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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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Hehe, I didn't really expect it to taste like that....
I really didn't :(

I will go out and find a wild tofu this weekend and consume it in the name of science and exploration.
----~ 1 from IronGaf ~---- (August)

Zucchini Pancakes by nakedsushi


As I was browsing through the entire thread(still in progress) for 1 from IronGaf inspiration, I knew I had to make these pancakes as soon as I saw them. And wow, they are incredible, easy to make, best use of zucchini ever, can be used for both lunch, dinner and snack! In this case we had them for dinner, which was more or less a strange mix of leftovers. Oven roasted rosemarry potatoes, a simple carrot salad and the wonderful pancakes.
Also while they tasted amazing, I went very light with the spices I added, so next time I will give them some more flavour.

Now what to do with the rest of the chickpea flour that I have left?


^-- Wow those look better than mine! I'm staring impatiently at the little baby zucchini in the yard, anticipating making more zucchini pancakes soon.

The leftover chickpea flour would be put to great use making socca!

The flour is so flavorful that I usually just make it plain and have it with stuff. But you can also make the Italian equivalent which is also delicious and can include things like just plain sliced onion, or be more fancy like this thing http://www.kalynskitchen.com/2008/11/recipe-for-farinata-with-rosemary-and.html
Yep! Unfortunately, it's a serving tagine that we got as a wedding present and quite delicate, so I've been scared to actually cook anything in it for too long.

I'm having homemade fig jam on yogurt for breakfast. We picked a bunch of figs from a friend's house yesterday and what better way to use up a lot of figs than to make jam? I like that this jam was pretty easy to make and didn't require too many ingredients.


recipe here


I'm watching Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern for the first time, the Maine episode.

It reminds me of what a picky eater I still am, because all I can think is "Ewwwwwwwwwwwww". And I bet the stuff in Maine can't compare to what he eats elsewhere.

Sea cucumbers look horrible.


Oh nice idea. I usually go with lettuce wraps when I'm low carbing, might give that a try.

It works really well. It would probably be more suited for ground beef tacos considering it's more of a hard shell taco replacement but it still worked well for fajitas.

Easy enough to do...just take parchement paper and make a chedar cheese circle on it (I grated cheese and pressed it into a thin shell-sized puck). Microwave for 1-2 minutes or so until the cheese is dry and hard...depends on the amount of cheese you put. When you take it out you bend the parchement paper into a taco shell shape and keep it there for a minute or so and it will harden.

Probably not that bad health wise considering cooking the cheese actually takes out a lot of the fat...though if you're going full on keto then you likely don't care anyways.

A fine newcomer here in the form of Cypress Lamb Chopper----come for the excellent melt and mouthfeel, then keep coming back for the wonderful fragrant aroma after having melted.


Can I get a "what what" for dry farmed tomatoes? I'm not sure how prevalent they are in the rest of the US/World, but in the SF Bay Area, they are in season and are DELICIOUS. I'd never truly tasted a tomato (even from I own garden) until I had one of these beauties a few years ago. My new favorite thing is to slurp out the seeds while cutting them up for whatever recipe I'm cooking. It's a huge guilty pleasure of being the cook of the household.


Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Can I get a "what what" for dry farmed tomatoes? I'm not sure how prevalent they are in the rest of the US/World, but in the SF Bay Area, they are in season and are DELICIOUS.

Just picked up a small bag of these a few days ago, and yeah, they're very nice! I've just been slicing them up to have with my eggs at breakfast.


Sidhe / PikPok
Making my first pork belly roast tonight. Sooo many different recipes and methods out there, I've hopefully cobbled together a technique that will work.

Will post some pics in the next day.


Ok, I tried tofu for the first time yesterday. Tasted somewhat odd... will probably try it again and see if it grows on me.




Sidhe / PikPok
So, the pork belly turned out pretty good. Could have done with 15-20 minutes less in the oven, but the crackling turned out sublime with just the right amount of crunch and melt in your mouth fat. Will be making again soon.



the holder of the trombone
Ok, I tried tofu for the first time yesterday. Tasted somewhat odd... will probably try it again and see if it grows on me.



