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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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I make a mean hardy (and really spicy) meat sauce that will have you licking your monitors. Next time I make it, I will post pics. Also, my pasta is very al dente. Perfectly cooked.


today's lunch/dinner/afternoon thing:

jarosh's special salad (lol)

ingredients: homegrown tomatoes and cucumber, beans, chives, fried quorn cubes, pasta, assorted seeds and sprouts

without dressing:

with dressing on plate:


nakedsushi said:
Corn pasta? How does that taste? Why can't you have regular pasta? Do you have a wheat allergy?
tastes fantastic (although it does depend on the brand; and the one i used in my salad and just posted is not the best but one of the cheaper ones).

there's virtually no difference between good dried corn pasta and dried wheat pasta. without sauce it tastes a tiny bit sweeter and slightly more flavorful. there's a negligible difference in bite, too, but it's so marginal, i shouldn't even be mentioning it. it is, however, easier to overcook and finding the sweet spot for al dente corn pasta is definitely harder. as soon as you mix it in with something like a sauce or put it in a salad people usually can't tell the difference.

when i'd cook for my family or would have people over in the past, depending on the dish, it would sometimes prove too inconvenient or unpractical to prepare two different kinds of pasta. so i would just make corn pasta for everyone. there hasn't been a single person who was able to tell that they weren't eating wheat pasta.

and yes, i have a wheat allergy, sort of.


I was going to make ... Spaetzel (spelling?) but they don't sell those kind of noodles around here. I tried just egg noodles, but I don't think that's what was intended. Tasted pretty good though.

Funky Papa

Yeah, most "oversized" dishes look like crap, but Onkel's pics are amazing. The burger is particulary sexy, it doesn't look like some of the gigantic abortions I've seen in other places.


I made some braised pork belly for some ramen a few days ago.

Cooked for 3 hours until nice soft and the skin turns gelantanous!





holy chicken DonCuco!

Damn I'm contemplating about buying a smoker now or waiting till next year since since summer is ending soon.


Hail to the Chef
Zyzyxxz and DonCuco, thanks for sharing! The Ramen looks tempting. Is the chicken served hot or cold?

Billen said:
I need to travel south for an "eat and drink" vacation. Looks very healthy! :D
Well, the burger had half a head of iceberg lettuce shredded in it, so it must be healthy... :lol


OnkelC said:
Nobody eating anymore? Share your dishes please.

I haven't been doing much "good" cooking. Just my lazy stuff which I feel I've shared plenty of before.

I should start really doing something as summer vacation is ending for me.
have not made anything as of late due to hurricane ike, but trust me, once i get power again...i will be hitting the kitchen with a full fury.

and onkel, your schnitzel and burger pictures illicit some very dirty thoughts in my head. if i'm ever in germany, we best be drinking and eating like the best of the Prussian kings.


Okay not really cooking but onkel posted his burger so I thought this would be allowed as well.
As we all know the Dutch love their fish, you should eat fresh fish at least twice a week to get your omega 3 fatties inside of you :p
Me living near the ocean makes it easy for me to get my herring, but as all of you well drilled herring eaters know... NEW herring should not be eaten with onions (so i did it wrong because I like it with :p)

Hollandse Nieuwe

Look at these beauties

Add bun + (onions)

Get a smoked mackerell in there too :p


I hope you found my supper interesting ;)


Hail to the Chef
you give me a warm and fuzzy feeling in side, people! keep it coming. recipes to go along with the pics would be great, too.

awesome bakery and the the Hering looks delish, but it needs onions alongside it, screw the purists!:lol

smirkrevenge said:
have not made anything as of late due to hurricane ike, but trust me, once i get power again...i will be hitting the kitchen with a full fury.

and onkel, your schnitzel and burger pictures illicit some very dirty thoughts in my head. if i'm ever in germany, we best be drinking and eating like the best of the Prussian kings.

sorry to hear that, let's hope that the condition will be back to normal soon. And if you drop into germany some time, drop me a line, OK? :D


Thank you for the props Onkel, because it was my 22nd birthday (the 16th) I will be giving a birthday party this saturday, tomorrow we will make stuffed eggs, ill try and share my mothers best kept secret to the world.


that looks amazing, man! i'd totally buy that.

do you have a pic that shows what it looks like on the inside?


Jealous Bastard
it's cooling right now! when i cut it, i'll show you. it has what you'd expect from an artisan loaf of bread: irregular holes, really airy. the crust is nice and crisp. i love me some bread, dude.


Jealous Bastard
in my book--the baker's apprentice--the recommendation for these loaves is to slide the parchment in with the loaf when you move it from the piel, as it's extremely moist and doesn't slide well, even with corn meal underneath. so you put the parchment in with it to ensure your loaf keeps a nice shape.


Okay, as promised our stuffed eggs!
This recepe has been in our family for three generations now and it's still going strong, I hope you will like it!

Utencils :

Cutting Board
Knife / spoon / fork
Tea spoon
Flat tray

Ingredients :

Several hard boiled eggs
Salt / Pepper
Kerrie powder (its yellow I hope you know what I mean)
Paprika powder
Salad sauce (thin like mayo but mayo will do as well)
Chopped onions
Ketchup and mayo to garnish

(all the ingredients can be added to your own personal taste.
Get your Utensils ready


These are the Ingredients


Boil the eggs hard and let them cool down before you peal them


Peal the eggs and cut them in half from top to bottom, use the teaspoon to drop the yoke into the bowl.


Add pepper, salt maggie, chopped gurks and onions (all to your own taste)


Cut the parsley and add it with the salad sauce / mayo to the bowl



Mix all the ingredients untill its nice and mushy


Put the empty eggs on the flat tray and fill them with the mix


Put paprika powder and drops of mayo and ketchup and a leaf of parsley on top and your done!!


I really hope youll enjoy this ;) Eet smakelijk from Holland!
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