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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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Tonight's dinner, my first try at making a prime rib roast. Delicious.



Hail to the Chef
Dear contributors and readers,
as this humble thread goes into its sixth year of existence,
I want to thank you all for your great work and your efforts posted here. You did a marvelous job. Please keep it going strong in 2013.


Cheers from Cologne,


Going out with a bang this New Years. Got some pork loin, bacon and ribs going on for tonight. I'll be sure to tease everyone when it is done. Neighbors are gonna hate me all day BWAHAHAHA.





Here's results for Bacon





Pork loin


And finishing up ribs.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Mouth watering pics. Also nice weather you're heaving, it's so cold and grey here in NY.


Cross-posting this from the official pizza thread. Hope you guys don't mind:

Made the best pizza I've ever made in my life today! So I have assumed that the pmain thing preventing my pizza from being the best it could be was the oven, and I assumed correctly. I finally decided to use the oven at my fiancee's house, and I made my own dough for the first time in a while which felt great to get back into. My friends, it was just DELICIOUS. Seriously. Soooo good. I will never make another non pan-pizza in my oven again.




I can't believe I was using frozen pizza dough balls for a while. I just hated using my terrible stand mixer, so when my fiancee got a nice kitchenaid, I was anxious to use it, and it definitely paid off. Let this cold rise in the fridge for two days.


Looks good. I've never had sukiyaki before, unfortunately. What's the rectangular stuff on the bottom? Tofu or chicken?

Tofu. The recipe called for yakidofu, but that is kinda hart to get here so I just fried a block of tofu it's not really the same but tasted good nonetheless.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Pan-seared tenderloin pieces with red wine reduction sauce, sauteed mushrooms and onions with thyme, roast potatoes (also with thyme) and a chai latte.

I call it: "Forever Alone New Years Eve Dinner"


As I don't really have the ability to do proper bbq here (also it's way too damn cold right now) I tried making ribs in a slow cooker.


Could barely pull them out without them falling apart. They didn't taste quite like barbeque, but I would still make them again. They were a huge hit with my daughter, too, even if she kept complaining after every bite that it was all over her hands and face.



Cross-posting this from the official pizza thread. Hope you guys don't mind:

Made the best pizza I've ever made in my life today! So I have assumed that the pmain thing preventing my pizza from being the best it could be was the oven, and I assumed correctly. I finally decided to use the oven at my fiancee's house, and I made my own dough for the first time in a while which felt great to get back into. My friends, it was just DELICIOUS. Seriously. Soooo good. I will never make another non pan-pizza in my oven again.

I can't believe I was using frozen pizza dough balls for a while. I just hated using my terrible stand mixer, so when my fiancee got a nice kitchenaid, I was anxious to use it, and it definitely paid off. Let this cold rise in the fridge for two days.

That pizza looks very, very good... but you need bacon on it! Pizza without bacon should be illegal!


As I don't really have the ability to do proper bbq here (also it's way too damn cold right now) I tried making ribs in a slow cooker

Cold actually isn't the issue....it's excessive winds fucking with your heat regulation. I'll take some pics of mid-January smokes once I find a calm day.


never seen sukiyaki made in a wok before. i guess that was the biggest pot you had

also why did you put the egg in the sukuyaki? I guess you dont want to eat it raw?

Yeah, it is a sort of simplified version of sukiyaki. Because I don't have a proper pot and no stove to put on the table. This is not a wok though but just a deep frying pan. I prepare it on the stove in my kitchen and than we eat out of the pan (not in the kitchen :) ) Since one load is usually enough for me and the husband we don't need additional ingrediants to add later and it does not matter that I can't keep the pan warm, once I finished cooking. I definitly want to buy a real Sukiyaki set in the future though.

Oh and yes, I put the egg in with the rest because I'm not really fond of raw egg at the best of times and though far from being bad this one wasn't really fresh anymore. So I just put it with the rest until the white becomes, well, white.
Those of you who haven't tasted sukiyaki yet you are in for an amazing treat. Defintely one of favorite meals. Love the way you can customize it depending on what veggies an etc. you prefer.

Happy new year irongaf. Will hopefully have something to contribute with this weekend, if not just for all the kitchen stuff I got as presents.


So I read that you use limestone for Tortillas. Is there a reason for that?

well, from a chemistry perspective, limestone is basically calcium carbonate, which is an acid/base buffer, meaning that in solution it helps maintain a constant ph even when you add something acidic or basic. So it could be that...
Is anyone eating any traditional New Years Day foods today? My husband made a vegetarian hoppin' john today that we have every new year's:



Made a cheesecake for Christmas eve. The bottom crust is made of gingerbread and it's topped with pomegranate


I sprinkled the leftover pomegranate over my pancakes today (still fresh :p), together with avocado, tomato and baby spinach.



Might have to do with Nixtamalization.

That's pretty awesome. I mean, how does some ancient culture come up with this? "Yeah, let me just put some fucking stone powder in my corn so I don't fucking die!".

