Hmm, do you by chance have a recipe for this brioche? The brioche I want to make would take too damn long.
Also how many buns is that?
This makes four
really large buns.
- Pour 160 ml milk & 80 ml water in a pan, add 40 g butter. Slowly let that heat up to about 50 degrees C, stir a bit to have the butter melt nicely.
- Meanwhile, break an egg and have that ready somewhere. Now put 6g salt, 375g flour, 15 g sugar and 5g instant-yeast in a bowl.
- Mix the dry ingredients around a bit, then pour in the hot milk/water/butter mixture
while continuing to mix (I use an electric hand mixer). Quickly add the egg as well, so it thickens up the dough due to the heat.
- Continue to mix for about four to five minutes, it should look very smooth by then. Put it on a floured surface, and divide into four (or more) pieces. Now stretch those out until they are rectangles, then fold each side double, twice. (some more stretching might be needed)
- Now use both hands, and shape them into balls by pushing the center upwards with both thumbs, thereby stretching out the sides and mixing the layers of dough together. Continue doing that until you have a nice smooth ball, then put it on a baking sheet and flatten it slightly until it has the shape you want.
- Cover the balls (wet towel, cling wrap, bowls, whatever) to avoid drying them out, then leave them at room temperature for at maximum one hour.
They will *considerably* grow in size.
- Meanwhile heat up the oven; I have a baking stone and set mine to [convection] 180 C. I bake them in about 20 minutes.
They grow even more in the oven ... this was the last batch
For true brioche I guess you should put some egg wash on top of the buns before baking right? Also,
don't forget to toast the insides of your burger buns. If you want less oversized buns, I think you're safe to divide this into 8 portions, and flatten the balls some more so you still have quite a bit of "surface" on the buns.
By the way I ended up making that Jucy-Lucy burger recipe last night.
this patty looks huge

it is stuffed with american cheese ... damn messy but tasty. Took me quite a bit of intense exercise today to get rid of the guilt hehe