MoulesFritesToasts Beurrés
Wasn't really happy with how this turned out, but it was only a test run so I wasn't too disappointed. I had to make a lot of last minute substitutions and omissions I'd rather not have made, because it's a Sunday and I didn't buy my ingredients ahead of time. Red wine for white wine, garlic powder over fresh garlic (I don't understand this, my family's fridge had like three bulbs the last time I checked and today they were all gone), I had to leave out the leeks as well, and no fries. I figured the fries weren't important, I was grossly mistaken. I've had good mussels, and I've had bad mussels, and these two bowls were firmly in the middle.
The real problem, I think, is that I don't really understand Moules Frites, never having had it before. I've had it described to me, and I've read up on the basic idea, but I don't really know how it's supposed to taste. So, next week's mission is to go find the best Moules Frites in the city to acclimate myself to it before attempting this dish again, which was supposed to be my gift to my mother for her birthday.
Mitigating factor: At least the mussels were fresh. Out of 2 pounds, none of them were cracked or broken and only 3 didn't open correctly after steaming.
Your big misstep was using red wine instead of white. It'd been better if you just used soley butter instead. Red wine has chemicals in it that cause off taste with shellfish.