I'm constantly amazed by the stuff humans invented before they had any clue what it did. I always wonder about the process that led to cheese, for instance. Why would you do that?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Cheese is understandable, someone left out some milk too long and at just the right temperature/humdity to get a cheese like goop.

Other things, like maize, make no fucking sense at all. LET'S BOIL CORN IN A SOLUTION OF ALKALI. SOUNDS TASTY.


That's pretty awesome. I mean, how does some ancient culture come up with this? "Yeah, let me just put some fucking stone powder in my corn so I don't fucking die!".

I'm constantly amazed by the stuff humans invented before they had any clue what it did. I always wonder about the process that led to cheese, for instance. Why would you do that?

That's how I feel about French cooking, it is the best technique out there and sometimes I have to wonder how somebody thought they should keep adding a little bit of oil to warm egg yolks to make aioli/mayonnaise.


Lots of catching up in here for me. hehehe Great pics on the last pages. And of course HAVE A GREAT 2013 IRONGAFFERS!

Here are my late new years eve family party pics. The table was filled with food, but these were my contributions:

Apple Gallette with Serra da Estrela Cheese (It's a traditional portuguese sheep cheese, salty and with great flavor)

And Rabanadas, kind of a French Toast. Also a traditional portuguese dessert for christmas and new years eve.

A slice of the gallette.

And my lunch today. A fresh homemade Tagliatelle Puttanesca without the olives hehehe


Yes Boss!

Made a lamb and lentil dish. My kinda mix-up on Dal Gosht...taking some liberties since I'm one-potting.

Finished dish (I like a dollop of sour cream, hot sauce, and mango jelly on the side):


Process I used.



Ingredients prepped for cooking. Tomatos and green chilis blended, whole spices and hing and cumin seed mixed, onion chopped, ginger garlic paste created, cilantro/limejuice/sugar maceration started, dal soaking:


Whole spices quick-frying in oil (cumin seed, cinnamon stick, mace, clove, cardamon bay leave, hing):


Onion added and reduced:


Salt added to help the onions brown:


Onion Mixture removed (traditionally I'd add turmeric to it but I'm one potting so saving for later):


Lamb added to the pan with a bit of oil:


Ginger and Garlic paste added and fried for a small bit:


Onion mix and blended tomatoes and green peppers added to the frying lamb:


Boiled spices staged (corriander, cumin, turmeric, two types of red chili powder):


And spices added once at a rapid heavy boil:


Pressure-sealed and cooked for 20 minutes:


At 500 watts:


Opened to check for tenderness:


Dal now well hydrated and ready to add:


Dal added and brought to a boil:


Add a smidge of water since dal will expand a bit:


Salted and pressure-cooked at 500 watts for another 7 minutes:


Consistency looking good, check for salt:


Prep the macerated cilantro (with sugar and lime juice):


Add the cilantro mix to the dish off the heat:


Dish is ready for serving! Just add some fresh cilantro, lime juice etc. I don't like having dal with rice so I always add it with bread (especially good since this dal has lamb in it!).
^-- Oh wow, that looks great. I noticed you had a kuhn rikon pressure cooker. How do you like it? I've always wondered if it's worth it to get a pressure cooker. I've been hesitant b/c 1.) I don't cook meat and 2.) I'm scared of hot food exploding all over my kitchen.


Made a lamb and lentil dish. My kinda mix-up on Dal Gosht...taking some liberties since I'm one-potting.

Nice to see you posting again. Food looks great!

^-- Oh wow, that looks great. I noticed you had a kuhn rikon pressure cooker. How do you like it? I've always wondered if it's worth it to get a pressure cooker. I've been hesitant b/c 1.) I don't cook meat and 2.) I'm scared of hot food exploding all over my kitchen.

The risk of pressure cookers exploding these days is minimal as long as it isn't damaged and used properly. As for Kuhn Rikons if you do a lot of pressure cooking it is worth it because of the way it handles pressure in that it prevents loss of flavor thru evaporation that the typical top-cap ones have a problem with. Either way it's not that big of a deal but I plan on buying one some day.

Yes Boss!

^-- Oh wow, that looks great. I noticed you had a kuhn rikon pressure cooker. How do you like it? I've always wondered if it's worth it to get a pressure cooker. I've been hesitant b/c 1.) I don't cook meat and 2.) I'm scared of hot food exploding all over my kitchen.

Like Zyzyxxz said, there is no issue of these these now exploding. There are a couple of extra safety measures and they run really quiet and do not put out any extra steam...and what little steam does leave while cooking is quickly cooled by the design of the lid.

I don't cook a lot of meat either but they are really fantastic for cooking dried beans. I cooked dried chickpeas (the hardest bean ever) in about thirty minutes over the weekend.

As for the kuhn rikon brand, they are fancy and great but pots costing half as much work just as nicely. It functions at full-cooking power at the lowest heat setting imaginable. My burner bottoms out at 500 watts and is still a little too high, that is how effective they cook. The kuhn rikon still have the shittiest, screw-on handles that need to be tightened every month or so...really should be welded and metal. Who the hell puts plastic handles on a nice piece of cookware?!?!?

