Lunch cause I got the cravings.
Steak is half as thin as I'm used to but it's much easier to cook.
does half as thin mean the same thing as twice as thin? I've gone and confused myself.
Looks great, either way
Lunch cause I got the cravings.
Steak is half as thin as I'm used to but it's much easier to cook.
I'd like to try this recipe (it looks delicious) but I refuse to eat gelatin. Will pectin work maybe?~Recipe~
Yields: 30-40 marshallows)
11 sheets(3 envelopes) of gelatin
175 ml(2/3 cup) elderflower cordial
125 ml(½ cup) water
340 g(1 cup) light corn syrup
1/4 tsp salt
340 g(1½ cups) granulated cane sugar(beet sugar wont work)
Some quick research seems to indicate that this vegan marshmallow recipe is sound. Got some special ingredients but also lists where to buy them.Rösti;64593651 said:I'd like to try this recipe (it looks delicious) but I refuse to eat gelatin. Will pectin work maybe?
Finding vegetarian/vegan marshmallows isn't easy.
does half as thin mean the same thing as twice as thin? I've gone and confused myself.
Looks great, either way
Great! I remember having read some vegan marshmallow recipe a few years ago, but I couldn't find it. Perhaps it's the one linked. Thank you very much.Some quick research seems to indicate that this vegan marshmallow recipe is sound. Got some special ingredients but also lists where to buy them.
As the marshmallows I made was just a modified common marshmallow recipe, you easily add cordial to the vegan version. Add the cordial where it says to stir in vanilla. You want to use less amount of cordial compared to my recipe, but I guess you have to experiment to find out. Good luck!
Im just recently learning to relax with meat temperatures. I still cook my chicken fairly well but i got my lamb and steak down to a reasonable medium.
Good man, you're on the way to proper temps, i.e medium-rare.
Moist as guy?
Because I just did the last test until next year's, I want to bake some bread.
Some good recipes? I only have a shitty oven, so there are some things I'm not able to do.
Dissolve 2 T yeast in 6 C lukewarm water. 3 T for larger rise.
Add 2/3 C sweetener (honey, molasses, maple syrup), mix.
Begin sponge with 4 C whole wheat flour, 3 C unbleached white. Add one cup at a time, mixing with wooden spoon.
After 7-8C have been added, beat 100 times with ye olde wooden spoon, making sure to stretch the sponge and not break it when mixing.
Cover with damp cloth or plastic and let rise 60 minutes. Preferrably near somewhere warm. Check up on it every now and then to make sure it isn't overflowing bowl.
Fold in 1 C melted, unsalted butter or oil, 3 T salt.
Add another 4 C of whole wheat flour, 3 C unbleached white, one cup at a time, folding in with spoon.
Realize things are going to get messy as you form the dough.
Set aside 2 C of unbleached white for kneading.
Flour kneading surface. Transfer dough.
Knead by folding, pushing across with palm.
Turn, repeat. Add more flour if sticks.
Knead for 15 minutes, until the dough has a pliable texture and smooth, slightly sticky sheen.
Clean bowl, small amount of oil or butter to grease surface of bowl, place dough in, flip over, then leave to rise 40 minutes.
Punch down gently but firmly across surface of dough with closed fist.
Let rise for 50 minutes.
Shape into four loaves, add to greased (buttered) bread pans. Press down gently with fingers to flatten into pans, then turn over.
Let rise 20 minutes.
Mix one egg and some cream in a small bowl. Use a brush to apply to top of loaves. Score loaves to permit steam to escape when baking.
Bake for one hour at 350.
Remove from pans, let rest for ten minutes, then eat.
----~ Season's Sweet ~---- (June)
Thanks, good to hearReally enjoy your posts and pictures. Do you have a blog or tumblr I can follow?
I know acai and wheatgrass, but haven't made anything with them myself. First time hearing about chia seeds. Just to be clear are you making parfait (frozen dessert) or are you making American parfait, I assume the latter since you mentioned layers.making a dessert for tomorrow, looking for some recipe feedback:
The dinner theme is 'superfood' (as in it has to have a superfood in it), so my thinking was 3 small parfaits for each person:
1. The Superman - Yogurt, Chia/Walnut/dark chocolate, blueberry, and pomgranit
2 The Green Lantern - Yogurt, Chia/Walnut/dark chocolate, wheatgrass/banana (as a layer), honey
3. The Batman - Yogurt, Chia/Walnut/dark chocolate, Acai/Blackberry (to get it as dark as I can)
I've never done anything with acai, chia, or wheatgrass, so I'm not sure what's going to go well together. Also, should I make the fruit/grass layers into custards or something to thicken them up? Feedback and suggestions welcome!
I know acai and wheatgrass, but haven't made anything with them myself. First time hearing about chia seeds. Just to be clear are you making parfait (frozen dessert) or are you making American parfait, I assume the latter since you mentioned layers.
I think if you mix the banana with the wheatgrass juice it should be thick enough not to seep through the layers. I wouldn't do anything to the berries other than rinse them in water to clean themIf you mash them in any way then they will be runny and you will have to suspend that layer between two pretty solid layers(thick yoghurt for example).
Looking forward to see pictures!
If that had been a rib eye we could have had a nice pun on the eye of Sauron... Great piece of meat though.
It actually is a rib eye, just bone in. So pun away!
Hmm I'm pretty ok with tarragon and I really dislike anything liqorice. I usually mix it with a lot of different herbs.Does anyone else hate tarragon like me?
Jesus, you weren't kidding about them looking like dino steaks. Straight out of a cartoon. You know, you make me doubt wether or not going with pastry was the right choice for me. And going with hasselback potatoes is the icing on the cake(Wait, I'm afraid this comment has gone too meta). Enjoy your amazing meal!
LOOK at these bad boys...
Dry-aged prime rib eye...16.99 a pound
This is $56 worth of
Grilling these guys tonight, baking some hasselback potatoes in the oven...and just some sauteed onions and mushrooms.
And lots of wine.
Local grocery store that specializes in meats.
I'm out in Buffalo as well, hit me up with this secret location lol
Oh. Dash's at Hopkins and Klein in Amherst. Sorry.
Which is perfect as I'm visiting my parents summerhouse this weekend, and they have a campfire. What stuff do I need to make some good popcorn? Special oils, salts, etc? Thanks!
Nice steak, but those potatoes! Looks so delicious and crispy! I love hassleback potatoes
I tried making hassleback potatoes one time, but ended being undercooked.
Any tips?
Made Japanese curry last night, needs a little more roux but otherwise really good. I wish my mom would let use ground beef instead of up rump roast chunks. The meat's all toughOh well, veggie curry for me
LOOK at these bad boys...
Dry-aged prime rib eye...16.99 a pound
This is $56 worth of
Grilling these guys tonight, baking some hasselback potatoes in the oven...and just some sauteed onions and mushrooms.
And lots of wine.
LOOK at these bad boys...
Dry-aged prime rib eye...16.99 a pound
What? Who doesn't like pasta?? It's so good all the time.
Oh I almost forgot! I bought one of these yesterday
Which is perfect as I'm visiting my parents summerhouse this weekend, and they have a campfire. What stuff do I need to make some good popcorn? Special oils, salts, etc? Thanks!