes max, so you keep the fresh flavor alive. Maybe add some fresh basil and a bit more olive oil at the end and it'll be good.

Yep, that time again!

Cheese this week: Etorki, a Sheep's milk cheese.

Overall, my streak of rather tasty cheese with no special quirks continues. The blasting of freshly ground mixed peppercorn was well worth doing. :D

Future fronts: I got ahold of a cheap bottle of "Australian BBQ" sauce the other day, and will give it a shot with some chicken tomorrow to see if it is worthy of pizza adventuring. Marshall's comes in handy once again same as grabbing another couple boxes of those delicious garlic pretzel bite dealies. :lol

Next week's cheese is unknown. Could be Prima Donna (Fio), could be something else entirely...


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Look at this horrible dish I produced!


It looks miserable, nay, inedible. And yet it was delicious! See that brown stuff on the rice, that makes it crunchy and it's my favorite part of the dish. See what you can do on the cheap! It may not look great, but it does taste great.


Again, camera kinda sucks indoors. Avocado burger with seasoning mixed in (let me know if anyone wants that info) and seasoned sweet potato fries.


Sweet potato fries (2 servings)
2 tbsp olive oil
1 large sweet potato
--- Seasoning Mix ---
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp chili powder
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
--- End seasoning ---

Peel and cut sweet potato into fries about 1" thick. Toss in a bowl with the olive oil until all fries are coated.

You can either cook these in the oven at 450 for 12-15 minutes, or (like I did tonight) put some foil on the grill and cook with the lid closed over medium heat (second rack) for about the same time.

Once you pull them off, dust with the seasoning mix.

The sweet negates the need for ketchup, and the bite from the cayenne is awesome. Bonus points in that these fries are healthier than normal fries, and honestly, I like them a lot more. :D
Schlep said:
Once you pull them off, dust with the seasoning mix.

The sweet negates the need for ketchup, and the bite from the cayenne is awesome. Bonus points in that these fries are healthier than normal fries, and honestly, I like them a lot more. :D

Ever have them with cinnamon sugar? It's the tops.


TheDrizzlerJ11 said:
Ever have them with cinnamon sugar? It's the tops.
Can't say I have. My mom at Thanksgiving loads sweet potatoes up in the oven with butter and brown sugar, though. :lol

There's a place in Dallas called Wing Stop that does regular fries and adds sugar to them; never quite tasted right to me.
Schlep said:
Can't say I have. My mom at Thanksgiving loads sweet potatoes up in the oven with butter and brown sugar, though. :lol

There's a place in Dallas called Wing Stop that does regular fries and adds sugar to them; never quite tasted right to me.

2 parts sugar
1 part cinnamon

It's delicious on sweet potatoes.


So I baked a cake...entirely from scratch...and it was the first thing I have ever baked in my life:

Makers Mark Red Velvet Cake.

It was pretty freaking good.

The dough rose up WAY too much, even despite my scoring the hell out of it with a fork prior to popping it in the oven---we're talking a bubble or so roughly across the middle of it bigger than the entire span of my hand! :lol

Fresh ground black pepper, Turkey bacon, Spicy garlic oil, grated Parmesan, and Bergenost cheese. I also put some Q's on my slices of the bunch, of course. :D

That Australian BBQ sauce seems to be solid/very different taste wise versus the Cajun Q's...so probably the next time I wrangle one of these I'll give that a shot on it and maybe break open some garlic powder instead of the Oil and see what happens. Still enough of this cheese leftover for two more.

Tomorrow is the final raid of BJ's....perhaps I'll luck out and find another new cheese!
Made giouvarlakia a few weeks ago and forgot to post pics:

Definitely needed more lemon.  I the juice of two lemons but seems it wasn't enough. :/

Yes Boss!

Finally got back from my long time in San Antonio Texas. No time to cook much cause I'm off to Germany next week but we are doing crawfish on saturday. I'm making duck manicotti on Friday, as well. Will post pics!

Also, prior to leaving texas we took a drive up to Austin and went to The Salt Lick for barbecue (a first for me):



Yes Boss! said:
Also, prior to leaving texas we took a drive up to Austin and went to The Salt Lick for barbecue (a first for me):

Hehe, I went there for the first time last Wednesday. I wanted to take pictures, but the lighting was crappy.
Yes Boss! said:
Finally got back from my long time in San Antonio Texas. No time to cook much cause I'm off to Germany next week but we are doing crawfish on saturday. I'm making duck manicotti on Friday, as well. Will post pics!

Also, prior to leaving texas we took a drive up to Austin and went to The Salt Lick for barbecue (a first for me):


I am hearing SO much about that place, it's killing me! I want to go to Texas. :(

OnkelC said:
Interesting dish, reminds me of Königsberger Klopse:

That looks delicious! Have to try it one day.


Yes Boss! said:
Finally got back from my long time in San Antonio Texas. No time to cook much cause I'm off to Germany next week but we are doing crawfish on saturday. I'm making duck manicotti on Friday, as well. Will post pics!

Also, prior to leaving texas we took a drive up to Austin and went to The Salt Lick for barbecue (a first for me):


That's an absolute thing of beauty.
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