The taste of tofu is about as good as the sauce you use it with. It's more there for the texture.

Though egg tofu has a really nice taste with a silky texture.

Made some lahmacuns today.

Didn't turn out as I was expected, but it was still pretty tasty. The mistake I made was that I added way too much meat because there were some mince that I had to use immediately.

Excited that the base turned out great though. Second time I made a base for anything, or even made some dough actually. First time was when I made some za'atar manakeesh yesterday but those came out burnt so I'm not showing them.

[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/81173620@N02/9535604485/][img]http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7362/9535604485_f45cc68cd0_c.jpg[/url] _1012604 by Antiwhippy, on Flickr

_1012609 by Antiwhippy, on Flickr
----~ Season's Sweet ~---- (August)

Chocolate Swiss Roll with Homemade Blackberry Jam



The last 'Season's Sweet' for the month, but I've pretty much been through every major popular berries there are. This was the first time I made a swiss roll, and luckily it went very well without any cracks or major problems. The addition of homemade blackberry jam as filling was amazing (first time making jam as well...), easy to make and much better flavour than storebought. No surpise. Being on blackberry hunt can be rather tough. Sometimes I was in doubt wether the red liquid was from crushed berries or my leaking shredded body :/
Using good quality chocolate and of course fresh berries elevates an otherwise 'roll'-of-the-mill cake into some heavenly stuff.


Swiss Roll Recipe

~Blackberry Jam Recipe~

1 kg fresh blackberries
1 lemon
1½ dl water
300 g sugar
2 tsp. melatin (Danish product, see pectin or other powdered gelatins, refer to the packages to be sure)​
- Wash the berries and let them dry on a towel.
- Zest the entire lemon, and put it in a big pot together with the juice from the lemon, berries and water. Heat it up slowly and let it boil for 5 minutes. Then add 250 g of sugar and let it simmer for 8 minutes.
- Mix the remaining 50 g of sugar with melatin Add to the pot and boil for 2 minutes, before pouring it into sterile containers.​

----~ Designer Dessert ~---- (August)

Passion Fruit Tart



Passion fruit is one of my favorite fruits. It's really intense and exotic in flavour, but still very fresh. So I wanted to make a passion fruit tart. I thought of ways to spice it up, and came up with two things. Chocolate and booze! Coincidentally my local supermarket had Passoã, a fruit liqour, on sale, so the idea was to jellyfy it together with some more passion fruit innards as a decorative finnish on the tart. The chocolate was to be added as thin layer beneath the filling, the problem was that the main filling that I was using required some baking time in the oven, and I just wasn't sure how the chocolate would react (would it erupt up between the filling? would it seep into the crust?), but it ended up behaving just nice.
In the end it was tart with a very exotic feeling, the chocolate was just at the right amount to add some bitterness to counter the fruit. I may have added a bit too much gelatin to the jelly layer as it sorta pulled together, it could also have been from the alcohol of the Passoã, not sure if it would have any effect.




Making a batch of chilli but I forgot to buy tomatoes. I'm using a jar of salsa instead...I have no idea how this is going to turn out.
Made this today:

So, the pork belly turned out pretty good. Could have done with 15-20 minutes less in the oven, but the crackling turned out sublime with just the right amount of crunch and melt in your mouth fat. Will be making again soon.

Some good looking food here! I need to make pork belly sometime soon, I just need to find where to buy it first(sure you can get it at a butcher, but I would like a more budget price to begin with)

Yes Boss!

Finally found a store that had fresh curry leaves. Had to make some onion-tomato chutney.

Ingredients (also added scoop of tamarind pulp, and some cumin seed, and a single thai green chili):

Finished. With Anchor's SF/Cali beer, since I'm homesick:



Sidhe / PikPok
Some good looking food here! I need to make pork belly sometime soon, I just need to find where to buy it first(sure you can get it at a butcher, but I would like a more budget price to begin with)

Pork belly is actually a pretty cheap cut of meat, so it should be relatively economical where ever you get it from.