For fun, here is an image of the dangerous kind of screw-type pressure cooker I got to use a few times up in the mountains last year (near afghanistan/pakistan border). Very easy dish was simply made from frying onions, a fantastic red-curry blend and chicken, then adding water and rice and pressure-cooking for about thirty minutes, all together. Dude in the photo was a really good cook!


And the view from the makeshift kitchen on the side of the hill:



Of course the one time I put effort into a recipe/photos/etc. it gets over-shadowed by something else and exotic.

Great job though.

Don't worry. At least in my case I appreciate everything that it's posted in this thread. And I mean everything, really. I take hints and suggestions from every post. I imagine that that's also the case for everyone else here. Don't feel disheartened as your post already gave me some ideas for a family dinner for the weekend. ;) Every time I don't know what to cook for a meal, I just browse this thread for some ideas.

As an example of this. Thanks to an earlier post from Zyzyxxz, I just received my Faviken book that I bought through Amazon and just browsing a few pages I can tell that it will be a great addition to my library. And just now I'm thinking to myself if a pressure cooker is something that I need in my puny cookware arsenal. Thanks very much Yes Boss! for putting that thought in my head! hehehehe

In short. Keep'em coming Nintendogal. hehehehe

Yes Boss!

Of course the one time I put effort into a recipe/photos/etc. it gets over-shadowed by something else and exotic.

Great job though.


Did not mean to overshadow. Occasionally, back in the day, I'd post a work-through photo-log of a recipe I made so I did something similar here since this was the second time making the dish this week (after a few initial missteps, like pressure cooking the lentils and lamb together a second time for too long and scorching the bottom).
Don't worry. At least in my case I appreciate everything that it's posted in this thread. And I mean everything, really. I take hints and suggestions from every post. I imagine that that's also the case for everyone else here. Don't feel disheartened as your post already gave me some ideas for a family dinner for the weekend. ;) Every time I don't know what to cook for a meal, I just browse this thread for some ideas.

As an example of this. Thanks to an earlier post from Zyzyxxz, I just received my Faviken book that I bought through Amazon and just browsing a few pages I can tell that it will be a great addition to my library. And just now I'm thinking to myself if a pressure cooker is something that I need in my puny cookware arsenal. Thanks very much Yes Boss! for putting that thought in my head! hehehehe

In short. Keep'em coming Nintendogal. hehehehe


Did not mean to overshadow. Occasionally, back in the day, I'd post a work-through photo-log of a recipe I made so I did something similar here since this was the second time making the dish this week (after a few initial missteps, like pressure cooking the lentils and lamb together a second time for too long and scorching the bottom).

Hope I didn't come off as bitter! I was sort of going for the air of: "well that figures, heh!"


Sidhe / PikPok
Made Porterhouse steak marinated in Jack Daniels barbeque sauce, sweet chilli sauce, olive oil, and rosemary.

It was quite possibly the best steak I have ever had. Meat was super fresh and vacuum packed from the restaurant wholesaler, marinaded for 2 hours, cooked to just shy of medium rare and rested for 10 minutes, partnered with Béarnaise sauce and nothing else. Was sublime.
So me and my gf had Chocolate Sushi last night. My employee xmas gift from work.



The package included 4 types of chocolate (White chocolate with liqorice filling, Green Pepper, Ginger and Mandarin), and 4 types sauce. Fun novelity, but the except the Mandarin chocolate it didn't really taste that great, the sauce wasn't really needed and the fact that all 4 sauces tasted alike, tasting like vinegar, made the novelity wear off pretty quickly. Nothing I would ever spent my own money on.

Bonus pic!

All my kitchen related christmas presents!
Back Row: Cake Stand, 2 cake springforms, a mini cupcake form
Middle Row: Various sprinkles and gold and silver decor. 2 rubber spatula, silicone brush with ergonomic grib, small whisker, straight metal spatula, utility burner(for creme brulee), kitchen weight, 3 sets of cake cutters
Front Row: Minicupcake and Muffin silicone forms. Half sphere silicone mold, silicone mat. 3 Mars bars and mars recipe book :)

Baking a cake today which I'll use some of new stuff on already!


GAH! So happy! My in-laws bought us a Kitchenaid Professional 600 Mixer!

I've only had it open for about 3 days but I've already made a Red Velvet cake from scratch with cream cheese icing and it was GOD DAMN AMAZING. Check out Alton Brown's Red Velvet Cake recipe....really good.

Next up I am making a from scratch "Twinkie Cake." In memoriam of the Hostess demise of course! Though I do it a little different with fruits and Cool Whip and such. I used to always just use a box mix with Cool Whip, strawberries, and sweetened condensed milk.

this time though....this time I am making a triple layer cake with from scratch yellow cake, Cool whip between each layer, bananas between the bottom layer and middle layer, blueberries between the middle and top layer, covered completely in Cool Whip with strawberries on the top. Also, I will be combining the strawberry juice with the sweetened condensed milk for the inside. I hope it turns out...


Here she is! Gorgeous.

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