GAH! So happy! My in-laws bought us a Kitchenaid Professional 600 Mixer!
I've only had it open for about 3 days but I've already made a Red Velvet cake from scratch with cream cheese icing and it was GOD DAMN AMAZING. Check out Alton Brown's Red Velvet Cake recipe....really good.
Next up I am making a from scratch "Twinkie Cake." In memoriam of the Hostess demise of course! Though I do it a little different with fruits and Cool Whip and such. I used to always just use a box mix with Cool Whip, strawberries, and sweetened condensed milk.
this time though....this time I am making a triple layer cake with from scratch yellow cake, Cool whip between each layer, bananas between the bottom layer and middle layer, blueberries between the middle and top layer, covered completely in Cool Whip with strawberries on the top. Also, I will be combining the strawberry juice with the sweetened condensed milk for the inside. I hope it turns out...
Here she is! Gorgeous.
I have the same. Congrats. Careful about double batches of heavy bread doughs though. I read these can wear the motors down. Sadly these aren't like the KitchenAids made by Hobart.