Finally found a store that had fresh curry leaves. Had to make some onion-tomato chutney.

Ingredients (also added scoop of tamarind pulp, and some cumin seed, and a single thai green chili):

*ingredients image*

Finished. With Anchor's SF/Cali beer, since I'm homesick:

That looks delicious, and that couldn't be a more perfect beer to go with it. One of my favorites.
IronGaf, my apologies if I asked this before but I'm considering having a house built and as far as the kitchen goes, I was wondering ..

1. What do you like about your kitchen?
2. What do you hate about your kitchen and wish you could change?
3. What would you do if you could build your kitchen from scratch / what would your fantasy kitchen be like?

I'm dreaming about the idea of a lot of counter space (preferably with no cabinets above a good portion of it since I'm tall). And a sink in front of a big picture window that lets a lot of light in. Oh and a stainless steel double door refrigerator.


Aliens ate my babysitter
IronGaf, my apologies if I asked this before but I'm considering having a house built and as far as the kitchen goes, I was wondering ..

1. What do you like about your kitchen?
2. What do you hate about your kitchen and wish you could change?
3. What would you do if you could build your kitchen from scratch / what would your fantasy kitchen be like?

I'm dreaming about the idea of a lot of counter space (preferably with no cabinets above a good portion of it since I'm tall). And a sink in front of a big picture window that lets a lot of light in. Oh and a stainless steel double door refrigerator.

Some spontaneous thoughts: Two ovens, gas and induction stove.


IronGaf, my apologies if I asked this before but I'm considering having a house built and as far as the kitchen goes, I was wondering ..

1. What do you like about your kitchen?
2. What do you hate about your kitchen and wish you could change?
3. What would you do if you could build your kitchen from scratch / what would your fantasy kitchen be like?

I'm dreaming about the idea of a lot of counter space (preferably with no cabinets above a good portion of it since I'm tall). And a sink in front of a big picture window that lets a lot of light in. Oh and a stainless steel double door refrigerator.

given the choice I will always opt for a gas range with a hood that vents outside. A double oven is a nice addition too, if you ever want to entertain.
I'm dreaming about the idea of a lot of counter space (preferably with no cabinets above a good portion of it since I'm tall). And a sink in front of a big picture window that lets a lot of light in. Oh and a stainless steel double door refrigerator.
What you wrote right there would be my priorities as well sans the fridge. Counter space is always nice to have. But yeah otherwise seconding that a gas stove is nice.

What I hate about my kitchen is the fucking brown color that is everywhere because it was hip in the 70s ;_;. I also dislike that all counters are low compared to my height resulting in bad working posture(though the height is perfect for my gf...). That my oven is garbage(get a good oven!). That there aren't enough electrical outputs in my kitcehn which means I need to run a wire when using the microoven...


Hail to the Chef
Awesome stuff, everybody! Thanks for sharing.

IronGaf, my apologies if I asked this before but I'm considering having a house built and as far as the kitchen goes, I was wondering ..

1. What do you like about your kitchen?
2. What do you hate about your kitchen and wish you could change?
3. What would you do if you could build your kitchen from scratch / what would your fantasy kitchen be like?

I'm dreaming about the idea of a lot of counter space (preferably with no cabinets above a good portion of it since I'm tall). And a sink in front of a big picture window that lets a lot of light in. Oh and a stainless steel double door refrigerator.

To be honest, the greatest dishes I ever cooked were in kitchens that I hated. the more "perfect" a kitchen is/was, the more I concentrated on keeping it tidy and clean instead of abusing it for cooking purposes.

Most of the stuff that I shared here over the recent years were made in this beauty:


Can someone answer a quick question about marinade for me?

Yesterday, I marinaded a steak for 2 hours in the fridge. Once that was done, I put the marinade left over back into the bottle because, hey, why not reuse it? Then I wondered if I was suppose to reuse it. So I checked online and it says that I can...but only if I boil it.

So, my understanding is that I can use it if I use heat to kill any bacteria that could be left over from the steak and other food I will use it on. But I'm pretty much going to use this exclusively to grill/cook stuff, not as a sauce by itself. So, if I'm going to cook the food that I marinate , is it okay to re-use it?
Can someone answer a quick question about marinade for me?

Yesterday, I marinaded a steak for 2 hours in the fridge. Once that was done, I put the marinade left over back into the bottle because, hey, why not reuse it? Then I wondered if I was suppose to reuse it. So I checked online and it says that I can...but only if I boil it.

So, my understanding is that I can use it if I use heat to kill any bacteria that could be left over from the steak and other food I will use it on. But I'm pretty much going to use this exclusively to grill/cook stuff, not as a sauce by itself. So, if I'm going to cook the food that I marinate , is it okay to re-use it?

That is bacteria central right there. No way would I reuse marinade, only thing I may do would be boil and baste the meat with as I cook it, outside of that throw that crap away when youve used it once.

Funky Papa

Can someone answer a quick question about marinade for me?

Yesterday, I marinaded a steak for 2 hours in the fridge. Once that was done, I put the marinade left over back into the bottle because, hey, why not reuse it? Then I wondered if I was suppose to reuse it. So I checked online and it says that I can...but only if I boil it.

So, my understanding is that I can use it if I use heat to kill any bacteria that could be left over from the steak and other food I will use it on. But I'm pretty much going to use this exclusively to grill/cook stuff, not as a sauce by itself. So, if I'm going to cook the food that I marinate , is it okay to re-use it?

Let me tell you that salmonellosis is no joke. I wouldn't even entertain the idea of reusing marinades.

Also, Onkel's picture reminded me how much I hate electric stoves. Those things are so damn hard to clean.


Can someone answer a quick question about marinade for me?

Yesterday, I marinaded a steak for 2 hours in the fridge. Once that was done, I put the marinade left over back into the bottle because, hey, why not reuse it? Then I wondered if I was suppose to reuse it. So I checked online and it says that I can...but only if I boil it.

So, my understanding is that I can use it if I use heat to kill any bacteria that could be left over from the steak and other food I will use it on. But I'm pretty much going to use this exclusively to grill/cook stuff, not as a sauce by itself. So, if I'm going to cook the food that I marinate , is it okay to re-use it?

Bad idea. You have meat juice all up in that business.
IronGaf, my apologies if I asked this before but I'm considering having a house built and as far as the kitchen goes, I was wondering ..

1. What do you like about your kitchen?
2. What do you hate about your kitchen and wish you could change?
3. What would you do if you could build your kitchen from scratch / what would your fantasy kitchen be like?

I'm dreaming about the idea of a lot of counter space (preferably with no cabinets above a good portion of it since I'm tall). And a sink in front of a big picture window that lets a lot of light in. Oh and a stainless steel double door refrigerator.

I do not like anything about my current kitchen...although my oven and stove are not too bad
It's just too damn small...can't turn my ass in it (lol that's not a proper saying in english is it :p)
3. Okay here we go...I'd like a big american fridge, a big five burner stove with two ovens, a steam oven cause i wanna be a hipster cook ;), and a separate cooking island (with a sink in it like this)

Funky Papa

I do not like anything about my current kitchen...although my oven and stove are not too bad
It's just too damn small...can't turn my ass in it (lol that's not a proper saying in english is it :p)
3. Okay here we go...I'd like a big american fridge, a big five burner stove with two ovens, a steam oven cause i wanna be a hipster cook ;), and a separate cooking island (with a sink in it like this)

When I was designing my new kitchen, I inmediately picked an American style fridge, just because the look awesome. Then I realised that I'm single and I don't need so much fucking space. I mean, my parents made do in a four people household with a normal one. Plus, they devour electricity.

I ended up purchasing an A++ conventional fridge with a generous freezer.
When I was designing my new kitchen, I inmediately picked an American style fridge, just because the look awesome. Then I realised that I'm single and I don't need so much fucking space. I mean, my parents made do in a four people household with a normal one. Plus, they devour electricity.

I ended up purchasing an A++ conventional fridge with a generous freezer.

Lol i would like an american because i love the designs haha. I think i just need a separate freezer to be honest. That's it ;)


When I was designing my new kitchen, I inmediately picked an American style fridge, just because the look awesome. Then I realised that I'm single and I don't need so much fucking space. I mean, my parents made do in a four people household with a normal one. Plus, they devour electricity.

I ended up purchasing an A++ conventional fridge with a generous freezer.

What's different about other fridges? just size?

Funky Papa

What's different about other fridges? just size?

American fridges (the ones we see over Europe anyway) are less efficient and featured than conventional ones. They may have water taps and ice makers, but they usually have less features in terms of air recirculation and specially refrigerated compartments, such as the ones for meats and vegetables.

Edit: Wow, I've just discovered the so called "French door" fridges looking at real American fridges (as in made for the American consumer)

Those things look kind of awesome.
American fridges (the ones we see over Europe anyway) are less efficient and featured than conventional ones. They may have water taps and ice makers, but they usually have less features in terms of air recirculation and specially refrigerated compartments, such as the ones for meats and vegetables.

Edit: Wow, I've just discovered the so called "French door" fridges looking at real American fridges (as in made for the American consumer)

Those things look kind of awesome.

Goddamn that looks goooood :p


American fridges (the ones we see over Europe anyway) are less efficient and featured than conventional ones. They may have water taps and ice makers, but they usually have less features in terms of air recirculation and specially refrigerated compartments, such as the ones for meats and vegetables.

Edit: Wow, I've just discovered the so called "French door" fridges looking at real American fridges (as in made for the American consumer)

Those things look kind of awesome.

that's what my parents have without the middle door. It's tits.

Most of the 'crappy' fridges I find in rentals are top freezer bottom fridge, mostly without icemakers, like this.

Funky Papa

that's what my parents have without the middle door. It's tits.

Most of the 'crappy' fridges I find in rentals are top freezer bottom fridge, mostly without icemakers, like this.

Yeah, fridges with the "freezer" up there are usually crummy and don't even freeze food that well. This is mine (not delivered yet, I'm still waiting to get the kitchen completely done before fixing the appliances)

It's basically the same as the Bosch KGE39AI40 (made in the same factory line, BSH just just changes the LCD displays and sells them under a local, more popular brand that also belongs to the group).

Edit: Damn, American range hoods are bizarrely expensive. I know they are not as popular as in Europe, but how come they cost so much? Appliances are usually much cheaper over the States.


Yeah, fridges with the "freezer" up there are usually crummy and don't even freeze food that well. This is mine (not delivered yet, I'm still waiting to get the kitchen completely done before fixing the appliances)

It's basically the same as the Bosch KGE39AI40 (made in the same factory line, BSH just just changes the LCD displays and sells them under a local, more popular brand that also belongs to the group).

Edit: Damn, American range hoods are bizarrely expensive. I know they are not as popular as in Europe, but how come they cost so much? Appliances are usually much cheaper over the States.

I pretty much only see them in recently redone kitchens. For a long time the cabinet mounted large microwave was all the rage (which saved counter space) and would take the place of a hood. There's typically fans in them to blow air away from the range but it just moved the air around, rather than venting it.


That is bacteria central right there. No way would I reuse marinade, only thing I may do would be boil and baste the meat with as I cook it, outside of that throw that crap away when youve used it once.

Let me tell you that salmonellosis is no joke. I wouldn't even entertain the idea of reusing marinades.

Also, Onkel's picture reminded me how much I hate electric stoves. Those things are so damn hard to clean.

Bad idea. You have meat juice all up in that business.

As others have already said, absolutely no. Instead next time marinating meat, then only apply as much as necessary and save the remaining marinade(which hasn't been in contact with raw meat) in a container.
Fair enough, but can someone explain how it works? I know there's bacteria, but if boiling will kill it and make the marinade usable, how would a grill fire not do the same thing?

Either way, just to be safe, I already threw it away and got a new bottle.

Funky Papa

It's just not worth the risk. I know it may seem wasteful, but it's not like you are throwing litres of marinade.

I'm speaking from experience when I say that salmonellosis is not something to fuck around with. Horrible, horrible disease.
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